Poetry on Opera by U. Carew Delibes The Society December 15, 2013 Beauty, Culture, Performing Arts, Poetry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBmdmFCtTNU Near the End of Don Giovanni The terror starts with the entrancing entrance of Commendatore's shattering note in the brass one long, diminished...
‘Cosmorama’ by Kemar Cummings The Society December 12, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Beyond the skies is universal eternity. Nebulous ghosts of dust float around In the black hole of space. A night profound As death itself, as life in its old infancy, Contains a trillion grains of stars...
A Psalm of Christmas, A Psalm of Life The Society December 12, 2013 Beauty, Poetry Revised October 18, 2021 A Psalm of Christmas What the heart of the young activist said to the psalmist by Evan Mantyk Tell me not in boring numbers ___About today’s economy, For our consciences grow...
‘The Reverie of Space’ By Julio Toro San Martin The Society December 9, 2013 Beauty, Poetry In darkness, in the mantling of the night, When Earth is calm, and troubling noises cease, I turn with wonder-looking eyes, to please My dulled senses, from the day’s untranquil sight: And first gaze...
Three Unfunny Limericks by Damian Robin The Society December 6, 2013 Limerick, Poetry In the Play Pit As Cameron stands, cap in hand, The jailers of New Middleland Keep a straight face As they keep him in place While he signs for their help in their sand. Poet's Note: For...
‘Juxtaposition’ by Reid McGrath The Society December 6, 2013 Beauty, Poetry Here is a blonde-marked maple tree: Stands by the road so stolidly While mourners make their floral shrines And in the night a taper shines; But soon the taper will burn out And yet the tree will remain...
‘My Wish Fulfilled by Practicing Medicine’ by Dr Rong Shu The Society December 3, 2013 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment I look upon how much people suffer Wishing Bian Que and Hua Tuo* were now here Predestiny links us now and forever To fulfill my wish: a medical career *Bian Que and Hua Tuo: Ancient...
‘The Meadow’ by Doug Thornton The Society November 27, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Whether if my promise be known or not, Of which I spoke when lying on this spot, The weeds have covered up my trail; Their stalks show not the seat that I once made, But mounds still show the meadows where...
‘Those Catskill Mountain Climbs’ and Other Poetry by Brandon Berman The Society November 24, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Those Catskill Mountain Climbs I've walked from Ayers rock to Sydney I've seen all those majestic sites I've beheld the peaks of Mt. McKinley And of Everest in all its might I’ve seen the meandering...
Humorous Poetry by Don Shook The Society November 21, 2013 Humor, Poetry 5 Comments I Think Therefore “I think,” said Descartes, “and therefore I am.” declared many years ago, way before spam. It predated facebook and twitter and tweet, when only the lonely thought thought was a...
‘A Sonnet Saluting Lady Snow’ and Other Poetry by Mike Scheidemann The Society November 15, 2013 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment A Sonnet Saluting Lady Snow Snow is a rainfall in frozen repose; Rainbow rich in hues, delicate its shape After lightning strikes; its thunder echoes. There is still tension in each crystal...
‘On Leighton’s Procession’ by Evan Mantyk The Society November 12, 2013 Art, Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment A godly painting held over their heads As they process through a street in Florence, Each face is free from manic glee or dread And transcends with a tranquil tolerance; They are transformed by the art’s...
‘A Rose for Ezra Pound’ by Leland James (+Commentary) The Society November 6, 2013 Culture, Essays, Poetry 3 Comments “He strove to resuscitate the dead art/Of poetry; to maintain "the sublime"/In the old sense. Wrong from the start …” –Ezra Pound, “Hugh Selwyn Mauberly” “Adolf Hitler was a Jeanne d'Arc, a...
‘I Pray It’s Not Too Late’ and Other Poetry by Mark A. Sautter The Society November 3, 2013 Culture, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments I Pray It’s Not Too Late I’ve walked in the eye of a hurricane Safe between its walls of rain And when the winds swept in again I stood alone in awe I’ve beheld forever in the sea Her gentle...
‘Lightness’ by Carol Lynn Grellas The Society October 28, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments Where lightness finds the passage through the dark the thoroughfare of dimness, where we’ll soar about the sun undone, unborn again, but one─divine the spark! The wicket door unfastens where the...
“Beauty is Truth …” by Leland James The Society October 25, 2013 Beauty, Poetry —a sonnet of differing with Keats Behold this naked truth, and say not Beauty: a body splayed, nailed cruelly to a tree, spit upon, a jeering crowd, a crown of thorns—blood stains and pain, not...
‘Wake Well This Day’ by Jim Scott The Society October 22, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments Wake to this dawn like no day before you. Rise to this morning like no other morn. Night is now past and life can’t ignore you. Feel in the sunrise your future be born. Seek every trail the new light...
‘Manifesto’ by Damian Robin The Society October 19, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Clouds skip away from the full shine of the full moon The palace is lit up The maestro lifts his stick Majesty begins The richness of kings at least in human terms How quick things are Violins gone...
‘April 2003’ and Other Poetry by Brandon Briggs The Society October 16, 2013 Beauty, Poetry April 2013 The snow has thawed; it's Spring again Crickets sing to the beat of rain The sky is dark, the air is warm Again, the bugs begin to swarm Although the world is wet and dark We welcome back...
‘Faery Dust Anarchy’ and Other Poetry by Jim Dunlap The Society October 13, 2013 Beauty, Culture, Poetry Faery Dust Anarchy With winds awhistling through the trees and air sprites dancing on the breeze, you'll hear the pipes from Éirinn’s lands - mayhap a leprechaun might sneeze at swirling faery dust...
‘Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion’ The Society October 10, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment The Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion is the most famous Chinese calligraphy work of Wang Xizhi, composed in the year 353. Exhibiting an extremely high artistic value, this work is known as...
‘On Viewing Dante and Beatrice by Henry Holiday, 1884’ by Beatriz Fernandez The Society October 4, 2013 Culture, Dante, Poetry From Dante, to Beatrice In your father’s garden we first met, a pair in exile, two children playing without a care, in our shared exile. You were eight, I, nine, you in crimson and I blind to all...
‘Sonnet on Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity From the Sky’ by Beau Ecs Wilder The Society October 1, 2013 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments He's placed dramatically center stage by Benjamin West—Benjamin Franklin. His gray hair flies. He's getting on in age. Electricity coming from lightning! He's dressed in dark clothes with a white tied...
A Gifted Poet Arrested Again After Nine Years in Prison The Society September 28, 2013 Poetry 2 Comments (Minghui.org) Ms. Fu Ying, a Falun Gong practitioner and gifted poet from Liaoning Province, was recently illegally arrested by police in Shenyang City. This arrest comes just two years after her nine-year...
‘Stopping by Courts on a Sunny Morning’ by Reid McGrath The Society September 25, 2013 Humor, Poetry 2 Comments One night-crawler out on this sparkling court, Dried-up and shriveled, overdone, not red, Neglected to take heed, or to report ‘T was all mirage; to turn around instead. Followers, these, in the...
30 Riddles by Evan Mantyk (+Answers) The Society September 23, 2013 Humor, Poetry, Riddles 7 Comments Click here for more riddles I. My mirror image never is that far, I have five different points just like a star, While I’ve no mouth or tongue that I employ, I make a sound quite loud when struck with...
‘Unwanted Guests’ by Catherine Wald The Society September 22, 2013 Humor, Poetry 1 Comment They aren’t mine, these flabby folds of flesh. I have no clue why they have chosen me As target of their sordid misery, Transforming me from sylph to plodding wretch. I’ve never seen this abdomen...
‘Straining to Photograph a Distant Lake and Trees From a Moving Train’ by Damian Robin The Society September 16, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment The lake cradles symmetries of spring trees. The sky scries the membrane of wide waters: unseen breezes, like me, are passers-by somehow touching the lake, trees, reeds, clouds, sky. My eyes focus on these...
A Poet’s Perspective on Bombing Syria The Society September 9, 2013 Poetry The urge for civility in war is noble and worthy. In an epic poem written over 2,500 years ago, even Homer recounts a Trojan War where the two warring armies stop to allow each other to claim their dead....
‘The End of the Party’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society September 3, 2013 Poetry The End of the Party The blood-red dragon struggles To keep China locked, To keep the whole world huddled, ‘Cow’-towed, awed, and shocked. To consolidate its power, It whisks slight of...
‘On Kaaterskill Creek’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society August 31, 2013 Beauty, Poetry On "Kaaterskill Creek" by Erik Koeppel for the memory of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The site is downstream from the Kaaterskill Falls— where it is so shady, and certainly wet. When listening closely...
‘Cataract on a Canvas’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society August 25, 2013 Art, Beauty, Poetry In Niagara by Frederick Edwin Church, immediately one’s taken in to the great falls. From a remarkably precarious perch, one’s seized by the enormity of the landscape. One sees at once the powerful and...
‘My Daughter’s Response to Her Delinquent Driving Instructor’ by Damian Robin The Society August 22, 2013 Humor, Poetry “Granma died, my ex tried suicide,” you confide in me, your credabil- ity nil for one more dark excuse is no use. Let’s settle our bill til there’s no more last, last...
A Poetic Account of Cruel and Unusual Torture in China The Society August 21, 2013 Human Rights in China, Poetry (The Epoch Times)—The Chinese photojournalist Du Bin, who was released in July after a month’s detention by police, has published online a book he wrote years ago detailing torture in China. It consists of...
‘Novice’ by Michael Curtis The Society August 19, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Young knucklehead: Today you’ll bruise your thumb To harden you to pains to come; The sun will burn; the heat will cause you sweat; Dust will choke before the sun is set. When you are good for more than...
‘Portrait of a Goddess’ by Evan Mantyk The Society August 16, 2013 Beauty, Poetry Goddess sleek and draped in white, Flowing wisps of long brown hair, Halo hat of holy light, Cherubs floating everywhere. Beads around her long thin neck, Each a world for which she cares, Gazing down at each...
‘Aurora Borealis, 1865’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society August 13, 2013 Art, Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment How weird and eerily appears, that solar surge, Aurora Borealis, 1865, by Hudson River School's Frederic Edwin Church. The skyscape is so alien, and yet alive, with faint and dancing lights, blue, yellow,...
Children’s Poetry by Leland James The Society August 10, 2013 Humor, Poetry The Three Little Pigs —a story retold There were three little pigs, one, two, three —roly-poly and pink, as pink as could be— porkers that talked just like you and me. Building their houses, these...
‘Avocado Grove’ and Other Poetry by Anonymous The Society August 7, 2013 Beauty, Poetry Avocado Grove On dry, withered leafs Until drizzle leaves Sitting silently The fruit’s ripe, big crops Giant green rain drops Hang abundantly The bark thick and strong Like cultivated...
Haiku by Ibe Ware Desu, LC The Society August 4, 2013 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry 1 Comment Nearby a wasp lights, twitching its pointed stinger in the summer heat. As I drive my car, an eagle flies overhead. How far have I come? An ant climbs slowly up the old man's hairy arm. He flings...