Beatrice Does Not Smile: Canto XXI of Paradise by Dante Alighieri, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society April 24, 2023 Beauty, Dante, Epic, Poetry, Translation 6 Comments . Beatrice Does Not Smile: Canto XXI of Paradise by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns And now my eyes were fastened once again __upon my lady’s face, and all the while __Beatrice __my...
A Poem on Social Media Vanity: ‘Awaiting Adulation’ and Other Poetry by Warren Bonham The Society April 23, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . Awaiting Adulation We all spend our lives awaiting adulations’ late arrival. We’re convinced that’s all we need for our emotional survival. So, we count up every “Like” and then we add them to each...
Two Cinquains by Tiree MacGregor The Society April 21, 2023 Beauty, Blank Verse, Education, Poetry 6 Comments . A Novice Speaks to a Guardian Tell me, Oh honoured one, The secret of the Way, Of how to live, to reach the place Of light! . The Guardian’s Reply Kid, train And work hard; doubt The self; gain all you...
Poems on a Vilhelm Kyhn Painting and Jan. 6 Writer Julie Kelly, by Bruce Dale Wise The Society April 20, 2023 Acrostic, Art, Beauty, Culture, Ekphrastic, Poetry 7 Comments . A Picture of Repose A young boy’s seated on a wall that overlooks Capri, an oil painting by Dane Peter Vilhelm Carl Kyhn, where a rock ridge arises over architextured walls, with arches, domes and towers...
A Poem on Friendship and Other Poetry by Stephen M. Dickey The Society April 19, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments . Friendship When was it first struck up? Nobody knows. It’s carried us through heydays, drabs, and falls. An unsown balm, ex nihilo it grows Like capers from the cracks in old stone walls. Previously...
‘Art Freezes Time’: A Poem for National Poetry Month by Roy E. Peterson The Society April 16, 2023 Art, Beauty, Poetry 15 Comments . Art Freezes Time Great art freezes time when a painting is hung. An image of beauty eternally young. Who painted the pictures that hang on this wall? I talked to the soul that had painted them all: “So...
‘Restoration of Nôtre Dame’: A Poem by Margaret Coats The Society April 14, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 32 Comments . Restoration of Nôtre Dame One Paris evening seven years ago, We walked the neighborhood of Nôtre Dame, But no café had seats. We settled on A bench with the cathedral as tableau, Congenial scene our...
‘The Little Knight’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society April 13, 2023 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry 26 Comments . The Little Knight The kitchen door slams open wide; The boy flies through to play outside. His house becomes his castle’s walls; The distant car horns, clarion calls. A stick becomes a mighty sword; The...
Three Sonnets by Vittorio Alfieri, Translated by Adam Sedia The Society April 12, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Translation 9 Comments . Three Sonnets by Vittorio Alfieri (1749-1803) translated by Adam Sedia . LXXIV Melancholy, why take your only seat On this, my miserable heart---oh, why? A trembling supplicant, I yet entreat: Oh,...
‘Walking Near the Waves’: A Love Poem by Daniel Howard The Society April 11, 2023 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 10 Comments . Walking Near the Waves When, walking near the waves, with eyes downcast, I look at my reflection from the shore, Which seems to sink towards the ocean’s floor, Weighed down by tears, which into tides have...
‘Parque España, Mexico City’ and Other Sonnets by Geoffrey Smagacz The Society April 10, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, Shakespeare 8 Comments . Parque España, Mexico City I walked until I couldn't walk without at least alighting on a city bench, the first that had a shaded seat, about ten yards from workers digging out a trench to place a pipe to...
‘How Great Thou Art’: An Easter Ballade by Brian Yapko The Society April 9, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments . How Great Thou Art __An Easter Ballade . It’s Easter. I can hear the choir sing. The gospels have been prayed upon and read And now I cheer the news the watchmen bring With shouts of “He is risen!” I...
A Poem for Easter Day: ‘After the Storm’ by Martin Rizley The Society April 9, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . After the Storm All darkness past, the sun now shines Through shredded storm clouds drained of rain; Its bright beams crown, as day declines, The Victor’s head, now free of pain– That holy head, which...
‘Hymn’ and Other Poetry for Easter Sunday by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 9, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry 21 Comments . Hymn I met Him on that Sunday afternoon I trod the Kentish cobbles through the streets Of Rochester past dwellings in the gloom Of fog laced with the waft of teashop treats. I entered the cathedral...
An Easter Poem and Song: ‘The Shroud of Death’ by James A. Tweedie The Society April 8, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry 12 Comments . . The Shroud of Death The shroud of death’s night-shadow fled Before the dawning light of day; Unveiling tombs wherein the dead In grave and solemn stillness lay. And earth-life voices stirred the...
‘Of St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague’: A Poem by Isabel Scheltens The Society April 8, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . Of St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague Once I used to live a waking dream Devoid of starlight: lanterns on the hill Betwined the huddled palaces which gleam In reverence to the crown cathedral’s will. I saw her...
A Poem for Good Friday on Grűnewald’s Crucifixion, by James A. Tweedie The Society April 7, 2023 Art, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 21 Comments . Deconstructing Grűnewald’s Crucifixion It isn’t de rigueur these days to show A bloodied, tortured Jesus on the cross. Post-moderns would prefer we came to know Him as innocuous instead of gross. No...
Four Poems of a Theological Nature, by C.B. Anderson The Society April 7, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 27 Comments . The Faithful Who Have Chosen Not to Wait He rose and told us He would come again To supervise a world of righteous men And women who believed in what He’d said, That both the living and the wakened...
‘The Wound in Christ’s Side’: A Poem by Margaret Coats The Society April 5, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 43 Comments . The Wound in Christ's Side Culprits inflicted countless injuries On Jesus’ body during fifteen hours; The spear-thrust (last of loathsome savageries) Ripped out from His dead Heart, for sins of ours, Water...
‘True North’: A Poem by Leland James The Society April 4, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 11 Comments . True North Light, opalescent, swirls the arctic bright; Siberian, Scandinavian, Alaskan lights. The morning sun, Aurora, hides her face. King David sings a chariot’s fiery flight, a psalmody of light,...
‘The End’ and Other Poems by Anna J. Arredondo The Society April 3, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . The End Unraveled string may be rewound, __A hidden thing be sighted; A missing object may be found, __A fallen object righted; A candle snuffed can be relit, __And if a glass has spilled, That doesn’t...
‘Regret’ and Other Poetry by Serene Vannoy The Society April 2, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments . Regret The rivulets, the patterns in the glass, the dots of rain that race down to the sill, the treacle speed of days that somehow pass, she thinks will kill her, but they never will. It wasn't all her...
Three Poems for National Poetry Month, by Roy E. Peterson The Society April 2, 2023 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Education, Poetry 16 Comments . The Mystery of Poetry The mystery of poetry __is found between the lines. The poet sends the signals while __the sentence shows the signs. Alliterative artifices __alert the adept minds. The power of each...
‘La Muerte’ and Other Poetry by Monika Cooper The Society March 31, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . La Muerte In those days, no king ruled in Ithaca. A pack moved in with communist ideals: An orgy funded by another’s store. Wine flowed like beer, with all the women free. All except one. Plus one too old...
‘Shishaldin’: A Poem on the Active Alaskan Volcano, by Adam Sedia The Society March 29, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 7 Comments . Shishaldin Radiant angel, bathed in light, Gleaming opalescent white _On the smooth, sheer snow Clothing your smooth symmetry-- Smooth cone, sculpted gracefully _Like no peak I know--- Rising from the icy...
‘Ballerina’: A Poem by Michael Pietrack The Society March 28, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Performing Arts, Poetry, Readings 51 Comments . . Ballerina The balanced ballerina on her toe was poised with perfect posture—back and chest. The crowd, in silent awe, enjoyed the show, as she maintained a flawless arabesque. The dancer twirled to...
‘Song of the Wailing Women’: A Poem by Margaret Coats The Society March 27, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 25 Comments . Song of the Wailing Women Her spirit has gone forth. Return her to the earth, Released from work and words; In death she is the Lord’s. Did Adam bury Eve? Leave Abraham to grieve The wife no longer...
‘In My Wilderness’ and Other Poetry by Warren Bonham The Society March 27, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 7 Comments . In My Wilderness Once, I thought I saw things clearly. Certainty felt quite sincerely. But, my path was very nearly Overgrown by worldliness. Without charts or maps beside me. With no compass there to guide...
‘The Cat Who Barked’ and Other Poetry by Sally Cook The Society March 26, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 28 Comments . The Cat Who Barked There is a row of trees that crowd the ground, They’re dark and still. My cat lies in that spot. His tiger stripes were equal all around, But now lie wrapped in shrouds and put to...
‘Promise’: A Spring Poem by William Tryon The Society March 26, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment . Promise While winter holds her icy grip __There’s promise in south breezes That make their yearly northward trip--- __Springtime, she comes and teases. The snow and ice as water run forth __As she firmly...
‘The Glass Delusion of King Charles VI of France’ by Shaun C. Duncan The Society March 25, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 28 Comments . The Glass Delusion of King Charles VI of France ‘His malady grew worse every day until his mind was completely gone. Sometimes he thought he was made of glass and would not let himself be touched. He had...
‘The Dandelion’: A Poem by Leland James The Society March 22, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . The Dandelion Suburbia frowns upon her sunlit face: “Out, out thou upstart weed!” Poor Dandelion —like sisters Cinderella, Queen Anne’s lace— a beauty cast aside; no bed to lie in. Medicinal,...
A Poem for World Poetry Day: ‘To the Reader of Verse’ by Paul Buchheit The Society March 21, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Readings 18 Comments . To the Reader of Verse Ah, lover, critic, arbiter of verse, divulge your passions, fill a lusting soul with praises. Let the balladeer coerce the skeptic. Let the troubadour cajole Antaéus: wrestle not with...
‘Old Orphan’: A Poem by Jeffrey Essmann The Society March 19, 2023 Beauty, Ekphrastic, Poetry 13 Comments . Old Orphan They’re over on my dresser, simply framed And looking 1940s fresh and young. There’s something to them holy and unnamed, Some song inside them waiting to be sung. And I their youngest, young...
‘The Last Night That We Met’: A Poem by Tiree MacGregor The Society March 18, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 17 Comments . The Last Night That We Met in memoriam CQD, Halifax, February, 2001 We gripped hands awkwardly. I’d grasped your shoulder To say goodbye, and, that cold winter night A month before your death, you asked...
‘St. Jerome’s Cicero Obsession’ by Joshua C. Frank The Society March 16, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . St. Jerome’s Cicero Obsession based on St. Jerome’s letter to his disciple St. Eustochium in Rome, A.D. 384 When I was young and foolish long ago, I traveled to Jerusalem alone To fast and pray away from...
Beatrice Smiles: Canto XXXI of Purgatory by Dante Alighieri, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society March 15, 2023 Beauty, Dante, Epic, Poetry, Translation 7 Comments . Beatrice Smiles: Canto XXXI of Purgatory by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns “You, on the other side of the sacred river,” __Lethe __she called to me, and sharply to the point,...
‘The Sea Cliffs’ and Other Poetry by Martin Rizley The Society March 14, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 13 Comments . The Sea Cliffs Imposing, somber, motionless they stand, Like ranks of rugged soldiers primed for war, They stand where they have always stood before Through generations—guardians of the land. In dark...
‘Britomart and Marinell’: A Faerie Queene-Inspired Poem by Jeremiah Johnson The Society March 13, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . Britomart and Marinell In Edmund Spenser's epic poem, The Faerie Queene, Britomart is a female knight who represents the virtue of chastity. Marinell is a knight whose mother has prophesied that he...
‘The Scottish Gourmand’: A Poem by Wael Almahdi The Society March 12, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . The Scottish Gourmand A culture-rich country which lay to the east where we were invited to conference and feast from Cuba to China, and some of the rest they bade them here gather and money invest for...