A Poem on Writers’ Block and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society October 7, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . Blocked Though honeyed breezes warm the marble halls on Mount Parnassus, vainly do I search for writing on my January walls— molasses clogs my veins. A different church, perhaps a fresh sodality of...
‘Village Home’ and Other Poetry by Martin Rizley The Society October 6, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry 26 Comments . Village Home after George Enescu's Orchestral Suite no. 3, “Villageoise” Along the tree-lined lane he walks at dusk; What brought him here, he cannot now remember. The chilling breeze, the scent of pine...
‘Hybrid and Wild’ and Other Poems by Sally Cook The Society October 5, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . Hybrid and Wild All of her life had a meaning, Each section in its compartment. Tenants went through a close screening— Somehow, I got the apartment. She was a prickly old lady— I, a rambling young...
‘With a Smile of the Heart’ (Circa 1200), Translated by Margaret Coats The Society October 5, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 18 Comments . Introduction This long lyric of short lines has pairs of stanzas linked in rhyme. It is a sequence honoring Gilbert of Sempringham (1083–1189, canonized 1202), founder of the Catholic Church’s only...
‘The Song of the Woman Who Bled’: A Poem by Philip Rosenbaum The Society October 4, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . The Song of the Woman Who Bled Mark 5:25-34 When you have no more money you can spend, Then men will tell you, “You cannot be cured.” Though Jesus makes it better in the end, First tribulation has to be...
‘Massacre of the Innocents’: An Ekphrastic Poem by V. Paige Parker The Society October 3, 2023 Culture, Ekphrastic, Poetry, Readings 7 Comments . . Massacre of the Innocents Matt. 2:18, 10:28, 18:10; Psalm 116:15; 2 Mac. 7:29 Why are the fish and fruit stands closed today— Too many soldiers, stationed all around. My God, they’re pulling out...
‘The Idealist Who Became an Ideologue’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society October 2, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé 42 Comments . The Idealist Who Became an Ideologue a rondeau redoublé To heal the world he treasured this ideal: Unite the many into one great whole. He preached the view that truth is what you feel, Convinced he played...
‘Writers of the Purple Sage’: A Poem by Roy E. Peterson The Society October 1, 2023 Culture, Music, Poetry 35 Comments . Writers of the Purple Sage What happened to the music? The writers of the West? The legends of the cowboys? The songs I loved the best? The outlaws and the posse? Please tell me where they went? The ones who...
‘Wood’: A Poem by Mary Kipps The Society September 30, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Pantoum, Poetry 21 Comments . Wood a pantoum It’s only furniture. But that’s both truth and lie. To find Mom’s treasured things a loving new address is near impossible, no matter what I try. Her home’s impending sale exacerbates...
‘Labyrinthine Bag’ and Other Poetry by Wael Almahdi The Society September 27, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . Labyrinthine Bag My wife, bless her heart, went and bought me a bag with tons of compartments, and pouches, and pockets. But searching for stuff is a chore and a drag it takes me forever to locate my...
‘Abortion Notes’: A Poem by Phil Flott The Society September 27, 2023 Culture, Poetry 27 Comments . Abortion Notes Please bury babies ripped to parts, Especially their tiny hearts. They’re slain in hiding from our sight. And even scheduled in the night. We never hear the babies’ cries. We cannot see...
A Poem Inspired by Kimberly Hartke and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society September 26, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Epigrams and Proverbs, Poetry 19 Comments . In Eve’s Footsteps based on “Genesis 2: Teaching its Truth to Women” by Kimberly Hartke “And the Lord God said: It is not good for man to be alone: let us make him a help like unto himself. ... And...
‘Out of Purgatory’ and Other Poetry by James Sale The Society September 24, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 23 Comments . Out of Purgatory There I went blind. I could no longer speak, but as I died, I murmured Mary’s name, And there I fell and left my empty flesh. Now hear the truth. Tell it to living men: God’s angel...
‘A Draft of Death’: A Poem by Jeff Kemper The Society September 23, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . A Draft of Death Did Flavius not inform us How a fart fetched fates enormous? After Flavius Josephus’s account of a Jewish Passover (ca 50 AD), when Ventidius Cumanus was procurator of Judea. While in...
‘The Battle of Athelstaneford’: A Poem by Margaret Coats The Society September 21, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 36 Comments . The Battle of Athelstaneford King Angus clapperclawed NorthumbriansIn combat close enough to hammer faces;His Pictish troops enacted brutal plansTo break the bones of foes with metal macesAnd throttle...
‘The Sum of All Fears’ and Other Poems on the Government by Cheryl Corey The Society September 20, 2023 Culture, Poetry, The Environment 30 Comments . The Sum of All Fears “Oppressive government is fiercer than a tiger.” ---Confucius Psst. Be careful what you post online.The slightest threat, even made in jest,And alphabet men will don the armored...
‘On Being “Chopped”‘ and other Gaming Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society September 19, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . On Being “Chopped” On TV, watching the show “Chopped,” I see Three losing chefs go home each episode; And one who celebrates a victory For a dessert they called, “Shrimp a la Mode.” Imagine...
‘The Golden Calf’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society September 18, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Rondeau 30 Comments . The Golden Calf a rondeau The golden calf draws shouts of awe From wanton men who bray and caw. The fevered crowd ignites a fire Then cheers as flame on flame grows higher And fuels the lusts of groin and...
‘Under Which Altar’: A Poem on Abortion by J.D. Graham The Society September 15, 2023 Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . Under Which Altar Eros, at last, has left the field. The flowers on the bushes yield __to coming winter. See Lyssa, Mania, Ares, Furor, older gods (and often purer), __who now reenter. Together with Hermes...
‘Meditation on the Myth of Sisyphus’: A Poem by Daniel Howard The Society September 15, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry 14 Comments . Meditation on the Myth of Sisyphus Like Sisyphus, whose fate it is to bear A boulder on his back, and up the mound, Only to watch it roll towards the ground, As if it mocks his strain to climb the stair; So...
Thoughts on Education Outside the Box: Poems by Anna J. Arredondo The Society September 14, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Education, Humor, Poetry 22 Comments . . Freedom high school algebra class; May 12, 1993 . A breeze blows in; it wisps my hair, And flutters papers in the air; It carries, with the scent of rose, A dream---and takes one as it goes. . Upon its...
‘Losing Battles’: A Poem by Warren Bonham The Society September 14, 2023 Culture, Poetry 22 Comments . Losing Battles It seems when we declare a war, we rarely win them anymore. So, though much money will be spent by our corrupted government, the thing on which war’s been declared is very likely to be...
‘The Tale of Wanton Ange’: A Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society September 13, 2023 Culture, Poetry 14 Comments . The Tale of Wanton Ange . The Number 53: Unholy Thoughts Wanton Ange makes her appearance That’s Ange there on the 53 at Plumstead; She’s thinking once again about the vicar. “’E’s even older than...
‘But What of Us?’: A Poem on Rich People by James A. Tweedie The Society September 12, 2023 Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . But What of Us? They have it all,The richest men on earth.No calculator can compute their worth.Yet doomed to fall.And it’s no secret why.For rich men, just like you and me, will die. Their wealth...
Two Sci-fi Poems by Joshua C. Frank The Society September 12, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry, Triolet 13 Comments . Younger Selves I have you leaning up against my side, Our boys and girls around us on the couch. Below the window, watching from outside, Our younger selves, age twelve, crawl up and crouch. The boy and...
‘Earthquake in Morocco’: Poem Written by a Poet in Morocco, Paul A. Freeman The Society September 11, 2023 Culture, Poetry 22 Comments . Earthquake in Morocco---8 September, 2023 My flight to Casablanca landed late, and through an ill-chanced vagary of Fate I found myself---soon Mauritania bound--- Inside a gangway, meters off the...
‘Not Forgetting 9.11 in 2023’: A Poem by Monika Cooper The Society September 11, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . Not Forgetting 9.11 in 2023 New York, the City that I've only seen In flashes, glimpses, footage, faraway, New York I've read about, you filter in To every cranny of America. We are your suburbs, everywhere...
Wings of Desire: Canto I of Paradise, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society September 11, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Poetry, Translation 10 Comments . . Wings of Desire: Canto I of Paradise by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns . God’s glory, which moves all, sends beams to bless __each thing in space, reflected just as bright __as...
‘Perchance to Dream’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society September 9, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 24 Comments . Perchance to Dream __The sky is wide, __The sea is deep, And when we’ve woken into sleep __A place to hide __Cannot be found, For probing eyes are all around. __The day is bright __And notes are...
Songs for a Granddaughter: Poems by Jeff Kemper The Society September 9, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . Nine: A Song for a Granddaughter for a girl, M___, raised in my household, though not a blood relative 1 She is the girl who cheers my heart: “Come, Jeff. Let’s play!” she voices smart And innocent as...
‘A Curveball of Blackbirds’: A Poem by Leland James The Society September 7, 2023 Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . . A Curveball of Blackbirds “Thousands of blackbirds fell out of the sky….” —The New York Times . Five thousand blackbirds from the sky. ____I don’t know why. Neither do they, the EPA, State...
‘Pilgrimage’: A Poem by Margaret Coats The Society September 7, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 28 Comments . Pilgrimage The strong will long to go on pilgrimage, Assembling to reclaim their heritage Of sanctity and stable permanence Embezzled by debased belligerence, For life is war, as Job so aptly said; We battle...
‘Hymn to the Night’: A Poem by Michael Taormina The Society September 6, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . Hymn to the Night Every thinking creature adores the light __Where twinkling stones and stars and flowers stun Senseless matter into a sense of sight __And all behold the splendors of the sun. First...
‘On the Existence of Two Genders’: A Poem by Brian Yapko The Society September 4, 2023 Culture, Poetry 58 Comments . On the Existence of Two Genders This poem is written in response to the trans-driven push to promulgate the idea that gender is either non-binary or does not exist at all---a nonsensical notion which is...
‘Fallen’: A Poem by Mary Gardner The Society September 2, 2023 Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Fallen The Universe was perfect, Heaven and Earth, Upon Almighty God’s Creation’s birth! He made the spirit-beings, Angels, free; And later, Man with physicality. Most-favored Lucifer the Fair grew...
A Poem for Parents: ‘Tough Love and Hugs’ by Mark Stellinga The Society August 30, 2023 Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . Tough Love and Hugs “Where the heck do they learn this crap?” one father asked another. __When we were kids---we never talked like that. “Almost every kid I knew at least went out for sports… __No...
‘The Pietà or Mickey Mouse?’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society August 28, 2023 Art, Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . The Pietà or Mickey Mouse? A book I’ve read depicts a boy Who’s searching for creative joy. His mind can’t focus on a vision, So he’s weighed down by indecision: To carve the rock behind his...
Critiquing Woke Language in Rolling Stone: A Poem by Maura H. Harrison The Society August 25, 2023 Culture, Music, Poetry 5 Comments . A Deeper Scaly Screed "'Rich Men North of Richmond' is a passionate screed against the state of the country sung by Oliver Anthony, who identifies as a farmer living off the grid with his three dogs in...
Poems on ‘Modern Times’ and Transgenderism by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society August 24, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 36 Comments . Modern Times . I. The Cutting-Edge Misogynist He slams the bland and damned old-fashioned type--- Those tiresome dinosaurs born with a womb--- The sexless species of the XX stripe--- The sort he states must...
Sonnet Summaries of Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Parts I & II, and Henry V, by James A. Tweedie The Society August 22, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Shakespeare 9 Comments . Henry IV, Part I In Henry IV Part 1 the king’s possessed By fears that Harry Hotspur wants him dead. While Henry’s son Prince Harry is obsessed With drinking with his friends at the Boar’s Head. The...