
Regime Change

Banana republics are known for how they
Take power from rulers and give it away
To those who the country’s Deep State might prefer—
Regardless of whether the people concur.

Regime-change transitions can sometimes seem deft,
While behind the scenes it’s more rightly called theft.
And like an ice sculpture, such things when they thaw,
Are better described by the words, “coup d’etat.”

Such coups only happen in faraway places,
In countries whose leaders are mental health cases.
But nothing that crass, crude, conniving or drear
Could ever, no never, of course, happen here.

If someone attempted a coup we’ll dismount them
With paperless ballots and trust those who count them.
We’ll vote by computer, we can’t live without them.
They’re safe and secure so there’s no need to doubt them.

Our system is air-tight, transparent and free,
Our politics honest as honest can be.
“In God is our trust,” we are wont to declare,
Our Justice wears blindfolds, elections are fair.

It’s racist if ever a law should decree
That signatures match or we show an ID.
The same goes for voting rolls, nothing to see,
And it’s de rigueur when we vote absentee.

Let one party choose who our leader will be.
Call citizens felons if they disagree.
Let aliens vote, to deny them is wrong.
Don’t worry, be happy, let’s all get along.

“Progressive,” “Deplorable,” choose which you want to be.
One or the other, our new woke reality.



James A. Tweedie is a retired pastor living in Long Beach, Washington. He has written and published six novels, one collection of short stories, and four collections of poetry including Sidekicks, Mostly Sonnets, and Laughing Matters, all with Dunecrest Press. His poems have been published nationally and internationally in both print and online media. He was honored with being chosen as the winner of the 2021 SCP International Poetry Competition.

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14 Responses

  1. Citoyen Smith

    Amen pastor, you got the Spirit, the rap, the rhythm, and the rime time! Pax, Deus Vult!

  2. Julian D. Woodruff

    Dead on. I’m depressed, cuz things are about to get e en worse than they are now.
    They’ve done it in Germany, Britain, and France.
    Why shouldn’t the ol’ USA join the dance?

  3. Brett Dickinson

    Absolutely spot on. No truer words were ever spoken. I wish more pastors were speaking truth like this. Those who have come to this country fleeing this type of oppression are trying to sound the trumpet, while so many of us accept the status quo and don’t want to “rock the boat”. Well, the boat is being rocked whether we like it or not. One of the chief culprits has been our news (propaganda) media. Having personally met Richard Wurmbrand and his wife, I know that they warned us over 40 years ago about how gullible we are in the West. Unfortunately, we are even more gullible now. Thank you for such a wonderful and stirring poem.

  4. LTC Roy E. Peterson

    James, that is a great and powerful poem that pounds on my mind and pierces my soul. It is as though we are allowing the world to vote while squelching our own. Sadly, we are becoming a rotting banana republic as those who are silently squeezing the trigger on balloting are engaged in a nefarious coup that seemingly cannot be overturned except by “termination with extreme prejudice.”

  5. Yael

    Good poem, you nailed it.
    Me speaking to myself in front of the mirror after reading your poem:
    Omg, I did nazi this coming, did jew? Anne frankly, this is out of mein kampfert zone.

    • Maria

      Oh Vey, oh vey, oh vey
      what did the mirror say
      -Careful Yael you crack me up!

      mmm, perhaps not

      With my sincere apologies Mr Tweedie.

  6. Brian A. Yapko

    You’ve nailed the U.S. descent into Banana Republic status, James. This is caustic satire at its best. Your tone is far more pointed than I’m used to seeing from you and that actually makes this piece all the more powerful. If you are this provoked, you must really mean it! I don’t think the various Deep State assaults on U.S. election integrity and our freedom deserve anything more than dripping sarcasm and you certainly deliver!

    There are many poetic delights here, but I especially like the alliterative acid of the lines: “But nothing that crass, crude, conniving or drear/Could ever, no never, of course, happen here.” I also liked the out-of-control freight train of disgust of the central stanza where you rhyme “dismount them” “count them” “and then immediately jump into “without them” and “doubt them” which gives the illusion of four rhyming lines in a row.

    I hope this poem helps wake people up. More, please.

  7. Cynthia Erlandson

    I agree with everyone above. Great job, James, and thank you.

  8. Jeff Eardley

    We have been in banana republic status for the last 14 years over here. We now have a newly elected Labour government that has commenced to pick the pockets of the elderly. Your wonderful poem hits the spot as it bounces along to its conclusion. Great to read Jim. Well done.

  9. Warren Bonham

    Sadly, we are now the faraway place that we once looked down upon but, other than people like you, we’re too complacent to realize it. Great work!

  10. James Sale

    A wonderful indictment, James, and some wonderful rhyming too: ‘..faraway places … mental health cases’ – one has to laugh. Thanks.

  11. Joshua C. Frank

    I agree with all of it. The United States has long been a banana republic (maybe that’s why the clothing store of the same name is so popular?), long before any of us were aware of it.

  12. Maria

    This poem is far too good and the topic far too serious to allow a rather humorous comment I made earlier to stand alone. So just to clarify the situation is not a joke but beyond serious. Mr Tweedie makes the poem flow with ease though all things considered. Not an easy thing to do I am sure.
    Thank you.


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