‘Super Bowl Podcast’ by John W. Steele The Society September 7, 2017 Culture, Humor, Poetry 2 Comments The best way to understand America is through the lens of football esoterica. If you have no clue where you belong, why not join the friendly football throng? Get to know the winners and the losers, then...
‘Hero for Hire’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society September 6, 2017 Culture, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments Hero for Hire About myself I feel so good I grabbed my club, I donned my hood I found a hater to beat Then on the other side of town I knocked another statue down it crumbled at my feet I am a hero...
‘Urban Butterfly’ and Other Poetry and Music by Adam Sedia The Society September 5, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Urban Butterfly What business have you here, In acrid air, to strain Through jagged glass and steel On a cracked asphalt plain. Faint, shady memory Of vernal vales of green – Wind-tossed, long-lost,...
‘The Sea’ and Other Poetry by David Bellemare Gosselin The Society September 4, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments The Sea My sleeping spirit wakes As the town’s vespers Climb the stairless sky And the sea whispers. The rushing waves crash On the craggy Shores of consciousness And the sea whispers. Like an...
‘Cicada and Mantis’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society September 3, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Short Stories 2 Comments Cicada and Mantis You are known to us by your choral song, The clicks and buzzes of an insect throng. Hidden in darkness, a collective hum Consumes attention like a temple gong. You are not known to...
Review: Wolfe and Other Poems by Donald Mace Williams, Wundor Editions, 2017 The Society September 2, 2017 Essays, Poetry, Reviews 3 Comments By James Sale Donald Mace Williams Wolfe and Other Poems is an extraordinarily good collection of poems, clearly written by a veteran writer. The underlying credo of the collection is very aptly summed...
‘The Birch Wood by The Crag’ by Alessio Zanelli The Society August 31, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments The bark came off the trunks before the leaves had dropped— the freeze sped up, the shade enlarged, the birdsong stopped. No forest hiss survived, no human sound, no sigh— it was to be the...
Hurricane Harvey: Late August, 2017 The Society August 29, 2017 Culture, Poetry 4 Comments by E. Ducabe Wisler "Pray for Texas." —Ubs Reece Idwal The tropical cyclone named Harvey plastered Houston's plat, ten trillion gallons of rainwater in a constant splat; the size of Harvey, as immense as...
‘Britannia’ by Jane Blanchard The Society August 29, 2017 Culture, Poetry 5 Comments As times turned hard and harder yet, The Queen grew apprehensive— Relentless tides of change had made One luxury expensive. Reluctantly, she let her yacht Retire to Edinburgh— It was refitted for a...
‘Despair’ by James A. Tweedie The Society August 28, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Poet's Note: "Back when I was eighteen years old, things were sort of grim with the Vietnam War and my draft status up in the air. I had just graduated from high school the week before and was...
‘Flushing with Anger in a Rest Room’ by Frank De Canio The Society August 27, 2017 Humor, Poetry 2 Comments I may as well be hired as his maid, the way I’m made to clean his toilet seat. Still worse, the only way I’m getting paid is that by cleaning the commode I treat myself to one as dry as that he...
‘Poetry before Writing’ and Other Poetry by Phillip Whidden The Society August 26, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments Poetry before Writing “Greece down through the fifth century has aptly been described as a ‘song culture’.” ~ Michael Schmidt in The First Poets, 10, quoting Leslie Kurke, “The Strangeness of...
‘Let Us Raise Statues to the Prince of Peace’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society August 25, 2017 Art, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 21 Comments Let us raise statues to the Prince of Peace: __Cain’s monuments are powerless to bind __Our hearts in summer’s sheaf, or to remind The world of our first fall through sin’s caprice. Our...
Essay: ‘Poetry and the Muses Part 4’ by James Sale The Society August 24, 2017 Beauty, Essays, Poetry 19 Comments Poetry, as we have discussed in earlier parts of this article series, depends upon the Muses and accessing the deeper self or soul within each person; this is not an easy thing to do. In the 18th century Lord...
Excerpts from ‘Bones of Earth’ and Other Poetry by Michael Curtis The Society August 23, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Riddles 2 Comments Proem In rhyming, timing is everything. Rhymes in wrong places make awkward spaces. A rhyme in rhyming knows more than prose. Rhymes are the rings you hear in the mind’s ear. Nature’s rhymes are free:...
‘A Communist Specter Haunts the West’ by Adam Jon Miller The Society August 22, 2017 Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Villanelle 1 Comment A Villanelle “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” —George Orwell From the first green grass we navigate— Through days & nights of wake...
Ode to the Confederate Dead The Society August 20, 2017 Culture, Poetry 23 Comments by Cause Bewilder for Joshua Philipp Grave statue after statue falls with strict impunity. Memorials and monuments yield to community. The wind whips up no recollection; it cannot forget; the soldiers...
‘Higher Purpose’ and Other Poetry by David Watt The Society August 20, 2017 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments Higher Purpose Is there any higher purpose As they walk with faces down? Are they sure of destination As they shuffle through the town; With eyes grown unaccustomed To a world beyond their...
‘Passing of the Seasons’ and Other Poetry by Wandi Zhu The Society August 19, 2017 Beauty, High School Submissions, Poetry 7 Comments Passing of the Seasons When snow has melted, chill has gone, and winter turns to spring, The tender buds grow on the branches where the robins sing. The earth once brown is green again, blessed by the April...
‘Nesting Season’ and Other Poetry by Michael Angel Martín The Society August 18, 2017 Beauty, Humor, Poetry Nesting Season Little sleep. The night heat did not relent. You startle me up as day breaks over the tent to show me the sea-turtle tracks you found through the bluestems behind the campground. I hardly...
‘He viewed the world with perfect form’ by Neal Dachstadter The Society August 17, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 5 Comments He viewed the world with perfect form But upside down, not as the norm He lifted those who’d been down - trod And doing so, he followed God Neal Dachstadter is a poet living in...
Classical Book Review: The Icelandic Sagas: Tales of Kings and Heroes (Folio) Joshua Philipp August 16, 2017 Essays, Poetry, Reviews By Joshua Philipp Abbie Farwell Brown described the far north in his 1902 book, "In The Days of Giants," as "the land of the midnight sun, where summer is green and pleasant, but winter is a terrible time...
‘Concession’ by Charles Joseph Albert The Society August 15, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 14 Comments I used to find it hard to lose at chess. I'd watch in disbelief the check and mate, think through the game and curse to find too late— I'd bought disaster with the bishop's press. In school,...
‘George and the Dragon’ and Other Poetry by Sue Vincent The Society August 14, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 6 Comments George and the Dragon In the Yorkshire dialect “Nah, sithee,” said Granny, “Just set thee dahn ‘ere, An’ I’ll tell thee a tale old and true, Of ‘ow good Saint George slew a dragon one...
‘The Journal’ and Other Poetry by Amy Foreman The Society August 13, 2017 Beauty, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Short Stories 12 Comments The Journal It sat upon his bedside table, closed, And waiting to keep record of each day: The silent pages still and unexposed, A diary to come, his dossier. He saw it every evening as he bent To turn...
‘Meadows of Corn’ and Other Poetry by Satyananda Sarangi The Society August 12, 2017 Art, Beauty, Poetry 44 Comments Meadows of Corn It seems but bland to every passing eye, These regal meadows dressed in ripened corn; They dance and few can such effects deny, The brows of greener grass their touch adorn. As dismal...
‘The Plaint of Aunegild’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society August 11, 2017 Culture, Poetry 7 Comments Argument The following poem is a dramatic monologue in four sections, based on a brief passage in a barbarian legal text. In the sixth-century law code Lex Burgundiorum, an account is given of the widow...
Rhyming Riddle Contest Winners Announced The Society August 10, 2017 Culture, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Riddles 1 Comment Thank you to everyone who participated! Judges Dusty Grein, Michael Curtis, and Damian Robin have selected the below winners for the first Rhyming Riddle Contest. Judge Curtis said meter was...
‘To Solitude’ and Other Poetry by Morgan Downs The Society August 9, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments To Solitude Come, Solitude, my first and truest friend! Long hours of careless converse burden me, And I have need of hospitality Such as art thou alone meet with to lend. What synthesis my past...
‘What Heights Within My Mind Descend’ by David Hollywood The Society August 8, 2017 Poetry 6 Comments What heights within my mind descend? To fall on peaks where faith shall end, As summits fail to comprehend, That lands beneath cannot ascend, The pinnacles my thoughts transcend. As...
‘Windmill Song’ and Other Poetry by Don Shook The Society August 7, 2017 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, Short Stories 8 Comments Windmill Song Alone it shudders on a hill, Defiant in the wind. A strong south gale could topple it, A hard rain do it in. Too many years its silver blades Whirled in the morning breeze While...
‘The Tea Garden: A Crown of Sonnets’ and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society August 6, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments On Visiting the Tea Garden in Middletown, New York I. A harried daddy with two kids in tow, Maneuvering through city streets and cars, I look around quite nervously for crows Whose filthy bombs my head...
How to Write an Alexandroid The Society August 5, 2017 Alexandroid, Education, Poetry, Poetry Forms 14 Comments By C.B. Anderson Anyone writing formal poetry today has to be grateful for the arsenal of fixed forms—most of them bequeathed to us from masters of the past—that is available to lend structure to poetic...
‘Gazing above Daily Cares’ by Daniel Magdalen The Society August 4, 2017 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 10 Comments A Villanelle To breathe the beaming silence of the sky I long, when dawn’s chill wakes my eyes, and see The oft-unseen yet boundless peace on high. When slumber’s velvety dim moments die, Pale...
‘Untitled’ and Other Poetry by Phillip Whidden The Society August 3, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments Untitled All older statues want to come alive, Those Greek and Roman ones, and Christian, too. Their skeletons and veins and muscles strive To break through marble skin. They want their...
Three Poems on the Brainwashing of America by Joe Tessitore The Society August 2, 2017 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments I. My brain just came back from the laundry they tell me it's perfectly clean and it's thinking the way it's supposed to though I'm not really sure what they mean They tell me I shouldn't be...
‘A Lifetime’ and Other Poetry by Ann Christine Tabaka The Society July 31, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments A Lifetime Day drifts into evening Evening into night All around me darkness With only stars for light Dawn awakes the morning The morning burst into day The cycle never ceasing Black to white to...
‘Again’ by Jane Blanchard The Society July 30, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments Upon the release of the Society’s How to Write Classical Poetry When feeling some compulsion to compose, One wonders which of many forms to choose, Then tends to favor what one really...
“Though You Behold Me Silent in This Room…” By Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society July 29, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Love Poems, Poetry, Popular Poetry Archives 81 Comments For Elizabeth On the Poet’s Eleventh Wedding Anniversary Though you behold me silent in this room, Know that I walk in fields of fresh-cut hay; Though I be still, my thoughts like roses...
‘The Devil’s New Mission’ and Other Poetry by Troy Camplin The Society July 28, 2017 Culture, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments The Devil's New Mission The Devil went to every single school Across America to find a Faust— But no one wanted knowledge. Each dim fool Stared at a phone—the Devil could not roust A one to...