Two Excerpts from Legends of Liberty, Chapter 5, by Andrew Benson Brown The Society September 29, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Epic, Poetry 11 Comments . from Legends of Liberty Volume 1 . The Battle of Concord By that rude bridge men formed up double file,The company from Acton in the van.Their bayonets cast beams—reverse sundialsDissecting the empire’s...
‘My Lips Have Kissed Her’ and Other Poetry by David D. Irby The Society September 28, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 10 Comments . My Lips Have Kissed Her My lips have kissed her lips. Now I know why the timid sun arises with each day. I understand what moves the birds to fly and why the trees within the breezes sway. My lips have...
Two Poems About Penguins, by Peter Hartley The Society September 27, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 34 Comments . À La Mode In Antarctica The boffins in Antarctica are well Adapted to the climate on the ice. Among the most exclusive personnel, For stylish kit they pay a tidy price. To wow the penguins and to look their...
Two Autumn Poems by Angel L. Villanueva The Society September 25, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 7 Comments . Autumn's Hand I reach across for autumn's hand, When leaves begin to ride the air, To walk amid the changing land. Though I have yet some days unplanned, And winter waits to bring her glare, I reach across...
‘Teddy Roosevelt’s Fraternity’ by Alexander King Ream The Society September 25, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments . for DKE We know each guy, and each knows us, No big deal and no big fuss, Tabernacling through this life, Share the joy and bear the strife. So what, amid this toxic day, If one might jaunt into the...
‘It’s Fall, Y’all!’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society September 24, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . It’s Fall, Y’all! Autumn is here and I’m swathed in a sweater, A snug fluffy scarf and warm mittens. My Ugg-cuddled feet have never felt better; These boots are as cute as soft kittens. Autumn is...
‘In Praise of the Poet’ by James A. Tweedie The Society September 24, 2021 Beauty, Education, Poetry 17 Comments . __Of Helen, Menelaus, war, Achilles, Paris and his treachery, __Of Agamemnon, Troy, and more, I wrote the Iliad and Odyssey. __Of Saracens and Charlemagne, Of Roland and his tragic, fateful day, __Of...
‘City of Holy Faith’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society September 23, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 21 Comments . City of Holy Faith The time to weep is over. Turn away From somber matters of this sordid age And turn your pilgrim gaze to Santa Fe--- Garbed in aspen gold and desert sage. The sky’s an ever-burnished...
‘I Don’t Know Why I Think Things Will Get Better’ by Geoffrey Smagacz The Society September 22, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . I don't know why I think things will get better. I'm always holding on to flimsy hope. I've held it since I was a young go-getter before the downward slope. Is wishful thinking printed on our genes? Before...
‘At Brighton Beach (July 19, 2021)’ by Paul A. Freeman The Society September 21, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Poetry 30 Comments . At Brighton Beach the seagulls fly, they soar and circle in the sky; they swoop and steal the punters’ chips amidst the backdrop’s sailing ships and underneath the sun’s sharp eye. The lockdown days...
‘We Return’ by Christian J. Weaver The Society September 19, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments . Raise your quill to the sky like a madman’s harpoon— Super tempered in blood and the blackest of wine Is the blade of our mania, flashing and white As a lightning bolt fresh from the night. Raise your...
‘Regrets and Repercussions’ by Peter Hartley The Society September 13, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 27 Comments . Regrets and Repercussions Inconsequential are the things we do Sometimes, or things we don’t, we don’t know why. So will we wonder far too late and sigh To think that if we knew we could undo The past...
Two Literary Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society September 10, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Education, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . A Summary of Oedipus the King by Sophocles, and Notes This play, no doubt to Sophocles’ surprise, When first performed took only Second Prize. Summary King Oedipus of Thebes, both good and wise— Or...
‘The World’s Greatest Love’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society September 8, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 13 Comments . from Eternal Spring Once upon a time in space God contrived the human race, Gave two things to help us cope: One was love, the other hope. Man was destined for a fall, But love sustained him after all. When...
Musings on Dali’s ‘Christ of St. John of the Cross,’ by Peter Hartley The Society September 7, 2021 Art, Beauty, Culture, Ekphrastic, Poetry 18 Comments . I This crucifixion hides the anguish. Racked With pain, belied by bloodless hands and feet; Intolerable torments, they compete As muscles in that arching back contract. His hanging head forestalls all eye...
‘On Lonely Paths’ and Other Poetry by Martin Rizley The Society September 6, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments . On Lonely Paths On lonely paths I like to walk, beneath pure azure skies, Where white clouds stretch like streaks of chalk, and one lone eagle flies; I watch him gliding overhead and feel as blithe and...
The 21 Best Haiku of 2021 The Society September 5, 2021 Beauty, Best Poems, From the Society, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry, Poetry Contests 43 Comments Winner and Runners-up of the Society of Classical Poets 2021 Haiku Competition Judged by Margaret Coats (see her remarks below) See all entrants here. . WINNER . Fog enshrouds the nightWoven in the heavy...
In Memory of Sean Howard: A Poem by James A. Tweedie The Society September 5, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Poetry 9 Comments . Sean who passed away this week in Honolulu, Hawaii Although there are a few who’ll grieve and mourn, Who’ll celebrate his life and then move on, The unexpected loss will be hard borne By those who called...
Thomas Jefferson, Poet: An Essay by Michael Curtis The Society September 5, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 4 Comments . Most schoolgirls, street-people, attorneys, and Bachelors of Art are aware that Thomas Jefferson composed what is likely the most widely-known, oft-repeated sentence in American history: . We hold these...
‘Prayer of the Guilty Poet’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society September 4, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 14 Comments . Prayer of the Guilty Poet Before I put these words to ink, Be still, my pen, and let me think. Are they the balm to expiate, Or bomb indeed, to detonate? . . A City Short Make no excuse, I heard a...
‘Funny How a Day Can Go So Slow’ by David D. Irby The Society August 25, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondel 18 Comments . a rondel It's funny how a day can go so slow, and yet a year just simply seems to fly. We blink, and then another one goes by. Those winds of change don't ever cease to blow. Time's raging river has an...
‘At the Temple of Yue Fei’ and Other Poetry by Talbot Hook The Society August 24, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . At the Temple of Yue Fei Behind, a lake unstirring sleeps; Ahead, grey fog and budding leaves. A jade-green pool commands the heart, Beneath the clouds and sweeping eaves. A statue beckons; I respond, And...
‘Lost and Found’ and Other Poetry by Lucia Haase The Society August 23, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments . Lost and Found I’ve lost myself but in the course, I’ve found a sanctuary glowing, aspen golden. To me, I am the stream to woodland bound upon the forest floor midst boulders olden. My water flows as...
‘The Secret Garden’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society August 22, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau 29 Comments . The Secret Garden Beyond these ivied walls grows naught but heather Gorse and broom, the moors engulfed by blows Of bitter, wuthering wind and gloomy weather. This haunted land is barren, bleak and old. But...
‘The Night Hank Williams Died’ by Jeff Eardley The Society August 21, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 36 Comments . There never was a night so long When time went crawling by. The Arctic wind came howling in Across the Nashville sky. The planes had all been grounded With no tickets left to ride. It was wheels out on the...
Poems on the English Moors, by Peter Hartley The Society August 20, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 30 Comments . Geese on the Moor On Laddow Moss the April air is cold And still. A single pair of wayward geese We find beside a tarn, their nest of fleece And feather sprigs of springy heather hold Together. Once we found...
‘Internal Combustion—Vision for a New Dark Age’ by Paul Erlandson The Society August 19, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 28 Comments . “Come with me, child, past all this camouflage.” “Is there a secret garden there, Grandpa?” “Not quite. It’s just a small, padlocked garage, To keep out the enforcers of the law.” I keyed the...
‘Spectral Child’ by Beverly Stock The Society August 15, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 7 Comments . after “Ballade of the Unborn Child” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox I wrote by hand my lines of verse, __Just lit by reading light; I made no sound, no sign or curse, __And suddenly was fixed with...
‘A Bagatelle for Brokenness’ by Daniel Kemper The Society August 12, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 24 Comments . A burst of laughter slips into an echo past the tinny bells and rattling glass of Joe's, my corner liquor store, the last and first of every day. Arroyo streets are dry of human traffic now, are dry of...
‘Take Heart’ by T.M.A. Day The Society August 10, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments . Running round ruins of things long forgot, These tried, tiring times---who can make an end? Can read the scroll or seven seals rend? The limpid air is still and full of rot. The sorry dreams of fragile...
‘If We Knew It All . . .’ and Other Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society August 9, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 29 Comments . If We Knew It All . . . Where do dreams go when we wake up? Where does time go as we age? Why did William Shakespeare make up Plays we still perform on stage? Sometimes questions beg an answer— Questions...
‘Hagi at My Study Window’ and Other Late Summer Poems, by Margaret Coats The Society August 8, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry, Shape Poems, Translation 24 Comments . Hagi at My Study Window hagi or bush clover, a symbol of poetry, blooms as summer turns to autumn. Paper shapes the future’s surface, Paperweights the present state. Inkstones hold a scholar’s...
‘When the Eagle Flies’ by David Watt The Society August 7, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 12 Comments . Far from the city’s ceaseless bustle— __That’s where the eagle flies! Borne by the means of plume and muscle— __That’s how the eagle flies! There she is one with updrafts rising; There she knows...
‘The English Cantos: Volume 2: StairWell. Canto 3 Ex-Wife’ by James Sale The Society August 6, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 20 Comments . The Argument: The Poet, with Dante and Virgil, has arrived on the third step of the StairWell, or Purgatory. Dante at the start of Canto 3 has been at pains to explain to the shocked Poet what just has...
‘The Bridge of Sighs’ by David D. Irby The Society August 5, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 10 Comments . I stand upon the Bridge of Sighs as teardrops fill my weary eyes and think of life that used to be when she was still in love with me. I watch the river down below. My woes don't interrupt the flow. It...
‘Farmer,’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society August 4, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 34 Comments . Farmer, Unpack the dormant forces quiet days Have put aside and stoke the smothered fire Whose soot fanned out in lifeless carbon rays Upon the hearth of winter’s mild repose, But bear the fire...
‘Three by Heraclitus’ and Other Poetry by E.M. Schorb The Society August 3, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . Three by Heraclitus I Offend yourself with mirrored knowledge (where’s that face you wore at college?) and your sense of life’s no-stasis, thinking of various times and places, recalling the endless...
‘Incense’ by Adam Sedia The Society August 2, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . A hundred tongues of smoke--- Translucent wisps, lithe specters--- __Rise, snaking languidly, Curling, grasping like tendrils At the light they invoke; Then billow into clouds That hang, a haze, an...
‘The Bivocational Burden’ by Guy Warner The Society August 1, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments . an excerpt When battle rages hot, the charge will sound. An army must not let itself break ranks, Although they see the cannon all around. To my Commander humbly I give thanks, For I see not the field as He,...
‘On the Traditional Latin Mass’ by Sasha A. Palmer The Society July 30, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments . in response to Traditionis custodes (“Guardians of the tradition”)---the new motu proprio issued by Pope Francis on July 16, 2021. She has been scarred before. She knows the sting Of scorn and ostracism....