Two Poems on the Passing of Queen Elizabeth II, by Paul Martin Freeman The Society July 12, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments . The Nation’s Heart The Nation’s heart has passed away, A loving grandmother to all. And now it’s for her son we pray Whom Charles the Third we’ll learn to call. But will he fill that vital...
‘Heavy Excess’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society July 12, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 15 Comments . Heavy Excess a plea from the human realm I must flee this land where feelings choke, Unrope attachments that were tied in love. Through halting rites of passport checks I grope. My bulky baggage makes my...
‘Peace For Our Time’: A Poem in the Voice of Neville Chamberlain and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society July 11, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 39 Comments . Peace For Our Time "I believe it is peace for our time... Go home and get a nice quiet sleep." ---Neville Chamberlain “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.” ---Winston...
Four Poems About Road Travel, by Joshua C. Frank The Society July 10, 2023 Beauty, Pantoum, Poetry, Satire 16 Comments . The Billboard a pantoum It’s propped along the route I roll— A squatting square against the sky, Atop a sturdy metal pole, To tell me what new thing to buy. A squatting square against the sky, It blocks...
‘Don’t Mess with Texas Gals’: A Poem by Roy E. Peterson The Society July 10, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 20 Comments . Don't Mess with Texas Gals On My Late Life Wife . Don't mess with my hot Texan. She's Texas born and bred. She does not fool with strangers. She'd rather see them dead. They said when she was born She had...
‘My Resignation’: A Poem by Michael Taormina The Society July 8, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 12 Comments . My Resignation Be still, my Heart, be stiller than the grave. When consciousness dissolves into the sea, This desperate taste will fade with memory Of nothing, undisturbed by bitter wave. Be still, my Heart,...
Two Summer Sonnets by James A. Tweedie The Society July 7, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 17 Comments . Forever Nine My bare feet merge with weathered, knotty pineAs dripping swimsuit water cools the pier.The day belongs to me, for I am nine,With end of endless summer drawing near. My tanned and sunburnt...
‘Graves’: A Poem by Jeffrey Essmann The Society July 5, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 11 Comments . Graves “Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and have you rise from them.” ---Ezekiel 37:13 There was a time indeed when I was dead: Oh: breathing yes, and witty, so I’m...
A Poem on Snowfall by Louis Groarke The Society July 5, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 12 Comments . Snowfall: Via Negativa “Less is more.” ---Literary Dictum Out on the highway, snow settles in place Covering the tracks the traffic has traced Blotting out edges, disguising the rough Burying the world...
‘Independence Day?’: A Fourth of July Poem by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society July 4, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau 43 Comments . Independence Day? a rondeau Some dared. Some died. With pluck and pride And guts and grit the brave defied Despotic rule. They stripped the foe Of dominance below a glow Of stars...
A Fourth of July Limerick by Paul A. Freeman The Society July 4, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Limerick, Poetry 8 Comments . Fourth of July Limerick Top left, there’s an oblong that’s blue; add in fifty stars, white in hue. To offset the stars are parallel bars, six white, seven red, straight and true. . . Paul A....
‘America Is Not the Same’: A Poem by Richard Lackman The Society July 3, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . America Is Not the Same America is not the same. __I do not recognize it. We all know who should bear the blame, __But still we analyze it. The teachers’ unions and the press _ All share part of the...
‘Evra’: A Poem by C.B. Anderson The Society July 3, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 10 Comments . Evra Our grandma Evra was a trifle difficult. If ever sound advice was needed she’d be there, But quiet, not a word until a person asked, And then she’d give it and you’d better listen ‘cause She...
‘Adams Mountain’: A Poem by Leland James The Society July 2, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments . Adams Mountain I gather in from this high place, my shadow sprawled on shivered stone: Dusk drifts down: autumnal shroud upon the rusk-brown earth below, fall colors fading; chimneys trailing smoke,...
‘First Steps in a New World’: A Poem for a Grandfather, by Rafael Moras, Sr. The Society July 2, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments . First Steps in a New World for Toribio Moras, age 14, Vera Cruz, Mexico, 1908 The young Castilian boy set sail, alone, and sought to build a life across the sea. Adrift, so far away, you had no throne, and...
‘This Silence’ and Other Poetry by Anna J. Arredondo The Society July 1, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 24 Comments . . This Silence. Foremost among my woes: _This silence as it grows, __My mind fatigued from listening for your voice; Amid the constant buzz, The thought of what once was--- __Your gaping absence overwhelms...
‘La Campana’ and Other Poetry by Monika Cooper The Society June 30, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . La Campana Ring, grandfather! And ring for liberty. The bell spoke once and, speaking, croaked and cracked. Our gazes bathed its iron in gold hazes As Hebrews treasured tablets their sin split. Its silent...
A Poem on Saint Margaret’s Gospels: ‘Miracle of the Book’ by Margaret Coats The Society June 29, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 31 Comments . Miracle of the Book Distance was short, but porters would be needed, And sacks were packed with small necessities. I wrapped the Gospel book and then proceeded Along the rowan-bordered road with ease. Only...
Two Versions of Psalm 23 in Poetry, by Warren Bonham The Society June 27, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 13 Comments . Psalm 23: King David’s Version When I was just a hungry sheep __and I was lonely, lost and scared, You somehow found me, fed me, led me, __showed me just how much You cared. When in the valley with its...
‘Darkface at Dusk’: A Poem on Death by Martin Rizley The Society June 25, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . Darkface at Dusk "Death is swallowed up in victory" ---1 Cor. 15:4 At twilight, as I walked in solitude Along a country lane, unpaved and worn, Past gloomy fields, of springtime’s verdure shorn, My...
‘Job’s Rant’ and Other Poetry by Cynthia Erlandson The Society June 24, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Job’s Rant Job 3: 3-10 . May darkness and death’s shadow claim the day When I was sent to bear the curse of earth. May clouds blot out the night that gave me birth And drown it in the densest...
‘This Is the Choice’: A Poem by Michael Charles Maibach The Society June 23, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments . This Is the Choice The gates of hell Closed from within. No one sends us--- We lock ourselves in. . The gates of Heaven Are open and true, Welcoming souls who Choose to walk through. . This is the...
‘Green’ and Other Nature Poetry by Cheryl Corey The Society June 22, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 12 Comments . Green I’m talking green: the greening ground Of spring and springing hope eternal; The spectrum’s hidden light unbound And animation of all that’s vernal; The pulsing new-found energy Of green,...
‘The Gallows’: A Poem by Christopher Lindsay The Society June 20, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . The Gallows The trial was quick, the verdict read: “Guilty as charged,” the foreman said. The judge declared the man would hang, the leader of a robber gang who stabbed the sheriff with a knife, and made...
‘The Straight-Fishing, Straight-Talking Jiang Ziya’ by Damian Robin The Society June 20, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 14 Comments . The Straight-Fishing, Straight-Talking Jiang Ziya Far off in time and place but still on this small globe, By a river with his beard and stick and robe, A sage thought on a kingdom’s end that war might...
‘Distant Thoughts from Nearby’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society June 19, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 30 Comments . Distant Thoughts from Nearby I need to turn my dog-ears up __and harken to the quietude ____ignored for many years, __and contemplate my solitude, ____expressing through my tears Incautious songs that made...
‘The House on 58th Street’: A Poem for Father’s Day, by Joseph S. Salemi The Society June 18, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 26 Comments . The House on 58th Street for my father Salvatore J. Salemi (1913-2008) The house on 58th Street stood right by A cemetery—Calvary by name. Looking out our windows we could see A high stone wall,...
‘The Test’ and Other Poetry by Alan Steinle The Society June 17, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau 5 Comments . The Test The second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' —Jesus (Matthew 22:39, NASB1995) Is every trial just a self-created test? Perhaps we do not grow until we have been...
‘The Number 207: The Road to Nowhere’: A Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society June 17, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . The Number 207: The Road to Nowhere Oh once along the Road to Nowhere That used to be the Uxbridge Road You’d board and pay the tuppenny bus fare And go where milk and honey flowed. For this was then a...
‘Anesthesia’ and Other Poetry by Jeffrey Essmann The Society June 16, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 5 Comments . Anesthesia Where was I for that half an hour or so While somewhere deep inside me they explored? The body’s secrets mine so far outsoared, I’d been sent off someplace I didn’t know. And “sleep”...
‘The Moselle’: A Poem on the European River, by Margaret Coats The Society June 14, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 28 Comments . The Moselle Tranquil meandering alluvion, From Vosges pink sandstone hills it percolates In rillets past rich vines in echelon To cradle villages of varied traits. Saint Castor limns a linear regime, Both...
A Petrarchan Sonnet for a Spring Day, by Jane M. Schulert The Society June 14, 2023 Beauty, High School Submissions, Poetry 13 Comments . Sonnet When sitting on a swing my cheeks were chilled, I gazed and saw the dawn, a new spring day. I knew those colors soon would fade away, But for a moment, time had slowed and stilled. The sky was...
‘Commodore Perry Opens Japan’ and Other Japan-Inspired Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society June 13, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Haiku and Senryu, Limerick, Poetry 29 Comments . Commodore Perry Opens Japan On July 8, 1853, on the orders of President Millard Fillmore, Commodore Matthew Perry led four American ships into the harbor at Tokyo Bay, seeking to pierce Japan’s isolation...
The ‘Muse’: A Poem by Leland James The Society June 7, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 11 Comments . The “Muse” A sailboat, small, unvarnished wood, her sail a swath, a patch, of red fastened by type-9 yo-yo string to a pencil mast and a stick of boom; a sailboat, small, unvarnished wood atop a...
A Poem on Piero della Francesca’s Fresco, and Other Poetry by Mary Jane Myers The Society June 6, 2023 Art, Beauty, Ekphrastic, Love Poems, Poetry 16 Comments . Quattrocento On the Fresco “Madonna del Parto” by Piero della Francesca, Monterchi, Italy, circa 1460 We file into a silent darkened room. Now, a stagelight floods the wall to show bright colors of a...
A Poem on Creation, by D.R. Rainbolt The Society June 5, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . Creation From deep within eternity, the soundOf song burst out! As Perfect Fullness stirred,A melody in wisdom wrought, profound,Complex in form and powerful in wordReverberated…...
‘Emptiness’ and Other Poetry by Jeffrey Essmann The Society June 4, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments . Emptiness “There’s emptiness and then there’s emptiness,” the wise old voice inside me sighing said (and maybe not so wise as old, I’d guess): the emptiness that sits like something dead and leaden...
Poems for Parents Whose Children Are Going Away to College, by Paddy Raghunathan The Society June 4, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Pantoum, Poetry 6 Comments . Come September a pantoum Ohio State’s your home come September, Though we'll be lonely, stuck as empty nesters. Our home will be without its central member, When college life will beckon each...
In Response to a C.B. Anderson Poem, and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society June 2, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire 17 Comments . Note to a Sloppy Homeowner in response to C.B. Anderson's “Know How to Mow” Increasing rates are musts for folks like you. “Annoyance tax.” I mowed your lawn last time. I chose the route and sent...
‘To Music’ and Other Poetry by Martin Rizley The Society June 2, 2023 Beauty, Music, Poetry 21 Comments . To Music Oh, Music, wherein lies your wondrous power To pierce the barren heart and open wide Joy's floodgate in the soul, that from inside Fresh streams may flow that make the desert flower? By what...