‘A Token of Espousal’: A Poem on Saint Catherine de’ Ricci, by Joseph S. Salemi The Society March 6, 2025 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 23 Comments . A Token of Espousal Sister Elisabetta Dardinelli Speaks Concerning the Token of Espousalof Saint Catherine de’ Ricci (1522-1590) Dixit mihi Dominus meus: Ne timeas, filia: Non rapiet tequisquam de manu...
‘Americans in Florence’ and Other Poems by Mary Jane Myers The Society January 2, 2025 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry, Satire 19 Comments . Americans in Florence Ooo David! Whoa, you’re well-hung! But why a foreskin, underslung? Your left hand, do you hold a sling or dead Goliath's severed thing? Stop giggling, girls, show some respect. You...
‘Skellig Michael’: A Blank Verse Poem by James A. Tweedie The Society October 20, 2024 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 14 Comments . Skellig Michael a remote island off the Irish coast A whispered, whistled wind resounds the echo Of the circling gannets’ raucous cry. While far below, the white noise, sea surge surf Collides with barren...
‘Aphrodisiac’: A Poem by Joseph S. Salemi The Society September 27, 2024 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 22 Comments . Aphrodisiac I. It was past midnight when we met and spoke One rainswept winter Friday. The wet street Stood empty save for us (that clinched the deal). God knows she was no beauty: unkempt, thin, A...
‘Kristallnacht—The Night of Broken Glass’: A Poem by Brian Yapko The Society September 15, 2024 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 31 Comments . Kristallnacht---The Night of Broken Glass I tell my son he must not make a sound. I whisper, “Karl, this attic is our haven. Don’t cry! Don’t let the brown shirts know we’re here!” Alfrida’s...
‘The Worst of Our Convictions’: A Poem by T.M. Moore The Society August 23, 2024 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . The Worst of Our Convictions When, finally, the last church shuts its doors; when we run out of new identities to choose from; when the politicians have enough of power and wealth to make sure they can...
‘The Harmonies of Holst’: A Poem by Mary Jane Myers The Society June 4, 2024 Beauty, Blank Verse, Music, Poetry 10 Comments . The Harmonies of Holst While doing errands, driving roundabout, I listen to the classic music station. An orchestra plays a courtly lyric song. What can it be? I know it well, but how? Perhaps a ballad...
‘Rising with the Sap’ and Other Poetry by Monika Cooper The Society May 28, 2024 Blank Verse, Dante, Poetry 18 Comments . Rising with the Sap You would not call them blocks, those obscure streets Where people live. Their driftings trace the hem Of Manchester. I drove there once at dusk My windows down, in the sleepy perfume Of...
‘I Am the Stone’ and Other Poetry on Israel by Brian Yapko The Society February 13, 2024 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 32 Comments . I Am the Stone I am the stone The humble stone the barefoot shepherd boy Selected from the muddy river bed; The stone which fit inside the sling he made As soon as he was given leave by Saul To fight for...
‘Saint Sebastianus’ and Other Poems by Joseph S. Salemi The Society January 13, 2024 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . Saint Sebastianus Sebastianus, soldier, pinioned, bleeding, Stands at his lonely and forgotten post Unperceived—no, even unsuspected— By the diseased and ulcerated world. Stomachs swollen with dyspeptic...
‘Kintsugi’: A Poem by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 5, 2024 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 42 Comments . Kintsugi There is an ancient practice in Japan--- Chipped and broken vessels, dear to hearts, Are mended with a striking golden blend. These cracked ceramics, kissed with artistry, Have former glory...
‘Evra’: A Poem by C.B. Anderson The Society July 3, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 10 Comments . Evra Our grandma Evra was a trifle difficult. If ever sound advice was needed she’d be there, But quiet, not a word until a person asked, And then she’d give it and you’d better listen ‘cause She...
‘La Campana’ and Other Poetry by Monika Cooper The Society June 30, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . La Campana Ring, grandfather! And ring for liberty. The bell spoke once and, speaking, croaked and cracked. Our gazes bathed its iron in gold hazes As Hebrews treasured tablets their sin split. Its silent...
‘Le Bal Des Ardents’: A Poem on the Ball of the Burning Men by Shaun C. Duncan The Society June 28, 2023 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments . Le Bal Des Ardents for Joe Salemi On 28th January 1393 in Paris, Queen Isabeau of Bavaria, wife of the mad King Charles VI of France, held a ball which became the scene of a terrible tragedy when four...
‘Green’ and Other Nature Poetry by Cheryl Corey The Society June 22, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 12 Comments . Green I’m talking green: the greening ground Of spring and springing hope eternal; The spectrum’s hidden light unbound And animation of all that’s vernal; The pulsing new-found energy Of green,...
‘The House on 58th Street’: A Poem for Father’s Day, by Joseph S. Salemi The Society June 18, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 26 Comments . The House on 58th Street for my father Salvatore J. Salemi (1913-2008) The house on 58th Street stood right by A cemetery—Calvary by name. Looking out our windows we could see A high stone wall,...
‘Contract Murder’: A Poem by Joseph S. Salemi The Society June 3, 2023 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . Contract Murder No one is ever quite sure how it’s planned— What’s clear is that a grievance is expressed By injured parties, who directly make Complaints to the Commission, which in turn Investigates,...
‘Some Satirical Epigrams’: Poetry by Shaun C. Duncan The Society May 26, 2023 Blank Verse, Epigrams and Proverbs, Poetry, Satire 12 Comments . Some Satirical Epigrams in hendecasyllabics (essentially trochaic pentameter with a dactyl for the second foot) . Complaint to a Complainer You complain all the time; about the weather, Other peoples’...
‘Remorseless’: A Poem by Margaret Coats The Society May 25, 2023 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 51 Comments . Remorseless Back on 19, returning from the lake, Where she had stowed sling chairs for next week’s meet, Her car broke down. She checked out what she knew, Glad to have parked securely in the grass. She...
Two Cinquains by Tiree MacGregor The Society April 21, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Education, Poetry 6 Comments . A Novice Speaks to a Guardian Tell me, Oh honoured one, The secret of the Way, Of how to live, to reach the place Of light! . The Guardian’s Reply Kid, train And work hard; doubt The self; gain all you...
‘El Melon’ and Other Poetry by Monika Cooper The Society March 9, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments . El Melon There is a maze or map on melon skin Even the blind could read and seek to solve. A little girl watches the housewives, deft, Touching the head shapes swiftly, one by one, Until they somehow know...
‘La Sirena’ and Other Poetry by Monika Cooper The Society February 19, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments . La Sirena At some point they ceased to be beautiful. Even their voices. Bare breasts, bare arms, screams Savage as acid swamped the scholar-priest His reasoned teaching fading from his lips. Bare breasts,...
‘Time Travel’: A Poem by Leland James The Society February 3, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 19 Comments . Time Travel I chance upon a sylvan glade, an Orphic place: moon threads, a lace of nightkin shadows. A trill of breeze awakes the guardian trees, live oaks in gowns of moss, tall runes of pine. I hear the...
‘The Calendar’ and Other Poetry by Jez Punter The Society January 20, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . The Calendar You are the festive dregs of January,you liven February with Valentine’s.You are the March that gives spring sanctuary,you are the splashing rain April confines.You entertain the shaken buds...
A Poem Commemorating January 6th and Ashli Babbitt, by Monika Cooper The Society January 6, 2023 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . La Bandera “ never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders” —Benjamin Franklin It was the feast of the Epiphany. The mall was full, the air alive with flags And musical with...
Poems Against Birth Control, from Joshua C. Frank The Society December 30, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Found Poem, Poetry, Rondeau 21 Comments . Two Empty Chairs “We did the NFP bit for awhile ... and have felt revulsion over it ever since. During that time we might have had at least two more children.” ---Letter to the Editor, Seattle...
‘Toward Yehuling, 1211’ by Talbot Hook The Society December 15, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Toward Yehuling, 1211 Unfolding steppes emerge as flattened plains Of long grasses of gold and April-green, While crystal streams, like bold and careless children, Careen away through boundless fallow...
A Poem for Donald Trump: ‘Nessun Dorma’ by Monika Cooper The Society December 6, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Music, Poetry 4 Comments . Nessun Dorma after the Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni The aria "Nessun Dorma" was played for Donald and Melania Trump's first dance at their wedding in 2005. No sleep tonight. The...
‘Nero Before the Tomb of Simon Magus’ by Shaun C. Duncan The Society November 21, 2022 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 21 Comments . Nero Before the Tomb of Simon Magus And Peter, looking steadfastly against Simon, said: “I adjure you, ye angels of Satan, who are carrying him into the air, to deceive the hearts of the unbelievers,...
‘Lullaby of New Mexico, Part Two’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society November 13, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau 34 Comments . Lullaby of New Mexico, Part Two Part One can be read here. Duerme Papi---Dad, it’s time to rest. I smooth your blanket here at Desert Sage And look with worry at your wrinkled face. My calloused hand...
‘Gone Are the Days’ and Other Poetry by Cheryl Corey The Society November 1, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 16 Comments . Gone Are the Days The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young. ---Oscar Wilde Gone are the days—the halcyon, magical days of yore, When you were young and full of marrow in your...
‘Lullaby of New Mexico’ by Brian Yapko The Society August 11, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 33 Comments . Lullaby of New Mexico Duerme mijo---sleep my weary child As we drive south upon the interstate. My side-eye checks on you, my tired you. My calloused hand caresses your wheat hair. The radio sings dreams,...
‘The Photograph’ and Other Poetry by Chantal LaFortune The Society July 29, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 5 Comments . The Photograph The snowflakes tumble down like frozen tears, Which fall from every eye this winter day; They heard the call and answered without fear, Their country to defend without delay. A couple stands...
‘The Automated Phone System’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society July 13, 2022 Blank Verse, Culture, Humor, Poetry 11 Comments . The Automated Phone System I called up a business But no person answered, I got a phone system With multiple options Some rather confusing; I kept getting transferred, Spent most time just holding; Then...
‘A Glass for My Father’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society June 19, 2022 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments . A Glass for My Father Marie-Maurille de Virot, Mademoiselle de Sombreuil (February 14, 1768—May 15, 1823) My father was the Marquis de Sombreuil: An old man when it happened, but back then The Revolution...
‘And Turn’ by Jack Granath The Society June 5, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 1 Comment . And Turn Thanks for the twenty seconds of Your crisp, medicinal perspective, Encapsulated in a laugh That shook like a bragging monkey’s ass. Call it a joke, a gentle nudge— It pushed me over some good...
‘Where Your Treasure Is’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society May 25, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Epic, Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . Where Your Treasure Is “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where...
‘Now Once Again’ by Leland James The Society May 20, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 5 Comments . Now Once Again How many years ago, I’ve lost the count, we lay beneath these trees at summer’s end; the orchard left to tend itself for then the children came and seasons tumbled all together, mad...
In Response to the ‘In This House’ Sign: A Poem by Brian Yapko The Society May 11, 2022 Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry, Readings 31 Comments . Read by Susan Jarvis Bryant . In This House... In this house... We value science so much we accept that male and female chromosomes exist and gender is not merely a suggestion. In this house... We know...
‘Guardians of the Sunset’ by J.B. Mulligan The Society May 3, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 5 Comments . Guardians of the Sunset III. The years go down like liquor. Drink and pour and drink again, and laugh or sigh, and look behind you at the dark streets of the past, the rows of street lamp dandelions. ...