Clone troopers at the San Diego comic-con.‘You Might Be a Leftist Liberal Democratic Clone’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society November 28, 2023 Poetry, Satire 19 Comments . You Might Be a Leftist Liberal Democratic Clone You might be a leftist liberal Democratic clone, If you think someone else should pay your student loan. You might be a leftist liberal Democratic jerk, If you get paid for protesting and not for work. You may be that one fool, with ideals so pathetic, If you think “moral fiber” is a new man-made synthetic. You may be just a cog in the Democrat collective, If you think New York Times and Washington Post objective. If you believe the TV networks never lie, And that is all the info on which you rely, That they’re not undermining democracy at all, Then you’re a leftist chump that’s destined for a fall. If you think all deserve participation trophies, And we should give our money to regimes overseas, And run our nation based on how the UN votes, Then you’re among the un-American turn-coats. . Poet’s Note: My dad, a Democrat long ago deceased, would have left the Democratic Party as now constituted. His values were Christian Conservative. . . LTC Roy E. Peterson, US Army Military Intelligence and Russian Foreign Area Officer (Retired) has published more than 5,000 poems in 78 of his 101 books. He has been an Army Attaché in Moscow, Commander of INF Portal Monitoring in Votkinsk, first US Foreign Commercial Officer in Vladivostok, Russia and Regional Manager in the Russian Far East for IBM. He holds a BA, Hardin-Simmons University (Political Science); MA, University of Arizona (Political Science); MA, University of Southern California (Int. Relations) and MBA University of Phoenix. He taught at the University of Arizona, Western New Mexico University, University of Maryland, Travel University and the University of Phoenix. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 19 Responses Julian D. Woodruff November 28, 2023 Bingo at least a dozen times. Clear and to the point. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 Thank you, Julian! Reply Cynthia Erlandson November 28, 2023 Both amusing and true! Thanks, Roy, for the early morning fun. (I actually laughed out loud at your trophies/overseas rhyme; it’s very clever, and fits right into the lighthearted tone of the poem.) Reply Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 Cynthia, wonderful comments on what I hoped was a meaningful, yet humorous poem. Reply Brian A. Yapko November 28, 2023 Hilarious and accurate, Roy. I have no doubt you could have kept going for a dozen more stanzas. I appreciate the words about your father. I was a lifelong Democrat even though I couldn’t stand how it has changed both in values and agenda over the last dozen years or so. But its nauseating cheering support of Hamas’s October 7th terrorism and its antisemitic double-standards regarding Israel was the final nail in the coffin. As far as I can now see, the Squad and this new generation of Democrats is poison. I am officially a Florida-loving, Republican-leaning Independent. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 Brian, when I used to teach American Government at universities, I made sure the students understood there were three ways to vote: 1.) Party, 2.) Person, 3.) Issues. If the Democratic Party continues to devolve to the radical left, then America has a problem that deception and stealing of votes will reinforce. Both parties need good solid citizens to moderate the extremists. The answer then is to vote on the person or issues and not the party. Notice I am not attacking the Democratic Party, but rather the leftist liberals that now are dragging down our society and country. Reply Warren Bonham November 28, 2023 Roy, great way to start the day! Thanks for the lift Reply Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 I appreciate your comments, Warren! Reply Michael Vanyukov November 28, 2023 Roy, hitting them hard! Reply Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 Thank you, Michael! Reply Jeff Eardley November 28, 2023 Roy, your politics are as ever, a great mystery to us over here. We have no answers either and we oldies are in despair at having no-one to vote for, as our once great nation sinks under a weight of illegal immigration. This is great to read. Thank you.. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 I thank you for your comments especially those concerning your own political situation. Thank you for sharing and you have our prayers. Reply Norma Pain November 28, 2023 Excellent. Thank you for this one Roy. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 Bless you for your kind comments, Norma! Reply Margaret Coats November 28, 2023 At first, this seems like a random selection of ludicrous things left-liberals do and think, and you could have mentioned more. But as it moves on, you get to the important question of where to get information. This is central, but the final concern with being truly American and acting for the good of the country is now rather difficult even for those who are well informed. Repeated learning and teaching are still key, as is moral fiber. Thanks for this little lesson. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson November 29, 2023 Margaret, you went straight to the heart of the matter as I did in my thought process. The real message was not to list all the sins or even to blame all democrats, but to point out the reasons why. As I mentioned or at least intimated in my response to Brian, too many just go along without thinking about the person or issues, just their traditional voting bias. In essence, their minds are locked ones, as I wrote in one of my poems, I may submit at a later date. Reply C.B. Anderson November 29, 2023 I loved it, Roy. Your style here is a lot like the style of Jeff Foxworthy when he gets into his “then you might be a redneck” shtick. I mean that as a compliment, because such humor (especially about grave matters) is rare. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson November 30, 2023 Your comments are really appreciated, C.B. I like the Jeff Foxworthy take, since I do enjoy his humor. Reply Joseph S. Salemi November 30, 2023 Nice work, LTC Peterson! I like the way the rhetorical structure of this poem suggests the poem “If” by Kipling, where a series of if-clauses is followed by a strong positive consequence (“You’ll be a man, my son!”) Here you present an “if” followed in each instance by a savagely negative judgment of the idiots who believe some crazy notion or indulge in some sick behavior. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Cynthia Erlandson November 28, 2023 Both amusing and true! Thanks, Roy, for the early morning fun. (I actually laughed out loud at your trophies/overseas rhyme; it’s very clever, and fits right into the lighthearted tone of the poem.) Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 Cynthia, wonderful comments on what I hoped was a meaningful, yet humorous poem. Reply
Brian A. Yapko November 28, 2023 Hilarious and accurate, Roy. I have no doubt you could have kept going for a dozen more stanzas. I appreciate the words about your father. I was a lifelong Democrat even though I couldn’t stand how it has changed both in values and agenda over the last dozen years or so. But its nauseating cheering support of Hamas’s October 7th terrorism and its antisemitic double-standards regarding Israel was the final nail in the coffin. As far as I can now see, the Squad and this new generation of Democrats is poison. I am officially a Florida-loving, Republican-leaning Independent. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 Brian, when I used to teach American Government at universities, I made sure the students understood there were three ways to vote: 1.) Party, 2.) Person, 3.) Issues. If the Democratic Party continues to devolve to the radical left, then America has a problem that deception and stealing of votes will reinforce. Both parties need good solid citizens to moderate the extremists. The answer then is to vote on the person or issues and not the party. Notice I am not attacking the Democratic Party, but rather the leftist liberals that now are dragging down our society and country. Reply
Jeff Eardley November 28, 2023 Roy, your politics are as ever, a great mystery to us over here. We have no answers either and we oldies are in despair at having no-one to vote for, as our once great nation sinks under a weight of illegal immigration. This is great to read. Thank you.. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson November 28, 2023 I thank you for your comments especially those concerning your own political situation. Thank you for sharing and you have our prayers. Reply
Margaret Coats November 28, 2023 At first, this seems like a random selection of ludicrous things left-liberals do and think, and you could have mentioned more. But as it moves on, you get to the important question of where to get information. This is central, but the final concern with being truly American and acting for the good of the country is now rather difficult even for those who are well informed. Repeated learning and teaching are still key, as is moral fiber. Thanks for this little lesson. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson November 29, 2023 Margaret, you went straight to the heart of the matter as I did in my thought process. The real message was not to list all the sins or even to blame all democrats, but to point out the reasons why. As I mentioned or at least intimated in my response to Brian, too many just go along without thinking about the person or issues, just their traditional voting bias. In essence, their minds are locked ones, as I wrote in one of my poems, I may submit at a later date. Reply
C.B. Anderson November 29, 2023 I loved it, Roy. Your style here is a lot like the style of Jeff Foxworthy when he gets into his “then you might be a redneck” shtick. I mean that as a compliment, because such humor (especially about grave matters) is rare. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson November 30, 2023 Your comments are really appreciated, C.B. I like the Jeff Foxworthy take, since I do enjoy his humor. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi November 30, 2023 Nice work, LTC Peterson! I like the way the rhetorical structure of this poem suggests the poem “If” by Kipling, where a series of if-clauses is followed by a strong positive consequence (“You’ll be a man, my son!”) Here you present an “if” followed in each instance by a savagely negative judgment of the idiots who believe some crazy notion or indulge in some sick behavior. Reply