‘Arizona Midnight’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society September 2, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments Arizona Midnight Strewn across the vault of ink, Runes and constellations link- ing platinum silver fiery space Unfathomed grace, untiring place. Stare until the nod of head There until the plod to...
‘Haiku of Righteous Thought’ and Other Poetry by Jason William Larsen The Society August 29, 2015 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry 1 Comment Haiku of Righteous Thought Inspired by Dafa Karma turned virtue Evil eliminated Virtue travels home Foe falls defeated Demon laughter quieted Perpetual peace Heaven earth conjoin Restoring...
‘Poetry Dies: Influential Artistic Method of Illuminating Human Truth Passed Yesterday’ by Ron L. Hodges The Society August 26, 2015 Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments Poetry, arguably the most powerful form of communication ever devised by mankind, has died. It was thousands of years old. Poetry died yesterday after a prolonged illness. Trapped in a meaningless,...
‘Meditating in the Night’ by Daniel Magdalen The Society August 23, 2015 Beauty, Poetry The moon, surrounded by gray lands with floating hills and cliffs of clouds, Spreads fields of light that fade away upon the drifting misty shrouds. The lonely park in stillness waits, its blooming...
‘Octave’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society August 20, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Octave By Erisbawdle Cue There's always something going wrong the pessimistic person thinks. One moment one is going strong and then one's on the blink...and blinks. There's always something...
Two Shakespearean Sonnets by Evan Mantyk The Society August 17, 2015 Poetry 1 Comment A Chinese Man Contemplates Quitting the Communist Party To be a communist party member Or not to be, the question looms o’er me: Is it nobler to accept and suffer Its oppression and never be free, Or...
‘Why Did Lyric Poetry Die’ by Robert King The Society August 14, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Why did lyric poetry die? ‘Cause caterpillars cannot fly And no longer morph to butterflies Pegasus now has lost his wings To logic, not to lyric, clings Concerned solely with words’ meanings Can...
‘Darkest Before Dawn’ by Jason Larsen The Society August 11, 2015 Beauty, Poetry The sorrows of many pulls upon heart strings To accomp'ny angelic voices that sing Voices so sweet but pain too intense to soothe Roads traveled so rough only time's sands can smooth No chariot...
‘The Tears of the Gods’ and Other Poetry by Robert S. Hubbard The Society August 5, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment The Tears of the Gods An ancient fable tells of how the gods rose from the main Of azure deep of Ocean and all Being they surveyed How Sun he warmed the stones, how the vibrant verdure swayed How tawny...
‘Phaethon’s Dare’ by Gregory Palmerino The Society August 2, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments I. Again the darkling moon is new this night, and cold deserted seas in lunar sleep lay fasting and far from the waxing light; as bright Apollo* flails the unknown deep beyond the threshold of our...
‘The Flea (A Retort)’ by Paul Brown The Society July 29, 2015 Humor, Poetry Do forgive me strange little man If I’d rather remove your hands Than risk a trip to the clinic For laying with one so unhygienic Who must slumber with hounds at night To have contracted such a...
‘Dharmachakra’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society July 27, 2015 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Dharmachakra By Sri Wele Cebuda Around the Dharma Wheel spins, around and round it goes. It never pauses nor begins, it simply travels, o! Though millions fly off from its whirl, and thousands...
‘Heritage, not Hate’ and Other Poetry by James Huss The Society July 25, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments Heritage, not Hate Today I watched a group of people wait To see an emblem steeped in hate removed From its unmerited, yet hallowed place - Today we traded racist lies for truth. Today I watched...
‘An Occurrence at Chattanooga, Tennessee’ by Slade W. U. Bierce The Society July 22, 2015 Poetry 2 Comments While we expect for our marines to go into harm's way, and so they do so, and without a hesitation's stay; when they're attacked at home and killed in their community, it is insidious and dreadful to the...
‘Toward the Dawn of Truth’ by Daniel Magdalen The Society July 20, 2015 Poetry 4 Comments Dedicated to all Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since the peaceful practice, also known as Falun Dafa, was banned on July 20, 1999. Constellations...
‘To a Brother in Paris’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society July 17, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments To a Brother in Paris Like Sun in the woods, or a cold Summer rain, Would trouble make goods, and loss create gain. Then bound to a Lady, and allied to Bro, With the grace of God found, wherever you...
‘The Ghost in the Crow’s Nest’ by Enri Vilmos The Society July 14, 2015 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment The captain on this night would have no rest A storm rages and moves in from the West And the heathen banshees screech and wail As the waves bring down the mast and sail On a ship that would lose...
‘Some Talk of God: A Dialogue’ by Damian Robin The Society July 11, 2015 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Back I am an atheist. I don’t believe in God ! Argue this with me or leave ! There is no evidence that ‘it’ exists though faith sects say they squeeze it in their fists. Divine Design is...
Crown of Sonnets on ‘Louis XV’ by Corey Browning The Society July 8, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Upon seeing "Louis XV of France as a Child" painted by Hyacinthe Rigaud at the Metropolitan Museum of Art O 'tis the beauty of the art of France To reflect regal majesty in paint, To show the...
‘Step by Step’ by Yungchen Xiaolian The Society July 5, 2015 Beauty, Poetry Originally written in Chinese and appearing on Minghui.org. Straight, dignified and unpolluted by the polluted world; They are determined to reach upwards, step by step; Quiet and humble, bamboo...
‘Bound Verse’ by Alan Nordstrom The Society July 2, 2015 Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Bound verse, ironically, is quite unbound, For writing it you have nothing to say, Since sense comes after you have sought a sound As line by line you pace your measured way. Perhaps a general notion of...
‘The Voices of Shen Yun’ by Daniel Magdalen The Society June 29, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Performing Arts, Poetry 1 Comment Your steps, unequal, hasten, departing from the race Where dust’s all that’s awarded, where just the fit survive, Pursuing trifles, anguished, forgetful of life’s grace. The farther from this...
A Tanka and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society June 26, 2015 Beauty, Humor, Music, Poetry 2 Comments Tanka By Ue "Bird Claws" Ee In dim morning light, attracting mates, warning males, dawn's choir's singing— liquid-silver jingling— nature's alarm clock...ringing. On a Piece of Johannes...
‘Is It ISIS or ISIL?’ by Robert King The Society June 23, 2015 Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Is it ISIS or ISIL? I think it is the latter It really doesn’t matter True, ISIS rhymes with crisis Let’s not lose our heads about this But ISIL rhymes with evil And also with the devil So if...
‘Creativity Requires a Cave (an Apology for Form and Rhyme)’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society June 20, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments Creativity Requires a Cave (an Apology for Form and Rhyme) IMAGINE Gretzky “trapped” behind the crease; or Pelé, deking, swarmed before the net; Odysseus before he dons the fleece; or Jordan, bodied,...
‘The Plague Doctor’ by Corey J. Browning The Society June 17, 2015 Culture, Poetry Marseille, France In the year 1720, the last great occurrence of bubonic plague struck the port city of Marseille, France, killing half of its citizens in less than a year. June 16, 1720 The...
‘A Winterberry Sonnet’ by John Grey The Society June 14, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments Winterberry disrupts the frozen curse. My vision's charmed by tiny blobs of red Between fine-toothed leaves, above a thick bed Of snow that baits low branches to immerse In mounds, but they refute its...
‘The Inward Light’ and Other Poetry by Ann Keith The Society June 11, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments The Inward Light Be proof against the eye and ear And every sense that stultifies The inward light, supreme, austere, The keenly sharp, the keenly clear, That by the lucent beam it darts Illuminates the...
‘The Cherry Blooms in Central Park’ and Other Poetry by Peter Agnos The Society June 8, 2015 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment The Cherry Blooms in Central Park In Central Park the cherries now Are hung with blooms along the slough, And stand around the reservoir, Pink and white Spring avatars. Now of my three-score years and...
‘Wow! (a View from inside the ISIS State)’ by Damian Robin The Society June 5, 2015 Culture, Poetry Wow! The wind is blowin’, the rain is rainin’ slant across the windowpane – and in the yard whole oceans storm across the grass and make some parts too full of mud to pass. In hours this windblown...
‘How Long the Night’ Translation and More by Michael R. Burch The Society June 2, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments How Long the Night Anonymous Old English Lyric, circa early 13th century AD Loose translation by Michael R. Burch It is pleasant, indeed, while the summer lasts with the mild pheasants' song...
‘Climbing the World’s Peak’ by Yuxing Xia The Society May 30, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments Submerged in blinding red and blue at dawn, I climb the barren fields to find between the gentle tides of crying clouds, where spawn the highest peak of world in mist unseen. I leap across the steps...
‘Trajan’s Column’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society May 27, 2015 Culture, Poetry Trajan's Column By Uberdi Ascweli In Rome, amidst the many structures, gray, peach, white and brown, around it, rising, Trajan's Column, does not stand alone. It was a work commemorating Trajan's...
‘Bay from Berkeley’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society May 24, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry Bay from Berkeley Slate blue blustered inland sea Water from the rivers be Sea of salt and rain ashore Many waters, oceans roar. Slate green gusted inland sea Berkeley roof, fraternity Rising sun to...
‘The Bitter Harvest’ by Cheryl Corey The Society May 21, 2015 Poetry 1 Comment With steady hand, he takes a scalpel, cutsthe body open. Liver, spleen, the gutsextracted, packed in ice. The Party manlooks on. There's profit to be made. The plan:eliminate the Falun Gong and...
‘One (1979)’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society May 18, 2015 Culture, Poetry One (1979) A policy is still in place Which subjugates each woman’s womb. Spin doctors cannot render grace When pregnancy begets a tomb. Before the mother sees a face, Her green is plucked in fetal...
‘In Denial We Trust’ by Cynthia Thornton Herrera The Society May 15, 2015 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment From what I see of life’s disgust; The killings, rampant shooting sprees, I’m sure that no one not agrees There’s nothing ‘bout it free or just To take of life, spray the horror; To taunt and...
‘Meditating’ by Colin Fredericson The Society May 12, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 4 Comments Through sandy, muddy, rocky creek, Silted, crudded, hard to speak, My heart was heavy, worn, and cramped, I needed someplace I could camp. Nature spoke, I took the chance To venture out with...
‘The First Day of Spring’ and Other Poetry by Lorna Davis The Society May 9, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments The First Day of Spring The first day of spring started rainy and cold, But new greens were sprouting, defiant and bold, And daffodils nodded their bright heads of gold, To make the day not quite as...
‘The Lumberman’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society May 6, 2015 Humor, Poetry 1 Comment The Lumberman by Bud "Weasel" Rice I saw him resting up against a giant gray-brown stump, the lumberman was pausing from his haul, hitch, heave and hump. He stood there in the sunlit forest, head turned...