
I Need My Coffee 

I need my coffee; don’t get in the way
Of that which wakes me up and makes me tick.
Addicted? Yes. I’ll quit another day.

I’ve work to do; on task I need to stay.
My morning  cup of Joe gives me that kick.
I need my coffee; don’t get in the way.

A nap? Indeed, it  would be nice I say,
But an espresso shot will do the trick.
Addicted? Yes. I’ll quit another day.

Cream and sugar are my choice, but hey
I’ll take it black when frantic for a fix.
I need my coffee; don’t get in the way.

You’d like to join me, certainly, I say!
Latte and friends, you know, they always click!
Addicted? Yes. I’ll quit another day.

Admittedly, at bedtime I will pay;
I am a bit of an insomniac.
I need my coffee; don’t get in the way.
Addicted? Yes. I’ll quit another day.



Gigi Ryan is a wife, mother, grandmother, and home educator. She lives in rural Tennessee.

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24 Responses

    • Gigi Ryan

      Dear Ronini,
      Thank you for your comment. I do enjoy tea now and then, especially when it is cold outside. But even in summer I drink my coffee hot!

      • Gigi Ryan

        Dear Rohini,
        I am sorry – I misspelled your name. I need stronger glasses to distinguish between some letters when I proofread. Perhaps another cup of coffee would help instead…

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Fun read and nicely rhymed. From the substance of your poem, we would get along well. Pardon me for sharing this thought that came into my mind:

    I love my coffee.
    I drink it every day.
    I am not addicted,
    But don’t get in my way.

    • Gigi Ryan

      Dear Roy,
      I thank you and I love the rhyme response you shared.

  2. Paul Freeman

    A timely reminder I need to reduce my caffeine intake.

    Thanks for the read, Gigi.

    • Gigi Ryan

      Dear Paul,
      You are welcome. And thank you for reminding me that I am due for my afternoon cup.

    • Paul A. Freeman

      There was a coffee poem on the SCP a while back, Gigi, for which I wrote the limerick below. I thought you might be amused:

      Coffee Time Limerick

      My doctor, he’ll prod and he’ll poke,
      I’m sure though my quack just misspoke.
      If decaf’s to be
      the new coffee for me
      I’d rather risk having a stroke.

      Again, thanks for your marvellous Villanelle, a form I really need to try getting to grips with.

      • Gigi Ryan

        Dear Paul,
        That is a great limerick and I agree! I have had to make many dietary changes over the years but have always said that to give up coffee would be the worst of all. For now I just embrace wholeheartedly any study that claims its benefits. Besides, “A joyful heart is good medicine.” And coffee truly brings great pleasure.

        As for Villanelles, I look forward to reading yours. I think once you get started you will find they are addictive, like coffee, just quite a bit milder.

  3. Shamik Banerjee

    Nothing more delightful than a light and lively coffee Villanelle on a Saturday! Enjoyed it very very much. To coffee and more coffee! Thank you, Gigi.

    • Gigi Ryan

      Dear Shamik,
      Thank you, Shamik, I am glad you enjoyed it. Yes – to coffee and more coffee!

    • Gigi Ryan

      Dear Sally,
      Thank you for your encouragement. I find it a delightful subject.

  4. jd

    Good one, Gigi, both for its subject and its form. Being another addict, I really enjoyed this. I’m fond of Villanelles also, especially ones like yours that aren’t obvious.

    • Gigi Ryan

      Dear jd,
      Thank you for commenting. I am glad you enjoyed it.

  5. C.B. Anderson

    I also like coffee, especially on the hottest days of summer, taken black. Many years ago I switched my morning wake-up beverage to white tea and haven’t looked back, except in emergencies. And BTW, a rather nice villanelle this is, with no need for any sweetener.

    • Gigi Ryan

      Dear C.B.,
      Thank you for your cleaver comment. Coffee certainly suits in all sorts of emergencies! Black coffee is a rescue remedy for asthma, in fact. My daughter, who has asthma, once took coffee beans with her to munch on if needed when hiking on high altitude trail.

  6. Enid Cokinos

    Gigi, this fun poem says it all. Love it! Okay, time to refill my cup.

  7. Daniel Kemper

    Oh boy is this up my alley. Love villanelles! Love coffee even more. I think the spinning head from too much or too little caffeine or spinning from the blizzard of activities I seem to get into is well-captured by the villanelles spinning repetends.

    I’ll take another, please–villanelle and coffee!!

    • Gigi Ryan

      Dear Daniel,
      Yes – both are among my favorites. I should have found a way to get spinning or dizzy into this poem as they are good words for both.


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