Solace from Terror, a Set of Poems about Living in the West by Damian Robin The Society October 29, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Terrorism 1 Comment Persistent Danger Where is this going when state and foe mow down civilians and non-combatants in market stalls? They shock and flame like an erratic clown whose grisly creativity...
10 Greatest Love Poems Ever Written The Society October 27, 2016 Best Poems, Education, Essays, Poetry 52 Comments by Conrad Geller People are always asking "What are the best love poems?" or "Where can I find something beautiful to say to the woman I love?" or " the man I love?" If you are looking for love poems in...
Friends of Falun Gong Poetry Contest The Society October 25, 2016 Education, Human Rights in China, Poetry 1 Comment In the name of poetry, we implore you … Since time immemorial, poetry has moved people’s hearts and shaped humanity at large. As poets we surely have a purpose. Today, in China, speech and belief are...
‘Aleppo’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society October 23, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Human Rights in China, Humor, Poetry, Terrorism 2 Comments Aleppo By Cid Wa'eeb El Sur We will drain it dry as hay. Peace shall neither night nor day hang upon its pent-house lid; it shall be a place forbid. Weary seven months times nine, shall it...
Shakespeare’s Iambic Pentameter Treats Autism, Say Researchers The Society October 22, 2016 Culture, Poetry, Shakespeare 4 Comments By Conan Milner | The Epoch Times For centuries, the plays of William Shakespeare have been celebrated for their larger-than-life storytelling and rhythmic language. Now the Bard’s work is being studied...
‘Intimations of a Dream’ and Other Poetry by Brett Forester The Society October 21, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Intimations of a Dream When the wind rustles through the open pine, And the leaves murmur and shudder off dew; When the sun, like an undeciphered sign, Through the imperial vault of swimming...
How to Write a Villanelle (with Examples) The Society October 19, 2016 Education, Poetry, Poetry Forms, Villanelle 10 Comments by Dusty Grein Hailing from 15th and 16th century French and Italian roots, the villanelle is arguably one of the strongest repeating refrain forms in classical poetry. Related How to Write a Sonnet How...
‘For Elizabeth’ and Other Poetry by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society October 17, 2016 Beauty, Poetry, Terrorism 20 Comments For Elizabeth If charm were a country, then you would be Its capital of many domes and spires Gilded and gleaming off a crystal sea, And graced with every art that love inspires. If beauty a...
‘A Bear in My Living Room’ and Other Poetry by Michael Harmon The Society October 15, 2016 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, The Environment 2 Comments A Bear in My Living Room While playing some computer games One day, I heard a noise out in The living room. I frowned, but paused And went to see. To my chagrin A bear was squatting on the...
‘A Healthy Bath of Exquisite Beauty’: An Interview with Michael Curtis The Society October 13, 2016 Essays, Interviews, Poetry 6 Comments By Evan Mantyk Michael Curtis A classical architect, sculptor, painter, and poet, Michael Curtis is, in no uncertain terms, a Renaissance man. He has taught and lectured at universities, colleges, and...
‘Growing Up’ and Other Poetry by Nicholas Froumis The Society October 12, 2016 Humor, Poetry 3 Comments Growing Up So lucky they used to say, and it was when it was rare. But now there’s way too much gray in the thinning crop of hair. And why must you now choose here of all the places to grow? Count...
‘The Not-Lily Flower’ By Hibah Shabkhez The Society October 11, 2016 Beauty, Poetry In the grey-streaked dawn I can barely glean A deck of petals expertly dealt out in a ring A clingy little flower, prest into the railing Of the dew-drugged garden already the queen O rose with your...
‘Aesop’s Gelato Parlor’ by G.M.H. Thompson The Society October 9, 2016 Humor, Poetry 5 Comments There was a king who sought to enter Law, for as he noshed a cone of Rocky Road, the Emperor of Ice-Cream froze his jaws & caused the Queen to love pie á la mode. The Court’s legates cold...
‘The Price’ and Other Poetry by Dusty Grein The Society October 7, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Pantoum, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé, The Environment 1 Comment The Price (a pantoum in iambic pentameter) The sea and sky, once beautiful and clean, They’ve paid the price for man’s hubris and greed. The jungle canopies were brilliant green as nature...
How to Write a Rondeau (with “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae) The Society October 5, 2016 Education, Poetry, Poetry Forms, Rondeau 2 Comments Related How to Write a Sonnet How to Write a Haiku How to Write a Limerick How to Write a Villanelle How to Write a Poem Like the Raven by E. V. Wyler Created by French troubadours during the Middle...
‘A Rhyme Crime’ and Other Poetry by Mae Sue Leslie The Society October 3, 2016 Humor, Poetry, Terrorism 5 Comments A Rhyme Crime An old man once curtly said, "I wouldn't give a dime for poetry that has rhyme." A rhyme nut killed him dead. Now his widow mourns past times as she hears the rhyme nut's rhymes. "My...
Paean to “ODE TO JOY” and Other Poetry by Don Shook The Society October 1, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments Paean to “ODE TO JOY”* I heard the “Ode to Joy” today, ten thousand times at least. I could not hold my heart at bay, engorging on a feast of melody, of majesty, of rhythmic...
10 Greatest Poems about Death: A Grim Reader The Society September 29, 2016 Best Poems, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry 16 Comments By Conrad Geller Poets demonstrably know nothing about death since it is, in Hamlet’s phrase, “the undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns.” Yet from the Egyptian Book of the Dead...
‘My Mirror Grinned’ (Rondeau) and Other Poetry by Sathya Narayana The Society September 27, 2016 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, Rondeau, Rubaiyat 6 Comments My Mirror Grinned (Rondeau) My mirror grinned at my first grey. With rearing youth, it’s my first fray. Disturbed, with care I plucked that bane, next day to find one more, again! I cried and sighed...
‘The Pleiades’ (Pantoum) by Carol Smallwood The Society September 25, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Pantoum, Poetry 6 Comments There is a tale of seven sisters whose father help up the sky pursued by Orion, carried to the heavens by Zeus. Farming season began when their star cluster appeared high— their position in the...
‘Greening Fields’ by Carole Mertz The Society September 23, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 12 Comments Today I may dream of stubbled fields shriveled foretelling of future prospects grim. If tomorrow’s dreams are green, is it a given I’ll have...
‘Falun Dafa Hao’ by Courtney Dowe (with Audio) The Society September 21, 2016 Human Rights in China, Poetry, Readings 1 Comment "Falun Dafa Hao" is Chinese for "Falun Dafa is good." Falun Dafa, also known as a Falun Gong, is a peaceful spiritual practice that has been persecuted in China since 1999. The world will wonder how We let...
How to Write a Pantoum (With Example) The Society September 19, 2016 Beauty, Education, Pantoum, Poetry, Poetry Forms 18 Comments By Carol Smallwood The pantoum is a poetry form that originated in 15th century Malaysia and drifted West in the 19th century with French writer Victor Hugo, among others. While it never quite took off like...
‘Genesis’ by Liùsaidh The Society September 17, 2016 Culture, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments Gathering like large and lazy vultures they asked me, on my travels, where I’m from — my origins, religion and my culture the place from which I came, so forth, and on. But how to answer...
‘Unexpiring’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society September 15, 2016 Art, Beauty, Ekphrastic, Poetry Unexpiring Ekphrastic on the above photo Unexpiring constant Sun, Earth untired responding spun, Surging fire, maternal birth, Urgent sire of vernal mirth. Père Sol, of ruth and blaze, Mère Earth...
‘An Uplifting Book’ by Daniel Magdalen The Society September 13, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment The eyes emerge from slumber’s lake of lead, Awakened by the zephyr flying past, In wonderment to witness, overhead, An otherworldly sky expanding fast. Revolving stars in efflorescence...
‘On the Shores of Lake Erie’ by G.M.H. Thompson The Society September 11, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments On the shores of Lake Erie, most weak & most weary, a soldier sat sunning, returned from the wars, And though it were bleary, he still could see clearly when a bonny lass...
‘We Shall Never Forget’ and Other Poetry by Alan Jankowski The Society September 10, 2016 Poetry, Terrorism 2 Comments We Shall Never Forget Let the world always remember, That fateful day in September, And the ones who answered duty's call, Should be remembered by us all. Who left the comfort of their home, To face...
‘Terrorism Can Be Defeated’ by Sandip Saha The Society September 9, 2016 Poetry, Terrorism Terror has infected the world today; And this disease is spreading day by day. Fanatics who lack spirituality And religions without morality— In the name of faith in their holy book These...
‘The Joy of Silence’ The Society September 7, 2016 Beauty, Poetry By Anonymous Sometimes I sit alone for a while, Watching life go by, Sitting high on a mountain top, Wondering just why Those ant-sized lives don’t pause and wonder “What’s this busyness...
‘Will Power’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society September 5, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry Will Power When God asked Solomon one day What his heart did most desire, The man said if he had his way Unmatched wisdom he’d acquire. Now some might...
‘Games of Gridlock’ (Rondeau) by E.V. Wyler The Society September 4, 2016 Poetry, Rondeau 2 Comments "Games of Gridlock," people proclaim, "court our congress in shifts of shame!" If pay-to-play campaigns unlash a people-to-the-poles backlash, it's our Republic we'll reclaim! On "others" bureaucrats...
‘…That Cruelest Spring’ by Daniel P. Rattelle The Society September 3, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments And then we remembered that cruelest spring, when we awoke to find ourselves hollow. Where once we mocked, “O Death where is thy sting?” now we lie in the mire and wallow. In the sting of...
2017 Poetry Competition The Society September 1, 2016 Education, From the Society, Poetry, Poetry Contests 8 Comments Submission Instructions Submit three to five poems, each of which does not exceed 50 lines. Email as a word file or in the email body to [email protected]. Put “Poetry Competition Submission”...
‘The Poet’s Purpose’ and Other Poetry by Gleb Zavlanov The Society August 31, 2016 Beauty, High School Submissions, Poetry 11 Comments The Poet’s Purpose A poet praises all of nature’s treasures, He seeks to find the pathway to her core, To laud the rarest beauty in spring’s pleasures And marvel at the waves that kiss the...
‘Such Was My Prayer’ and Other Poetry by James Sale The Society August 29, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments Such Was My Prayer Such was my prayer. And she, so far away, Or so it seemed, looked down at me and smiled; Then to Eternal Light she turned once more. -Paradiso 31.91-93, Dante Such was my prayer – she...
‘Skaters’ by Conrad Geller The Society August 28, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments Phantom skaters in the park turn, and glide, and never fall, faces clouded, figures dark. They are phantoms, after all. Turn and glide with awful grace, leave no measure, make no sound, out...
‘Ice’ and Other Poetry by Michael Curtis The Society August 26, 2016 Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments Ice I open my golden flowing fins, I dance beneath the ice, I dip and twirl and pose and spin: Tell me, don’t I look nice? Look at me! a...
‘The Garden Guest’ and Other Poetry by Lorna Davis The Society August 25, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 6 Comments The Garden Guest Gaia has entered my garden today, She moves with a rustling of leaves. I can see her pass where the branches sway, I can feel her breath on the breeze. She laughs in the splashing of...
‘Defining Blue’ by Geoffrey Pippin The Society August 24, 2016 Beauty, Poetry Capturing all that isn’t blue, The sky, extending out of view, Pitches over the gathered green, Its grassy sheen Draped, reflected, along the hills, While quietly its wideness spills Wider,...