‘In the Shadow of a Mountain’ and Other Poetry by Fern G. Z. Carr The Society January 5, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment In the Shadow of a Mountain In the shadow of a mountain lies a valley, lies my home swaddled by the earth’s embrace in sweet repose – a state of grace in the shadow of a mountain in a valley,...
‘A Plea to Scylla’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society January 2, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Shadow of the Laogai In the Laogai’s shadow, the ghosts of China stir, Unseen by dreaming eyes as golden currents blow Across the sea. Our compassion seems to falter In the Laogai’s...
‘Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare’ by Jack Horne The Society December 29, 2014 Humor, Poetry, Shakespeare Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare Some say that Shakespeare didn’t write The many works that bear his name; But surely if that were the case, A rival would have blown his game... Inner Beauty...
‘The Day the Persecution Began’ and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society December 26, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments The Day the Persecution Began "The year is 1999, July, A king of terror would come from the sky,” The Frenchman Nostradamus prophesized Indeed, the red dragon in China flies. It covers all...
Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society December 22, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 2 Comments He Kept On By Erisbawdle Cue He kept on striving to attain an ideality connected to the good, but grounded in reality. He kept on working to achieve perfection in the act, pragmatism on the run with...
‘Just a Dream’ and Other Poetry by Ellen Lou The Society December 19, 2014 Beauty, High School Submissions, Poetry 2 Comments Just a Dream I. You vowed to descend to the world below, In an agreement that was made. To the mortal world others dared not go, Yet what would happen if you stayed? A promise to save sentient...
‘Tares in the Wheat’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society December 15, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments Tares in the Wheat "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God,” Luke 9:62 “The sun will burn; the heat will cause you sweat; Dust will choke before the sun...
‘Youths’ Sonnet’ and Other Poetry by Janice Canerdy The Society December 12, 2014 Culture, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments Youths' Sonnet They view the world through filmy innocence, these youngsters who now hear the future call. Into that forest bountiful and dense, some travel slowly, wary of the fall. With nurturance and...
‘A Bit of a Giggle-bite’ by Damian Robin The Society December 8, 2014 Humor, Poetry 3 Comments I've had some poems I could submit but now I've got behind a bit, they're packed inside the silent hive of a sev’ral-year-old, old hard drive tho’ un-backed-up, their form survives in sev’ral...
‘To the Media in America’ by Jane Blanchard The Society December 5, 2014 Culture, Humor, Poetry The British are coming! The whole fourth estate Must wear what is smart For William and Kate. The British are coming! Men, watch how you dress: A jacket and tie Should lead to success. The British...
‘Living Buddhas Need Passports’ by Florence Major The Society December 1, 2014 Poetry 2 Comments To incarnate legally─ No reincarnates can be found In Beijing’s atheist compound─ In this city where dead is dead─ A reincarnate could lose his head! No passports may be issued now To souls...
‘Our Day in the Sun’ and Other Poetry by Robert King The Society November 24, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Our Day in the Sun We, each of us, every one Have had our day in the sun Came a time that day was done Let us then no longer dwell On what we consider we did well Time moves on –so must we...
‘The Little Kindnesses’ by Bic Uwel, “Erased” The Society November 17, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment "...that best portion of a good man's life; His little, nameless, unremembered acts Of kindness and of love." —William Wordsworth, Lines Composed...Above Tintern Abbey At any...
‘Life’ and Other Poetry by Hibah Shabkhez The Society November 11, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment Life Ravaged forests again take root Life nestling within the sturdy acorn Cannot be throttled Ashes reborn yield bitter fruit Fragrance scattered upon the winds Cannot be bottled The Old...
‘Dandelions’ and Other Poetry by Kathryn Jacobs The Society November 4, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 2 Comments Dandelions She touched their gray-haired afros tenderly: an urban six year old with kinky hair who pounced on dandelions (bud-vases were full of yellow stubby). Telling me: “This is the way that...
‘A Nation Mourns: October 22, 2014’ by Wes Caribu Deal The Society November 1, 2014 Poetry Canadian reservist Corporal Cirillo was killed this day at the War Memorial in Ottawa, while standing in his ceremonial and Scottish dress, Glengarry bonnet, kilt, red garter flashes, and the rest. He was...
‘The Tip Jar Was Snatched at O Cafe. O!’ by Nancy Weber The Society October 28, 2014 Humor, Poetry The tip jar was snatched at O Cafe. O! “Somebody just picked it up,” mused the guy at the register. I’d stopped in to buy six ounces of beans, fresh sweet espresso, number two grind. The young...
Fall Haiku and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society October 21, 2014 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Humor, Poetry Fall Haiku New England college towns: Pumpkins, apples, breakfast in a warm café. Swamp-maples afire! Rusty colored barns, silos draped in bittersweet… In their black pea-coats, off of the...
‘The Catskill Mountains’ by Ubs Reece Idwal The Society October 15, 2014 Beauty, Poetry From the Pages of Washington Irving, for my Hudson River Friends Whoever 's made a voyage up the Hudson must remember Catskill Mountains, a dismembered branch of the great Appalachian family, I trust. West...
“French Suites” and Other Poetry by Mark J. Mitchell The Society October 12, 2014 Culture, Music, Poetry 2 Comments French Suites Each keystroke is precise, clear as a verb Untouched by modifiers. Sharps and flats Are reliable as death, the light trills All mapped out. This strict staff allows no room For cadenzas....
Poetry on the Mass Protest in Hong Kong The Society October 9, 2014 Poetry 4 Comments Waiting at a Bustop Under an Umbrella By Damian Robin The pro-democracy tear-soaked bud could burst into a petaled flower flood. Protesters gorged the city like a sea and said they’re not...
‘Two Months On’ and Other Poetry by R. Bremner The Society October 7, 2014 Beauty, Poetry Two Months On I walk between the tired trees restless soldiers standing ground pray for just a tiny breeze bringing me a cheerful sound. Bubbling ruby robins tweet, squirrels dart from tree to...
‘610 Office’ by Li ‘Web Crease’ Du The Society October 4, 2014 Poetry 610 is there to take it down, the Falun Gong, that touches Dao. It's clear to see the dangers of forbearance, truth, compassion, love. Note: The 610 Office, created on June 10 (6/10),...
‘Courage’ and Other Poetry by Michael Curtis The Society October 1, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Courage I saw a tiny spider spin a web Within my humble hut between two beams. He tried to throw a thread across, it ebbed Away. He did not have the will, it seemed. And then the tiny spider tried...
‘Beauty’ by Valerie Dohren The Society September 28, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments I saw the face of beauty fixed Upon the rising sun Beyond all mortal compliment Her loveliness there shone Within the constellations set Against the heav’nly realm She glittered ‘cross the...
‘Suicide Nets’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society September 25, 2014 Poetry 1 Comment Lamenting our Complicity in the Installation of Suicide Nets I met a “bum” outside an Apple store holding a sign which read: “I’m taking bets.” “On what?” I said. “On something that’d...
‘O, Scotland’ by Clide Abersuwe The Society September 22, 2014 Humor, Poetry "Breathes there a man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself has said, This is my own, my native land." —Walter Scott I saw this stolid man stand tall, and obviously proud. He wore a bit of...
‘When I First Heard the Learn’d Astronomer’ by I. E. Sbace Weruld The Society September 19, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment A counter to a Walt Whitman poem When I first heard the learn'd astronomer explain his proofs and figures, and arrange the particles of this vast universe, I was excited; I was not estranged. I truly...
Poetry on Chinese Communism by Damian Robin The Society September 16, 2014 Poetry 1 Comment Chinese Cameo 1 Here’s a tale of friends and family— Near the founding of the CCP, Zhou Enlai and Sun Bingwen were friends, both Party members seeking sim’lar ends. Both heaved and puffed up...
‘A Father’s Poem: a Ten-nos*’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society September 13, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments I hope your life will offer you new opportunities, that you will find contentment in the choices that you seize. Remember family's important. You can count on us, especially when the way of life...
‘Bewintered’ by Jane Blanchard The Society September 10, 2014 Humor, Poetry 2 Comments When snow arrives As long forecast, It sets a scene That does not last; But for the while Snow sits around, All else remains Transfixed, spellbound. Jane Blanchard lives and...
‘A Moon Poem’ by Evan Mantyk The Society September 7, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments For the Mid-Autumn, or Moon, Festival My Ford Explorer would ascend no higher: Stuck half-way up that driveway's first steep hill. 'Twas a December night so cold and dire, The truck, that old machine,...
‘The Truth James Foley Stood For’ and Other Poetry by Cid Wa’eeb El Sur The Society September 3, 2014 Poetry 1 Comment The Truth James Foley Stood For, a Ten-nos* James Foley, searching for the truth, a photo journalist, was murdered in cold blood by a masked IS jihadist, beheaded on a video in deserts of...
Lines Composed Before Finding the ‘Society of Classical Poets’ by Reid McGrath The Society August 31, 2014 Art, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Untitled Savants like to arrange their stars and push their poets into piles: marble-misers who assign the jars according to the artists’ styles. They line them in their fusty den when they deem an...
‘A Lace Piece’ (A Pantoum) by Carol Smallwood The Society August 28, 2014 Beauty, Pantoum, Poetry 1 Comment There’s a wonder about it, the fragile beauty of lace. Many kinds for centuries have been important to own; one can go to Ireland, Flanders, from place to place— they’re in catalogs: Irish, Mechlin,...
‘From Ego to Muse, from Banality to Beauty: Getting to Poetry’ by James Sale The Society August 25, 2014 Beauty, Essays, Poetry 4 Comments There are a number of reasons for writing poetry, and alas they are not all good; for not all poetry is good, and indeed some ‘poetry’ is not poetry at all. This is not to denigrate anyone’s effort, but...
‘The Commissars Oppose Falun Gong’ and Other Poetry by James Sale The Society August 22, 2014 Culture, Poetry 6 Comments The Commissars Oppose Falun Gong They were old, had lost their youth, So, like the old, repressed the Truth. They fumbled, rigid in expression, So stiff – they lacked Compassion. Their purpose was...
‘Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer’ by Cees Wilerd Bui The Society August 19, 2014 Art, Beauty, Culture, Homer, Poetry 1 Comment In Rembrandt's scene of 1653, Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer, there is much that we can see amidst that musty sett(l)ing of gold dust that balances upon the old and new, upon the dark and light,...
Children’s Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society August 16, 2014 Humor, Poetry 2 Comments The Bored Knight A tired knight rode to his castle After a long day of hassle. He bowed to the land’s king, his lord, “My liege, I’m incredibly bored, I’m more like a stupid monkey Than...
‘Scarlet Terms’ by Wilbur dee Case The Society August 13, 2014 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment The allegory of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne isn't flawless; yet it is, in places, good. The A itself does signify adultery, able, and angel, as well as in the hornbook phrase, "in Adam's...