‘Vernal Equinox’ and Other Poems by Benjamin Cannicott Shavitz The Society March 20, 2025 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 6 Comments . Vernal Equinox Germans call this season “frühling.” Spaniards name it “primavera.” Welshmen say the term is “gwanwyn.” Shetland trawlers go with “voar,” so Let’s resolve this with a...
‘Chasing COLAs in a Hard World’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society February 19, 2025 Culture, Limerick, Poetry 6 Comments . Chasing COLAs in a Hard World COLA: cost-of-living adjustment We learned, each time we tried to file a claim, _That dealing with the Demiurge Adjustor _Takes all the fortitude that we can muster, And that...
Four Newsy Limericks by James A. Tweedie The Society January 15, 2025 Limerick, Poetry, Satire 10 Comments . Four Newsy Limericks . A pedophile, if you should see one, Must not be reported. The reason? __It could be your fate __That you’d be charged with “hate.” A crime worse by far than to be...
High School Reunion Poems by Russel Winick The Society November 22, 2024 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 19 Comments . Montana High School Reunion The big fella who grew up in Butte, Claimed his high school sweetheart was so cute, __Going back would be grand __A reunion was planned So he went out and bought costly boots. He...
‘Third-Degree Burns’ and Other Poems by C.B. Anderson The Society April 29, 2024 Beauty, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 22 Comments . Third-Degree Burns A young poet who came from Dundee Looked around him and then took a knee, __For the older he grew __The more surely he knew That accomplishment wasn’t to be. But another lad, whom...
A Limerick on New Hot Cross Buns with Tick (Check Mark), by Paul A. Freeman The Society March 23, 2024 Culture, Limerick, Poetry 15 Comments . Limerick Perhaps it’s a marketing trick, or else Iceland’s taking the mick; __for what kind of fun __is an Easter Day bun when the cross has been swapped for a tick? . taking the mick: making...
‘Coffee Limericks’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society March 17, 2024 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 45 Comments . Coffee Limericks . I love to have coffee each morning, Including the act of the pouring: __I smell the aroma, __Come out of my coma, And wonder why you still are snoring. . I start with a coffee each...
Mythological Limericks on Defloration by Joseph S. Salemi The Society December 29, 2023 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 31 Comments . Mythological Limericks on Defloration . Venus and Adonis Adonis was cute as a berry And Venus was sexy and merry— __The boy said “No dice” __But without thinking twice She jumped him and popped the...
‘Limericks for Lame Cowboys’ and Other Poetry by Roy E. Peterson The Society December 13, 2023 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 14 Comments . Limericks for Lame Cowboys A cowboy who came from Seattle, Had a habit of disturbing cattle. __The horse made a jump. __He fell on his rump, And now he can't ride in the saddle. The cowboy was brave and had...
‘Limericks on Good English Prose’ by Joseph S. Salemi (with Note on Fictive Mimesis) The Society September 17, 2023 Education, Essays, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 23 Comments . Cantankerous Limericks on Good English Prose I love a complexly wrought sentence With phrases and colons that went thence __To make concise points __With their well-dovetailed joints And gave one no cause...
‘Excuse My Excuse’: A Poem by Ken Gosse The Society August 31, 2023 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 3 Comments . Excuse My Excuse An excuse—that’s a word to excuse at those times when I need a good ruse __which I’ll put to good use __while I find some excuse which will not leave folks singing the blues. If the...
Four Limericks by Paddy Raghunathan The Society August 10, 2023 Humor, Limerick 19 Comments . Pick-up Truck Dude This dude in his old pick-up truck Sped recklessly, riding his luck. __He swerved ‘round the bend, __Lost control in the end, And got his truck stuck in the muck. . . Sleeping...
‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ and Other Poetry from Aesop’s Fables, by Rob Crisell The Society July 30, 2023 Children's, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 12 Comments . The Tortoise and the Hare in limericks A tortoise and hare were a-talkin’. Said Hare: “Why, your slowness is shockin’! __If we ran a race, __You’d be a disgrace. I’d win, even if I were...
A Fourth of July Limerick by Paul A. Freeman The Society July 4, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Limerick, Poetry 8 Comments . Fourth of July Limerick Top left, there’s an oblong that’s blue; add in fifty stars, white in hue. To offset the stars are parallel bars, six white, seven red, straight and true. . . Paul A....
‘Commodore Perry Opens Japan’ and Other Japan-Inspired Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society June 13, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Haiku and Senryu, Limerick, Poetry 29 Comments . Commodore Perry Opens Japan On July 8, 1853, on the orders of President Millard Fillmore, Commodore Matthew Perry led four American ships into the harbor at Tokyo Bay, seeking to pierce Japan’s isolation...
Poems by Human Beings Versus Poems by AI Poems by ChatGPT: Take the Quiz The Society April 22, 2023 Essays, Haiku and Senryu, Limerick, Poetry, Villanelle 30 Comments . Human Poetry Versus ChatGPT's AI Poetry Can you tell the difference between artificial intelligence poetry and human poetry? by Evan Mantyk and Mike Bryant Artificial intelligence, most notably ChatGPT, is...
World Poetry Day Limerick Poetry Challenge The Society March 21, 2023 Culture, Limerick, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 42 Comments . In celebration of World Poetry Day, write a limerick on the theme of World Poetry Day, poetry in general, or poets. Post it in the comments section below. Learn how to write a limerick here. An example is...
‘Vanity Falls’ by Miera Rao The Society November 26, 2022 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 12 Comments . Vanity Falls I’m feeling a little lightheaded; I’ll confess it’s what I’ve always dreaded: More hairs on the floor Than ever before, My ego and vanity shredded. . . Miera Rao is a writer living in...
‘Food for Thought’ and Other Food-Related Poetry by Anna J. Arredondo The Society September 1, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 24 Comments . Food for Thought A Culinary Tale There once was a man wan and pallid, he Suffered from a mysterious malady: __He ate carrots and greens, __Ripe tomatoes and beans, But eschewed anything that's not...
‘Camena Interrupta’ and Other Poetry by Peter Venable The Society August 1, 2022 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 4 Comments . Camena Interrupta The measured words of poetryRise round the mystic sphere,Sift through the dirt or sing divineIn strains that soothe or sear. But now the stanzas halt and freeze:Eternity is stilled—The...
What Is ‘Pro-Choice’? and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society June 13, 2022 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 12 Comments . What Is “Pro-Choice"? If my child were sent to die, Be chopped to pieces like a pig, To spare him death, I’d plead and beg, __His life with mine to buy. Yet pregnant moms demand their “rights” To...
‘Satan’s Limericks on the Seven Deadly Sins’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society May 15, 2022 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 19 Comments . Satan’s Limericks on the Seven Deadly Sins Sepulchrum patens est guttur eorum; linguis suis dolose agebant: venenum aspidum sub labiis eorum. Their throat is an open sepulcher; with their tongues they...
A Limerick on Minnie Mouse’s New Outfit, by Paul A. Freeman The Society February 6, 2022 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 4 Comments . And so, Minnie Mouse will impress in pantsuit and flat heels, no less. __But what of the vision, __of Mickey's transition in heels and a polka-dot dress? . . Paul A. Freeman is the author of Rumours of...
On the Soccer Player Tattoo Ban and Other Poetry by Paul A. Freeman The Society January 12, 2022 Beauty, Human Rights in China, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 11 Comments . Limerick China’s footballers haven’t a clue why they can’t go and get a tattoo, but I think it might be it’s since President Xi is afraid they’ll choose Winnie the Pooh. . . This Urge for the...
‘Anyone But You’ and Other Poetry by Anna J. Arredondo The Society December 26, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Limerick, Love Poems, Poetry 7 Comments . Anyone But You The phone may ring; The call will bring __Anyone but you. The mail will come; It will be from __Anyone but you. A text may buzz; I’m sure it was __Anyone but you. Oh, this is dire; I...
‘Twelve Chaucerian Limericks’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society December 20, 2021 Chaucer, Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 19 Comments . Twelve Chaucerian Limericks for Paul Freeman Some pilgrims went riding to Kent, And here’s how the journey was spent: As they traipsed through the dale They each told a tale Of sacred or worldly...
‘Gender Reveal’ by Reid McGrath The Society November 15, 2021 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 6 Comments . We went to a gender reveal. And we had an exceptional meal. __But the host was forlorn __when she unhusked her corn. It was pink instead of blue-teal. Her emotions were on full display. They should have...
‘Alfred the Great’ and Other Limericks by Peter Hartley The Society October 12, 2021 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 25 Comments . Alfred the Great Alfred the Great was a shy king Who found it not much to his liking __Making do with cornflakes __‘Cos he’d burned all the cakes While hiding his face from the Viking. __ Sweyn...
Turn a Famous Poem into a Limerick: Poetry Challenge The Society July 11, 2021 Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 153 Comments . Choose a famous poem and write it in limerick form, putting the title of the original poem at the top. Please fit your chosen poem into one limerick (five lines) only. See "How to Write a Limerick." Post...
A Poem for Illinois Poet Laureate Angela Jackson and Other Freestylers, by Joseph Mason The Society June 30, 2021 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 22 Comments . Ferdinand the Freestyler Angela Jackson is the Poet Laureate of Illinois and Jacqueline Jackson is a poet frequently published by Illinois Times. As I sit here chillin' and relaxin',There's some questions I...
‘Ode to George Lionel, the Cat’ by Jeff Eardley The Society June 18, 2021 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 23 Comments . It was only a two stone cat, Now what do you think about that? If it sat on your lap, Both your femurs would snap. It was twenty-eight pounds of pure fat. Its owners would feed it on fish, Which they...
A Limerick on Life and Other Poetry, by Joe Tessitore The Society May 26, 2021 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Limerick, Poetry 19 Comments . Limerick I have lived my whole life about me And at last I can finally see That my choice only smothers, Life is all about others And the truth really does set you free. . . Senryu I was born to...
‘There Once Was a Very Big Lie’: A Limerick by Joe Tessitore The Society May 5, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Limerick, Poetry 43 Comments . There once was a very big lie, That our country refused to deny. While we did what they told us, To the Commies they sold us And we kissed all our freedoms goodbye. . . Joe Tessitore is a retired New...
An Office Romance and Other Poetry by Anna J. Arredondo The Society October 30, 2020 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Love Poems, Poetry 26 Comments Nothing Ventured an office romance "What more do you want?" he inquired without guile. ---Can it really be true that my feelings don't show?--- She marveled within, and, suppressing a...
Poetry on Riots Across America and Communist Takeover in Hong Kong The Society June 7, 2020 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Limerick, Poetry 2 Comments A Riot Limerick by Joe Tessitore The Most Evil has cast the first brick And his antics make decent folk sick. Though he rant and he rail His best efforts all fail--- He’s in fact the Most Impotent...
Poems on Life During CCP Virus (COVID-19) Lockdown The Society April 25, 2020 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 31 Comments The Back-to-Work Protesters Limerick by Mark F. Stone Our minders with power and pensions can rob our hopes, while the Fourth Estate calls us a "mob." They would be less scornful and also more...
Translation of Pushkin on Cholera Quarantine and Poetry on the CCP Virus The Society April 9, 2020 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Translation 16 Comments Time Is the Measure of Every Pleasure a coronavirus limerick by Mark F. Stone The State took a stand that we practice techniques to maintain our distance and clean till it squeaks. But can such...
Poetry on Dr. Ai Fen and the CCP Virus (Coronavirus) The Society April 2, 2020 Covid-19, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 12 Comments The Last Words from Her Phone The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has done everything within their power to expunge Dr. Ai Fen's interview off the Internet, and now she herself is gone, the last message...
The Dark and the Light: Poetry on the CCP Virus (Novel Coronavirus) The Society March 29, 2020 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Limerick, Poetry 7 Comments As the Lights Go Out - the Last Limerick "The night cometh, when no man can work." John, 9:4 by Joe Tessitore I can tell there will be no escape From this hellishly chilling landscape Born of hatred...
‘Grapes’ and More Phobia Limerick Riddles by Jan Darling The Society January 15, 2020 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Riddles 9 Comments Grapes Peel me a grape But remove the seed I love the flesh But have no need Of hard encounters In the skin Juicy, fat, dry or thin. On second thoughts—feed me gin. More Phobia...