‘We Must Invest in Self-Investigation’: A Poem by Damian Robin The Society June 1, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments . We Must Invest in Self-Investigation __If past mistakes were soft cupcakes ____to scoff at and reject and so avoid the drill of mending toothaches, __If all the try-out greeds of youth ____were but a crumb...
‘Elegy’: A Poem by Gershon Ben-Avraham The Society May 31, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 14 Comments . Elegy "Beauty can pierce one like a pain." —Thomas Mann, Buddenbrooks When Mother died, she left me all her books. Bewitched by words, how much she loved to read. And chief among her loves was...
‘America’: A Memorial Day Poem by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 29, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . America America, vast land of dreams __From sea to shining sea, Where eagles soar and twilight gleams __On Lady Liberty; America, you lit the way For those who sought a brighter day __In glorious...
A Poem for Memorial Day, by James A. Tweedie The Society May 29, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . With Liberty and Justice for All Old Glory may have stripes and stars, But on those stars and stripes are stains— Reminders of a past that’s ours— Where shame, as well as pride, remains. The sweat of...
‘The Great War’: A Poem by Mary Gardner The Society May 29, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . The Great War Ever be their memory, Those interred across the sea, Men who, fighting evil, fell, Who endured the martial Hell; Those who to their homes returned, Shot or shell-shocked, broken,...
‘For My Grandfather’: A Poem by Amadeus V. The Society May 28, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments . For My Grandfather While Sharpton praised low bandits for their grace, And Barack preached self-pity with pure glee, You always taught the simple truth of race. While Black Lives Matter set Pan’s chaos...
‘True Grit’ and Other Poetry by David Whippman The Society May 27, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . True Grit My favourite movie? If I must decide, I'd pick a classic western above all, those epic films of frontier macho pride. Enter the hero, riding straight and tall. There'll be some gunplay, and a bar...
‘The Odd, Flawed and Awed’: A Poem by Warren Bonham The Society May 26, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . The Odd, Flawed and Awed Inspired by “The Cremation of Sam McGee” by Canadian poet Robert W. Service If you hear from God, though the words sound odd, __you must not ignore that voice. That’s what...
Poetry on Butterflies, Insects, and Frogs, by Norma Pain The Society May 24, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 24 Comments . Butterfly Habit Ungainly butterfly, Misdirected flight. Fascinating random, Unpredictable delight. To and fro… up and down And backwards if you please, Bumbling aeronautics Independent of the...
Beatrice and the Ineffable Smile: Canto XXIII of Paradise by Dante Alighieri, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society May 24, 2023 Beauty, Dante, Epic, Poetry, Translation 6 Comments . Beatrice and the Ineffable Smile: Canto XXIII of Paradise by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns Just as a bird that stands watch to ensure __the safety of her brood, beside the...
‘On Second Thought’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society May 23, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Epigrams and Proverbs, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . On Second Thought When words fail, __perhaps it’s not the words at all, __but hobbled minds that cannot call __a lucid image to avail ____the powers of description. When love fades, __it might not be true...
A Poem on Cathedrals by Paul A. Freeman The Society May 23, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 62 Comments . Behind the Cathedral Master masons made these bastions their own by blending crafts, attaining structural awe; from Notre Dame, to Salisbury and Cologne they dazzled kings and stupefied the poor. The scale...
Poems from ‘The Still Beloved’ by Amado Nervo, Translated by Alan Steinle The Society May 21, 2023 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry, Translation 22 Comments . Poems from 'The Still Beloved' ('La Amada Inmóvil') by Amado Nervo (1870-1919) translated from the Spanish by Alan Steinle The poems below are selections from the book La Amada Inmóvil: Versos a Una...
‘A Poetic Heretic’s Poetry Tips’ and Other Poetry on Poetry, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 20, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 34 Comments . A Poetic Heretic’s Poetry Tips a villanelle inspired by Dr. Salemi's essay "Poetry As The Philosophers Stone" Don’t listen to the howl of highbrow spiel From preachy creatures out to flatten...
‘La Corona’ and Other Poetry by Monika Cooper The Society May 19, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . La Corona A childhood scene recalled by Trump of his mother, Mary MacLeod Trump, in The Art of the Deal, with a parallel to English-Scottish history. Two popes, two presidents. Two queens. Recall How...
‘Rhymeless in Manama’ and Other Poetry by Wael Almahdi The Society May 18, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . Rhymeless in Manama My UK friend said, “Rhyme is old, you need to venture free and bold.” My Turkish friend said, “Rhyme's a must, a rhymeless bard deserves no trust.” But I found out I needn't...
‘Canyon de Chelly’: A Poem by James A. Tweedie The Society May 17, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . Canyon de Chelly Reflections of a Non-Native Visitor . An updraft from the red-rock canyon floor Blows through the mesa’s Piñon pine and sage As ravens, wings outstretched, in freedom soar Between the...
‘Spring’s Here!’: A Springtime Poem by Rohini Sunderam The Society May 16, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 16 Comments . Spring’s Here! It’s sprung in the branches and springs home to me, It soars through the sap and the buds in the tree. The geese have returned and the flowers and bees Are buzzing with life and perfuming...
‘Bach’s Amazing Journey’ and Other Bach Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society May 16, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry 35 Comments . Bach's Amazing Journey In the autumn of 1705, when Johann Sebastian Bach was 20, he set out to travel over 275 miles (each way) on foot from Arnstadt, Thuringia, in the heart of what is now Germany, to...
‘The Garbageman’: A Poem by Jeffrey Essmann The Society May 15, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 15 Comments . The Garbageman Adrift amid a world that’s lost all rhyme, Where reason reels from first degree assault, It’s little wonder that from time to time One’s inner life can lapse into default. Our former...
‘The Power of One’: A Poem by Roy E. Peterson The Society May 15, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 25 Comments . The Power of One You think that you're alone. There's nothing to be done. But I say, "You have strength. It is the Power of One." You may have had ideas That you have told to someone. They may have laughed...
From a Grandmother to Her Grandaughter: Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 14, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . Newness a sonnet corona for Doris I watch you view the newness of your world. Your widened eyes are dazzled by the light. Your fists of curiosity unfurl Like flexing wings on chicks who dream of...
‘The Ballad of the Heroic Mother’ and Other Poetry for Mother’s Day by Joshua C. Frank The Society May 14, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 29 Comments . The Ballad of the Heroic Mother a true story A toddler into water fell __And sank as quick as rock. At nine feet deep, she couldn’t yell __Or jump or thrash in shock. Her mother heard the splash...
‘On the Divine Mercy’: A Poem by Eustache Deschamps, Translated by Margaret Coats The Society May 11, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 29 Comments . On the Divine Mercy Seven times the just man falls, and rises again. ---Proverbs 24:16 by Eustache Deschamps (1346-1406) translated by Margaret Coats The just man seven times a day offends, Says Solomon’s...
A Poem on ‘Land and Lake and Sky’ and Other Poetry by Martin Rizley The Society May 11, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 25 Comments . Land and Lake and Sky Here standing by the margin of a lake, I look into its waters, cool and deep, Then scan its surface, glassy and opaque, Rimmed by the ancient hills, sublime and steep. They rise up...
‘Why Can’t I Marry My Pit Bull?’ and Other Poems by Norma Pain The Society May 10, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 28 Comments . Why Can’t I Marry My Pit Bull? Why can’t I marry my pit bull? He’d make an incredible spouse, In spite of the dog hair and doo-doo, He’d always be king in my house. He’d listen whenever I talked to...
‘Ode to the Turnip’: A Poem by Paul A. Freeman The Society May 9, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 31 Comments . Ode to the Turnip Oh, turnip! You’re a vegetable maligned, suggestive of a drunk’s empurpled nose. Baked, or boiled, or steamed, on you I’ve dined, then revelled in a peaceful night’s repose. Your...
‘Bend in the River’: A Poem by Leland James The Society May 8, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 15 Comments . Bend in the River In looking back, a moment since it seems, the river ran, a fawn, leaping, cavorting; and I beside would follow to the sea. The river widened, hurried, running fleet, bright, quickened...
‘Poet, What Dreamer Thou Art’: A Poem by Cheryl Corey The Society May 8, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire, Villanelle 18 Comments . Poet, What Dreamer Thou Art "I feel more and more every day, that as my imagination strengthens, that I do not live in this world alone, but in a thousand worlds." ---John Keats I’m busy doing nothing,...
A Poem Inspired by the Coronation of King Charles III, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 7, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 35 Comments . An Unexpected Smile inspired by the coronation of King Charles III Today I woke before the sun had spread Her golden grin across the Texas skies. With childlike zest and joy I leapt from bed To cram my...
DoorWay Canto 2 Extract from James Sales’ Epic Poem The Society May 6, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 16 Comments . DoorWay Canto 2, Extract The Poet has gone through the ‘DoorWay’ and entered heaven. Here in the second Canto and in the constellation of Libra he meets his dead grandfather (who was a Libran: 30/7) and...
‘Planets, Gods and Weekdays’: A Poem by Isabella Simmonds The Society May 4, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 23 Comments . Planets, Gods and Weekdays Alarms are snoozed, and Monday's born. A few more snores as dreams are shorn, And sleep is corked by clanging horn; __The moon's bereft, Her silver day now dimmed and worn __By...
‘Sophisticated Lady—Small Town Girl’: A Poem by Mark Stellinga The Society May 3, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Readings 6 Comments . . Sophisticated Lady—Small Town Girl “Sophisticated lady” gropes the table at her bedside, blindly taking random swipes to kill the morning scream That shatters little privacies she shares with no...
‘The Sonogram’ and Other Poetry by Jeffrey Essmann The Society May 1, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire 11 Comments . The Sonogram Dodona housed the oracle of Zeus, And there the Greeks sought his prophetic aid (Whose force depended on how much they’d paid) In auguries divinely quite abstruse. Beneath his sacred oak they...
A Recipe and a Poem: ‘Chicken and Andouille Gumbo’ and Other Poetry by Mary Gardner The Society May 1, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . Chicken and Andouille Gumbo Try my gumbo recipe From the land of andouille: ½ cup unsalted butter; ½ cup all-purpose flour Melt the butter, whisk in flour, Cook and stir a quarter-hour Till it’s...
On the Passing of the Poet’s Wife: A Poem by Tod Benjamin The Society April 29, 2023 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 10 Comments . A Requiem for Suzi She fed the birds, she knew them all by name; She cried to see a small dog hurt or lame; She stroked stray cats and even wild ones tamed. __She was wonderful, we loved her. She loved all...
‘Delightfully Mine’: A Poem by Margaret Coats The Society April 27, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 32 Comments . Delightfully Mine Of handsome landscapes I admire, How few were planned to please my sight. High skies of which I never tire Are gifts of light, not owned by right. The borrowed mountainsides I see Beyond...
‘Encapsulations of Classic Texts’: Four Poems by Joshua C. Frank The Society April 27, 2023 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . Encapsulations “It’s a shame that the tradition of producing small poetic encapsulations of classic texts seems to have died out.” ---Joseph S. Salemi . I. The Way of Peace an alexandroid Thomas a...
‘La Luna’ and Other Poetry by Monika Cooper The Society April 26, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . La Luna The poet compares the moon to Eve, our fallen but redeemed mother, and the sun to Mary, daughter of Eve and Mother of us all; she celebrates Our Lady’s victory over witchcraft, communism,...
A Poem for New Writers: ‘The Window Seat’ by D.T. Holt The Society April 25, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire 24 Comments . The Window Seat “They don’t read poets till they’re dead.” That’s what my wise-guy father said. “They wait till they have gone away ‘fore caring what they had to say. Still if that’s what you...