‘Civis Romanus Sum’ by Alex Rubstein The Society January 14, 2022 Beauty, Culture, High School Submissions, Poetry 8 Comments . Civis Romanus Sum (I am a Roman citizen) As Paul stood bound and for the whip outstretched, He said to the centurion beside, “‘Tis lawful here for you to flog a wretch, A Roman citizen and not yet...
‘The Artist’ and ‘The Biker’ by Shari Jo Lekane The Society January 13, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . The Artist Intuitive journey, subconscious creations refuse to diffuse while the muse makes the choice to infuse mystic magic with personal voice giving birth to original manifestations. Works will cement...
On the Soccer Player Tattoo Ban and Other Poetry by Paul A. Freeman The Society January 12, 2022 Beauty, Human Rights in China, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 11 Comments . Limerick China’s footballers haven’t a clue why they can’t go and get a tattoo, but I think it might be it’s since President Xi is afraid they’ll choose Winnie the Pooh. . . This Urge for the...
‘The A-bomb Dome in Hiroshima’ by Peter Hartley The Society January 12, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments . The A-bomb Dome in Hiroshima The epicentre of the blast was here, This dome, its empty ribcage gaunt and bare, It stands mute testimony to the day A Superfortress, the Enola Gay, Took to the cirrus-marbled...
‘The View from Space’ by Ellie Strano The Society January 11, 2022 Beauty, High School Submissions, Poetry 12 Comments . The View from Space My helmet gone, I float among the stars As weightless as my lungs deprived of air Asphyxiating slowly, I am far From all I love and anyone who cares. The stars are dead already: cold and...
A Poem on Life: ‘Wondrous Us’ by Alan Nordstrom (Reading) The Society January 10, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Readings, Video 4 Comments . https://youtu.be/RMcLVFNbueY . Complete poem text here. CREDITSPoetry: Alan Nordstrom (1939-)Audio/Visual Work: Society of Classical PoetsVoice-Over: Evan MantykPhotos/Footage:“Milky Way with Tree” by...
‘Cascading Nation’ by Jon Parsons The Society January 10, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments . Cascading Nation Now not so much a nation as a place for pushing through a bruit cacophony of cultures in discordant synergy, dismissing calm consensus, wit, and grace as if considered discourse would...
‘Sadness Has Silent Feet’ and Other Poetry by Fr. Bruce Wren The Society January 9, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 12 Comments . Sadness Has Silent Feet Sorrow comes on softened steps, __But joy leaps madly in. Where is she with the golden hair __I would yet see again? Is she now like wind on braes __That sing the brae-wind song? Or...
‘St. Joseph’s Admonition’ and Other Poetry by Gregory Ross The Society January 9, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau 3 Comments . St. Joseph’s Admonition Forget yourself, and do what’s right, Remember how you gained your sight, So do not pause to quench your pain, Your will is strengthened by the strain, But weakened if you do not...
‘The Ninth Day of the Emperor’s Wrath’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society January 7, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé 22 Comments . The Ninth Day of the Emperor's Wrath a rondeau redoublé The stadium roared at the end of the fight. In triumph the victor uplifted his sword. The emperor signaled thumbs down with cold spite. Death’s blow...
‘Good Conscience’ by Ed Ahern The Society January 7, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments . Good Conscience Under our cauls a sleepless giber lurks, A callous judge of all our selfish smirks Who slices through our veils of self delight To show us prancing for unholy cirques. Our ego tells us to...
Poetry by José de Espronceda, Translated by Adam Sedia The Society January 6, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 5 Comments . Sonnet by José de Espronceda (1808-1842) | translated from Spanish by Adam Sedia Fresh, lush, pure, and perfumed luxuriantly, The blooming garden’s flair and ornament, Coxcomb perched on the stem's...
An Excerpt of Jack DesBois’s Western Star for Epiphany: January 6, 2022 The Society January 6, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry, Song Lyrics 4 Comments . https://youtu.be/dYyxThEY71o . An Excerpt from The Western Star for Epiphany, January 6, 2022 The road stretched out forever in the morning, giving Balthazar plenty of time and space for thought. The...
‘The Language of Hope’ by Satyananda Sarangi The Society January 5, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 18 Comments . The Language of Hope The heart forbids the mind to let it go; __Extinguished love has deeper scars, __The foremost friend, the dreaded foe, It burns and scatters flames like broken stars. I pace upon the...
‘Forever Faun’ by Emory D. Jones The Society January 4, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments . Forever Faun In mottled shade of forest stood a faunSo still he seemed to be no living thing;The sun beamed down, already he was gone—His presence was a fleeting sign of Spring.Once in the distant past,...
‘Meditations on Ecclesiastes’ by Cynthia Erlandson The Society January 3, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments . Meditations on Ecclesiastes . Inquiry “What profit has a man for all his labor…?” ---Ecclesiastes 1: 3 None knows what all his work accomplishes; What one begins, another finishes A different way. Or,...
‘So It Is Written’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society January 2, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . So It Is Written The books that I have owned for many years, Still sitting on my shelves or stored in boxes, Have yellowed pages—damaged belvederes— With covers bearing pale mildewy poxes. I’ve read...
‘Forever and Evermore’ by Margaret Hunt Brisbane, Put to Music by Gunny Markefka The Society January 2, 2022 Beauty, Found Poem, Music, Poetry 12 Comments . Introduction In a second-hand bookshop, located in the French Quarter (New Orleans), I discovered a poetry book by Margaret Hunt Brisbane (1858-1925). It had been in mid spring of 2005, a couple of months...
Two Poems for Christmastide by Sally Cook The Society January 1, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 21 Comments . Last Christmas I’d rushed there through the afternoon In someone else’s borrowed car Where you, distressed I’d come too soon, Were giving samples in a jar. The last I ever spoke with you Was in that...
“Lud’s Church” or “The Green Chapel” by Jeff Eardley The Society January 1, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . “Lud's Church" or “The Green Chapel” after Sir Gawain and the Green Knight I travel to this place each New Year’s Day, To where the fluting curlew builds his nest. Upon these stegosaurus hills I...
‘For Auld Lang Syne’ and Other New Year Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society January 1, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 26 Comments . For Auld Lang Syne Each New Year’s Day is like a colander Through which we strain and drain away the days Of auld lang syne, throw out the calendar, And set the count-down-midnight-sky ablaze. Take down...
‘Auld Lang Syne’ by Robert Burns: Poem Reading for New Year’s Day by S.A. Todd The Society December 30, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Readings, Video 8 Comments . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okGcYTF8pHk . CREDITS Poetry: Robert Burns (1759-1796) Audio/Visual Work: Society of Classical Poets Voice-Over: S.A. Todd Photos/Footage: (1) "Drei Mönche bei der...
‘While Unheard Anthems Raise’ and Other Poetry by Roy E. Peterson The Society December 30, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 14 Comments . While Unheard Anthems Raise Nature has a panoply __Of instruments it plays. The forests form the canopy __Uplifting arms in praise. Woodwinds play the melody __Blowing on the reeds. Cold sleet plays the...
‘Fields of Grass’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society December 28, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 14 Comments . Fields of Grass In youth I ran through fields of grass, Convinced that I could fly, And endless were the days to pass Seen through my guileless eye. Childish thoughts and childish games, The fun went on and...
‘Poppy’ and Other Poetry by A.S. Chuba The Society December 27, 2021 Beauty, Culture, High School Submissions, Pantoum, Poetry 7 Comments . Poppy A vase of poppies on the table there, Twelve years have past, all white is now her hair. A shadow running up the path she sees, Her son has come! Her end to miseries. Twelve years have past all white...
‘Sonnet 1 (In Theory, Real)’ by Hannah Yee The Society December 27, 2021 Beauty, Culture, High School Submissions, Poetry 10 Comments . Sonnet 1 (In Theory, Real) Are dreams confined to stars or stars to dreams? Both full of mysteries and seldom clear, Restrained, yet free to dance in vivid streams Of consciousness, of life and fire and...
‘To Saint John the Evangelist’ by Eustache Deschamps, Translated by Margaret Coats The Society December 27, 2021 Beauty, Chant Royal, Culture, Poetry, Translation 14 Comments . To Saint John the Evangelist by Eustache Deschamps (c. 1346–1406) | translated from French by Margaret Coats Young, perfect, just, in all you had to do, Fresh virile flower of virginity, O man of marvels,...
‘Anyone But You’ and Other Poetry by Anna J. Arredondo The Society December 26, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Limerick, Love Poems, Poetry 7 Comments . Anyone But You The phone may ring; The call will bring __Anyone but you. The mail will come; It will be from __Anyone but you. A text may buzz; I’m sure it was __Anyone but you. Oh, this is dire; I...
‘My Sonnet as Texted’ and Other Poetry by Carl Kinsky The Society December 26, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 11 Comments . My Sonnet as Texted Her face, uplit as she scrolls through her phone, no feelings shown, she wears light like a mask. Have we two lives we share? Is each one’s own? Afraid that I know, I’m too scared to...
‘A Sentimental Villanelle’ and Other Christmas Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 25, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Terza Rima, Villanelle 28 Comments . A Sentimental Villanelle This year I’m wrapped in Christmases of old--- The tinseled tree and glee of hearts on high. My mood is laced with myrrh and graced with gold. The air is spiced with mulling wine...
Three for Christmas Day: Poetry and Music by James A. Tweedie The Society December 25, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry, Song Lyrics 12 Comments . Introduction Each year I compose or arrange music in celebration of Christmas. This year I have created three arrangements of familiar Christmas music, each introduced by a poem. The organ piece is based on...
‘A Wretch Like Me’: a Christmas poem by Joe Tessitore, set to music by Jack DesBois The Society December 25, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry, Video 10 Comments . https://youtu.be/fx3NidSVFKk . A Wretch Like Me by Joe Tessitore To miss the mark, to lose my way,To choose the dark, on Christmas Day.No star I see, no Virgin Birth,No joy for me, no peace on earth. But...
‘A Christmas Carol,’ after Charles Dickens, by Talbot Hook The Society December 24, 2021 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . . Dramatis Personae: Ebenezer Scrooge: An infamous miser Bob Cratchit: Scrooge’s assistant Mrs. Cratchit: Bob’s wife Tiny Tim: Disabled child of the Cratchits Jacob Marley: Scrooge’s old partner Mr....
‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ by Brian Yapko The Society December 24, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . It's a Wonderful Life The forecast promised luscious, gleaming snow; Instead the sky pours bitter, freezing rain. The lights are strung but half of them won’t glow.Our tree sags like the one in Charlie...
‘The People That Walked in Darkness’ by Paul Erlandson The Society December 22, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . The People That Walked in Darkness The Christmas lights are out tonight, __Early and fierce and brave. The lawns of all suburbia, __A parti-colored nave. Their swollen ranks caused me to think __How changed...
‘Habeas Corpus’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society December 19, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Habeas Corpus Of those whose job it is to get results It might be asked: to what infernal purpose? Extortion, threats, felonious assaults, And foul deceptions only scratch the surface Of crimes they’re...
‘Journey’s End’ and Other Poetry by Talbot Hook The Society December 19, 2021 Beauty, Children's, Poetry, Villanelle 2 Comments . Journey’s End To Adventuresome Children at Bedtime Mountain, forest, stone, and stream all glisten under sun, While golden morn and midnoon beam call children out to run. But after day has had his say, see...
Two Poems by Bécquer, Translated by Cheryl Corey The Society December 18, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry, Translation 10 Comments . The Harp by Gustavo Bécquer | from Spanish by Cheryl Corey Obscured by corner shadows, gathering dust, perhaps forgotten over time—there stands the silent harp. So many hidden notes entombed on muted...
Poems on the Three Fates: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, by Cheryl Corey The Society December 18, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . Three Sisters Clotho When mother sat me down, I feared the worst. Her words, however, offered praise instead. “Your gentle hands are motherly,” she said. “That’s why I’ve chosen you to be the...
‘Panic’ and Other Poetry by Peter Hartley The Society December 17, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 31 Comments . Panic What is this feeling that sometimes afflicts Us with awful intensity and fear? A feeling close to panic, very near To dread, to terror; something that constricts The breathing, chokes the throat and...