‘For Dayton and El Paso’ by James A. Tweedie The Society August 5, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments Two mass shootings took the lives of twenty-nine this afternoon. Fifty-one (at least) were injured, every life cut short too soon. Exiting a downtown bar or looking for a loaf of bread, Simply...
Five Clerihews for the Iliad, by Raymond C. Roy The Society August 5, 2019 Clerihew, Epic, Homer, Poetry 9 Comments A Clerihew is a four-line comic poem with a rigid rhyming scheme, aabb, but no metric requirements. It stands in stark contrast to the strict metric requirements with no rhyming scheme in the Iliad. This...
Sonetto 26 by Giacomo da Lentini (1220-1270), Translation The Society August 4, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments Giacomo da Lentini is a Sicilian who is generally considered the creator of the sonnet. This translation is by Leo Zoutewelle. I’ve seen it rain on sunny days And seen the darkness flash...
‘Antaeus and Us’ by William Walters The Society August 3, 2019 Culture, Poetry, The Environment 6 Comments "Antaeus, the son of Terra, the Earth, was a mighty giant and wrestler, whose strength was invincible so long as he remained in contact with his mother Earth." —Bulfinch's mythology Blessed Gaea, Mother...
‘Made in China’ and Other Poetry by Randal A. Burd, Jr. The Society August 2, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 3 Comments "Made in China" “Made in China” reads the label— Shattered on the coffee table: Some cheap and broken plastic toys We purchased for our girls and boys— Imports purchased which enable Labor...
Poems of Hibernia & Caledonia, by James A. Tweedie (with Audio) The Society August 1, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry, Readings 13 Comments Poet's Note: These five sonnets and song are the product of a four-week journey taken in June to Ireland and through west central Scotland and the Inner and Outer Hebrides. Unlike the sonnets, the lyrics to...
A Straight Shooter: Interview with C.B. Anderson The Society July 31, 2019 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Essays, Interviews, Poetry 2 Comments Roots in the Sky, Boots on the Ground: Metaphysical Poems C.B. Anderson, Kelsay Books, 107 pages paperback, ISBN-10: 1949229688 2019, $17.00 by Carol Smallwood Smallwood: Joseph S. Salemi commented on...
‘The Teacher to His Students’ and Other Poetry by David Galef The Society July 30, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments The Teacher to His Students The traffic light turns green. Your car won’t budge. You’re either texting or completely blind. And when you do proceed, you’re slow as fudge. You’re still...
‘A Haiku’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society July 29, 2019 Culture, Haiku and Senryu, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments A Haiku My mirror shatters and what most clearly matters remains to be seen. You and Me Some sins do not offend Our Lord - in fact with mine, I think He’s bored. But sadly though, I must...
‘Dust’ and Other Poetry by T.M. Moore The Society July 28, 2019 Beauty, Poetry 23 Comments Dust My soul clings to the dust. Ps. 119.25 How like the dust my soul can be. I see it sometimes, dazed and inattentive in a ray of light, or settled in a thin coat on a table, waiting languidly to be...
‘Theseus Amazed’ and Other Poetry by Manfred von Pentz The Society July 27, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Theseus Amazed Around corners through archway and gate Sensing forever the enemy’s mind Poised to avenge the innocents’ fate But a mirror was all I did find. The Adept A handful of...
‘The Call of the Bush’ by David Watt The Society July 26, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 29 Comments inspired by John Masefield’s “Sea-Fever” (1902) I will go down to the bush again, where the days hang crisp and clear, And cicadas hum their sonorous song from places far and near; Where...
‘The Woke Person’s Burden’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society July 25, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments The Woke Man’s Person’s Burden "Virtually no idea is too ridiculous to be accepted, even by very intelligent and highly educated people, if it provides a way for them to feel special and...
‘Króliki (Rabbits),’ dedicated to Tommy Robinson, by Denise Sobilo The Society July 24, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 14 Comments Króliki (Rabbits) dedicated to Tommy Robinson, who was recently sentenced to more time in prison Króliki they called us (Polish having no word for guinea pig)* and so we were: scared, little white...
‘Apple Tree’ by Mickey Kulp The Society July 24, 2019 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments a modified English Alexandrine An ancient apple tree in my unkempt backyard Has skin pocked like the moon by savage nature’s wrath. The top is bare and broke, curled like a parched...
‘Believe It True’ (A Found Poem circa World War I) The Society July 23, 2019 Culture, Found Poem, Love Poems, Poetry 2 Comments Believe It True That you have made my world a wondrous garden Fair with your lips, and glad with your eyes of blue That you have wakened life’s song of gladness Believe it true, dear, believe it...
‘Pablo Neruda on the Passing of Joseph Stalin’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society July 22, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments Pablo Neruda on the Passing of Joseph Stalin by Wibele Escudar We must be men. That is the law that Joseph Stalin left. Sincere intensity and concrete clarity are best. He was the noon of man. Let us...
‘Abandonment’ by Alessio Zanelli The Society July 22, 2019 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments Soaked in silence, sunbeams through the shutters, dust floating softly. Stuffy, flecks of mold and rust sticking here and there, a gentle draft. The glow makes all things appear the same as...
‘Unspoken’ by Stephen Hagerman The Society July 21, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 64 Comments As fiddle lilts its rhymed refrain it harkens an angelic past. If only we could now regain that sweet voice that was ne'er surpassed. Med'eval times, when hearts were chaste and men of honor...
A Tribute to Gao Rongrong (Victim of Chinese Communism) by Connie Phillips The Society July 20, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 34 Comments She Walked in Beauty a tribute to Gao Rongrong* after Lord Byron’s “She Walks in Beauty” She walked in Beauty, pure as light— Like sun and moon and starlit skies Illuminate the darkest...
A Sonnet on Cleve Backster and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society July 19, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 17 Comments Sonnet IV. Cleve Backster whose work on plant perception gained wide exposure in the 1973 publication The Secret Life of Plants. While people claim the fetus has no being Worth enough to trump a...
‘Taxi from Mohonk’ by James Sale The Society July 18, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments The taxi driver took us down From great Mohonk, New Paltz and such; And every mile we got to touch We felt the pull of New York town. And chatting in our easy way— He black, me white, what...
‘Self-Help and Recovery’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society July 17, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry 82 Comments —from A Gallery of Ethopaths The bookshops that we used to see Were citadels of literacy. Classics of grace and wit and style Greeted your glance in every aisle. Today, those humane texts are...
‘Natura Naturans’ and Other Poetry by Terry Norton The Society July 16, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments Natura Naturans “Off with their heads,” the Red Queen said. But she was mostly talk. A true decapitator is The little sharp-shin hawk. I saw one once, a blue-bolt shot, To seize a thrush in...
Two Poems on Dogs by Peter Hartley The Society July 15, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry 24 Comments The Thoughts of a Dog What really does go on inside the mind Of the domestic dog? To simply say They think of very little else all day But eating what they’re given, what they find To feed on would be...
‘Good Captains’ and Other Poetry by Philip Keefe The Society July 14, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments Good Captains From daring to despair runs common man. A vane to changing winds is his own mind. One hour he may so boldly think, “I can!” The next, poor fool to nagging doubt’s inclined, His...
Three Sonnets in an Antiquated Style by James A. Tweedie (with Audio) The Society July 13, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Love Poems, Poetry, Readings 11 Comments Her Love for Him My true love laughs, and angel choirs sing; The mountains echo back his tuneful mirth While Nature dances, heav’n in step with earth. ‘Tis music to mine ear; mine heart takes...
‘These Twins’ and Other Poetry by Leo Zoutewelle The Society July 12, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments These Twins These twins came forth in one amniotic sac. They sensed the danger they had come upon And both held hands to keep that danger back: It truly was the best they could have done. Their need...
‘The Loan’ and Other Poetry by Benjamin Daniel Lukey (with Audio) The Society July 11, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Readings, Villanelle 7 Comments A reading of the below poems by the poet: The Loan a villanelle This life we hold so dear is but a loan. For good or ill, its balance must be spent, For life is not a thing that we can...
Rhyming Riddle Contest 2019 The Society July 10, 2019 Humor, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Riddles 271 Comments Winners of the contest can be found here. From the riddle posed by King Solomon to the Philistines to the philosophy of riddles put forth by Aristotle to the riddles posed by Gollum to Bilbo Baggins in...
Rediscovering the Sonnet: An Interview with Poet Theresa Rodriguez by Carol Smallwood The Society July 10, 2019 Essays, Interviews, Poetry, Poetry Forms 7 Comments This interview was conducted by Carol Smallwood with poet Theresa Rodriguez following the release of the first edition of Sonnets by Rodriguez; the second edition is published by Shanti Arts, 2020;...
‘One Love’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society July 9, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments One Love In all the world there’s but one Love, just one. A single substance—like the billow lit From overhead by flashes from the sun And tears that rain upon a pillow—it Is all the same, no matter...
‘The Man Who Never Cries’ by David B. Gosselin (with Audio) The Society July 8, 2019 Beauty, Poetry, Readings 21 Comments The man who never cries is like the ship That never sailed, or left the sleepy shores, Who’s never felt the waves of peril whip Against his keel far off from peaceful...
A Riddle by Brian Douthit The Society July 7, 2019 Children's, Poetry, Riddles 9 Comments Stalks of brown and amber and gold, mighty when young, wither when old. Bleached by the sun and watered daily, Length may distinguish if lord or lady. Post your answer in the comments section...
‘Reprobate’s Prayer Sestina’ by Mike Bryant The Society July 6, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Poetry Forms, Sestina 14 Comments I lift my eyes and pray to God above, deliver me, dear Lord, from Satan's Hell. I come to You with heart brimful of Love, content to drink life's water from Your well. And if, by chance, I do...
‘Turkey Sausage’ by Donald Carlson The Society July 5, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments The sausage on my plate is rubbery and inoffensive A clever likeness made of turkey meat Not your tastiest breakfast fare yet not complete- Ly unsuitable for consumption by the hypertensive. My...
Two Poems for the Fourth of July The Society July 4, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments May Old Glory Always Wave by Roy E. Peterson May Old Glory always wave Above the tumult and the fray. Honor heroes who were brave Until the final Judgment Day. Drape the caskets of the dead, For...
‘Adiutor Laborantium’ and ‘Noli Pater’ by Colum Cille, Translated by T.M. Moore The Society July 3, 2019 Acrostic, Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 8 Comments Translator's Note: "Adiutor Laborantium" is an Irish poem attributed to Colum Cille (521-597), founder of the monastic community on Iona. It is an ABC poem, with the exception of two C-beginning lines in the...
‘The Four O’Clocks of July’ by Alan Sugar The Society July 2, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments Side by side, like toy soldiers under the sky, these seedlings all stand in a row. And on this day of independence, the Fourth of July, I stand here and I whisper, “Please grow!” Down the...
Winners Announced: A Line of Shakespeare Poetry Contest The Society July 1, 2019 Beauty, Culture, From the Society, Humor, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Shakespeare 2 Comments Judges: Michael Curtis, Amy Foreman, Reid McGrath, Adam Sedia A few words from Judge Michael Curtis: In apology: If you, fair writer, did not win, take heart, This juror read for craft more than for...