‘I Am One, Then’ and Other Poetry by James Sale The Society June 7, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 4 Comments I Am One, Then "In the midst of my days I shall go to the gates of Hell" - Isaiah 38.10 I am one, then, who's been to hell: __Cut down in my old prime; One day solid, sound as a bell, __The next day quite...
A Ballad for College-bound Students, by Ron L. Hodges The Society June 6, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Short Stories 2 Comments Icarus’ Fall at College Prologue Dear reader, surely, you must think, __“What could be taught to us That we haven’t already learned __Of mythic Icarus? “His plunge is clearly a...
‘Forgetting the Tiananmen Square Massacre for 30 Years’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society June 4, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 41 Comments Forgetting the Tiananmen Square Massacre for 30 Years Robbed of life and liberty in open air, Young citizens ran out of breath inside the Square. Hot bullets opened skin to pump bright flesh holes...
‘Minotaur’ by Alan Sugar The Society June 3, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Half man, half monster—I am in a maze. They banished me because of others’ sins. Among these walls, I’m doomed to spend my days. No happy ending. No one ever wins. It was the king,...
‘The Lament of the Editors’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society June 2, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Sapphic Verse 14 Comments a satirical piece in Sapphic stanzas Every day they come in a flood: unwanted Big manila envelopes stuffed with verses. Mostly garbage—that’s what we sift and filter Looking for talent. Like...
Six Clerihews by Peter Hartley The Society June 1, 2019 Clerihew, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Poetry Forms 39 Comments The clerihew is a kind of epigrammatic verse (normally) consisting of a pair of rhyming couplets. The first line will usually introduce the name of a famous person. The following three lines will describe some...
‘Song of the Yew, at University of Georgia, Athens,’ and Other Poetry by Alexander King Ream The Society May 31, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments Song of the Yew, at the University of Georgia, Athens a sprig of General Oglethorpe's ancestral yew was transported and planted aside the University of Georgia Arch on College Square, in Athens Evergreen,...
‘A New Life’ and Other Poetry by Dusty Grein The Society May 30, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments A New Life an English ode With the blending of two souls, in a dance as old as time a spark ignites, and a cell divides; a baby—hers and mine. Conceived in a moment of utter joy, a new and...
Some Truncated Quatrains by Bruce Wren The Society May 29, 2019 Culture, Education, Humor, Poetry, Poetry Forms 12 Comments A truncated quatrain is a form I have invented in an attempt to find some appropriate English form similar—for its brevity and single-mindedness in theme—to the Japanese haiku. They consist in four lines...
‘John Company’ by Geoffrey Leggett The Society May 28, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments John Company was the familiar name of the Honourable East India Company which administered India until the Indian Mutiny in 1858 But, Oh, if only you would raise your eyes, take time to look, not...
‘Solemn Legion of the Brave’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society May 27, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments Solemn Legion of the brave Marching by there grave to grave, Defending faith and family, Fighting wars for our country. Solemn Legion boots in time, Drummers drumming, bagpipes whine, Marking...
‘The Forlorn Hope—Vicksburg 1863’ and Other Poetry by Randal A. Burd, Jr. The Society May 26, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau The Forlorn Hope—Vicksburg 1863 Back in Vicksburg, the town was surrounded With a battle line twelve miles long. U.S. Grant sought to conquer the city, But the rebel defenses were strong. An advance...
‘Delimitation’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society May 25, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments Delimitation To rhyme with proper meter in the cause Of classic forms is nothing anyone Should derogate, but old poetic laws Were fashioned to enshrine a style, not stun The poet into incoherencies By...
“We are super, we are fine, We’re the Class of ’69!” by James A. Tweedie The Society May 24, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments Fifty years ago . . . (it seems Like only yesterday) . . . the dreams, The hopes, and the unspoken fear That marked and marred my Senior year . . . I faced a future plagued with doubt; A Cold War world...
‘Abortion Rites’ by Edward C. Hayes The Society May 23, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 14 Comments lyrics inspired by the movie Unplanned Ms. Sally loved the parties, spent her nights out "on the town." Her door was open for the boys, whenever they came ‘round. Then one morning when she woke she knew that...
‘The Cottage in the Glen’ by Martin Rizley The Society May 22, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 17 Comments While driving on an April day along a winding road Through rolling hills, beside the way, I spied a small abode A little cottage in a glen below a bridge I crossed, The sight of which, had I not...
A Poem on Terrorism: ‘Why Not?’ by T.M. Moore The Society May 18, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Terrorism 6 Comments We shake our heads, and wonder, “Why?” aloud each time some speeding truck plows through a crowd, or grinning gunman gloats at blood and breath spilled and extinguished by his date with...
‘A Poet’s Lament’ and Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society May 17, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 19 Comments A Poet’s Lament - for Charles Southerland, whose brilliant prose style I so painfully tried to imitate and incorporate Nobody cried when poetry died a long, slow death - a final breath, maybe even a last...
‘White Is A Color, Too’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society May 16, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments White Is A Color, Too It seems strange to have to say this After what that great man taught, Yet I have seen so much amiss That I fear we all forgot. I’m here to share an opinion, Which might be a...
On Wendy Cope’s Wasteland Limericks (Essay) The Society May 15, 2019 Culture, Essays, Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Reviews 6 Comments by Lew Icarus Bede The way I dealt with T. S. Eliot's The Wasteland was to write a poem, equally desperate, in that same allusive style—with notes. That unpublished poem Cicadas' Voices, written in the...
Poetry Challenge: Write a Square Poem The Society May 14, 2019 Culture, Poetry, Riddles 30 Comments by David Watt I recently came across the following “square poem” attributed to Charles Dodgson (better known as Lewis Carrol). Please note that each of the six lines may be read horizontally, or...
Friends of Falun Gong Poetry Contest Winners Announced The Society May 13, 2019 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Poetry Contests 2 Comments Congratulations to contest winners David Whippman (First Place), Randal Burd (Second Place), Theresa Rodriguez (Third Place), and Dusty Thorne (Fourth Place). Mr. Whippman's winning poem is below. Other poems...
Selected Poems from ‘Journey to the East’ by Evan Mantyk The Society May 13, 2019 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Short Stories 10 Comments A Journey to the East by Evan Mantyk is a historical and poetical fairytale adventure styled after Journey to the West, by Ming Dynasty writer Wu Cheng’en. The first nine chapters of the former may be read...
Three Poems for Mother’s Day The Society May 12, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Bunny by Sally Cook Indebted to a simple spark of life, You missed your chance at Europe’s wondrous door. A conscientious mother and a wife, You danced your dance upon an inland shore. Your simple...
A Line of Shakespeare Poetry Contest The Society May 8, 2019 Culture, Education, From the Society, Humor, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Shakespeare 148 Comments Winners announced here! Write a short poem that begins with one line from any Shakespeare play or poem. The poem should be two to four lines in length. Post it in the comments section below under your...
A Riddle by Connie Phillips The Society May 8, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Riddles 8 Comments Riddle No. 1 So astounding is this part— A major muscle, like your heart. And so astonishing its job, Without it you would be a blob: You couldn’t stand or lift or bend— You’d be a pretzel in...
‘Irrelephant’ and Other Poetry by Raymond Gallucci The Society May 7, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry 21 Comments Irrelephant Within the room there’s something big, But management ignores it. A redwood tree, not tiny twig? Concern they haven’t for it. Though elephant is in the room, It’s on the mouse they...
‘Tolstoy: A Very Brief Biography in Verse’ by William Walters The Society May 6, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry 6 Comments Dust to lust to disgust to trust to must to just to dust. Wm. Walters is a professor of English and linguistics at Rock Valley College, in Rockford, IL. His poems have appeared...
‘Streamlined’ and Other Poetry by David Whippman The Society May 5, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments Streamlined In some alternative reality I have remained unmarried, all alone. Would that have been a better way for me - Some Spartan bachelor flat, my comfort zone? Just having to look after number...
‘Centauromachy’ by Nathaniel Todd McKee The Society May 4, 2019 Culture, Poetry, Short Stories 15 Comments This poem recounts the famous mythical battle, “Centauromachy.” It unfolds in the ancient home of the Lapiths in the region of Thessaly, Greece, a generation or two before the Trojan War. King...
‘The Collapse of Character’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society May 3, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments —from A Gallery of Ethopaths What generates the half-assed views That this dimwit nation spews? Why are persons mindless lemmings? From what source is this stuff stemming? Collapse of...
A Poem on Recent Shooting Heroes Lori Kaye and Riley Howell, by James A. Tweedie The Society May 2, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Terrorism 10 Comments For Lori Kaye and Riley Howell I sing in praise of Lori Gilbert Kaye. When racist hatred paid a deadly call On Congregation Chabad of Poway, She stood and “took a bullet for us all.” I sing of...
‘Epigrams on the Decay within Academia’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society May 1, 2019 Culture, Epigrams and Proverbs, Humor, Poetry 21 Comments Epigrams on the Decay within Academia Liberal Artifice "Progressives," through advanced miseducation, Have shaken our fair land to its foundation. Gustatory Chiasmus Good taste is...
Remembering John Whitworth (1945–April 22, 2019) The Society April 30, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments Read the poetry of the recently departed John Whitworth at Trinacria or The Poetry Archive. by Sally Cook Any ordinary poet composing a landscape piece might easily imagine a dull blue sky, one small white...
‘An Ode to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’ by James A. Tweedie The Society April 30, 2019 Culture, Humor, Performing Arts, Poetry 3 Comments An Ode to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern 50 Years Later A Poetic Summary of Tom Stoppard’s Award-Winning Play As Seen Through the Eyes of Its Two Leading Characters Says Rosencrantz to Guildenstern, “I...
‘Venting’ and Other Poetry by T.M. Moore The Society April 29, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments Venting Be angry, and do not sin. —Ephesians 4.26 We're told a large volcano roils and seethes beneath the soil of Yellowstone. The steam that rises all throughout the park, and wreathes its many...
‘The Fall of the Fourth Estate’ and Other Poetry by Randal A. Burd, Jr. The Society April 27, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau 4 Comments The Fall of the Fourth Estate a rondeau The Media: the Fourth Estate* Performed disgracefully of late: Delivering the news askew, Allowing certain viewpoints through To fuel the discontent and...
Translation of Gottfried von Strassburg’s ‘Tristan’ Prologue The Society April 26, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 4 Comments Translation by Matthew Wildermuth Note: In the time of its composition—the first decade of the 13th century—Tristan was already a timeless story of heroism and romance, yet in the hands of a great...
A ‘Birthday Apology’ to Shakespeare on his 455th, and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society April 26, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Shakespeare 8 Comments Birthday Apology William Shakespeare was born April 26, 1564 If all the world’s a stage, and all the men are women, myne eye be true, I gauge; her beard doth need a...
Five Sonnets on World War I by Peter Hartley The Society April 23, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 33 Comments Gallipoli, 1915 There are none left on earth can ever tell At first hand of this mortal waste of war Hard-fought one hundred years ago and more, The stench of death, of corpses left to swell, Their...