‘Three Perspectives on Teachers’ by Evan Mantyk The Society April 17, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment I. The greatest writers are the teachers; The paper is their pupil; Each sheet defiantly stretches With a stark blank, diffused will. But, the teacher writes a story To fill minds, however...
‘One Has To’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society April 12, 2013 Poetry One Has To "quod idem in poematis, in picturis usu venit in aliisque complaribus, ut delectentur imperiti laudentque ea, quae landenda non sint" —Cicero One has to keep on striving even when no one...
‘Momma Says’ by Cynthia Thornton Herrera The Society April 10, 2013 Poetry Momma says you can do it. Fly away, little bird. Momma’s watched over you, fussed And taught you every word. Momma doesn’t know it all; The dangers out there lurk. She taught you to be...
‘Until He Dies’ and Other Poetry by Brad Lussier The Society April 8, 2013 Poetry 2 Comments Until He Dies With hollow bones a bird learns how to fly Not once despising frame all delicate, But pushed without the nest his wings to try, Fast finds the air till flight’s inveterate - And pauses...
‘Confection Connection’ and Other Poetry by Susan Budig The Society April 6, 2013 Poetry, Villanelle Confection Connection The girls were bored and at a loss To find a treat that did not cost An arm, a leg, no more a dime They chose confectionary dross They pulled two nickels from the grime And gave...
‘Hummingbirds’ and Other Poetry by JoyAnne O’Donnell The Society April 4, 2013 Poetry Hummingbirds How dramatic of thou hummingbird Glides like a cherub through airs curb Precious gems scatter across and fly To sparkle and gleam in our eye How the glistened hummer Unfolds an enchanted...
‘The Indian Ballad Of Gitchy Naigow (A Sestina)’ by Douglas Thornton The Society April 2, 2013 Poetry, Sestina 2 Comments Oh sad age, how the years will pass us by, Pass us and then our last visions refuse, Refuse us to look on our childhood skies: Oh daughter I am a burden to you, And this vision of mine, oh cherished...
Excerpts from ‘Versology’ by Alan Nordstrom The Society March 29, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment On the Beam At times when my roiled brain becomes serene, I may achieve a state of clarity In which intuitive insight grows keen, As if it were a beacon beckoning me, And then I sense the guidance of...
Haiku by Ibe Ware Desu LC The Society March 27, 2013 Poetry The water-birds too are fast asleep upon the Great Lakes of the North. Looking carefully, one finds shepherd's purse on a Vancouver sidewalk. The sound of water alerts a weasel to ducks upon the...
‘Forever Burn’ by Clayton L. Sanders The Society March 23, 2013 Poetry If I were dying, would you ask me to stay Until the Divine came to take me away From the Earthly protection of your arms, Ascending as energy, leaving your charms? Would you kiss me tender, say in my...
‘As Icarus Drowns: After Breugel’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society March 19, 2013 Art, Poetry As Icarus drowns in the deep-green, wine-dark sea, before the white, round fisher happily ensconced and th' extr'ordinary sailing ship embarking, a shepherd, standing near his flock and loyal dog, is...
‘Unicorns on New Mown Lawns’ and Other Poetry by Keith Robson The Society March 17, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment Unicorns on New Mown Lawns Quintessential qualities quite quickly quantified Each reason for the morning winds that oh so slowly died, Some things are inescapable, and never fade away And some things...
‘Opinions and Advice’ by Alan Jankowski The Society March 15, 2013 Poetry 4 Comments People always offer opinions and advice, As to what you should or shouldn’t do, Though they can barely manage themselves, They seem to know what’s best for you. An old friend offers relationship...
‘To The Society of Classical Poets’ by Steve Johns The Society March 13, 2013 Poetry To the Society of Classical Poets, The website you have is great for starting poets. I don’t know what I would have done without your help. I can be called a poet because of your help. May your anthology...
‘Looking for Your Keys’ and Other Poetry by Christopher W. Boyden The Society March 9, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment Looking for Your Keys While trapped between your life and soul. You look for keys to fit the hole, You struggle through your daily pace; In what we call "The Human Race." How much rain must...
A Reading of a Poem by Washington Allston (1779–1843) The Society March 7, 2013 Art, Beauty, Poetry ‘On The Group Of The Three Angels Before The Tent Of Abraham, By Raphael, In The Vatican’ O, now I feel as though another sense, From heaven descending, had informed my soul; I feel the pleasurable, full...
‘Zombie Dawning’ and Other Poetry by James Ph. Kotsybar The Society March 5, 2013 Poetry 2 Comments Zombie Dawning The zombies are coming; no one knows why – no time to ponder such things anyhow. Apocalypse gives us no time to cry. Survival is all we can think of now. They hunt for us in slow,...
2013 Poetry Journal Released The Society March 5, 2013 Featured, From the Society, Poetry 1 Comment The Society of Classical Poets is pleased to announce the publication of its First Annual Poetry Journal, available on Createspace and Amazon. Below is a preview of the Featured Poets and...
Commentary: Three Tributes to Formalist Poetry by Alan Nordstrom The Society March 1, 2013 Essays, Poetry Verse Forms as Evokers of Poetry I wish to dispute the notion that a “poem” arrives in the formal poet’s mind as if it were a compressed computer file, which he or she then expands into the poem...
‘A Season of Youth’ by Doug Thornton of France The Society February 27, 2013 Poetry The simple fruit the body once begot To please the supplicating year’s poor sky, Who pleaded tearful, nor did have a plot For bare escapes the heart could dignify, Lived and lost against the winter...
‘Composed Upon a Sunlit Chair’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society February 26, 2013 Art, Poetry "Heavenly Hurt, it gives us—" —Emily Dickinson A sunlit chair by Michael John Hunt sits in light, inside a house with open door. It's at a foyer corner—shadowed bits upon the greenish wall and...
‘Alas Babylon’ by C.Q. Hone The Society February 25, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment The losses of this lifetime in retrospect I see Reflect a downward spiral of a flawed society: can we now recapture a mere morality? Erase euphoric rapture of the imperial ME? Delete from daily...
On China’s Air Pollution: An Urbanelle, Winter 2013 The Society February 23, 2013 Poetry "How the Chimney-sweeper’s cry/ Every blackning Church appalls…” —William Blake, London “The Beijing Cough may not be as bad as the Hebei Hack." —Wu “Sacred Bee” Li In...
‘Elegy for a Blush’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society February 23, 2013 Poetry Elegy for a Blush No more does she show her flower; No more does the maiden cower. Snow-white cheek has turned to tawny. All the lads are looking scrawny. On Her cheek she spread her plume: A roseate...
‘History’ and Other Poetry by Steve Johns The Society February 21, 2013 Poetry History There’s a story in every piece of history. Each time I probe into a part of history, I see wars, plagues, triumphs, romances, and conflicts Between the poor and the rich. History inflicts Me...
‘A Sketch of Stone Roberts’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society February 19, 2013 Art, Poetry A line that travels down the middle of the scene divides the picture's plane in two: above, the vast and airy openess o' th' arching building, green on top, and filled with golden light and shadows...
Poetry Competition Winners Announced The Society February 15, 2013 From the Society, Poetry Dear Competition Participants, Thank you for your submissions! I am pleased to announce the winner and honorable mentions of the 2012 Society of Classical Poets Poetry Competition: Winner of $1,000...
Valentine’s Day Poem: Flowers for My Lady The Society February 14, 2013 Art, Poetry 1 Comment How that florid scent Wafts through your two vents Making all your senses yield To wilderness in a field. How the petals soft Carry you aloft To the clouds above us all, Lightly float and never...
‘To Plait Celestial Chains’ and Other Poetry by Bob Aldridge The Society February 13, 2013 Poetry To Plait Celestial Chains They also serve who only stand and wait. - John Milton, “On his Blindness” They also serve who only stand and wait. Ere even days in this dark world and wide, small...
‘Armor’ and Other Poetry by Sabrina Chen The Society February 11, 2013 Poetry 2 Comments Armor Discard the anxious sheath which guards The balanced song inside Lest ballads deep in ebony Reverberate untied Forgo the throttling winds who sing Their tainted, luring song Face every punch...
Poetry Analysis: On Two New Millennial Poems The Society February 8, 2013 Poetry By Lew Icarus Bede It is difficult, if not impossible, to know the state of poetry in any language during its "present period," poetry is such a fluid force, and the best, or the most...
‘Mount Solitude’ and Other Poetry by Ruth Hill The Society February 7, 2013 Poetry Mount Solitude Snow shelves sit like sentinels Waiting for a tuft-eared lynx Stacked like dishes jutting jewels Balance weights on tiny chinks Dripping in the sun all day Frozen stiff in lunar...
‘Spring’s Rhyme’ and Other Poetry by Amy McCombs The Society February 6, 2013 Poetry Spring’s Rhyme Colour floods so slowly, Each petal takes its time-- It blossoms near to holy As it enacts Spring’s Rhyme. The petals blush in summer And wither in the fall And wave to each...
An Odysseus Sonnet Sequence by Jessica F. Smith The Society February 4, 2013 Homer, Poetry My Love, Penelope My love, Penelope, I'm incomplete– You are not here, and I feel so alone; Love is a chore, without you there's no heat, Only dust, mere air, for you're my blood and bone. Victory...
Poetry Analysis: ‘Death Be Not Proud’ by John Donne The Society January 31, 2013 Poetry 4 Comments Death Be Not Proud Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou...
‘Instead of Sominex’ and Other Poetry by Meryl Stratford The Society January 30, 2013 Poetry 2 Comments Instead of Sominex Write a sonnet tonight before you go to bed. Just fourteen lines before you fall asleep. Something to clear your far-too-cluttered head. More fun than counting endless flocks of...
‘Quids Pro Quo’ and Other Poetry by Lynn Veach Sadler The Society January 29, 2013 Poetry 1 Comment Quids Pro Quo Does beauty matter? You, of all, know why: it skirts the edge of my and your decay. It brings at once both smile and knowing sigh. Yes, beauty—ever—has its own cachet. In beauty’s...
‘On Cancer, Guns, and Hit ‘n Runs’ and Other Poetry by Javeed Chida The Society January 28, 2013 Poetry On Cancer, Guns, and Hit 'n Runs The chemo sessions wore him down, He so despised the sterile smells, The chatter, beeps, and flimsy gown, And then those plain disgusting gels. But no more thoughts of...
‘Sonnet—To a New Yorker, Evan Mantyk’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society January 26, 2013 Art, Poetry "every where the trace of men" —William Cullen Bryant In Thomas Cole's The Catskills and Lake George, that set on scenic Catskill Creek, New York, in...
‘Dogfight Sonnet’ and Other Poetry by Julia Gordon-Bramer The Society January 25, 2013 Poetry Dogfight Sonnet Demon snarl curdles into a roar doubled with the counter-howl of defense. Darkened winter street was quiet before that tired walker’s leash-beast lost its sense. The guard dog growls,...