‘In the Lotus Pose’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society May 1, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments In the Lotus Pose By Uwe Carl Diebes At first, he was uncomfortable in the lotus pose, but as he sat down carefully, his upper spine arose. Though startled where he found himself, he gradu'lly...
‘Unripe’ and Other Poetry by Nicholas Froumis The Society April 27, 2016 Culture, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments Unripe Deceived are we by the state of the skin, when overly reliant on our eyes. Of greater concern is what lies within, under the surface we find the true prize. A gentle squeeze applied to test the...
On the 400th Anniversary of Shakespeare’s Death The Society April 26, 2016 Culture, Poetry, Shakespeare 2 Comments William Shakespeare is believed to have died on April 23, 1616. Post your commemorative poems in the comments section or email to [email protected]. Remembering Shakespeare By Dusty...
‘Storyteller’ and Other Poetry by Michael Harmon The Society April 11, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Storyteller We sit around the fire. The storyteller drones, until his words expire in silence like the stones. Primeval darkness frames the flower-yellow flames enlightening our faces. Like...
‘Far From Home, First Dream in Months’ by Andrew Szilvasy The Society March 30, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments August 13, 2012 I dreamt last night of singing with Li Po. (Or is he now sleeping, dreaming of me?) How much we drank… The world all vertigo… He brought his ch’in. It was life’s apogee. Yet...
Sonnets II & III by Justin T. Monelt The Society March 28, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Sonnet II The spark which lights my innermost desire, whose flame burns fierce in Spirit and in vein, your blinding glory makes my heart aspire to grasp the...
‘Dunblane Cathedral’: A Poem on the 20th Anniversary of a Massacre, by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society March 26, 2016 Alliterative, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . Dunblane Cathedral On the massacre of sixteen children and their teacher at the Dunblane Primary School near Stirling, Scotland, March 13, 1996 LOVE’s light lost the bleak night breathes a black breeze of...
‘Metaphysical Mortar’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society March 22, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Ekphrastic, Poetry 4 Comments Metaphysical Mortar Between the cobalt and the blue Glean gestalt and sum of true All and each be more than six Wall and reach be more than bricks Photo by A Sclamberg & H...
‘A Fifteen-Year-Old’s Response to Frost’ and Other Poetry by Janice Canerdy The Society March 16, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Education, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments A Fifteen-Year-Old's Response to Frost "This 'pome' don't make NO sense! What junk!" the scowling students muttered. "Two roads in the woods!" one hissed. "Such bunk"-- opinions rudely...
‘Horses’ and Other Poetry by Ruth Hill The Society March 10, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry Horses Tell me what power hits the ground, heard a mile away, ear to mound? Earth’s tympanic membrane resounds; like kettle drums, the hoof beat pounds! Or what, when they run together, frightens every...
‘Apes or Angels’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society March 6, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Apes or Angels Humans, some say, aren’t much more than an ape— A reasoning beast, quintessence of dust. Others believe we’re of angelic shape. Hungry for morsels, we scrabble and scrape, Leaving...
‘The Great’ and Other Poetry and Translations by William Ruleman The Society February 27, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 1 Comment The Great The great are often shunned by their own age, While even the noble dead are sometimes mocked, And eras are damned when none who sees is shocked By scads of scorn spat on a sacred page. Today...
‘Ode to a Soldier’s Wife’ by Dusty Grein The Society February 25, 2016 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 5 Comments Ode to a Soldier’s Wife I can see your tears are streaming, in the lamp light they are gleaming; How I wish that I were dreaming, and that duty hadn’t called. Through the wretched bars we’re...
‘Counterfeit Martyrdom’ and Other Poetry by Basil Fillis The Society February 21, 2016 Culture, Poetry, Riddles, Terrorism 5 Comments Counterfeit Martyrdom Evil terrorists 'round the world Reject God's law, "Thou shalt not kill." Minds indoctrinated, furled up in a cold and savage will! Real martyrs are the brave who die adhering to...
‘Valentine’ and Other Poetry by Michael Curtis The Society February 14, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Valentine The name of Spring is ever fresh and fair; Her sound is ever gentle, ever true; The Spring is like the songbird of the air Who sweetly...
‘Models for Configuring Friendship’ and Other Poetry by Lynn Veach Sadler The Society February 12, 2016 Culture, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment Models for Configuring Friendship A knight for whom the Grail is wholly you; the one who greets you sans your power, might; who never counts the favors that accrue; adheres to you whatever is your...
‘Children of the Stars’ by Elizabeth A. Britton The Society February 11, 2016 Culture, Poetry The lit brush burns oil on the canvas; Ancient word breathes stories of Atlantis; The silent stone speaks more than us all; Mortal mysteries that hold us in thrall. Throughout the ages, man has...
‘Xerxes’ and Other Poetry by A.R. Harmon The Society February 9, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry Xerxes My power does lie In hue of the sky In the refined folds of God’s estate My throne I have carved Of sapphire hard And I crowned it with God’s ark of Jade My hosts of legions Number in...
Poetry in Traditional Celtic and Bardic Forms by Elizabeth Spencer Spragins The Society January 30, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Education, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Rhupunt 1 Comment Sedona (A Rhupunt) Deep shadows fade Red rock cascade To purpled jade— Sun sparks ignite. Stone sentries stare Sightless through air At treadless stair Spanning the height. No mortals...
‘The Gathering’ and Other Poetry by Brian Mc Cabe The Society January 27, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry The Gathering Upon the 400th anniversary of the founding of the town of Virginia in Ireland Oh town of the Virgin Queen I hear you call me back To your ancient Way of Woods following Vikings track Your...
‘Father and Son’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society January 19, 2016 Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Father and Son I. The Modern Daedalus I want you to carry yourself with pride: Stand up straight, with your shoulders back; don’t slouch; and yet, also, don’t let hubris deride you. Be humble. Get...
10 Greatest Poems Ever Written The Society January 7, 2016 Best Poems, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry, Popular Poetry Archives 265 Comments Updated: April 26, 2024 10 Greatest Poems Ever Written An Ambitious "Best Poems" List Limited to Poems Originally Written in English and of 50 Lines or Less by Evan Mantyk What is poetry? What is great...
‘The Circus’ by Enri Vilmos The Society January 5, 2016 Culture, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments The band struck up for the comical clowns! They all sported wigs, red noses, and frowns And from painted mouths uttered sad cries. Then the fools threw water and custard pies In riotous ribaldry: mad, bad,...
‘To Time and Family’ by Shailyn Sooter The Society January 1, 2016 Culture, Poetry Tender is the night shared in close caress With candied kiss and floral purr, no less. The pristine perfection of unclaimed time Drenches air with an ephemeral chime. Considering not money as pay off, The...
‘Hints from the Moon (Monday)’ and Other Poetry by E.P. Fisher The Society December 21, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Hints from the Moon (Monday) Beginning with zero, hints from the moon Going through phases, ripe in the womb; Time out of nothing, pared in the night, Planet of sorrow tilting to light; Retrograde...
‘Coming Out,’ a Holocaust Villanelle by Susanna Rich The Society December 12, 2015 Culture, Poetry, Villanelle Free me from wars? Make my debut? Oh, Mr. Handsome G.I. Joe— your face and a blanket won’t do. Sift flour from Mama’s ashes, melt glue from Papa’s bones. Knead them into dough— free of wars,...
‘Ballad’ by U. Carew Delibes The Society December 6, 2015 Culture, Poetry 4 Comments The rustic minuet's small step has since been swept away by all the modern pop and pep and fizzle of the day. One of the first to introduce it into music's lair was Frenchman Jean Baptiste Lully of Louis'...
‘The Return of Fine Art’ by Hoffmann Zhu The Society November 30, 2015 Beauty, Culture, High School Submissions, Poetry This poem was inspired by Shen Yun Performing Arts. Bleak and somber is the flavor du jour; Modernism pervades all spheres of art; Artists lacking virtue make it a bore, People wait for a...
Two White Stag Poems by Two Poets The Society October 25, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry The White Stag By Bard Eucewelis I saw it long ago; so long ago it seems as if it was a dream, a white stag in the wood. Reality is ever fading through time's seams. It's odd to say so; but its sighting was...
‘Game Over’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society September 25, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Game Over With my friend P. Modernity, We played a game of strategy. Sipping our hot cups of coffee, We spoke over a game of chess. Most of our chat was mere bs, But then the game turned...
‘Confucius Institutes’ by Damian Robin The Society September 7, 2015 Culture, Poetry Confucius Institutes, which advance the agenda of the Chinese Communist Party, are found at universities in the United States and around the world. In colleges and schools, and blocks of...
‘The Backwards Romantic’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society September 4, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments The Backwards Romantic “Most of those once common occasions for poetry seem embarrassingly old fashioned now that piped-in tunes and hand-held devices provide the background music for life’s journey.”...
‘Poetry Dies: Influential Artistic Method of Illuminating Human Truth Passed Yesterday’ by Ron L. Hodges The Society August 26, 2015 Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments Poetry, arguably the most powerful form of communication ever devised by mankind, has died. It was thousands of years old. Poetry died yesterday after a prolonged illness. Trapped in a meaningless,...
‘Octave’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society August 20, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Octave By Erisbawdle Cue There's always something going wrong the pessimistic person thinks. One moment one is going strong and then one's on the blink...and blinks. There's always something...
‘Why Did Lyric Poetry Die’ by Robert King The Society August 14, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Why did lyric poetry die? ‘Cause caterpillars cannot fly And no longer morph to butterflies Pegasus now has lost his wings To logic, not to lyric, clings Concerned solely with words’ meanings Can...
‘The Tears of the Gods’ and Other Poetry by Robert S. Hubbard The Society August 5, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment The Tears of the Gods An ancient fable tells of how the gods rose from the main Of azure deep of Ocean and all Being they surveyed How Sun he warmed the stones, how the vibrant verdure swayed How tawny...
‘Phaethon’s Dare’ by Gregory Palmerino The Society August 2, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments I. Again the darkling moon is new this night, and cold deserted seas in lunar sleep lay fasting and far from the waxing light; as bright Apollo* flails the unknown deep beyond the threshold of our...
‘Dharmachakra’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society July 27, 2015 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Dharmachakra By Sri Wele Cebuda Around the Dharma Wheel spins, around and round it goes. It never pauses nor begins, it simply travels, o! Though millions fly off from its whirl, and thousands...
‘To a Brother in Paris’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society July 17, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments To a Brother in Paris Like Sun in the woods, or a cold Summer rain, Would trouble make goods, and loss create gain. Then bound to a Lady, and allied to Bro, With the grace of God found, wherever you...
‘The Ghost in the Crow’s Nest’ by Enri Vilmos The Society July 14, 2015 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment The captain on this night would have no rest A storm rages and moves in from the West And the heathen banshees screech and wail As the waves bring down the mast and sail On a ship that would lose...