‘Panic’ and Other Poetry by Peter Hartley The Society December 17, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 31 Comments . Panic What is this feeling that sometimes afflicts Us with awful intensity and fear? A feeling close to panic, very near To dread, to terror; something that constricts The breathing, chokes the throat and...
‘A Spider in My Room’ and Other Poetry by Radhika Bianchi The Society December 16, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 6 Comments . A Spider in My Room In the corner, there's a spider Between the ceiling and the wall. Its legs are long, its body small, Seeing it there my eyes grow wider, Fearing it to be the kind Of spider I’ve been...
A Poem for Astronaut Michael Collins and Other Poetry by Lawrence Fray The Society December 15, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 4 Comments . Tidal Lock for Michael Collins died (Oct. 31, 1930 - April 28, 2021):, Apollo 11 Command Module Astronaut who saw the dark side of the moon Has one brave man's small step dethroned the moon And brought the...
‘A Flower’ by Alceste De Lollis, Translated by Adam Sedia, and a Sonnet The Society December 14, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Translation 20 Comments . A Flower for Giannina Milli by Alceste De Lollis (1820-1887) | translated from Italian by Adam Sedia A fragile herb, this blooming flower, I planted with my hand one day; Once more I fed refreshing...
A Poem for Emily Dickinson, and Other Sonnets by Tamara Beryl Latham The Society December 13, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . Tamara to Emily for Emily Dickinson We viewed the lighted houses well below, whose roads ran serpentine through mounding snow, zoomed in on walls that formed each hollowed room, then juxtaposed the gaiety...
‘There Was a Free Nation That Swallowed a Lie,’ Nursery Rhyme Sung by Jack DesBois The Society December 12, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Humor, Music, Poetry, Song Lyrics, Video 13 Comments . There Was a Free Nation That Swallowed a Lie sung to the tune of "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" . https://youtu.be/luLcKkCHWFo There was a free nation that swallowed a lie. I don’t know why...
‘Advent Twist’ by James A. Tweedie The Society December 12, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . Advent Twist "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple . . . But who may abide the day of his coming? and who...
‘Sibylline Sonnets for Advent’ by Margaret Coats The Society December 11, 2021 Acrostic, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 44 Comments . Sibylline Sonnets for Advent The sibyls were ecstatic prophetesses active from about 600 B.C. in the Greek coastlands of Asia Minor, and in Greek colonies on the west coast of Italy. A few apparent...
‘Samode Palace Hotel’ by Isabel Miles The Society December 11, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 4 Comments . Samode Palace Hotel An erstwhile palace, and all wished to claim a former sultan's, not a servants', room. So we drew keys, for all had paid the same and won two turrets and a vast bedroom. But, best,...
‘Turn, Turn, Turn’ by Joe Tessitore The Society December 8, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . Turn, Turn, Turn I, whose heart is closed and locked, Who turned away when your Son knocked And who, through sin, did turn my soul Into a twisted lump of coal Turn now, Holy Mary, to you. Least worthy, no...
‘Daphne and Apollo’ by James A. Tweedie The Society December 7, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Love Poems, Poetry 18 Comments . Daphne and Apollo “O foolish Cupid,” fair Apollo mocked. “To think that you, a wanton boy, should dare To think yourself the equal to a man Of arms, or even to a god like me, In putting arrows full...
‘Failure to Strive’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society December 6, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments . Failure to Strive Do, or do not. There is no try. —Master Yoda We’ve traveled far, or so it seems to those Of us who shy from setting distant goals Requiring passage through unending rows Of thornhedge...
‘Elemental, My Dear’ by Alison Jennings The Society December 6, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments . Elemental, My Dear Slight air and purging fire, the first my thought, the other my desire. ---Shakespeare, "Sonnet 45" I am of air and fire wrought, though I am drawn to water like a dowsing rod. Carousing...
‘Passer Mortuus Est’ from Carmen 3, by Catullus, Translated by R.W. Rhodes The Society December 5, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Translation 4 Comments . Passer Mortuus Est, from Carmen 3 by Catullus (84-54 B.C.)| Translated from Latin by R.W. Rhodes My baby's favored fledgling dropped and died,and caused us both to weep; and when we cried,each Venus and...
‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost: Reading by S.A. Todd The Society December 4, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Readings, Video 8 Comments . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCmLSOndstY . CREDITSPoetry: Robert FrostAudio/Visual Work: Society of Classical PoetsVoice-Over: S.A. ToddPhoto: "Yellow Forest" by Eflon (used under creative Commons...
‘The Biden Oil Refrain’ by Russel Winick The Society December 4, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 16 Comments . The Biden Oil Refrain As President, on his first day, He closed old Keystone down, Then shut off Arctic drilling, Forty-thousand jobs left town. He cancelled key oil leases, Barred new highly needed...
‘The Gusting Winds’ by Martin Rizley The Society December 3, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 16 Comments . The Gusting Winds The gusting winds, they blow, it seems, more bleakly this December; They bite my cheeks and chill my bones and freeze my aging flesh. As I ascend this windblown hill at sunset, I...
‘Listening to Bach While the World Falls Apart’ by Cynthia Erlandson The Society December 1, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Listening to Bach While the World Falls Apart for Adrianna, Paul, and Beth I Sight isn’t needed---the continuous cracking of all The pillars supporting civilization, is audible. Thunderous crumbling of...
‘Where Is God?’ by Michael Charles Maibach The Society December 1, 2021 Beauty, Poetry . Where Is God? Along life’s way Problems arise. Some seen before--- Some do surprise. “Why Lord, to me Comes now this pain? Let this cup pass--- Be gone life’s rain!” “What purpose true These...
‘Ruby’s House’ by Martin Rizley The Society November 30, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 18 Comments . Ruby’s House to the memory of Ruby Elaine Seal Rizley (1896-1978) You knew it when you woke up in the morning and you heard The sound of pigeons cooing just outside the windowpane, And opening your eyes,...
‘Allentown Nights’ and Other Poetry by Sally Cook The Society November 29, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 23 Comments . Allentown Nights Sometimes the nights were full of evil there. Relentless searchers drove the block most nights, While novices in bushes would prepare As Lady Scarface told them of their rights— Just how...
‘Four Thousand Four Hundred Miles’ and Other Poetry by Lionel Willis The Society November 27, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 5 Comments . Four Thousand Four Hundred Miles The shiny willows waved in yellow bloom Inland beyond the spit of dirty sand Where you and I stood, wishing we could zoom Due east and pace that other treasured land Across...
‘What Foo Dogs Can Teach Us’: An Essay by Joseph S. Salemi The Society November 26, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 19 Comments . Many years ago I gave a talk at a scholarly conference at Queens College, C.U.N.Y. My section of the conference was dedicated to contemporary translation, and the bulk of the papers presented were deadly...
‘Guilty Thoughts’: Three Poems by Peter Hartley The Society November 26, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 37 Comments . Guilty Thoughts I Through idle thoughts alone if no-one knows, We cannot hurt someone who never will Find out. No victim: none could ever spill The beans. Can we do any harm to those Among our foes we...
A Poem for Thanksgiving: ‘A Song of Thanksgiving’ by Evan Mantyk The Society November 25, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . A Song of Thanksgiving The pilgrims long ago faced strong __Attacks on their beliefs, And found a land they could command __Where faith would find relief. They journeyed long but still faced...
Three Poems Related to Humility, by James A. Tweedie The Society November 24, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Rondeau 13 Comments . Honest to God a rondeau I do not know why Sarah died; I only know her parents cried Such tears as only parents shed When infant children die in bed— A grief they did not try to hide. At birth a tumor deep...
‘First and Foremost’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society November 22, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 30 Comments . First and Foremost We’re human first and foremost: kith and kin. So never judge on looks and looks alone. We’re made of more than just our shade of skin. We’re flesh and blood. We’re brothers to the...
Three Perspectives from Samos: Sonnets by Margaret Coats The Society November 22, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 22 Comments . Three Perspectives from Samos Poet’s note: The Greek island of Samos, in the region of Ionia, was the reputed birthplace of the goddess Hera, and the scene of her marriage to Zeus. It was also the...
‘A Knot of Ought Nots’ and Other Poetry by Leland James The Society November 21, 2021 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments . A Knot of Ought Nots A bright blue canoe atop of Mount Crumble, canoes can be tippy; down it might tumble —ought not to be there! The cat in galoshes and plaid underwear eating fish tacos in Dad’s...
‘Circles,’ a Sestina by Jack DesBois The Society November 20, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Sestina 8 Comments . Circles It seems to me that living comes in circles, That nothing, even this, is ever new, That all that we create is a stale rhyme, A now that cannot cover marks of then. It seems to me that every extant...
‘Who’s the Villain Now?’ and Other Villanelles by C.B. Anderson The Society November 19, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 24 Comments . Who’s the Villain Now? My poems drip with vitriol and gall,Each stanza driving home a heartfelt curse—A side-effect of drinking alcohol Incessantly. I lack the wherewithalTo temper my intemperate...
‘The Morning Missed’ by David Watt The Society November 19, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 25 Comments . The sunlight is raising A glow from the east For dawn-dappled grazing By somnolent beasts; The flight of a parrot To glistening seeds; And down from her garret, With predatory needs, Arrives a brown...
A Poem on Enes Kanter Standing up to the CCP, by Damian Robin The Society November 18, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 10 Comments . On the Question of Enes Kanter How do heroes take a stand above the skyline? How face off sharp machinery that spades the earth, Converting humans into demons by the roots— Machines that grind distinctive...
Four Sonnets on Traditional Dance, by Evan Mantyk The Society November 18, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Homer, Poetry 19 Comments . I. The Blacksmith God Forges Scenes on Achilles’ Shield after Homer’s Iliad Book 18 The hammer strikes! And glowing sparks fly out As Earth takes shape and then the flowing seas, The sun, the moon, the...
‘One Miracle After Another’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society November 17, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 28 Comments . One Miracle After Another A misty morning greeted by the sun Whose dappled rays arouse the drowsing Earth; The grandeur in the web a spider’s spun; A mother’s tearful joy for a safe birth; The giddy...
‘Nature’s War’ by Pat Tyrer The Society November 13, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments . Nature's War From far beneath the frozen soil the iris pushes high,Extending wide it reaches up to touch the sun and sky. Yet in the greening of the grass, the snows of winter stayas northern winds descend...
On Three Pre-Raphaelite Paintings, by Peter Hartley The Society November 12, 2021 Art, Beauty, Culture, Ekphrastic, Poetry 52 Comments . . The Hireling Shepherd painting by William Holman Hunt This comely wench was Emma Watkins, she Who sat for Hunt in eighteen fifty-two. Too unaffected she, she never knew What lay beyond the brink, beyond...
For Veterans Day and Remembrance Sunday: ‘Where Poppies Blow’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society November 11, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 22 Comments . Today I feel the stirrings of the Dead In crimson-littered fields where poppies blow. I hear embittered groans and gasps of dread From churning earth neath crosses row on row. Today our freedoms fade along...
‘From a Classified Location in England’: A Veteran’s Day Poem by Brian Yapko The Society November 11, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 33 Comments . From a Classified Location in England Dear Jim---my son---I write from far away. From England, Spring of 1944. June first! That means you’re six years old today! So happy birthday, son! And many...
‘Colours of War’ by Paul A. Freeman The Society November 11, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments . Colours of War What colour was the war to end all wars?We’ve watched as men, in grainy black and white,go o’er the top to face the chomping jawsof curtain fire and shrapnel’s iron bite.And when the...