A Poem for Veteran’s Day 2021, by Roy E. Peterson The Society November 11, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . The Soldier Keeps the Wolf at Bay The soldier keeps the wolf at bay So we may never see it. That is why the young today Simply don’t believe it. You say “We see no wolf out there? So why should we...
‘Imperial Invitation’ by Margaret Coats The Society November 9, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . Imperial Invitation Fair neighbor, come, pass through entrancing gates I made to veil surprises and seclude My masterpiece of panoramic zest, Where autumns yet unreddened bear my mark. The servants disappear...
‘Robert Jack Eardley’ by Jeff Eardley The Society November 8, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 26 Comments . Robert Jack Eardley was, for many years, Chief Psychiatrist for the U.S. Justice Department. In 2000, he organised a family gathering of thousands with our surname, in the small English town where the name...
‘Bywords’ and Other Poetry by Mike Bryant The Society November 7, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 27 Comments . Bywords Language rang and wedged within our mind. Centuries of words were drawn like swords. A surfeit, rhymes, soliloquies entwined, As singers fingered perfectly rung chords. Linguals clang, the cymbals...
‘An Interlude’ by Sally Cook The Society November 6, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 22 Comments . He was the stream and she the underbrush; The rain that fell upon his upturned face. She was the shadowed glade in evening's hush That memorized the sun, received its grace. She was the sea, and he the...
‘Last Rites’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society November 5, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Terza Rima 8 Comments . Last Rites Let not the Rock of Ages ever break Or send apostate magi to the stake; A golden era favoring good men Will likely never come around again. This world, in winter, is a dreary place, Devoid of...
‘End of Summer’ by Angel L. Villanueva The Society November 5, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments . When summer left and took her warming shawl, The birds towards the south began to fly. The leaves of wizened trees began to dye, As shorter days announced the hues of fall. In town, there is the snore of...
A Poem on Glenn Youngkin Winning the Governor Seat of Virginia, by Margaret Coats The Society November 4, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . New Day for the Old Dominion "This is what unity looks like" —Glenn Youngkin, Virginia governor-elect Virginians venture toward a vivid day Of family life and work as each sees fit; Next year the cost of...
‘The Mystery of the Amber Room’ by Brian Yapko The Society November 4, 2021 Art, Beauty, Culture, Ekphrastic, Poetry 21 Comments . A fabled place adrift in history Which makes the spirit ache for what was lost; A masterpiece destroyed in mystery Then resurrected at a crippling cost; A priceless room of amber! A caprice Of luxe and...
‘Vitamin DC: In Praise of Dark Chocolate’ by Jeff Kemper The Society November 3, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 29 Comments . When I crave from my enclave something to eat (Not apples or peas or muffins or meat) I steady my stare at my pantry’s archive And spot a great lot that’ll keep me alive. In my haste for a taste of the...
‘Autumn in Vermont’ and Other Poetry by Lucia Haase The Society November 2, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 6 Comments . Autumn in Vermont October’s maples blaze a way __around a tall church steeple and sugar maples have their say __by raining gold on people. Such leafy vibrance begs to call __all those who wish to see, the...
Poems by Yevgeny Baratynsky (1800—1844) The Society November 1, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 7 Comments . translated from Russian by Sasha A. Palmer . Prayer God above, King divine! Heal this spirit of mine! Earthly lies drive away Lest they lead me astray— And for Thy heav'nly toll Please give strength to...
‘A Vagabond Song’ by Bliss Carman, Put to Music by Jack DesBois The Society October 31, 2021 Beauty, Music, Poetry, Readings 7 Comments . . A Vagabond Song by Bliss Carman (1861-1929) There is something in the autumn that is native to my blood -- Touch of manner, hint of mood; And my heart is like a rhyme, With the yellow and the purple...
‘Glastonbury’ and Other Poetry by Andrew Benson Brown The Society October 30, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 23 Comments . Glastonbury A deathless tree stood witness while The marshlands round a nearby isle Were drained and bared a hill forlorn; A lonesome tree, long in exile Since Joseph sailed from the Nile— The Glastonbury...
Poems on the Grim Reaper and God, by Roy E. Peterson The Society October 29, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments . How Grim Is the Grim Reaper? How grim is the Grim Reaper? Rapacious and rambunctious; Solemn stalker, soul seeker, Slayer uncompunctious. How dim his lair’s darkness? Capacious, crenellated Wailing walls...
‘We’ and Other Poetry by Mike Bryant The Society October 28, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 24 Comments . We Sum total of all life is death, And breath sustains us for a time. We’ll live until we’ve spent God's dime. The meter's running faster still. No matter what we want or will, We’re always in His...
‘It’s Raining Now in New York City’ by Martin Rizley The Society October 27, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . It's raining now in New York City; Yes, I know that's true. For like that dreamer, Walter Mitty, Daydreams take me, too, To fabled places far away Upon a lazy, rainy day Where I can see and do and say What...
‘Face-to-Face’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society October 26, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments . Face-to-Face Meeting up, Darjeeling tea, So familiar, you and me. Here’s your cup, you raise it up Do a little "cheers" to me, Joke on "hospital-it-tea," Say, “How healing is a cup, More than a mask,...
‘Men Before Work’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society October 25, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 14 Comments . Men Before Work for Dana Gioia It’s dark and cold. The fleet comes filtering in. They take a breath. They get out of their cars. Half-hidden in a cowl-like hood, their heads are bent like friars walking...
‘Fright Night’ and Other Poetry by Lionel Willis The Society October 24, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . Fright Night This is the night the dead walk in the streets Looking like neighbors’ children, masked In tricks they have been taught to trade for treats That pose the questions spooks are always...
On Seasonal Affective Disorder: ‘October Leaves’ by Richard Lackman The Society October 23, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . As I look out upon October leaves And brown grass weathered by the autumn sun, I see the shafts of light a bare branch cleaves And so much of creation now undone. I feel the sorrow of a world defeated And...
‘By Waterloo Station’ by Paul A. Freeman The Society October 23, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 21 Comments . By Waterloo Station I sat down and thought (on a bench not too far from the turbulent stream) of Edwardian London’s once dominant port, and of trains puffing by, empowered by steam. The air was polluted...
‘Lady Macbeth’s Regret’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society October 22, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Shakespeare 44 Comments . Lady Macbeth’s Regret Soft hands that led her smitten lord to bedInflamed the flare and thrust of his desire.Cool hands that won his trust and soothed his dread,Now sting and burn in licks of Hades’...
‘Perfect Apples’ and Other Autumn Poems, by C.B. Anderson The Society October 20, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 15 Comments . Perfect Apples The Law of Perfect Apples says it all:A malic acid tang pervades the crispAnd shocking mouth appeal that tells you fallIs under way. If you should catch a wisp Of summer turning winter in...
‘Ballade for His Lady Deceased’ by Charles d’Orléans, translated by Margaret Coats The Society October 19, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry, Translation 26 Comments . Ballade for His Lady Deceased by Charles d’Orléans (1394–1465) Alas, Death, who made you so bold? My noble princess you possess; My life and comfort you enfold, My pleasure, wealth, and...
‘Gods Having Too Much Fun’ by Cheryl Corey The Society October 19, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments . When the goddesses came by the light of the dawn, They were greeted with music, and what did they see, But a flute that was pressed to the lips of a Faun As he leaned up against a deciduous tree; As the...
‘The Battle of Glorieta Pass’ by Brian Yapko The Society October 18, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . I’m old, my young ones. Soon I’ll have to leave. But ere we part I have just one tale more To share---a tale of valor. Never grieve A grandpa who helped win the Civil War! Back then I was a farmer,...
‘Autumn’ by Joe Tessitore The Society October 18, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 17 Comments . Autumn You’ll notice, ‘round this time of year, That to the flowers they hold dear, The bees will cling the whole night through--- And if you loved them, wouldn’t you? So what if evening’s deadly...
‘History’s Tide’ by Clara Huang The Society October 18, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, High School Submissions, Poetry 5 Comments . after the Epoch Times series' How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling the World History’s tide brought us forth to this day, A dark, sullen mist hanging low on display, The Communist Specter’s tail...
A Reading of ‘Endless Bloom’ by Angel L. Villanueva The Society October 17, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry, Readings, Video 15 Comments . https://youtu.be/eRp7_tqfxTs On Rumble here: https://rumble.com/vnvehl-a-poem-for-aging-beauties-endless-bloom-society-of-classical-poets.html?mref=iosaf&mc=6b8az Poet: Angel L. Villanueva of...
‘Prince Albert in a Can’ and Other Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society October 17, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . Prince Albert in a Can What can I say? I wore a mask and did The social distance thing, got Pfizer-vaxxed And tested negative five times (I kid You not!), did online research, asked A lot of questions,...
‘Nature Is Bountiful’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society October 16, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, The Environment 17 Comments . Nature is bountiful giving to man All that we require, however She can; Food for the table and meds for the sick; Gas for the car that can make our lives quick; The air that we breathe and the water we...
‘From Darkest Antiquity’ by Martin Rizley The Society October 13, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . FROM DARKEST ANTIQUITY . I. Ancient Ritual A thousand brown feet burn on sand In Pharaoh’s funeral caravan. By many a mirage they pass Of phantom palms and pools of glass. The princess moves as in a...
‘Love Thy Neighbor’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society October 9, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . . Love Thy Neighbor Make no excuseIf sheer abuseIs all you giveTo those who live Around you. OwnThat you aloneMust bear the shameAnd take the blame For having doneTo anyoneThe slightest wrongThat all...
‘Heartfelt Baptism’ and Other Poetry by Mike Ruskovich The Society October 7, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 3 Comments . Heartfelt Baptism The morning rain that washes this day clean of yesterday's despair, of last night's sleep, and promises to turn the pastures green by falling gently, penetrating deep, is waking spring in...
‘A Pantoum of Wager’ and Other Poetry by Leland James The Society October 6, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Pantoum, Poetry 1 Comment . A Pantoum of Wager God said to Satan: Have you seen my servant Job, a man who fears God and shuns evil. Satan replied: You’ve bought him with blessings. Take them away and he’ll spit in your eye. God...
‘Regret Hangs on Where Opportunity Once Existed’ by Richard Buchanan The Society October 4, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 17 Comments . Regret Hangs on Where Opportunity Once Existed There are lots of sad words we lament with such ease,But there’s none any sadder and mournful than these:I regret my decisions, and wish to go backTo that Y...
‘How Long Will It Last?’: A Haiku and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society October 3, 2021 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry 8 Comments . Haiku How long will it last? Butterflies are in decline. Monarch flutters past. . . Nevermore (and Somewhat Less) Beside a little country church, The ravens on the gravestones perch To do, not what you...
‘The Shepherd Who Remained in the Fields’ and Other Poetry by Duane Caylor The Society October 2, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . The Shepherd Who Remained in the Fields I had to stay behind to watch the flocks,a sentry against lions, bears, wolves, thieves,and other dangers slouching through the rocksand hills. No matter how much...
‘The Untrue Artist’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society September 30, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 17 Comments . The Untrue Artist “The true artist will let his wife starve, his children go barefoot, his mother drudge for his living at seventy, sooner than work at anything but his art” ---George Bernard Shaw I’ve...