‘BILLY Cat and MAX Dog’ by Don Shook The Society May 3, 2015 Humor, Poetry 4 Comments Burrowed down in leaves of brown piled by the garden wall, our Billy cat dreamed of a rat he’d chased down through the hall. Up from the creek came Max the dog, exhausted from his run, but hearing...
‘Lines Composed in the Adirondack Mountains’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society April 30, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments Lines Composed in the Adirondack Mountains THERE’S a little town nestled in the hills, with an old house I call by that town's name; with husks of flies in the chipped window-sills, a metal...
‘Crossing China’ by Donna Nelesen The Society April 26, 2015 Culture, Poetry I. Anxiety and excitement, a strange mixture Saturated me as I attempted to picture Two days alone crossing China’s famous Silk Road Aboard a train, the local transportation mode. I envisioned...
‘Glory?’ by Enri Vilmos The Society April 23, 2015 Culture, Poetry Record the past and gift-wrap the future Explain the rules of classical culture Listen to the stories plaintively wrought In candlelit taverns for the heroes that fought In wars long-forgotten...
‘Orange Persimmons’ and Other Poetry by Rebecca Snow The Society April 19, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment "Orange Persimmons" is a Haiku. "Released" is an American Cinquain, and "Forever Wearing White" is a Tanka about how the Falun Dafa are being tortured and buried in snow at re-education facilities in...
‘Scoouwa: The Captive’ by Douglas Thornton The Society April 16, 2015 Culture, Poetry 4 Comments Originally Featured in Woodland Poems Near a ridge where far recedes the frozen Forest into valleys wide, Scoouwa’s chin In despondence fell. Faint and overcome With brow perplexed, he searched the...
‘Change: Metamorphosis: Transformation’ by Damian Robin The Society April 13, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments As I was flying high and looking down the lonely regent of my tiny crown in one-dimension’s cold and breath-thin air anxiously intent on prey down there I’d had...
‘The Goddess’ and Other Poetry by Gabe Russo The Society April 10, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry The Goddess I. Black breeze On white foam hands Held high, lifting freedom: Shinning fast Her people’s torch in His eyes. II. Thunder Rolling on dawn-- Tanks over Her hands...
‘Ride to Freedom’ and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society April 8, 2015 Poetry In support of the national youth bike ride, Ride 2 Freedom. Ride to Freedom Riding, riding, riding fast, There can be no time to spare When the present becomes the past All that’s left is the heart...
‘The Friend’ by James Sale The Society April 6, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments I dreamt I saw him in the queue, A friend I thought had long since died; But we embraced so warmly then; It seemed a dream we’d been apart. And looking at him, then I knew Some different spirit was...
‘Salazar Sneed’ and Other Poetry by Scott M. Sparling The Society April 4, 2015 Beauty, Humor, Poetry Salazar Sneed Salazar Sneed was a man of great need Who traded holey shoes for a pocket of beads. With the beads he then went to the market and bought A pancake pan that was cast iron...
‘Wanderer’s Retreat’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society April 1, 2015 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Short Stories 2 Comments Wanderer's Retreat I Across the dive bar floor strode a figure, Tall but slightly slouching, wearing a cloak. His facial features, save nose and chin, were Submerged in hooded shadow as he...
‘One Summer Day’ and Other Poetry by Martin Elster The Society March 29, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment One Summer Day An allusion to Beethoven While walking through the woods one summer day, he glanced along a river, clear and bright, saw bubbling notes like dappled fish at play, and dashed them...
Chinese Cameos by Damian Robin The Society March 27, 2015 Poetry 1 Comment Chinese Cameo 13 Exacting Nazis whittled down The Jew – full name, gender, skill type, stamp, tattoo; segued ringlets, noses, black felt hats, with wriggling germs and cancer cells and rats; and...
2015 Poetry Journal Released The Society March 25, 2015 From the Society, Poetry 1 Comment We are proud to announce the publication of The Society of Classical Poets’ 2015 Poetry Journal! The best poetry of the last year has culminated in this publication. Poets include competition winners...
‘The River Wye’ and Other Poetry by Mike Ruskovich The Society March 22, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Popular Poetry Archives 21 Comments The River Wye Your stroll beside the stream has stayed with me, Has left me in my loneliness with strength Enough to face the world, to somehow see Within its depth and width and wandering...
‘Goodbye, Sweet Fetal Child’ by Theresa Rodriguez The Society March 18, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Popular Poetry Archives 12 Comments Goodbye, sweet fetal child— for you shall die, Because a mother’s love is also dead: The hallowed place of nurture where you lie Shall soon become the ground where blood is shed. The battle to reject...
‘Hunger’ and Other Poetry by Cheryl Devaney The Society March 15, 2015 Poetry 1 Comment Hunger "Power grows out of the barrel of a gun" -Mao Zedong Power grows out of the plight of the poor Peasants broken-backed, burdened by hunger The blood stained earth screams of endless...
‘Thoughts after Samuel Palmer’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society March 11, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment Thoughts after Samuel Palmer (1805-1881) By Bud "Weasel" Rice Everywhere curious, articulate, perfect and inimitable ... nature does ... leave a space for the soul to climb above her steepest...
‘Fog in the Valley’ and Other Poetry by Cathy Bryant The Society March 8, 2015 Beauty, Poetry Fog in the Valley The fog flows down like a flock of pale gulls and the valley of my home disappears. In seconds, stuff engulfs us. Each sense dulls; cold soggy cotton fills our eyes and...
‘Winter Storm Watch’ and Other Poetry by Catherine Wald The Society March 5, 2015 Beauty, Humor, Pantoum, Poetry 1 Comment Winter Storm Watch The sky is still; no flakes appear and yet we know that they will come. Held hostage by our doubts and fears we beat out warnings on our drums. We know, for sure, the flakes...
‘The Course of Empire’ Observations by Reid McGrath The Society March 1, 2015 Art, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Observations both Literal and Inferred on The Course of Empire, 1833-36, by Thomas Cole The Savage State THE foreground is dark, sublime, and savage. Storm-clouds roll up towards the right. The...
‘O Thou Fount of Joy, I Praise Thee’ and Other Poetry by Scáth Beorh The Society February 27, 2015 Beauty, Poetry O Thou Fount of Joy, I Praise Thee In my dark night He brought His joy by an ancient melody. I was young then, did not know that what He taught me by degree was a way...
‘Sonnet on the Death of a Friend’ and Other Poetry by Pete Dashwood The Society February 23, 2015 Beauty Sonnet on the Death of a Friend Throughout our lives we have the love of some Our family, our friends , the special ones Who help us deal with problems as they come And share our joys and sorrow as...
‘Monarch’ by Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi The Society February 20, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments They gathered softly in a field for many miles around to taste in haste the flowers before showers tumbled down upon the clover blooms, the goldenrod, thistles and grasses; never in one place too long as...
‘Dihydrogen Monoxide’ by Andrew Joseph The Society February 16, 2015 Humor, Poetry 3 Comments A mysterious substance is ruling our lives. It flows through our oceans and floats in our skies. “It’s good for you,” cries four docs out of five. It will keep your skin young for the rest of your...
‘Valentine’ by Reid McGrath The Society February 14, 2015 Poetry 2 Comments For a girl with rosy cheeks I didn’t know when Valentine’s Day was, and didn’t need to. That day came and went like any other. Now I know it cause you’re perfect, dear; you don’t know...
‘The Great Exhibition of 1851’ by Kristina Ng The Society February 12, 2015 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment I saw a grand palace as sculpted by the Genie of the Lamp, adorned with lights so golden, as if it came from within. I saw great achievements under the sky of glass, soared to extraordinary heights: a...
‘Three Trojan Perspectives’ by Reid McGrath The Society February 9, 2015 Culture, Homer, Poetry for E.E. Club Saw Reid I. Priam, Returning to the Ramparts He’d never say it to my face and yet I sense that Hector senses I’m washed up: too old, too soft. Not that he is the pup that...
‘I Saw a Giant Train’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society February 6, 2015 Beauty, Poetry I Saw a Giant Train by Red Was Iceblue I saw a giant train come out of blue and purple light, the colours of its cars, red, yellow, orange, black and white. It seemed gargantuan and powerful, a...
Poetry on Life in China by Damian Robin The Society February 2, 2015 Poetry Chinese Cameo 5 A glinty dental check-up’s made my day – some skiffs of plaque, no ominous decay … A shiny, multi-jointed arm in white displayed a tray of steely tools laid tight. These...
Announcing the 2015 Competition Winners The Society February 1, 2015 From the Society, High School Submissions, Poetry 2 Comments First Prize ($500): Reid McGrath Winning Poems: “Tares in the Wheat” “A Recurring Dream, Vanquished” “Retreating Snow” “Lamenting Our Complicity in the Installation of Suicide Nets”...
‘The Shore’ and Other Poetry by Abigail Zhong The Society January 31, 2015 Beauty, High School Submissions, Poetry 3 Comments The Shore Forever lost in the ocean the water seeps into my chest I’ve lost myself in the motion let the fish swim beneath my breast And yet each time I’m pulled under the sun too far...
‘A Reflection on Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement’ by Damian Robin The Society January 27, 2015 Poetry Though tear gas spiraled through receding light and wrung out tears and mangled up clear sight; and though the bitter gas was spiked with hate, the thin-clad crowd did not retaliate. The death of...
‘Rose Window’ and Other Poetry by Robert Walton The Society January 26, 2015 Beauty, Poetry Rose Window Firs at sunset cast golden geometries As myriad needles swarm like bees And burst into sun-kindled flame – A rose window without its frame. Falun Dafa Fingers curved like...
‘Where Can I Find You’ and Other Poetry by Grayson Chong The Society January 24, 2015 Beauty, High School Submissions, Poetry Where Can I Find You? A girl, with hair the colour of honey, giggled while she chased a little bunny through fields of golden hay and black cherries. Suddenly she stopped and asked a...
‘Vessel’ and Other Poetry by Peter G. Epps, Ph.D. The Society January 23, 2015 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 2 Comments Vessel No one can insure candlelight; its flame Precisely burns in flickering waves of gas, Ingesting oxygen while fibers pass Through burning into soot, and feel no shame. A stroke of pen or...
‘Nightingale Song’ by Heather Johnson The Society January 19, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments The nightingale flutters on its wings And lighting on a branch he sings Voices the song of his spirit Brings joy to all that hear it With pen and paper in my hand I listen to my heart’s command I hope that...
‘Life’s Golden Key’ and Other Poetry by Sandra Sowers Platt The Society January 12, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments Life's Golden Key Like the sparrow, robin and crow sharing in a concrete birdbath, mortals require kindness to grow, pleasantly exploring life's path. Each gifted day, time is borrowed to search and...
‘A Battle of Good versus Evil’ By Darlene Wolenski The Society January 8, 2015 High School Submissions, Poetry 1 Comment I. The people of China in ancient times, Knew good was blessed and evil was punished, By Gods who observed all of their actions, When they were virtuous their country flourished. For five...