‘A Fifteen-Year-Old’s Response to Frost’ and Other Poetry by Janice Canerdy The Society March 16, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Education, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments A Fifteen-Year-Old's Response to Frost "This 'pome' don't make NO sense! What junk!" the scowling students muttered. "Two roads in the woods!" one hissed. "Such bunk"-- opinions rudely...
‘Transient’ by Suchitra G. Das The Society March 14, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments Transient I lingered along the sandy runway Hearing the winds blowing about; A tender voice from far, faraway, “Hurry, or we’ll be late,” calls out. I cannot tear myself from it all. “Wait,”...
10 Riddles by Mike Munsell The Society March 12, 2016 Humor, Poetry, Riddles 2 Comments 1.) The prankster's favorite home decor, Clockwise or counter, the choice is yours. Never eaten, found in bowls. Around I go, I'm on a roll. What am I? ANSWER 2.) A flightless bird,...
‘Horses’ and Other Poetry by Ruth Hill The Society March 10, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry Horses Tell me what power hits the ground, heard a mile away, ear to mound? Earth’s tympanic membrane resounds; like kettle drums, the hoof beat pounds! Or what, when they run together, frightens every...
‘Reflections on a Falun Gong Candlelight Vigil’ by Shannon Cong The Society March 8, 2016 High School Submissions, Human Rights in China, Poetry 3 Comments Shall I compare the CCP To a tragic Shakespeare play? For all the lies of history Unfold in China today. Good and evil set the stage, The last and final scene. But those who ‘gainst heaven rage Know...
‘Apes or Angels’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society March 6, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Apes or Angels Humans, some say, aren’t much more than an ape— A reasoning beast, quintessence of dust. Others believe we’re of angelic shape. Hungry for morsels, we scrabble and scrape, Leaving...
‘Behind Times’ by Karlee Renkoski The Society March 4, 2016 Humor, Poetry 2 Comments They tweet like a bird, have books of your face, and Kindle who? I can hardly remember which TV button to touch. I simply don’t understand how to google or text you, or send instant telegrams in...
‘Sestina: Falun Dafa’ by Sylvia Telfer The Society March 2, 2016 Beauty, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Sestina 3 Comments In China now are shadows forged from fire, a DNA pre-history. They cloud troubled villages, rice fields, goldfish ponds. Stones form, creating outlines with moving corners of such mild movements...
‘The Journey Back’ by Eddie Aitken The Society February 29, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment The journey back to your own true self Is not paved by comfort and untold wealth, But by finding the universe’s Great Law, Looking inside, and clearing what you saw! Eddie Aitken is...
‘The Great’ and Other Poetry and Translations by William Ruleman The Society February 27, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 1 Comment The Great The great are often shunned by their own age, While even the noble dead are sometimes mocked, And eras are damned when none who sees is shocked By scads of scorn spat on a sacred page. Today...
‘Ode to a Soldier’s Wife’ by Dusty Grein The Society February 25, 2016 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 5 Comments Ode to a Soldier’s Wife I can see your tears are streaming, in the lamp light they are gleaming; How I wish that I were dreaming, and that duty hadn’t called. Through the wretched bars we’re...
‘Igor at the Kitchen Sink’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society February 23, 2016 Human Rights in China, Humor, Poetry 2 Comments Igor at the Kitchen Sink By Alecsei Durbew I saw him washing dishes at the sink. He stood against the smooth, white countertop, and tan, wood cabinet below his pink thick, stalwart legs—bull in a...
‘Counterfeit Martyrdom’ and Other Poetry by Basil Fillis The Society February 21, 2016 Culture, Poetry, Riddles, Terrorism 5 Comments Counterfeit Martyrdom Evil terrorists 'round the world Reject God's law, "Thou shalt not kill." Minds indoctrinated, furled up in a cold and savage will! Real martyrs are the brave who die adhering to...
‘Choice’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society February 19, 2016 Beauty, Human Rights in China, Poetry 1 Comment Choice Now to change; rise to rearrange; fix buckled tracks; iron out the cracked strange. Time to take off the human make- up, look within and see beyond the fake: catch and count seeds in the...
‘Riverside’ and Other Poetry by Jarrett Mohn The Society February 15, 2016 Beauty, High School Submissions, Human Rights in China, Poetry Riverside Sun rays glisten Reflect the river I stand and listen Can’t help but shiver Restless fish swim Graceful, majestic Watching sunlight dim Thoughts are monolithic Nature’s beauty...
‘Valentine’ and Other Poetry by Michael Curtis The Society February 14, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Valentine The name of Spring is ever fresh and fair; Her sound is ever gentle, ever true; The Spring is like the songbird of the air Who sweetly...
‘Models for Configuring Friendship’ and Other Poetry by Lynn Veach Sadler The Society February 12, 2016 Culture, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment Models for Configuring Friendship A knight for whom the Grail is wholly you; the one who greets you sans your power, might; who never counts the favors that accrue; adheres to you whatever is your...
‘Children of the Stars’ by Elizabeth A. Britton The Society February 11, 2016 Culture, Poetry The lit brush burns oil on the canvas; Ancient word breathes stories of Atlantis; The silent stone speaks more than us all; Mortal mysteries that hold us in thrall. Throughout the ages, man has...
‘Xerxes’ and Other Poetry by A.R. Harmon The Society February 9, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry Xerxes My power does lie In hue of the sky In the refined folds of God’s estate My throne I have carved Of sapphire hard And I crowned it with God’s ark of Jade My hosts of legions Number in...
10 Greatest English Sonnets Concerning Other Poets The Society February 7, 2016 Best Poems, Education, Essays, Poetry 3 Comments by Reid McGrath I forewarn you that these are the 10 greatest English Sonnets addressed to or concerning other poets and are not even the 10 greatest short poems concerning other poets. There are innumerable...
‘Night’s Nuclear Poetry’ by Karen Gersch The Society February 6, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments So many lasers stroked the night, the sky simply purred and burst apart. We held our breaths, but not from fright - the fireworks had launched their start. like mad housewives and activists, the...
‘Squinters’ and Other Poetry by Antoinette Foliart The Society February 5, 2016 High School Submissions, Human Rights in China, Humor, Poetry Squinters The curious the contemplators the ones who concentrate on the littlest details. The most beautiful thing about them is how they space out and their attention is unattainable. While the...
‘The Port of Tears’ by James Sale The Society February 3, 2016 Beauty, Poetry We left the Port of Joy so long ago, And ebbed so much the while and knew no flow, But still another strait we headed to. Whatever we did, wherever we steered All things led to one place, to...
2016 Poetry Competition Winners The Society February 1, 2016 From the Society, High School Submissions, Poetry, Poetry Contests 6 Comments Congratulations to the winners and to everyone who participated. There were many hundreds of submitted poems and many good works and poets who had to be left out. Thank you! ***Winners should email their...
Poetry in Traditional Celtic and Bardic Forms by Elizabeth Spencer Spragins The Society January 30, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Education, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Rhupunt 1 Comment Sedona (A Rhupunt) Deep shadows fade Red rock cascade To purpled jade— Sun sparks ignite. Stone sentries stare Sightless through air At treadless stair Spanning the height. No mortals...
‘The Gathering’ and Other Poetry by Brian Mc Cabe The Society January 27, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Poetry The Gathering Upon the 400th anniversary of the founding of the town of Virginia in Ireland Oh town of the Virgin Queen I hear you call me back To your ancient Way of Woods following Vikings track Your...
‘Night Vision’ by Robert King The Society January 23, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Night vision: a process Of the unconscious mind That the poet uses In order to find An acceptable first line Still divested of meaning Wanting only to sing These words forward leaning More words...
‘To a Beech’ by Hugh Rose The Society January 21, 2016 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Spread twig fingers. Shed your leaves. Those that linger: They may grieve When comes the winter But, come spring New buds splinter, New blooms bring That grow and swell Concentric bands That breathe...
‘Father and Son’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society January 19, 2016 Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Father and Son I. The Modern Daedalus I want you to carry yourself with pride: Stand up straight, with your shoulders back; don’t slouch; and yet, also, don’t let hubris deride you. Be humble. Get...
‘The Bloody Feast’ by Pamela Du The Society January 17, 2016 High School Submissions, Human Rights in China, Poetry Based on the real account of a doctor involved in the Chinese Communist Party’s harvesting of organs from innocent living Falun Gong practitioners In a bloodstained room on the darkest...
‘ATLASUSA’ and Other Poetry by Skip Hughes The Society January 15, 2016 Humor, Poetry ATLASUSA “Material of this sort is best read aloud.” – Frank Fortky The postal gurus are creative and clever. Our Massachusetts-Pennsylvania family Brought forth a Maine addition – MA & PA, and...
‘On the Perception of Human Beauty’ and Other Poetry by Katherine Todd The Society January 13, 2016 Beauty, Poetry On the Perception of Human Beauty Can there be a myriad of flaws so bold As to boast their cracked imperfections? Could it out do our high expectations? Is there an art form so wrinkled and old From the...
‘The Brave Souls of Autumn’ by Rachel Chen The Society January 9, 2016 High School Submissions, Human Rights in China, Poetry An autumn breeze blows swiftly through the air, And plucks the tree leaves from their humble roots. Amidst the cold a group stands in the square, Its people warmly dressed in hats and...
10 Greatest Poems Ever Written The Society January 7, 2016 Best Poems, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry, Popular Poetry Archives 265 Comments Updated: April 26, 2024 10 Greatest Poems Ever Written An Ambitious "Best Poems" List Limited to Poems Originally Written in English and of 50 Lines or Less by Evan Mantyk What is poetry? What is great...
‘The Circus’ by Enri Vilmos The Society January 5, 2016 Culture, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments The band struck up for the comical clowns! They all sported wigs, red noses, and frowns And from painted mouths uttered sad cries. Then the fools threw water and custard pies In riotous ribaldry: mad, bad,...
‘Blue and Gold’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society January 3, 2016 Beauty, Poetry Blue and Gold Michigan, Michigan: Kings to go forth, Kerothen, Kerothen, songs to the North, Ice scattered pond with a trout flipping high, Geist of beau monde, with a shout to the sky. Out from the...
‘To Time and Family’ by Shailyn Sooter The Society January 1, 2016 Culture, Poetry Tender is the night shared in close caress With candied kiss and floral purr, no less. The pristine perfection of unclaimed time Drenches air with an ephemeral chime. Considering not money as pay off, The...
‘One and Only’ by Edythe Haendel Schwartz The Society December 30, 2015 Poetry October 29, 2015: China renounces its 35 year old one-child policy, but strict controls continue despite the change. The Party rules our wombs, with Orwellian coercion– forced abortion,...
’10 Riddles’ by Damian Robin The Society December 27, 2015 Poetry, Riddles 2 Comments 1 it shows many sides but usually 2 — can boil & bluster & end in a stew — can be clear as crystal & cut a sharp view — or narrow to nothing but be taken as true 2 it holds...
‘When Fairies Stop Hiding’ and Other Poetry by Pamela Corbett The Society December 24, 2015 Beauty, Poetry When Fairies Stop Hiding It's at the end of the day, but it's not over just yet- It's time for young fairies, to grow wings and get wet. Sneaking out to the sky, while the sun descends down- Creating color...