‘Turtles All the Way Down’ By James Ph. Kotsybar The Society July 31, 2013 Beauty, Poetry They operate contrary to the rules of common sense that we hold dear as proof that what we know is right, that we’re no fools and senses we possess perceive the truth. They ramble through eleven...
‘Rushing to Get the Hay In’ by Reid McGrath The Society July 30, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments The Farmer’s Wife He may as well be sitting on a piece Of junk john-boat out on some open lake. The field is shorn, divested of its fleece. The hay is tedded and the rusty rake Is resting now beside...
‘On a Picture of Dürer’s’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society July 29, 2013 Art, Beauty, Poetry 1. In 373, at Antioch, Jerome asked himself if he were not a disciple of Cicero rather than Christ, his eternal home; and thereupon abandoned his early love for philosophy, law, language, and...
‘La Mancha’ by Durlabh Singh The Society July 23, 2013 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Bereft of the poetry of his soul The knight took refuge in the house of death Into darkness he went with his mind crushed Wandering lust gone and with his own trust. The enchanter gone And...
‘A Disturbing Riddle’ by Evan Mantyk The Society July 19, 2013 Poetry, Riddles 4 Comments A disturbing riddle was told to me: “The city of evil that starts with ‘B’ That has six more letters after that one, Will be, by bloody tragedy, undone. “The nations all love this mighty...
‘Chicken Frost’ by Don Shook The Society July 17, 2013 Humor, Poetry 3 Comments The chicken crossed the road I heard. Which was so silly, so absurd, Especially for so dumb a bird. But when she started to come back She met an eighteen-wheeler Mack That smacked her with a great big...
‘Flight of Fancy’ by James Ph. Kotsybar The Society July 14, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments Alone, I take a flight to see some friends, I gaze out over ocean from the clouds and marvel, as the plane I’m in ascends with all of us above the earthly crowds. From gravity itself we’ve all been...
‘The Trojan War’ by Evan Mantyk The Society July 9, 2013 Homer, Poetry 2 Comments The Trojan War has finished its long course. Achaeans won by sneaking past the vaulting walls As if they were a gift: a wooden horse. A decade done, at last the city falls! And yet the riches found were...
‘Nobody in Particular’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society July 5, 2013 Poetry 3 Comments I wonder if I'll ever see a banished piece of Poetry of mine in print. I hope and pray and squint; but yet, I have to say, that I may not live long enough. The Frogs are ugly, stark and gruff. The Bog is...
‘Poughkeepsie Railroad Bridge’ by Alec Subre Wide The Society July 2, 2013 Poetry 2 Comments Across the trough o' th' mighty Hudson River at Poughkeepsie, New York, there's a cantilever bridge of steel, connected to a walkway rail trail that makes its two thousand meter trek in standard gauge, the...
‘Silent Drums at Gettysburg’ by Robert Walton The Society July 1, 2013 Poetry Drums lie tilted, battered and still; Grass fires gutter; none are left to kill; Bitter smoke coils through leafless trees; A stunned horse quivers on bloody knees. A tin cup's clank, a thump, a moan...
‘Uni-verse’ by Alan Nordstrom The Society June 30, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment Implicitly the Cosmos has design, Just as I hold the pattern in my mind Of how this sonnet’s feet and rhymes align With where some latent motive is inclined. One cannot see the sonnet’s form...
A Sonnet for Falun Dafa Day by Evan Mantyk The Society June 29, 2013 Beauty, Culture, Poetry Written in May 2010 / Revised April 2020 Trumpets blast and Heaven opens, light shoots through, Gods of all the Kingdoms smile now anew, Legions of celestial soldiers stand, salute, Drumbeats sound between...
Sonnet on Giorgione’s ‘Tempest’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society June 24, 2013 Art, Poetry Near a brief flash of lightning sits a bird, a white one on a gray and sloping roof, and rests against big blue clouds, like a surd, almost absurd, incapable of proof; and down below some city buildings...
‘Portrait of a God’ by Evan Mantyk The Society June 21, 2013 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment God of men who’s dressed in white, Beard on face of long brown hair, Halo pattern traced in light, Nimbus flowing through the air. Glowing skin with mercy shines, Ancient toga wraps His frame, Fabric...
‘An Oklahoma Nightmare’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society June 19, 2013 Poetry An Oklahoma Nightmare Leashed from the continent, it flew— on 20 May 2013— and caught the currents of the airy blue— colliding winds that swirled above—whirling. Sweet Jesus, the tornado's...
‘Pastoral’ by Brandon Briggs The Society June 17, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment In meadows green and pastures sweet, My love and I, we first did meet; She watched me tend my flock by day, And yet at night she went away. She was my sun, my warmth and light, There by day and gone by...
‘Metamorphic Rock’ by Reid McGrath The Society June 13, 2013 Poetry Pressure is what the loam feels when, buried and dis-tracted, it cannot function right; when it cannot get at the rain and light; when it, by a hellish heat, is harried. When it is not prepared, or...
‘Fredericksburg’ by Claire Marie de la Grange The Society June 10, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment The Union army's futile frontal attacks on December 13 against entrenched Confederate defenders on the heights behind Fredericksburg is remembered as one of the most one-sided battles of the American Civil...
‘Grains of Time’ and Other Poetry by Dino Cass The Society June 5, 2013 Poetry Grains of Time Somewhere through the hour glass, slip grains of time, eroding fast. Past and present times collide, revealing all truths hidden lies. Ties that bond are held so dear, but suddenly they...
‘The Ring’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society June 3, 2013 Poetry The Ring for E. S. and W. S. "my precious," —Gollum, in The Hobbit, J. R. R. Tolkien I only knew but one tall dude who had a ring with magic powers. He had one large, silver ring. Although...
‘A Vision at the Portal of Elysium’ by Ed ‘Bear’ C.U. Lewis The Society June 1, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment I saw him standing at the gate of heaven. It was in a dream, but seemed so real I was in awe. Behind him in my vision all was white and lit. Dear reader, though hard to believe, I truly saw this most...
‘Awakened Eyes’ by Clayton L. Sanders The Society May 30, 2013 Poetry Nothing to see here, they say each breath, People starving, as they feed us to death, Puppets on strings, all of us they bind, Right from our birth they program our mind, Who are they you ask, the unseen...
‘The Old Brown Carpet’ and Other Poetry by Kathy Figueroa The Society May 28, 2013 Poetry The Old Brown Carpet Hurray! I don't have to vacuum The old, brown carpet, anymore! At last, I managed to get it Removed from the dining room floor! It wasn't at all difficult Deciding it really must...
‘Bait Trap’ by Catherine Wald The Society May 26, 2013 Poetry Like roaches fighting over baited trap we climbed and clambered, even pushed and shoved while scrambling for some nourishment like love we’d push the other children off Mom’s lap. So certain of the...
‘Exchange’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society May 24, 2013 Poetry Exchange They go to take the heart of you, mark your skin & cut you through. With silk knives, their sharp skill connives to stroke apart flesh & lives. In surgic- al masks, they'll...
‘The Wars That Men Have Fought’ by Glenn Meisenheimer The Society May 22, 2013 Poetry My love, accursed, will never let me go. I mourn your loss and all those wasted years. The wars that men have fought for causes, though, Can never bring you back, nor make it so That I can be a stranger...
‘The Challenge’ by Eddie Morales The Society May 20, 2013 Poetry Come, tell me your story, master of prose. Use elements of the proper language To sway me to your side, and if all goes Well, hallowed will your words be on the page. So many things in common do we...
Epping Forest The Society May 18, 2013 Poetry Spirit of green engendered in liberty Sweeping across the glanded glades Tangled tree spirits in tarnished brief Dancing shades of sunlit lauded leaves. Some reveries of buttercups in a sea of...
‘Her Eyes’ by Ronald Ragan The Society May 16, 2013 Poetry Soft warm eyes searching, yearning full plump lips pouting and burning she looks upward in hope and desire burning inside consumed by fire. Big bright eyes warm and true deep inside, her soul shines...
Haiku by Ibe Ware Desu, LC. The Society May 14, 2013 Poetry A red-tailed hawk on a bridge railing looks fixed, loosed from its master. Reading one haiku, two bowls of strawberries passed through three centuries. When I looked back, o, the man whom I passed,...
‘Pisanello’s Vision’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society May 10, 2013 Poetry How beautifully does Pisanello seize upon the Vision of Eustachius in paint, where all conjoins together in a whole to please, although a grim foreboding portrait of the saint, for he and family will all...
‘York River Flood Of April, 2013’ by Kathy Figueroa The Society May 8, 2013 Poetry No one could recall When, in days of yore, The calm York River Had so breached its shore, Or where such places Roiling water went! Remarked one and all, "'Tis a rare event!" So, with great...
‘Auction Hall’ by Kathy Figueroa The Society May 8, 2013 Poetry Department stores are nice But prices there are high If you've got lots of cash They've lots of things to buy But if you're like most folks Just trying to make do You'll want to save some bucks But...
Poetry on Rain by Cynthia Thornton Herrera The Society May 6, 2013 Poetry Final Drip Sun’s broke through, it’s blinding. The crickets fade away, adjourn. The glowing, steaming mist falters; Creeps down to ground to burn. Silhouetted branches Well with tears of...
‘No Sweeter Spell’ and Other Poetry by Brad Lussier The Society May 2, 2013 Poetry No Sweeter Spell Those things that I have told you, little things That no one else knows, things I’ve dared not share Fall out my mouth to you as if on wings - Cavorting swallows free upon the...
Tang Poetry: Yu Gong Valley by Wang Wei The Society April 28, 2013 Poetry Translated by Lan Hua The Yu Gong Valley - I Heading into a valley Quite simply traveling With nobody else But Master Li To accompany me Nothing is needed For either of us Except a place to...
‘One Saturday in Boston’ by Michael Feltz The Society April 24, 2013 Poetry One Saturday in Boston, The Beacon of the Bay State. Many people went a'walkin' And came upon a mainstay: Disciples of a Zheng Fa, Falun Xiulian Da Fa. All gathered in a circle, Together for a Hong...
‘What He and Michelangelo Know’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society April 20, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment What He and Michelangelo Know "There on the scaffolding reclines Michael Angelo." -Yeats The Hudson’s sunk in this great vale of blue. The Catskill’s hackle bristles in the sky. The setting sun...
‘Storage’ and Other Poetry by M.J. Sullivan The Society April 18, 2013 Poetry Storage Let us lug in more stuff Storage man mumbles hi First year by in a huff Second year wonder why Save dad’s lured fishing hat Mom’s torn wedding picture Worn collar from Push cat Who slept...