‘Where Ever-present Joy Knows Naught of Time’ and Other Poetry by Cynthia Erlandson The Society December 29, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé 25 Comments . “Where Ever-present Joy Knows Naught of Time” ---Dante, Paradiso, Canto X, D.L. Sayers translation a rondeau redouble Where ever-present joy knows naught of time, The music of infinity is sung In...
‘Freedom in Forgiveness’: A Villanelle by Dan Tuton The Society December 28, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 17 Comments . Villanelle for Timothy When chains of cold resentment in the end Entangle souls and circle ‘round to bind, There’s freedom in forgiveness, my dear friend. When grievance woos the wounded to offend And...
‘On Attending a Holiday Ensemble with My Wife’ by Jeremiah Johnson The Society December 27, 2022 Beauty, Music, Poetry 8 Comments . On Attending a Holiday Ensemble with My Wife We’re gathered in a colleague’s home, Invited to this performance; Watching musicians’ fingers roam, I’m taken to when providence Crossed mine with Dr....
‘Wisdom’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society December 26, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 24 Comments . Wisdom When young I dreamed of someday being wise, And pictured brilliant input holding sway. But via jolts of life now realize, There’s wisdom also in what you don’t say. . . No One Fully Measures...
‘St. Joseph’s Hymn of Praise’ and Other Christmas Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society December 25, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Villanelle 27 Comments . St. Joseph's Hymn of Praise Matthew 2: 10-15: “And when the Magi were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee...
‘Glory in the Night’ by Martin Rizley The Society December 24, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments . Glory in the Night It was a night like any night, when in the evening chill Cold shepherds sat by bonfire's light on many a naked hill To warm themselves while watching over flocks of wandering sheep That...
‘The Animals on Christmas Eve’ by Sally Cook The Society December 24, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 27 Comments . The Animals on Christmas Eve Some boarded dogs stayed for a while Until their owners took them home; I walked them all, in single file, But left the cows and pigs alone. My mother went the extra mile For...
‘Nativity Scene’ and Other Christmas Eve Poetry by Margaret Coats The Society December 24, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 43 Comments . Nativity Scene The hour draws near to midnight, and a priest Completes his preparations for the feast, Assisting at last practice with the choir, Inspecting layout in a makeshift stable, Checking on the...
‘The Present—Tense’ by Damian Robin The Society December 23, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 14 Comments . The Present---Tense The partial thaw of yesterday now slips Beneath a crust of light that is white snow. This snow is hiding stumbling blocks that trip Intrepid elders' steps to broken hips As small-warmed...
‘Mother’s TV’ and Other Poetry by James Kirkpatrick The Society December 20, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Triolet 15 Comments . Mother’s TV It numbs regretBut, better yet,Helps her forget,Lest devils spawn. It quells each thoughtOf folly’s rotLost, sold, or bought,From dawn till dawn. Time Confounder,Siren Sounder,Demon Drowner...
‘The Tartini Tones’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society December 18, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry 26 Comments . The Tartini Tones Combination tones generated by violins of good quality can be easily heard, affecting the perception of the intervals. The harmonic content of the dyad is enriched by the combination tones...
‘Winter’s Perfection’ and Other Poetry by Carl Kinsky The Society December 18, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments . Winter’s Perfection A Zen aesthetic guides winter’s perfection--- uncluttered, austere, natural, still, subtle, embracing flaws and daring introspection, a quiet season, slow, without the hustle of...
‘The Portrait’ and Other Poetry by Lionel Willis The Society December 17, 2022 Art, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . The Portrait I dreamed I was an artist, and had made A likeness of the one I loved for all To wonder at, and, that the homage paid Might grow, I hung it on a trendy wall. It was a likeness, but had...
‘Toward Yehuling, 1211’ by Talbot Hook The Society December 15, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Toward Yehuling, 1211 Unfolding steppes emerge as flattened plains Of long grasses of gold and April-green, While crystal streams, like bold and careless children, Careen away through boundless fallow...
‘Lessons in Love’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 15, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 52 Comments . Lessons in Love inspired by William George Falconer (1922 – 2006) I. The First The photo flew from Grandad’s falling wallet. It fluttered to the floor within my reach. I picked it up and saw the...
‘Supplication to Erato and Melpomene’ and Other Poetry by K.S. Anthony The Society December 15, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 6 Comments . Supplication to Erato and Melpomene Erato, decked in crimson roses; green branches of myrtle, Help me forge the words to win her heart: My crippled pen can summon not the words that might make fertile Barren...
A Poem on the Season of Depression: ‘Yet’ by James A. Tweedie The Society December 14, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 13 Comments . Yet The withered dune grass slumps beneath a sere Gray frozen sky, as winter tag-teams fall And nighttime frost compels the Black-Tailed deer To seek out warmer lairs beneath the tall, Cone-laden Sitka...
Upon the Death of the Poet’s Brother: ‘Gathering in the Names’ by Martin Hill Ortiz The Society December 12, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments . Gathering in the Names for Michael Vincent Laureate Ortiz Hill (1957-2022) I'll add names to my life until I'm subtracted, And my name is as long as this poem. There's a scroll with a list of the lives I've...
‘Tuesday Afternoon’ by Jonathan Shoulta The Society December 12, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 11 Comments . Tuesday Afternoon I sit beside a lake and fish, And read The Captive Mind. An hour gone, I stand and switch My bait for a new kind. But cheddar cheese and crawdad square For catfish work the same: In wind...
‘Sister Thérèse Scatters Flowers’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society December 11, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 22 Comments . Sister Thérèse Scatters Flowers Soeur Madèleine has brought me this bouquet--- Vermillion, scarlet, each rose bright and pretty. She’s kind to join me in my cell to pray, But I cannot accept her...
‘Child’s Garden’ by Paul Buchheit The Society December 10, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 22 Comments . Child's Garden To never end, we thought, the morning light that kissed our eyes, and breezes whispering with cherub voices, pausing to invite us to a secret world, and conjuring the whims of pussy willow...
‘Elegy for Miran Sutherland’ by Joshua C. Frank The Society December 9, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 28 Comments . Elegy for Miran Sutherland Miran Sutherland was miscarried at 14 weeks. Read his story here. His earthly life a hundred days, He died inside his mother’s womb. His tiny eyes would never gaze On lights that...
On Ford Madox Brown’s ‘The Last of England’: An Ekphrastic Poem by Jeffrey Essmann The Society December 7, 2022 Beauty, Ekphrastic, Poetry 5 Comments . On Ford Madox Brown's "The Last of England" Their balcony beringed with cabbages, They fix their eyes on the receding shore And blankly call to mind the ravages Now past and wonder at the ones in store. The...
‘Grifters’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society December 6, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 19 Comments . Grifters With smug, aggressive faux urbanity __They do their worst to seize control. They think it signals perfect sanity __When they adopt a regal role, Expecting us to stroke their vanity, __Lest our good...
A Poem for Donald Trump: ‘Nessun Dorma’ by Monika Cooper The Society December 6, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Music, Poetry 4 Comments . Nessun Dorma after the Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni The aria "Nessun Dorma" was played for Donald and Melania Trump's first dance at their wedding in 2005. No sleep tonight. The...
‘Aunt Helen’ by Geoffrey Smagacz The Society December 5, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 16 Comments . Aunt Helen Aunt Helen told me it was time to go. It hurt her to sit upright in the bed, a fact I'd rather that I didn't know. It's OK, I can turn this gear below. Please don't; a flattened mattress hurts my...
‘Advent Poem’ by Alena Casey The Society December 4, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 25 Comments . Advent Poem When October leaves have fallen and November skies are grey, The stores proclaim that Jesus, hope, and joy are on the way. The virgins hear and heed the call (this world they long to flee), And...
‘What Geese May Teach’ and Other Poetry by Sally Cook The Society December 4, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . What Geese May Teach My mother had the power that knowledge wields, So questions such as—Would you like to go? Were never invitations, but commands To fly away, cross yellow fields and low, Like summer...
‘Last Letter from Florence’ by Lionel Willis The Society December 3, 2022 Art, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . Last Letter from Florence A recent incident recalls the fears Your letters have expressed: that seven years In this art-laden place might rob me of Whatever you once thought that you could love: The flat I...
‘Instructions Set in Bone’ and Other Poetry by Peter Lillios The Society December 2, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry, Readings 21 Comments . . Instructions Set in Bone With my own knife, by my own hand, I carve these words in no-man’s-land Upon the skull of my late foe, Who sheltered here some weeks ago. He’d only paused to rest a...
‘Boots Before Us’ and Other Poetry by Julian Woodruff The Society December 1, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . Boots Before Us a sequel to "Shear Wickedness" The time had come. Poor Boots was sinking low, and further down no fitting place to know. Our burden was to fix the bottom floor and see our old friend gently...
‘Late Autumn Twilight’ by Martin Rizley The Society November 29, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 24 Comments . Late Autumn Twilight The still earth beckons sweetly. I must go. The dry reeds on the creek have gathered round. The waters, in suspense, have ceased to flow. Along the bank, no creature makes a...
‘For HE Who Is The Light’ by Gail Kaye Naegele The Society November 28, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 14 Comments . For HE Who Is The Light There's been a spell of nightmares since He left. Like Job, I am the likeness of distress. I pine in piles of crumbling stones bereft; deprived of Him I'm worn in wretchedness. When...
‘Somewhere in Time’ by Brian Yapko The Society November 27, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Science 32 Comments . Somewhere in Time . Tuesday, August 13, In the Year of Our Lord 1895 Dear Wells, despite your sober apprehension, I’m grateful that you’ve granted me the boon Of borrowing your brilliant new invention. I...
‘Ode to Winter’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society November 26, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 34 Comments . Ode to Winter A honeypool of sun seeps from the skies. The crisp and clingy leaves have lost their grip. __My scarlet spirits dip As gold and russet highs bid cold goodbyes. I feel your icy bite in...
‘God’s Finger on Whittaker Chambers’ by Joshua C. Frank The Society November 25, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 30 Comments . God’s Finger on Whittaker Chambers My baby miracle so dear Smeared oatmeal on her face; I saw her perfect seashell ear, Curving like a vase, The pinkest little fiddlehead, In spiral like a scroll. How...
‘Thanksgiving 2022’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society November 24, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 27 Comments . Thanksgiving 2022 Today’s the day we gather and embrace The chance to join in praise for gifts we share. We cuddle, chat and chortle---face-to-face. We’re social souls not meant to sit and stare At...
‘Thanksgiving Memories’ by James A. Tweedie The Society November 24, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . Thanksgiving Memories A honeyed ham impaled with clove; Mashed yam with bits of sweet pecan; A turkey lurking in the stove With tryptophan to make us yawn. Tomato juice with horseradish Lime Jell-o mixed...
‘A Thanksgiving Offering’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society November 24, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 24 Comments . A Thanksgiving Offering We offer thanks to You who made this Earth The sun and stars, for health and love and mirth. For granting us the sacred gift of life Along with faith to overcome all strife; For...
‘When Light Begins to Dim’ by James Green The Society November 23, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments . When Light Begins to Dim When light begins to dim and color fades, the shape of things begins to matter more. An edge defines, the angles hint, and shades of layered grays I never knew before come faintly...