


Andrew Benson Brown has had poems and reviews published in a few journals. His epic-in-progress, Legends of Liberty, will chronicle the major events of the American Revolution if he lives to complete it. Though he writes history articles for American Essence magazine, he lists his primary occupation on official forms as ‘poet.’ He is, in other words, a vagabond.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

18 Responses

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Brian is one of the greatest classical poets of our time.

  2. Mark Stellinga

    Great job both, Andrew & Brian – together you share a lot of excellent advice here for our newcomers. Always very enlightening, Mr. Brown – I’m extremely impressed with your digital prowess – keep ’em comin’ –

    • ABB

      Thanks, Mark. Still far short of what bigger channels are capable of, but doing what I can with the resources I have.

  3. C.B. Anderson

    A scary-good interview with a scary-good poet, which reminded me why I invest so much time in doing this kind of thing. With colleagues like Brown & Yapko, who needs universities?

    • ABB

      Future video title: Classical Poets University. Proudly not accredited.

  4. Joseph S. Salemi

    ABB has outdone himself with this very impressive production. In addition to interviewing a very important new poet, he has put together a wonderful visual background of striking imagery to accompany the spoken words. And Yapko’s commentary on poetry, the SCP, and his own work and motivations, is illuminating and gratifying.

    There is no one in the poetry world producing the kind of top-quality shows that ABB is producing. Nobody at all. His work is in a class by itself.

    • ABB

      Thanks for the boost of confidence, Joe. Slowly gaining traction. Must overthrow the frauds.

  5. Cheryl Corey

    Great interview, Andrew. Your graphics always crack me up.

  6. Brian A. Yapko

    Andrew, thank you so much for the amazing work you have done on this production and for taking the time to look at my poetry. You have been a gentleman from start to finish and I can’t imagine a more generous, intelligent interviewer with more thoughtful insights. I have to say, the graphics are a hoot. I’ve never pictured myself as Atticus Finch but appreciate the fantasy! All the other great production effects as well.

    Thanks, commenters, as well for your generous words both to me and to ABB. Writing poetry is a labor of love and that, in the end, is probably why I give it so much attention. I try to sweat the details. ABB even moreso.

    • ABB

      You’re very welcome, Brian. You were a great guest to have on.

  7. James Sale

    I totally agree with Joe – Andrew BB is in a class of his own producing these interviews and ‘takes’ on various aspects of the poetic universe. Well done Andrew, and also Brian – fascinating stuff and great to hear a reading of Browning’s Last Duchess. I was in Ferrara last September and went into the Este castle!!! Man, those guys were really hard!!! Ferrara was where the hard military atmosphere superseded the soft spirituality of places like Padua.

    • ABB

      Thanks James. I’ve looked at pictures of Ferrara on the internet and dreamed of going there. Was reading about how the fabulous palace and garden of the Este family served as an inspiration for some of the fabulous places in Ariosto.

  8. jd

    Thank you, Andrew, for your excellent job of introducing us to Brian in the flesh (zoom). I loved getting to know more about a poet whose work I greatly admire. Also loved hearing him read his favorite poem which is very beautiful and no doubt appreciated by its Subject. Many thanks to both of you.

  9. Joshua C. Frank

    Andrew, this was a well-done video. Thank you for it.

    Brian, it was really interesting to hear about the origins of your excellent poetry. I’m looking forward to reading your collection whenever you compile and publish it!


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