A Verse Translation of Piers Plowman C, Passus XV, lines 62-105 The Society April 13, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 6 Comments Translation by David O'Neil Translator’s note: Piers Plowman is a late medieval allegorical narrative poem, believed to be authored by William Langland, which describes several visions experienced...
Poems for Easter Sunday 2020 The Society April 12, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments Easter by Joe Tessitore Behind the stone of timeless wait He rose alone despite its weight and strode from darkness into light; Eternal Day dispelling night. Like Christ and...
A Poem by an Emergency Physician and Other CCP Virus (COVID-19) Poetry The Society April 11, 2020 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments Dulcius Ex Asperis by Andrew Ross Invisible and terrible A virus stalks the land. It floats across the atmosphere And moves from man to man. A tickle in the throat perhaps, A muted sneeze to...
Ecclesiastes 4, Recast in Classical Poetry, by T.M. Moore The Society April 11, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Terza Rima 6 Comments No One to Comfort Them after Ecclesiastes 4 Just look around: Oppression everywhere exists beneath the sun, and the oppressed cry vainly for relief, but who will care? The slaves, the poor, all...
‘Good Friday’ by James A. Tweedie The Society April 10, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments Sullen, somber skies— Heavy leaden tears are shed in sorrow. Heaven cries. Thunderous sobbing grief— Thrashing, crashing; Flashing, gnashing; Death defying belief. Salvic memories— Rise...
Translation of Pushkin on Cholera Quarantine and Poetry on the CCP Virus The Society April 9, 2020 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Translation 16 Comments Time Is the Measure of Every Pleasure a coronavirus limerick by Mark F. Stone The State took a stand that we practice techniques to maintain our distance and clean till it squeaks. But can such...
‘The Unknown Circle of Hell’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society April 8, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Humor, Poetry 28 Comments Personae and scene: Vergil and Dante, somewhere in the mid-region of Hell. Dante: Honored Vergil, tell me where we’re going— It’s hard for me to take in what you’re showing Without some...
‘The Art Professor’ by Sheila Mulrooney The Society April 7, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 4 Comments Pygmalion knew these women all too well; his instincts told him he’d better sleep alone. He took to art. —Ovid, The Metamorphoses, Book X His wife will say no living soul should trust that...
Scots Translation and Poetry by George T. Watt for Tartan Day 2020 The Society April 6, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Readings, Translation 12 Comments The Last Bard o Scotland Translation by George T. Watt, frae the original by Joseph Charles MacKenzie Watters o Irvine an Annock, Ma saut tears mell wi the sautie ocean, Wast o Arran Isle...
A Poem Celebrating Tartan Day and 700th Anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath The Society April 6, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Readings, Translation 8 Comments Read by George T. Watt The Scrieve fae Arbroath Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit....
‘The American Revolution: An Epic Poem,’ Chapter I, by Andrew Benson Brown The Society April 5, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Epic, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments Chapter I Who sings of arms these days? Or even men? The seed of Adam’s tucked inside Eve’s apple, And sits not taking root—his defect’s been Apparent since equality’s long grapple. Poor...
An Arthurian Interlude in Alliterative Verse, by Rahul Gupta The Society April 4, 2020 Alliterative, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments Rahul Gupta holds a PhD for a thesis on mediaeval Germanic and modern mediaevalist metre and poetics from the University of York. His poetry and translations have appeared hitherto in Agenda,...
Three Poems by Orthopaedic Cancer Surgeon Richard Lackman The Society April 3, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 23 Comments A Life I Could Not Save She did not feel her age though she was old, But still looked young as she was often told. And so she was a vibrant 95, Happy to be healthy and alive. And yet this cancer...
‘Battle of the Bib’ and Other Poetry by Peter Venable The Society April 3, 2020 Culture, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment Battle of the Bib Emma was wearing a new autumn dress. Papa snapped on her bib, to prevent a mess— oatmeal was planned at her special request But a tranquil breakfast was not to...
‘Foolosophy’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 2, 2020 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Rondeau, Rondeau Redoublé 18 Comments Foolosophy I know that I know nothing more than you, for neither of us know a single thing of relevance; I opt not to accrue vast knowledge as the price is danger’s sting. All blissful days are built on...
‘Don’t Get Caught’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society April 1, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 28 Comments Don’t Get Caught The catfish and the trout hum different tunes, But both agree they love hot afternoons When no one wants to fish, when ponds and streams And rivers generate aquatic dreams That...
Pestilence and Quarantine: Poetry on the CCP Virus (Coronavirus) The Society March 31, 2020 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 48 Comments Pestilence Killed Them by James Sale The Pestilence killed them So the Proverb said, And with that happy thought They laid down in their bed. The Pestilence killed them--- Who else could it...
‘Harbinger’s Gift’ by Tony L. Damigo The Society March 30, 2020 Culture, Poetry 4 Comments My waning days give way as dark besieges all my light. My tree, its branches sway in frigid Winter winds that bite! So too, the chill consumes me as my crackling hearth yet burns. The flicker of...
The Dark and the Light: Poetry on the CCP Virus (Novel Coronavirus) The Society March 29, 2020 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Limerick, Poetry 7 Comments As the Lights Go Out - the Last Limerick "The night cometh, when no man can work." John, 9:4 by Joe Tessitore I can tell there will be no escape From this hellishly chilling landscape Born of hatred...
‘Song of the Elk’ by Alexander King Ream The Society March 29, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments From hoof and hide, to flank and horn, Amid the wood, was noble born, Upon the field I walked at length, Swift in motion, high in strength, And scarcely did I need to boast, Rare of speech,...
‘Whisper of Thunder’ by T.M. Moore The Society March 28, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 4 Comments Job 26.8-14 The flash and crash were simultaneous. The whole house shuddered, like it was about to come apart, and all the lights went out. The dogs erupted in a frenzied fuss of frightened...
Humorous Poetry for the CCP Virus (COVID-19) Quarantine The Society March 26, 2020 Clerihew, Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 108 Comments Note: The Society of Classical Poets refers to the COVID-19 coronavirus as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and...
‘Im Fruhling’ (‘In Spring’) by Ernst Schulze, and Other Translations by David B. Gosselin The Society March 26, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry, Translation 5 Comments Im Fruhling (In Spring) by Ernst Schulze (1789-1817) I sit here lonely on a hill Where skies are clear and blue; The sunset casts a glowing veil Over the deep and tranquil dale— I used to love...
Turning to Heaven During CCP Virus Epidemic: Three Poems The Society March 24, 2020 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments Remember God “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” —Alexandr Solzhenitsyn by Connie Phillips We must remember God in all we do, And keep Him always in our hearts and...
‘Bill Butler Leaves His Mark’ by David Watt The Society March 24, 2020 Culture, Humor, Poetry 29 Comments Bill Butler made a shopping trip each Friday, to the town, Astride his silver bicycle he’d purchased for a crown; For this was many years ago when pace of life was slow And cars were deemed a...
‘Briefs’: A New Poetry Form The Society March 23, 2020 Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Poetry Forms 21 Comments by James A. Tweedie The form of the “brief” ordinarily consists of a couplet of anapestic tetrameter with the first soft beat of each line clipped off (x / xx / xx / xx /). The anapest, which functions...
‘If a Contemporary Free-Verse Poet Wrote a Sonnet’: A Poem and Brief Essay The Society March 23, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 17 Comments by James A. Tweedie If a Contemporary Free-Verse Poet Wrote a Sonnet Today, because I’m early for Pilates, __I stop at Starbucks for a cappuccino, __But change my mind because the mocha...
A Poem on the World Health Organization’s Praise for Beijing, by Bruce Dale Wise The Society March 22, 2020 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 61 Comments The World Health Organization by Baidu Wercs Lee The WHO has praised Beijing's response to COVID-19's spread, despite the fact of all the many thousands that are dead. The Chinese first detected it...
‘Carmen Cygni, a Retourne’ by Mike Bryant The Society March 22, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Found Poem, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments Carmen Cygni, a Retourne She holds the sickle and the scythe, Dark clothed and hooded, glimpse of white. A dancer languorous but lithe, She stands between the day and night. Dark clothed and...
A Translation of ‘Hector and Andromache’ by Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) The Society March 21, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Homer, Poetry, Translation 4 Comments translation by Jonathan Shoulta Andromache Will you, my Hector, forever go away to where with unmatched hands Achilles makes Patroclus bloody off'rings? ____________________Who will teach your...
Poetry on Panic Buying The Society March 20, 2020 Culture, Humor, Poetry 17 Comments Pearls of Wisdom in Times of Crisis by Susan Jarvis Bryant Pearl clutchers of the world, please take a breath: take time to breathe the balm of calm’s bouquet; let rasping gasps of anguish slip...
‘The Graveyard of My Mind’ by Phil S. Rogers The Society March 20, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments I pour myself four fingers, or maybe it is five, sit in a broken rocker and slowly close my eyes. I muse on my survival for nigh on eighty years, A victory in heart, despite a wealth of tears. My...
‘The Glory of Spring’ by M. P. Lauretta The Society March 19, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 18 Comments Mere words have not the power to convey the loveliness laid out before my eyes; this triumph of rebirth; this lustrous day; this crowning of Creation’s enterprise. This is the time when man and...
‘If Biden Had a Brain’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society March 18, 2020 Culture, Humor, Poetry 30 Comments He has spent a shower of hours obtaining power and glowers from bigwigs in Ukraine--- he’d minimize the drama and he’d be the next Obama if he only had a brain. “You’re a dog-faced...
Three Poems on the Spread of the CCP Virus (COVID-19) The Society March 17, 2020 Covid-19, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments The Society of Classical Poets refers to the COVID-19 coronavirus as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a...
‘Brave Soldiers We’ and Other Poetry by Beverly Stock The Society March 17, 2020 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Brave Soldiers We after "The Things We Dare Not Tell" by Henry Lawson We muster in the heat somewhere, We sign our oaths, and then we swear, Brave soldiers we, are doing well, Yet, there are...
‘This Luxurious Empire’ and Other Poetry by Anissa Nedzel Gage The Society March 16, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments This Luxurious Empire Vesuvius, you have destroyed a world! __With roars of fire and thunder, hails of ash, __You've hurled your blistering soul, with sulfurous flash Of fire-lightning—certain...
‘Planned Barrenhood’ by Theresa Rodriguez The Society March 15, 2020 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 8 Comments Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood Moloch: ancient Canaanite god of child sacrifice Is there one in your neighborhood? The place I call Planned Barrenhood? A Margaret Sanger...
‘If Milton Were Alive Today’ by Andrew Benson Brown The Society March 14, 2020 Culture, Humor, Poetry 17 Comments The blind poet awakes and feels his way Into the living room, where light of day Will find his daughters ready to preserve The words of truth and beauty that disturb His sleep, and roll forth from...
‘Tower of Ivory’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society March 13, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments What curve, what contrapposto, shift of weight, Recalls the tusk from which some Gothic hand Had carved the Paris Virgin holding straight My King enthroned upon an ivory stand! What smiles, no...