‘An Oldie’s Valentine Love Poem’ by Jeff Eardley The Society February 14, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 9 Comments . An Oldie's Valentine Love Poem We met when she was seventeen, The fairest maid I’d ever seen. With eyes of blue and flaxen hair, My mouth agape, I had to stare, And wonder, if a girl like she, Would ever...
A Valentine: ‘To a Girl Named Olivia’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society February 13, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Love Poems, Poetry 19 Comments . To a Girl Named Olivia What shall I say to you of untold love In this more than empty space that lies between Our two selves wound in tongue-tied reticence? I have touched your hand in images and dreams, As...
‘Road Trip’: A Villanelle by Evan Mantyk The Society February 12, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 26 Comments . Road Trip I ride the countryside for you my friend. The white and yellow lines can’t separate The dots I will connect at this trip’s end. With spinning force that pushes on the bend Until the highway...
‘No Going Back’ and Other Poetry by Peter Hartley The Society February 10, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments . No Going Back We feel our lives are slowly closing round Us when the nights grow longer than the days, When winter brings us sadness and malaise, And all around us is a chill profound. Across the moss the...
‘The Agony and The Ecstasy’ by Gail Kaye Naegele The Society February 7, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . The Agony and The Ecstasy I beg among the lonely hours__oblivious to time and spaceand pace beneath the Sistine towers__where pigments paint my puzzled face.Why call me to divine commission,as if I am the...
‘A Winter Snow’ by Phil S. Rogers The Society February 6, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Rhupunt 3 Comments . A Winter Snow a rhupunt The white snow falls in swirling walls that so enthralls as in my youth. The wind is slight; flakes from great height a blissful sight--- whole life to sleuth. Each crystal flake a...
‘Ode to Joy’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society February 5, 2022 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Music, Poetry 29 Comments . Ode to Joy My final symphony---my best by far!--- Which crowns a challenged life of brilliant works. Vienna’s finest came! Some from afar: Nobility, musicians, Prussians, Turks. A triumph! Yet it made my...
‘Great Lakes Weather Gaffe’ and Other Poetry by Julian Woodruff The Society February 4, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments . Great Lakes Weather Gaffe Beyond the equinox by thirty days, With trees and shrubs bedecked in glorious bloom, Onto the scene the weirdest weather strays And plunges all back into winter’s gloom. Snow...
‘Those Who Go Down to the Sea in Ships’ by James A. Tweedie The Society February 3, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments . Those Who Go Down to the Sea in Ships a poetic paraphrase of Psalm 107:23-30 The men who go down to the sea in their ships, Who sail on the water and pursue their trade, The sound of the sea echoes back from...
‘Missed Call’ and Other Poetry by Cara Valle The Society February 2, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . Missed Call O Muse, would you call back another time? My little boy, armed with a sharpened stick, winged with a blanket, sure that he can fly, is leaping off the countertop to try things unattempted yet in...
‘Plum Blossom Blessings’ by Margaret Coats The Society January 31, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 33 Comments . Plum Blossom Blessings The pine, bamboo, and plum are winter’s friends, Yet plum trees bloom to overcome the chill And herald spring. Resilient health extends Throughout my struggling mind and body...
The 10 Best Love Poems of 2021 The Society January 30, 2022 Beauty, Best Poems, Love Poems, Poetry 5 Comments . The 10 Best Love Poems of 2021 What makes a great love poem? Love is such an emotionally charged topic that the answers to that question are going to vary tremendously depending on who you ask. But all the...
‘Tel Shikmona’ by Judy Koren The Society January 29, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . Tel Shikmona Mosaics here surprise: you wouldn’t know, tramping on thistles, dry late-summer stubble and tripping over rubble, stumbling, slow, that this rough trail leads to the long-ago till...
‘My Mother’s Eyes’ by Carl Kinsky The Society January 29, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 7 Comments . My Mother’s Eyes We took a ride into the countryside to search for bluebells but we first saw phlox. Delighted by the sight my mother cried, “Look at the flowers flutter on the rocks! Look at the...
‘Sir Percival’ by Alan Grant The Society January 28, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments . Sir Percival A quiet desperation lives within my soul: to find the Holy Cup, the Grail; to touch something beyond this mortal pen, and taste my God, His blood, from Cross’s nail. I am not worthy, this I...
‘Solitude’ by Müller and ‘Serenade’ by Rellstab, Translated by Joseph Greene The Society January 28, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Translation 10 Comments . Solitude by Wilhelm Müller (1794-1827) | from German by Joseph Greene As when a cloud is darkened And drifts through sunlit sky, While through the many treetops An icy breeze does fly: As such I make my...
‘Bach in Heidelberg’ by Lionel Willis The Society January 27, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry 7 Comments . Bach in Heidelberg for Marjorie Bach’s chorus didn’t leave us much to say After the Easter Monday concert in The Holy Spirit Church. Taking our way Over the Old Bridge seemed like we’d just...
‘You Are Too Far from Me’ by Arthur Wood The Society January 27, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 4 Comments . You Are Too Far from Me Send me your love for I’ve nothing to write,And my words are vacant or ugly---I slept through the morning, I raved out the night,And you are too far from me. I feel the entropy...
‘The Two Corteges’ by Soulary, Translated by Hadyn Adams The Society January 25, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 4 Comments . The Two Corteges by Joséphin Soulary (1815-1891) | translated from French by Hadyn Adams Within a church two groups of people met: An infant’s funeral cortege, the first: A woman followed, her heart fit...
Two Poems for Burns Night 2022, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 25, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 29 Comments . Toasting Burns His words ring out from windswept glens. __They lilt from lapping lochs. I see love through his red-rose lens; __I hear the midnight clocks In castle nooks chime Auld Lang Syne __As...
‘Dystopia’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society January 24, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . Dystopia Reality is never what it seems To be. It hides itself in shrouds of mist, In bulging envelopes of gilded dreams, In requisite pronations of the wrist That guides the palsied hand that holds the...
Poems by Li Qingzhao, Wang Wei, and Du Mu, Translated by Talbot Hook The Society January 24, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 13 Comments . Mourning the Dead by Li Qingzhao, Southern Song (1084-1155) | from Chinese by Talbot Hook Above in the heavens the star-river flows; Down on the earth the curtains hang low. As the air grows chill, and my...
‘The High Cost of Low Prices’ by Mark F. Stone The Society January 23, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . The High Cost of Low Prices Poetry is what I treasure. Books of poems give me pleasure, but my grief’s been hard to measure, since I did some shopping. “50 Famous Poems”---nifty! Now on sale for just...
‘The Joys of Spring’ by Janice Canerdy The Society January 23, 2022 Beauty, Pantoum, Poetry 5 Comments . The Joys of Spring a pantoum It’s here—sweet long-awaited spring. New blooms smell lovely; skies are blue. The trilling birds are on the wing. Earth has awakened; life is new. New blooms smell lovely;...
‘Disambiguation’ and Other Poetry by Anna J. Arredondo The Society January 22, 2022 Acrostic, Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments . Disambiguation As in the dawn the nature of the beams Of light invading chambers---how they glint, Conceal with shade, or paint with rosy tint--- Reveals the day, not as it is but seems, So, in the natal...
‘To Tchaikovsky’ by A.N. Apukhtin, Translated by Olga Dumer The Society January 22, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry, Translation 13 Comments . To Tchaikovsky by A.N. Apukhtin (1840-1893) | Translated from Russian by Olga Dumer With my musician friend’s departure A minor key pervades my lines. Yet, like a fugue’s evolving texture, Old...
An Extract from Canto 4 of James Sale’s StairWell The Society January 21, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 13 Comments . The English Cantos: StairWell Canto 4 Leaving a broken relationship of the past behind in Canto 3, the poet enters a new world of education and what that means. Before entering a specific establishment, the...
Rescuing Contemporary Poetry from Vers Libre: An Essay by Leland James The Society January 21, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 36 Comments . Rescuing Contemporary Poetry from Vers Libre The conservative & informal vs. the free Before addressing my thesis, let me explain my choice of the word conservative in identifying a category of poetry,...
‘The Heroes of Beijing’: A Sonnet for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, by Evan Mantyk The Society January 21, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 6 Comments . The Heroes of Beijing on the Jan. 21 movie premiere of Unsilenced, just days before the Beijing Winter Olympics As great as it may be to send those hockey Pucks on icy wisps of air into A net as sweet as...
Three Poems on Religion (with a short note) by Joseph S. Salemi The Society January 20, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . Apocalypse The fractured sky splits, flaming at the edge— The earth heaves upwards in explosive wrath. No eye can bear the clay-caked risen dead Sleepwalking through the streets in blackened shrouds. The...
Two Poems by Friedrich Hebbel, Translated by Sean Thompson The Society January 20, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Translation 5 Comments . To Sleep, to Sleep by Friedrich Hebbel | translated from German by Sean Thompson To sleep, to sleep and only sleep And never wake and have no dreams! The bitter woes that made me weep but half-remembered...
‘Self-Exile’ by Geoffrey Smagacz The Society January 20, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . Self-Exile "Parue—nec inuideo—sine me, liber, ibis in urbem.” —Ovid While driving underneath I had to pray: the tunnel, God, had better not cave in— as if New York could make the earth obey. My...
‘Black and Red’ by Daniel Moreschi The Society January 19, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments . Black and Red Within a latent, pathless peak, A mountain’s womb begins to leak The flicker of a fervent hue, When primal mantles stir a brew. This billow turns into a cloud That sprinkles as a stony...
‘Lockdown’ by Caitlin Venniker The Society January 18, 2022 Beauty, Covid-19, Poetry 9 Comments . Lockdown The day sprawls wider than a yawn, a mouth that sucks a ticking clock, a door that lets the wind blow in, but no one comes to lift their fist and knock. The rain outside is free to run and fall and...
‘Sonnetized’ by K. Irene Rieger The Society January 18, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments . Sonnetized “Why poetry?” My chair leans in his chair And slides me a sabbatical-swelled smirk. The past nine months I’d shouldered all his share So he could spend his patriarchal perk In penning pap...
‘Living The Dream’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 17, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . Living The Dream “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” ---Martin Luther King, Jr. The USA gives thanks---hurray For...
‘Let It Bleed’ and Other Poetry by Johnny Payne The Society January 16, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments . Let It Bleed My family believes a puzzle piece is missing, that it’s me and if they snap it in, the family will have peace. The picture will be whole. They’ll close a gap. But as I stand outside, I see...
Four Poems on Truth and Lies, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 16, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau, Triolet 32 Comments . A Truthful Triolet I want the truth. I want to trust The words that trip from lips that lied. I want all doubt to fade to dust. I want the truth. I want to trust. Truth hurts. Truth heals. Truth's heart is...
‘Obsession’: An Alfred Dorn Sonnet and Other Poetry by Tamara Beryl Latham The Society January 15, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 21 Comments . Obsession an Alfred Dorn sonnet As candles gently glow in amber light The picture centered high upon the wall appears to take a life form of its own. Yet, thoughts of her are stronger on this night. He...
‘Caring’ and Other Poetry by Lionel Willis The Society January 15, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 6 Comments . Caring Now, while Winter’s noisy emptiness moans In the flue, Dearest, look out at all these Somberly unimpatient silent trees Holding aloft their abject skeletons: Can new flesh somehow sprout from human...