Phobia Limerick Riddles, by Jan Darling The Society December 14, 2019 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Riddles 45 Comments Each poem below describes a phobia. Guess what the person is scared of in each. For extra credit try to name the phobia’s official name. Post your answers in the comments section...
Haiku and Limericks by Joe Tessitore The Society August 22, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Haiku and Senryu, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 4 Comments Haiku When a newborn cries, locked in a room by itself, does it make a sound? Fog enshrouds the night. Woven in the heavy mist, a thread of fireflies. In Time -...
On Wendy Cope’s Wasteland Limericks (Essay) The Society May 15, 2019 Culture, Essays, Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Reviews 6 Comments by Lew Icarus Bede The way I dealt with T. S. Eliot's The Wasteland was to write a poem, equally desperate, in that same allusive style—with notes. That unpublished poem Cicadas' Voices, written in the...
Three Limericks by Nivedita Karthik The Society October 10, 2018 Children's, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 11 Comments An acrobat named Larry Loops was best among all circus troupes, But he quit one day and was heard to say, “My boss made me jump all those hoops!” There once was a man from...
‘Limerick’ by Annie Acho Tartoni The Society February 18, 2018 High School Submissions, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 6 Comments There once was a girl named Shelly. who bought a pet fish by the deli. But to her surprise, with fear in her eyes, she saw the fish dead on its belly. Annie Acho Tartoni is a student Mercy...
How to Write a Limerick The Society February 8, 2017 Education, Limerick, Poetry, Poetry Forms 5 Comments Related How to Write a Sonnet How to Write a Haiku How to Write a Rondeau How to Write a Villanelle How to Write a Poem Like the Raven by Dusty Grein The history of the poetry form we know as the...
Two Limericks by Nivedita Karthik The Society January 9, 2017 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 4 Comments The gown and the date are set, caterers and florists I’ve met. The hall has been booked, no detail overlooked Wait...I don’t have a groom just yet! There once was a very young...
A Health Insurance Limerick by Troy Camplin The Society May 19, 2014 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 1 Comment The cost of insurance was such Its price I could sadly not touch -- So I gave all of that To a young bureaucrat And now it costs three times as much! Troy Camplin is an author, poet, and...
Three Unfunny Limericks by Damian Robin The Society December 6, 2013 Limerick, Poetry In the Play Pit As Cameron stands, cap in hand, The jailers of New Middleland Keep a straight face As they keep him in place While he signs for their help in their sand. Poet's Note: For...