‘The Pilgrimage’: A Love Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society August 30, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 31 Comments . The Pilgrimage The lover takes leave of his mistress's mouth And starts on his pilgrimage, travelling south. Each stop on his journey he marks with a kiss, And lingers a moment, prolonging their bliss. He...
‘Gordon’s Soup’: A Poem by Norma Pain The Society August 21, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 25 Comments . Gordon’s Soup One day old Arthur Vincent Knowling, Quit the couch to take up bowling, Grasped the fact at fifty-three, The time he’d wasted on TV. He’d been a hermit all these years And suddenly was...
‘I Have Loved You All Along’: A Poem by James Sale The Society August 17, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 12 Comments . I Have Loved You All Along for Linda I have loved you all along; No matter what was error, Or what was done imperfectly Through weakness, worry, plainly wrong: I have loved you all along. I have loved you...
‘Ghost in This House’ After Hugh Prestwood and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society August 14, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Music, Poetry 17 Comments . Ghost in This House "I don’t mind staying in, there’s another ghost here. He sits down in your chair, and he shines with your light, And he lays down his head on your pillow at night.“ —lyrics from...
‘Mighty Oak’ and Other Tree Poetry by Nathaniel Todd McKee The Society August 12, 2023 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 14 Comments . Mighty Oak Spread thy boughs, oh mighty oak, __Let fall thy wine-red leaves, Which, when the rains around thee soak, __Shall pile up high as sheaves. Some leaves are scorched in summer sun, __Or lost in...
Four Love Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society August 8, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 19 Comments . Two Kites Ascending a Spenserian sonnet Two kites ascending, carried on the wind, Each in its way, a most delightful thing. So unalike yet wonderfully twinned, Defying gravity in taking wing. The feathered...
‘To His Coy Transport’: A Bus Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society July 28, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 24 Comments . The Number 53: To His Coy Transport Had we but world enough and time, My coy and tardy 53, This hesitancy were no crime And I’d be waiting patiently. When other buses came along I’d not obstruct or...
Three Poems on Sleep and Dreams, by Joshua C. Frank The Society July 24, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Love Poems, Poetry, Villanelle 18 Comments . Back to Sleep In very early years, now far behind, When I returned to earth at midnight deep From nightmare scares within my frightened mind, My mother rocked and sang me back to sleep. I hid in bed from...
Three Love Poems by Evan Mantyk The Society July 21, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry, Satire 18 Comments . Sonnet I Our arms are leaves stretched out; our thoughts can bloom The grandest only when we crowd out those Who have been planted in a place of doom— Perhaps for something only Heaven knows. While...
‘Melodious Curlew’: A Love Poem by Daniel Howard The Society July 21, 2023 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 10 Comments . Melodious Curlew Melodious curlew mottled brown and bister, No longer raise your crescent-shapen beak Towards the waning moon, to which you shriek That harmony which haunts the twilight’s glister; Your...
‘Via Appia’ and Other Poems by Luca D’Anselmi The Society July 20, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Love Poems, Poetry, Satire 10 Comments . Via Appia Beneath the pines of Rome, the wrinkled sibyl will croak your future for eleven cents, and with her finger in the dust will scribble predictions of uncertain consequence. But go near, fix your eyes...
‘Better with Love’: A Poem by Russel Winick The Society July 11, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 20 Comments . Better with Love I thought I was a pleasant sort __When we first met. Not perfect but near sweet and kind __As one could get. ____I knew I had rough edges ____And for fixes I made pledges ____But there...
‘Don’t Mess with Texas Gals’: A Poem by Roy E. Peterson The Society July 10, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 20 Comments . Don't Mess with Texas Gals On My Late Life Wife . Don't mess with my hot Texan. She's Texas born and bred. She does not fool with strangers. She'd rather see them dead. They said when she was born She had...
‘Emptiness’: A Poem by Cathy McDonald The Society June 15, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 9 Comments . Emptiness I search for you in every face I see. True love should last forever and a day: Its book not closed until all chapters end. You walked into my life then walked away: There is no laughter left that...
The 10 Best Love Poems of 2022 The Society June 9, 2023 Best Poems, Love Poems, Poetry 11 Comments . The 10 Best Love Poems of 2022 If you are more of an academic poetry lover who stills enjoy Shakespeare’s love sonnets now and again, then the list for you of the 10 Greatest Love Poems Ever Written is...
A Poem on Piero della Francesca’s Fresco, and Other Poetry by Mary Jane Myers The Society June 6, 2023 Art, Beauty, Ekphrastic, Love Poems, Poetry 16 Comments . Quattrocento On the Fresco “Madonna del Parto” by Piero della Francesca, Monterchi, Italy, circa 1460 We file into a silent darkened room. Now, a stagelight floods the wall to show bright colors of a...
‘Abyss’: A Poem by Tom Woodliff The Society May 21, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 20 Comments . Abyss In deepest, darkest depths of my despair I find myself without a saving grace. A pendulum of pain prevents my prayer from rising upward through the dead of space. Within these walls a war where no...
Poems from ‘The Still Beloved’ by Amado Nervo, Translated by Alan Steinle The Society May 21, 2023 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry, Translation 22 Comments . Poems from 'The Still Beloved' ('La Amada Inmóvil') by Amado Nervo (1870-1919) translated from the Spanish by Alan Steinle The poems below are selections from the book La Amada Inmóvil: Versos a Una...
On the Passing of the Poet’s Wife: A Poem by Tod Benjamin The Society April 29, 2023 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 10 Comments . A Requiem for Suzi She fed the birds, she knew them all by name; She cried to see a small dog hurt or lame; She stroked stray cats and even wild ones tamed. __She was wonderful, we loved her. She loved all...
‘Just Words’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society April 14, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry 26 Comments . Just Words The more we are together dear, __I fear… can love suffice? Of late I find you’re cavalier __And not so very nice. Your nonstop nag-nag-nagging __Is a never-ending drain, Your tongue...
‘Acceptance’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society April 13, 2023 Culture, Education, Love Poems, Poetry, Satire 24 Comments . Acceptance Relationships are courses in which You should not enroll, If changing other people is your Pre-existing goal. . . When One Overrides Twenty-Six It started in first grade as I recall. Our son...
‘Walking Near the Waves’: A Love Poem by Daniel Howard The Society April 11, 2023 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 10 Comments . Walking Near the Waves When, walking near the waves, with eyes downcast, I look at my reflection from the shore, Which seems to sink towards the ocean’s floor, Weighed down by tears, which into tides have...
‘Jägermeister’ and Other Poetry by Gregory Ross The Society March 29, 2023 Culture, Education, Love Poems, Poetry, Rondeau 6 Comments f Jägermeister "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior __are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man __whose quiver is full of them." ---Psalm 127 My quiver’s full, as David said, With children...
‘Reality Check’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society March 23, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry, Satire 12 Comments . Reality Check __The bars we frequent have been raised too high, Not calibrated to the greatest common factor: __The will to let things slide. Who can deny This, save for someone who is such a polished...
A Poem on Online Dating: ‘Avalon’ by Jeff Eardley The Society March 22, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 26 Comments . Avalon This little tale concerns a man, Who in an English village ran A thriving little corner shop, Supplying shakes and soda pop. This fellow did his best to try, His customers to satisfy, As in his shop,...
A Valentine’s Day ‘Appeal’ by C.B. Anderson The Society February 14, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 23 Comments . An Appeal I want to be a fiber on your loom, A constant fixture in your living room, A luscious morsel that you save for last. It's time for us to build a solid past, If only to secure a firm...
‘Ageless’: A Valentine’s Day Poem by Brian Yapko The Society February 14, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry 28 Comments . Ageless Not in the golden mists of memory Nor in the colder mists of future years Shall I find love as true as yours for me--- A love so fair it banishes all fears. Your eyes, like sunlight, ever faithful...
‘The Ballad of Mrs. Pam Able’ and Other Poetry by Jeff Eardley The Society February 14, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 24 Comments . The Ballad of Mrs. Pam Able Mrs. Pam Able was very unstable, And loved to be tied to her dining-room table. Her friends were appalled, many names she was called, For her fatal attraction for men who were...
Two Valentine’s Day Poems by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 13, 2023 Love Poems, Pantoum, Poetry 34 Comments . Could it be Love? a pantoum My wits are kissed. Could it be love? My brain is drained of all but you. I’m cuckoo as a cooing dove. I have an over-rosy view. My brain is drained of all but you. A giggle...
‘The Shadow of My Sorrow’ by Daniel Howard The Society February 4, 2023 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 19 Comments . The Shadow of My Sorrow As soon as day has dawned and night is done, The shadow of my sorrow follows me, Outgrows the shape by which it came to be, Consuming it when night is new begun; And being my...
‘Disemboguement’ by Anna J. Arredondo The Society January 31, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 19 Comments . Disemboguement You woke something deep within me, not at first sight, but the second: When distractions ceased to spin me, my eyes focused; your eyes beckoned--- sheer perfection then I reckoned you to be,...
‘Love and Loss: Poems for Viktoria Sokoli’ by Paul Martin Freeman The Society January 30, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 13 Comments . Love and Loss: Poems for Viktoria Sokoli . Love I I once loved a girl called Viktoria Sokoli With eyes of the colour of spinach and broccoli. Her skin was as soft and as smooth as a peach; Her breasts left...
‘To an Eager Lover’ and Other Poetry by Adrian Fillion The Society January 28, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 16 Comments . To an Eager Lover This isn’t an unreasonable demand: you have to learn my story with your hands. As a man, you naturally want to know a woman in the way you know the world: from start to finish,...
‘Antietam’ and Other Poetry by Vicki Roberts The Society January 10, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry 6 Comments . Antietam It was the bloodbath battle of the Civil War; Scores of men died, by musket, the gore; Was this brave dead soldier from north or from south, Left on the field, blood gushed from his mouth; He had a...
‘I Met a Shepherdess’ by Guido Cavalcanti, Translated by Joseph S. Salemi The Society January 8, 2023 Essays, Love Poems, Poetry, Translation 22 Comments . I Met a Shepherdess by Guido Cavalcanti (c. 1250-1300) translated by Joseph S. Salemi I met a shepherdess in a small copse. More beautiful than starlight, the girl seemed. Her hair was blonde-ish, with a...
‘Xi’ and Other Poetry by Morrison Handley-Schachler The Society January 7, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry 8 Comments . Xi When Xerxes saw his bridge of boats which spanned The Hellespont destroyed, forthwith he laid Fetters of iron on the waves and flayed With whips the surf which had him dared withstand. So Gaius, too,...
‘To My Beloved Husband’: A Sonnet by Isabel Scheltens The Society December 19, 2022 Love Poems, Poetry 13 Comments . ---To My Beloved Husband Our married love is no ethereal sound Which dies away when wedding bells cease tolling: No idle lust for courting or cajoling Which dissipates, its petty joys once crowned; Nor yet a...
‘Arrival of Spring’ and Other Humorous Love Poems by Andrew Benson Brown The Society December 17, 2022 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 26 Comments . Arrival of Spring Each wing delivers news of a young earth: The nightingale, the end of moonless woes, The dove, the peace of melting mountain snows, The hummingbird, a lightness dense with mirth. The...
‘Autumnal Wind’ and Other Poetry by Daniel Howard The Society December 16, 2022 Love Poems, Poetry 12 Comments . Autumnal Wind Autumnal Wind, who are in speed as swift As was the Spring with which my life began, If you would sigh upon this lonely man, And whistle through his heart’s wide-open rift, Then from the...
‘Supplication to Erato and Melpomene’ and Other Poetry by K.S. Anthony The Society December 15, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 6 Comments . Supplication to Erato and Melpomene Erato, decked in crimson roses; green branches of myrtle, Help me forge the words to win her heart: My crippled pen can summon not the words that might make fertile Barren...