
Ode to The New York Times

O, soulless source of leftist propaganda
Known still throughout the world as “The Gray Lady”—
You promulgate destructive memoranda
From sources Soros-like—depraved and shady.
O, bastion of foul racism—malicious,
And full of maladroit depravity!
You warp the news with communist pollution;
Your social engineering is pernicious;
And where your heart should be: a cavity
So vast it masks your leftist revolution.

O, New York Times, the hatred that you spew!
I marvel at the condescending power
With which you spread your poison witch’s brew
Of bullshit from your high and mighty tower.
That you would like to reboot Stalin’s reign
Seems clear from all the facts that you get wrong.
Truth hides beneath a shell as hard as tortoise.
You hate most Jews, treat Trump with smug disdain,
And schemingly defame the Falun Gong.
O, let this ode presage your rigor mortis!

You thrill to spread wrong data on each region
As moral clarity degrades to gray.
Your staff and columnists are truly Legion
With ethics which seem softer than wet clay.
You claim to motivations which are kind
But cloak what’s real behind a gaslit mist
Of falsity so bright it makes one squint
And fuels your quest to make the sighted blind.
O, Times, you’ve proven Satan does exist
And spins his web both online and in print.



Brian Yapko is a retired lawyer whose poetry has appeared in over fifty journals.  He is the winner of the 2023 SCP International Poetry Competition. Brian is also the author of several short stories, the science fiction novel El Nuevo Mundo and the gothic archaeological novel  Bleeding Stone.  He lives in Wimauma, Florida.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

26 Responses

  1. Phil S. Rogers

    Brian; You made my morning with one hopeful line.
    “O, let this ode presage your rigor mortis!”

  2. Brian Yapko

    Readers, this poem related back directly to Evan Mantyk’s recent article about the NY Times’ shameful coverage of Shen Yun Performing Arts linked here: https://classicalpoets.org/2025/02/the-new-york-times-attack-on-shen-yun-is-an-attack-on-arts-and-culture-a-message-from-the-editor/

    But purely by coincidence this linked article on the New York Times came out this morning:


    The following lines especially caught my eye: “Because of its dominant position in corporate journalism, the New York Times has never been held accountable. It leverages corporate media but has never taken responsibility for misinformation and malfeasance. The newspaper’s lies have been rewarded with dominant market position and those Pulitzer Prizes based on lies were wrapped adulation based on fear.

    “Far from its carefully nurtured Hollywood image as the fearless speaker of “truth to power,” the old gray lady is the newspaper of the Deep State and the American Kemalists who control and feed the Deep State.”

  3. Roy Eugene Peterson

    “The New York Times” sold its coverage of news to the devil decades ago and continues to attempt to blind the world with their leftist and communist propaganda. Soros is proud of his spawn. Your excellent writing covers all the classical poet bases: meter, rhyme, and message with scintillating insightful lines that clearly invoke the power of the poet.

    • Brian Yapko

      Roy, thank you very much for a generous comment which is also very observant of the historical context. The NYT did indeed sell its coverage of news to the devil many decades ago. It is worth noting that during the Holocaust, the New York Times buried its coverage of crimes against humanity — especially burying the Jewish identity of victims. I know how interested you are in history, so let me direct you to Professor Laurel Leff’s “Buried by The Times: The Holocaust and America’s Most Important Newspaper (2005).” https://www.amazon.com/Buried-Times-Holocaust-Important-Newspaper/dp/0521607825
      Professor Leff’s book is a definitive study of The New York Times’ coverage – or lack of coverage – of the German genocide of the Jews of Europe and recalls how news of Hitler’s ‘final solution’ was hidden from readers and – because of the newspaper’s influence on other media – from America at large. The conduct of the NYT makes it consistently easy to be outraged by its consistent lack of a moral compass.

  4. Mark Stellinga

    Brian, as you know, you can say the same about the Boston Globe, the L. A. Times, the Washington Post, etc., etc., etc.! If only these deceptive rags could be permanently silenced there would be so far fewer radical left wing protests and Tesla-burnings, etc., and the one minor tweak I’d make to this top notch Yapko sizzler is: O, let this ode INDUCE your rigor mortis! 🙂 Great piece –

    • Julian D. Woodruff

      Yes, it is a great piece. Brian’s done it again, with as much vehemence as usual and maybe more ooetic stops. But as I read it I was thinking along the lines of your opening sentence, Mark. We need the paean to the exceptional truthful and insightful rag (if indeed it exists!), where disciplined, hard-nosed research journalism is valued. Maybe this is the next task for Brian.

      • Mark Stellinga

        He could certainly handle it, Julian, and, thanks to the Dems, there’ll never be a shortage of raunchy subject matter in this political climate –

      • Brian Yapko

        Thank you so much, Julian! I so agree with you and Mark about the need for that “exceptional truthful and insightful rag.” I wish I could be involved in the journalism of such a rag rather than the writing of a paean to it. But you’ve piqued my interest! It would indeed be a pleasure to write a tribute to a (clearly hypothetical) journal that actually reported the news and reported it objectively.

        Or perhaps it would be worthwhile to pen an authentically sincere tribute to old news figures like Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow. Ubi sunt? Where are the ethical, objective journalists of yesteryear…? I’ll see if I can come up with something.

      • Brian Yapko

        Mark, I appreciate the vote of confidence but I’m going to skip the “raunchy” submit matter as I’ve had my fill of writing about Democrats. Writing about them gives me a sour stomach. I already did poems on Tim Waltz and Kamala Harris. Next in line would be Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and I simply don’t have the strength.

    • Brian Yapko

      Thank you so much, Mark! I’m laughing with approval at your “revision” of my rigor mortis line. You are so right about much of the mainstream media which is in desperate need of reform. Corroborating your point of view, I came across this opinion piece two days ago on Real Clear Politics: https://tippinsights.com/the-medias-kamikaze-death-spiral-lies-hubris-and-a-profession-in-ruins/#google_vignette
      Anyone interested in getting to the truth must develop strong investigative and research skills as well as good personal boundaries to keep the personal attacks at bay.

  5. Warren Bonham

    A heart-breaking but sadly accurate depiction of the journalist class. You probably saw the Op Ed that was published last weekend in which the NYT finally acknowledged that the Covid lab-leak theory is probably correct after adamantly labeling anyone as a racist for suggesting this over the past 4+ years. Their idea of journalism is unquestioningly parroting the views of people they agree with while quoting “unnamed sources” who slime people they disagree with.

    • Brian Yapko

      Thank you very much, Warren. Now that you mention it, you’re right: it is heart-breaking. There was a time when journalism was a noble profession, when journalists could be trusted to do their best to be objective and fair sources of the news, when they kept their personal politics out of it. I’m remembering the days of Walter Cronkite (I’m just barely old enough to remember him and how respected he was.) Yes, I read about the Covid fiasco, which is only the latest in a long series of obfuscations and manipulations. The NYT has this nasty habit of reporting the news as they WANT the news to be. So instead of observing neutrality, they cherry-pick the facts in stories, engage in spin, misinterpret and dictate to readers what they should think about a story. This is all very Soviet. It is also very Third Reich where Goebbels and Leni Riefenstahl mastered the art of propaganda. There is a special place in hell for those who take a fiduciary position of trust and turn it into a platform for propaganda, social engineering, event-manipulation and ideological aggrandizement.

  6. Joseph S. Salemi

    The Times was infamous in the 1930s for its support of Stalin and Stalinist terror. One of its dyed-in-the-wool liars, Walter Duranty, was a blatant defender of the Moscow show-trials that legalized the judicial murder of thousands of Russians; and Duranty wrote of the Soviet-planned Holomodor of kulaks in the Ukraine, saying that “there is no famine in the Ukraine, but shortages of food have caused great loss of life.”

    One of the earliest conservative “memes” was one that showed a smug Fidel Castro sitting on the island of Cuba, saying “I got my job through the New York Times.” (This was a well-know advertising slogan of the Times back in the 50s and 60s.) The Times did everything it could to shore up and support the Communist regime in that unhappy island.

    The paper is the Pravda of the American Deep State. Thank you, Brian, for this magnificent slam of her. As for the habit of calling her “The Grey Lady,” I think it better to refer to her with the words that Ezra Pound used for a dying civilization: “An old bitch, gone in the teeth.”

    • Brian Yapko

      Joe, thank you for your very generous and insightful comment. I knew about the Times ignoring or burying the crimes of the Third Reich, but I did not know how much they had supported Stalin and his violent rule over the Soviet Union. Nor did I know the extent to which they propped up Cuba (although I am aware of their strange loyalty to the CCP.)

      That the New York Times could put its finger on the scale to support communists and fascists and do so at the expense of innocent civilians and American interests over such a long course of time is telling and deeply disturbing. It is now becoming clear to me that this is not a unilateral course of action but is precisely how readers want it to be. Such readers apparently will sacrifice much (truth, facts, basic biology, basic humanity come to mind) to preserve their confirmation bias. They do not want to be shaken out of a liberal complacency that the NYT strokes.

      This realization of the bilateral, consensual nature of the relationship between the propagandistic Times and its loyal, unskeptical readers is something of a revelation to me. It explains not only NYT support of the Deep State but a deeply-rooted desire for its readership not to challenge the NYT view of reality. The NYT doesn’t merely attract liberal readership — it actually creates it. Goebbels would be proud of their “mostly peaceful” results.

      Your hilarious comment regarding the Times as “an old bitch, gone in the teeth” gave me both a laugh and a shudder.

    • Brian Yapko

      Thank you so much, Paulette, for reading and commenting! I appreciate that “Amen!”

  7. C.B. Anderson

    Bingo! Brian. This poem could have gone on forever and still not have covered every perfidious detail. I know persons who subscribe to this insidious rag, and some of them are my oldest friends. I’m unsure what to do, but it’s not going to be pretty, I’m sure. New York City is once again a shithole inhabited by rabid rats, but I still live in Massachusetts, which is not much better, so who am I to complain? Assholes are always at the top, and shit rolls downhill. Keep it up.

  8. fred schueler

    Egad! Isn’t it well known that the NYT is a fountainhead of misinformation supporting the right wing-nut deep state, and excusing all the recent trumpistic unconstitutionality in the Unruly States?

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      Maybe you should start worrying about the “Fragile Inheritance” of objective journalism before you come here to shoot your mouth off.

  9. Scharlie Meeuws

    Brian, I am amazed to find you, the real truth seeker with courage galore, to speak it out what more and more people are truly thinking! Congratulations to this brilliant creation! And greetings from the other side of the pond, the, at the moment, gray and drizzling England

  10. Brian Yapko

    Readers: I just came across this resignation letter from the highly regarded journalist Bari Weiss, who was driven from the New York Times by its demands for leftist ideological purity amongs its writers. Their “objectivity” is nonexistent. They are, as Dr. Salemi has noted above, America’s Pravda.


    • Joseph S. Salemi

      Brian, Bari Weiss’s letter is devastating. And it carries immense weight because it comes directly from someone who has worked in the editorial division of the paper for years.

      The New York Times is now pure garbage.

  11. Mike Bryant

    Brian. The poem is brilliant. I like your subtle use of alliteration, but mostly I like the in-your-face disgust. The New York Times has twisted truths and peddled half-lies for over fifty years. It’s a willing prostitute for power, from the CIA’s fingerprints on Operation Mockingbird and Watergate to cozy leaks for Soros and his USAID tainted NGOs. Even before the CIA took over the newsroom in the ‘60s, the Times was already a huge supporter of communism.
    I think the rigor mortis is done… we’re watching the bloated, rotting corpse of a former star of the mainstream media along with her coven which includes CNN and AP News. May Citizen Journalism long reign.

    The New York Times has had many critics, here are a few:

    “I really love the New York Times, I really do. You guys are the best. You do some of the most accurate, precise reporting in news. You never fail to write down exactly… whatever the police have given you to say, really powerful.” – Trevor Noah

    “Well, I’m not sure the New York Times was consciously trying to trivialise me, but the effect of it is to put everything in the same category as the gossip you read in the magazines you pick up at supermarket counters. … Whatever the purpose of such a tone is, the effect is to make it appear that anyone who departs from orthodox political doctrine is in some ways laughable.” – Noam Chomsky

    “The New York Times’ long-standing motto, ‘All the News That’s Fit to Print,’ should be changed to reflect today’s reality: ‘Manufacturing News to Fit an Ideology.’” – Thomas Sowell

    “Every day, the New York Times carries a motto in a box on its front page. ‘All the News That’s Fit to Print,’ it says. It’s been saying it for decades, day in and day out. … I can think of a lot of things that aren’t fit to print that they’ve printed.” – Christopher Hitchens


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