‘Spring Haiku’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society August 10, 2014 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry 5 Comments Spring Haiku I’m optimistic; like a brand new tennis ball, everything’s chartreuse. The brook trout’s belly is like a sunset I saw; its stipples the stars. Papa bear’s...
Short Story: ‘The Tin Shant Social Collective’ by Neal Dachstadter The Society August 2, 2014 Humor, Short Stories 9 Comments I. The Tin Shant on the hill in Martinique is stoutly situated, unique in design, and built half a century ago. Though stucco and cinderblock, we call it the Tin Shant due to a fine-sounding tap on the...
‘Apollo Builds Troy with His Lyre’ by James Sale The Society July 30, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments A miracle, how else to say it then? At first, but ground, absolutely nothing there, A river meandering by, some cattle, gorse, Nettle and herbs whose use proved no sure cure. Then, as if by...
‘The Glass Bottle Tree’ and Other Poetry by Gabe Russo The Society July 27, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments The Glass Bottle Tree When the wind blows through, the tree shakes. The glass bottles tip their sunlight Over a stiff hearth of twilight; Sealing its glow as night awakes. Two silhouettes do...
‘The Funeral March of a Marionette’ by U. Carew Delibes The Society July 24, 2014 Beauty, Performing Arts 1 Comment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJQTF0bkq8s The Funeral March of a Marionette is by Charles Gounod. The marionette's broken—dead— right off. The funeral procession starts off; it's D-minor....
‘Currency of Compassion’ and Other Poetry by Heath Alderman The Society July 21, 2014 Beauty Currency of Compassion Throughout the history of humanity conscious coveting with eyes, insanity anxious and eager to grasp with empty hands a void in the beating heart, deviant plans rash,...
‘First Parting’ by Robert Walton The Society July 18, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments When the last candles smoldered on the funeral eve, And no echo of condolence rippled midnight silence, I rose in scented darkness and took my leave. December met me at the church’s door and raised my...
‘Fathers and Grandfathers’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society July 15, 2014 Beauty, Poetry Fathers and Grandfathers When we see our Brethren bold, Reach the age called Growing old, Men grow thoughtful, mind afire, With the echoes of a Sire. Working, eating, drinking,...
‘August Reverie’ by Angela Porter The Society July 12, 2014 Beauty, Poetry I walked around the garden, and did think. If I had my own how would I create? With enclosed space I’d make myself here sit. Comfortably, and I could have tea and cake. From broad leaved plants a...
‘True to Nature’ and Other Poetry by Dean Robbins The Society July 9, 2014 Beauty, Poetry True to Nature Men take up arms to battle in the sun, anticipating minor victories won o'er valiant, steadfast foes who, if they could, would laugh and say our blades do little good as far as cutting...
‘Aspens Turning’ by Donald Mace Williams The Society July 7, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments The aspens are turning, my neighbor said. I went to see. Mostly gold, some red, They stood and whirled, their white trunks bare. A bright sheen (spun gold) filled the air. The whole big hill was turning,...
‘LinkedIn’s Censorship in China’ and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society July 5, 2014 Beauty, Poetry Originally published in The Epoch Times. LinkedIn's Censorship in China LinkedIn connects people the world over, Crafting a cozy café oceans wide Where people can sip with each other, Do business...
Translations of Classical Hungarian Poetry by Frederick Turner and Zsuzsanna Ozsváth The Society July 3, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Poems from the Hungarian Poetry Reading 9/19/2013 Twenty Years Later By János Vajda (1827–1897) / Translation by Zsuzsanna Ozsváth and Frederick Turner Like snow on Mont Blanc's distant...
‘I Left My Gloves at the Analyst’s’ by Nancy Weber The Society June 30, 2014 Humor, Poetry 4 Comments I left my gloves at the analyst's He called to say he'd found them Black, he said, lined with cotton Green, I said, lined with satin He saw them right, confound him Not the leather, a fine dark...
‘Yin and Yang’ by Jane Blanchard The Society June 27, 2014 Humor, Poetry 1 Comment “Hello, again!” the sun does say when rising on a morn in May. “Thanks for the break,” replies the moon. “I need to go to bed quite soon.” The sun then bids, “Don’t fade so...
‘The Calm’ by John Gray The Society June 24, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment That distant bellow is merely a case Of west wind rushing through the tamarack In a race with itself to cliff and back, Far from the lake's quiet undisturbed face But for the waxwings' endless mayfly...
Essay: ‘To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme?’ by James Sale The Society June 21, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry, Popular Poetry Archives 81 Comments Imagine that you were lost in a wilderness and had to find your way out. Fortunately, you have with you a number of things, or tools if you will. In the first instance you have a kitbag, which is itself...
Children’s Poetry by Scáth Beorh The Society June 18, 2014 Humor 1 Comment Some People Say Some people say that giraffes were petite and they grew their necks out to properly eat, or they were once dinosaurs who lost their wings. But I know God makes serendipitous...
‘Seasong’ and Other Poetry by Mandy Moe Pwint Tu The Society June 15, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments Seasong I heard the wreathéd coral horn That Triton blew, and less forlorn Did suddenly I feel: I heard the sirensong afar I launched a ship and tracked a star How soon my heart did heal! I saw the...
‘The Living Thinking on the Dead’ by Alberdi Ucwese The Society June 12, 2014 Art, Beauty, Poetry On the painting "Le berges d'Arcadie" by Nicolas Poussin The rugged mountains in the distance stand beyond, above the three, young shepherds and the shepherdess, who gather round a tomb that they have...
‘At the Moment of Our Death’ and Other Poetry by Robert King The Society June 9, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments At the Moment of Our Death At the moment of our death As we draw our final breath Should we not project a fear Of the prospect of not being here? The moment that closes tight The door of time, turns...
New Tang Poets Reading The Society June 4, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Held on May 26, 2014, at Da Tang, in New York, participants read Tang Dynasty poetry, translated poetry previously written by attendees, and wrote poetry. Here are some of the...
‘Blue and Yellow Barn-Swallows’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society June 2, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry Blue and Yellow Barn-Swallows She made a note to note when they arrived. It’s obvious whenev’r they fin’lly do. Over the cows they dipped and ducked and dived. “They have two houses; shouldn’t...
‘Give And Take’ by Damian Robin The Society May 30, 2014 Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Our ends and deaths sit with us all the time defining executioners and crime; and though we try to keep them from our door, many killings lie within the Law— are even processed as a human...
‘Coastal Shingle’ and Other Poetry by Len Krisak The Society May 27, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry Coastal Shingle There, totem-stacked in paratactic charm, The words cascade: Hay.Shavings.Piglets.Straw. I had not sought a sign from Salt Marsh Farm, But since this was the only one I saw, I turned...
‘Zhen-Shan-Ren’ by Evan Mantyk The Society May 24, 2014 Culture, Poetry Zhen-Shan-Ren: “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” the three main principles of Falun Dafa Zhen-Shan-Ren, Zhen-Shan-Ren… Hear the Truth that sounds like “Zhen,” Rhythm that can vanquish...
‘Ashamed I Will No Longer Be’ and Other Poetry by Firestone Feinberg The Society May 21, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry Ashamed I will no longer be... Ashamed I will no longer be To write an older poetry -- I have the right to reach for rhyme And make the most of measured time -- While looked upon I am with scorn...
A Health Insurance Limerick by Troy Camplin The Society May 19, 2014 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 1 Comment The cost of insurance was such Its price I could sadly not touch -- So I gave all of that To a young bureaucrat And now it costs three times as much! Troy Camplin is an author, poet, and...
‘Ascending the Phoenix Terrace in Jinling’ by Li Bai, ‘Yellow Crane Tower’ by Cui Hao The Society May 17, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Education, Poetry, Translation 2 Comments Updated January 10, 2020 Ascending the Phoenix Terrace in Jinling by Li Bai (701-762) Here phoenix roamed four hundred years ago, A sign of the enchantment that once thrived; How empty now, where no...
‘The Battleground’ and Other Poetry by Ken Kenigsberg The Society May 15, 2014 Humor, Poetry The Battleground The slashing blades strike fierce and deep The newly stricken fall down in heaps. In vain: the foe storms back enraged, The scythe-like swords remain engaged. The rampaging hordes...
‘Cynthia Moon’ and Other Poetry by Clinton Van Inman The Society May 12, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Cynthia Moon Go drag your white skull before blind seas That tumble dazed to your mono-eyed magic Go string the treadmill tides around the poles And make all starry lovers pale and sick Go...
‘Waiting, Sadly’ and Other Poetry by James Sale The Society May 9, 2014 Culture 2 Comments Waiting, Sadly For Keats I'm waiting, sadly, for a guest to come: What hour defeats me and how I don't know. But come he will, like some ghost to his own, And when he knocks I'll answer him and...
‘Two Strangers Passing on the Street’ by Richard Lackman The Society May 6, 2014 Humor, Poetry 1 Comment The two were different as could be as anyone could surely see One was tall and thick and white, the other black and thin and slight To look at them it would be clear to any stranger standing near That...
‘The Fallen Vestige’ and Other Poetry by Theresa Rodriguez The Society May 3, 2014 Beauty, Culture 4 Comments The Fallen Vestige The fallen vestige of her foliate time: Browned leaves beneath; coarse needles of old pine Once green and pungent; when her nests in spring With peeping chicks, and swaying boughs,...
‘Vespers’ by Kemar Cummings The Society April 30, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Vespers Lonely broods the moonlit gloom High above the river's flume, Hiding in its dark vault Stars nebulous clouds exalt. The winds are free, the roaring sea Loosed the breeze upon the lea, And...
On China Today The Society April 27, 2014 Poetry 1 Comment Click: a Pic of Xi Jinping By Lu "Reed Cabs" Wei He rolls along, like as a giant panda bear, the present tyrant of Red China—Xi Jinping, appearing in his black and white, fine, formal wear, with his...
‘Earth’s Canvas’ by Mark Sautter The Society April 24, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments Oh what is the hue? The right shade of blue To color the new morning sky And the green for the trees But, what color’s the breeze? How does one paint but a sigh? I’d paint the clouds white The...
‘The Gospel According to Hoffman-Laroche’ by Mike Alexander The Society April 22, 2014 Humor, Poetry 3 Comments Tell me why the patient is still crying. What pharmaceuticals? pain pills? barbiturates? What pretties has the doctor been supplying? Finish the prescription. Don't give up trying the newest, truest of...
‘Retreating Snow’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society April 20, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry Retreating Snow Like an old man dragging his long white hair out of the lawn, back toward the forest’s shade, the snow retreats, cornered, and well-aware of time that’s up and warmth it can’t...
‘Ode to Alexander’ and Other Poetry by Michael Rovner The Society April 18, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry Ode to Alexander They say he cried, the great king, when He marched upon his journey's end. To live but once, and yet to know There's so much further man could go. I'm sure twas no one could...