What Happened to Narrative Poetry?—An Opinion Piece by James A. Tweedie The Society March 5, 2020 Culture, Epic, Essays, Poetry, Short Stories 26 Comments This isn’t so much an essay as it is an opinion piece where I shoot off a few words in praise of narrative poetry or, in other words, poetry that tells a story. From Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, to...
Essay: ‘Moralistic Authenticity’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society March 3, 2020 Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry 43 Comments A not infrequent problem that a poetry editor must face is a contributor’s intransigence. Sometimes this resistance is on metrical issues or diction, but there are a few poets who dig in their...
Line, Stanza & Form: An Introduction to Poetry The Society February 12, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry, Poetry Forms 3 Comments by Michael Curtis | excerpted from Occasional Poetry Tradition grows from wisdom, from the accumulated experience of millennia; in poetic practice, our classic tradition grows from the craft of Ages. Change...
Review: Poetry by Theresa Rodriguez The Society November 26, 2019 Essays, Poetry, Reviews 7 Comments by James Sale Sonnets, 2nd edition. Shanti Arts, 2020 Jesus and Eros, Bardsinger Books, 2014 Theresa Rodriguez is a relatively new and exciting poet on the pages of The Society of Classical Poets. As a...
‘Black Cat’: Derived from ‘Schwarze Katze’ by Rainer Maria Rilke The Society November 6, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry, Translation 7 Comments Black Cat a poem derived from "Schwarze Katze" by Rainer Maria Rilke, as translated by Martin Hill Ortiz A crash! I spot a ghost that bumps Eliciting my startled stare. A shadow shifts; a black pelt...
Lord Byron’s Darkest Secrets and Greatest Poetry The Society October 19, 2019 Beauty, Best Poems, Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments This piece is sponsored by KidSecured by Evan Mantyk and Kathy Brellan Lord Byron was born George Gordon Byron in London on January 22, 1788 and died just 36 years later in 1824. Yet, despite his short...
Essay: Richard Wilbur, C.S. Lewis, and the Imaginative Power of Poetry The Society October 15, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 7 Comments by T.M. Moore Our Image-hungry Age Increasingly, our postmodern generation prefers its communications to be in as few words and as many images as possible. Hence, the curious success of...
Essay: ‘A Breeze Came Out of the North…’ The Society September 29, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 6 Comments A breeze came out of the North one day, and cried, "September's begun!" A breeze came out of the North one day, declared, "The Summer is done!" by Jack Ahlers You know the fall air—it is somehow...
Essay: On Yeats’ ‘Second Coming’ and the Power of Poetry The Society September 11, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry 45 Comments by T.M. Moore I had just finished teaching one of the adult classes at our church on the meaning of Christmas, using John Milton’s Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity as my text. We examined many...
Poetry, Beauty and the Modern Era: Essay by James Sale The Society August 12, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Epic, Essays, Poetry 20 Comments One interesting question is ‘why poetry, specifically?’ I am currently writing an ‘epic’ called The English Cantos, and I have chosen to write my epic in terza rima. There are many forms of...
A Straight Shooter: Interview with C.B. Anderson The Society July 31, 2019 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Essays, Interviews, Poetry 2 Comments Roots in the Sky, Boots on the Ground: Metaphysical Poems C.B. Anderson, Kelsay Books, 107 pages paperback, ISBN-10: 1949229688 2019, $17.00 by Carol Smallwood Smallwood: Joseph S. Salemi commented on...
Rediscovering the Sonnet: An Interview with Poet Theresa Rodriguez by Carol Smallwood The Society July 10, 2019 Essays, Interviews, Poetry, Poetry Forms 7 Comments This interview was conducted by Carol Smallwood with poet Theresa Rodriguez following the release of the first edition of Sonnets by Rodriguez; the second edition is published by Shanti Arts, 2020;...
The Rebirth of Poetry Is Here: First SCP Symposium Held The Society June 28, 2019 Essays, From the Society, Poetry, Symposium 21 Comments The Society of Classical Poets successfully holds its first symposium in New York City (Press Release) NEW YORK—A growing movement is calling for the return of meter and rhyme in poetry in a bid...
‘A Poet’s Lament’ and Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society May 17, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 19 Comments A Poet’s Lament - for Charles Southerland, whose brilliant prose style I so painfully tried to imitate and incorporate Nobody cried when poetry died a long, slow death - a final breath, maybe even a last...
On Wendy Cope’s Wasteland Limericks (Essay) The Society May 15, 2019 Culture, Essays, Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Reviews 6 Comments by Lew Icarus Bede The way I dealt with T. S. Eliot's The Wasteland was to write a poem, equally desperate, in that same allusive style—with notes. That unpublished poem Cicadas' Voices, written in the...
Remembering John Whitworth (1945–April 22, 2019) The Society April 30, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments Read the poetry of the recently departed John Whitworth at Trinacria or The Poetry Archive. by Sally Cook Any ordinary poet composing a landscape piece might easily imagine a dull blue sky, one small white...
Review: “Profane and Sacred Love” by William Ruleman The Society March 14, 2019 Beauty, Essays, Poetry, Reviews 2 Comments William Ruleman: Profane and Sacred Love, Feather Books, 2002 and reprint 2014 by James Sale Having read some excellent poetry by William Ruleman on the pages of the SCP I determined to buy a collection so...
Two Videos on the Reading of Poetry Out Loud The Society March 11, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry, Readings, Video 5 Comments The Bad The first video of Hannah Silva instructs us on the abyss that poetry reading has found itself in today. The irrationality and baseness of slam poetry has given way to experimental poetry that doesn't...
Who Killed Poetry? A Critique of Modernism and Post-Modernism (Part I) The Society March 3, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry 68 Comments by Edward C. "Ted" Hayes A Prefatory Poem (or a Gaggle of Goosefeathers) Some will judge this essai the exact thing it’s not – Distilled, unvarnished, contemned tommyrot For asserting mod...
Trump’s Border Wall Revives Frost’s ‘Mending Wall’ (and a Poet’s Response) The Society February 22, 2019 Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments by Evan Mantyk As the border wall with Mexico that President Trump is building gains greater and greater attention, so too has the early 20th century poem, “Mending Wall,” by American poet Robert Frost....
God Rest We Merry Gentlemen (An Essay) The Society February 2, 2019 Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry 2 Comments by Gregory Spicer “Death and taxes” bemoan us now, as ever. Yet as I bask in the fading embers of Christendom's most sentimental season, my mind freshly equips itself for the new year by conjoining...
A Beginner’s Guide to Sapphic Verse (with Audio) The Society November 27, 2018 Education, Essays, Poetry, Poetry Forms, Readings, Sapphic Verse 37 Comments by James A. Tweedie My interest in Sapphic verse arose from a discussion thread on an SCP post some months ago. I researched the subject and decided to try my hand at it. Recently, I submitted my poem to...
Poetry Found: ‘The Battery Horse’ by E.R. Henry The Society November 16, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Found Poem, Poetry 33 Comments Presented by Monty Phillips Given that the recent days have been rightfully occupied by the remembering of the humans who never made it home from World War 1, I thought I might highlight a less represented...
Essay: ‘Down with the Suck-Ups’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society November 5, 2018 Culture, Essays, Poetry 13 Comments When formal poets come to me for advice, I do my best to be helpful. I can comment on metrics and diction and syntactical choice. I try to avoid discussing subject matter since that is in the realm of personal...
Review: In the Measuring, Carol Smallwood, Shanti Arts 2018 The Society November 3, 2018 Beauty, Essays, Poetry, Reviews 12 Comments by James Sale Carol Smallwood In the Measuring is a substantial new collection of 77 poems by Carol Smallwood. Carol is well-known to readers of The Society of Classical Poets, as her poems regularly...
Rediscovering Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ The Society October 24, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Education, Epic, Essays, Homer, Poetry 27 Comments by Evan Mantyk Where is Homer? The epic poems of the famous Greek bard were the cornerstone of education for young Socrates, Alexander the Great, Roman emperors, William Shakespeare, and every serious...
Review: Selected Poems from Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal, Translated by Helen Palma The Society October 17, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry, Reviews 10 Comments by Joseph Charles MacKenzie Read the Selected Poems from Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal online. Email [email protected] for details on purchasing the book. Two arts are beautifully displayed in...
A Brief History of Riddles The Society October 13, 2018 Culture, Essays, Poetry, Riddles 7 Comments by Manfred Dietrich The world is riddled with riddles. Riddling is as old and as ubiquitous as language itself. When God invited Adam to name the beasts and the beauties of creation, he showed that each...
The Eight Greatest Poems of William Wordsworth The Society October 6, 2018 Beauty, Best Poems, Culture, Essays, Poetry, The Environment 14 Comments by Charles Eager William Wordsworth was born in Cockermouth, Cumberland, in 1770—the same year as gave us Beethoven, Hegel, and Hölderlin—and died at the age of eighty, rich in the knowledge of his...
Review: Two Poetry Books by James B. Nicola The Society September 24, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry, Reviews 3 Comments by James Sale Wind in the Cave, Finishing Line Press, 2017 Out of Nothing, Shanti Arts Publishing, 2018 Recently in a poetry review of another poet on these pages I commented that the poet had included 33...
An Analysis of Norman MacCaig’s ‘Summer Farm’ The Society August 27, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 3 Comments Paradox as Explanatory Paradigm in Norman MacCaig’s ‘Summer Farm’ by Phillip Whidden Summer Farm Straws like tame lightnings lie about the grass And hang zigzag on hedges. Green as...
The Rise of Conservative Art and Poetry The Society August 10, 2018 Art, Culture, Essays, Poetry 20 Comments An earlier version of this piece was published in The Epoch Times By Evan Mantyk When Jon McNaughton released his new painting, “Crossing the Swamp,” on July 31, he probably wasn’t expecting to get...
Review: ‘Organ Harvest’ by Damian Robin The Society July 20, 2018 Culture, Essays, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Reviews 5 Comments Organ Harvest by Damian Robin, published by Fulton Verse, 2018. Read three sonnets from the work here. by James Sale Damian Robin is well known to readers of the Society of Classical Poets web...
Review: Three Poetry Books by Joseph S. Salemi The Society June 20, 2018 Culture, Essays, Poetry, Reviews 33 Comments by James Sale FORMAL COMPLAINTS by Joseph S. Salemi, Somer Rocks Press, 1997 MASQUERADE by Joseph S. Salemi, Somer Rocks Press, 2005 SKIRMISHES by Joseph S. Salemi, Pivot Press, 2010 I first encountered...
Essay: ‘Frog-Marched Into the Prison of Poetry’ The Society June 8, 2018 Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments by Con Chapman Nyla Matuk and I have a few things in common; we are both poets (or in my case, claim to be), and we both know what sumptuary laws are, she having written a book of poems using that term as...
10 Favorite Shakespeare Sonnets The Society May 24, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry, Shakespeare 16 Comments By James A. Tweedie Call me a snob but I am generally attracted to what is commonly referred to as “great art” or the “masterpieces.” Over the years I have looked at famous paintings and I have looked...
Essay: A Defense of Poetry The Society May 11, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 7 Comments ''A good poem helps to change the shape and significance of the universe, helps to extend everyone’s knowledge of himself and the world around him.'' —Dylan Thomas By Gideon Cecil We are living in...
Pastoral Poetry: Arcadia Through the Ages The Society April 29, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry 6 Comments by James Green “Come live with me and be my Love, And we will all the pleasures prove That hills and valleys, dale and field, And all the craggy mountains yield.” —Christopher...
10 Greatest Shakespeare Sonnets: An Immortal Series The Society April 8, 2018 Beauty, Best Poems, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry, Shakespeare 9 Comments By David B. Gosselin William Shakespeare (baptized April 26, 1564 - died April 23, 1616) is arguably the greatest writer in any language. His poetry is not only one of the most exalted examples of what an...
Essay: On George Herbert’s ‘Easter Wings’ The Society March 25, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry, Shape Poems 5 Comments by Jane Blanchard George Herbert was born into a well-to-do and well-doing family of Montgomery, Wales, in 1593. When he was three years old, his father died, leaving a wife and ten children. Herbert...