‘To Write of Death’ by Jeffrey Essmann The Society December 10, 2018 Culture, Poetry 6 Comments If poets are supposed to write of death then let me O! poetically regret the beating heart abruptly stopped, the breath that falls like lead upon the coverlet. Let me intone the soft and wistful...
‘Dryads’ Winter Lament’ by Wandi Zhu The Society December 9, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 15 Comments As autumn breezes blow away The warmth of summer’s sun, Then shortened is the light of day When we had danced as one. The prelude to the winter snow Is sung by icy rain, The rosiness of...
‘There are No Long-Term Consequences When the End is Near!’ by Lee Goldberg The Society December 8, 2018 Humor, Poetry 11 Comments A wondrous thing that happens as your exit becomes near, is that “long-term” consequences need not cause you fear! Bottom line: there’s no “long-term” when soon you’ll meet your...
‘The Anchor’ by Steven Shaffer The Society December 7, 2018 Humor, Poetry, The Raven 10 Comments after Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" __Once upon an evening dreary, I searched for news, at least in theory, Over many a dubious and mendacious channel that I abhor— __While I surfed, nearly barfing,...
‘Pinhead’ and Other Poetry by Michael Curtis The Society December 6, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 23 Comments Pinhead While sitting on a pinhead __Stuck in an angel's wing Holding still a piece of thread __I tap my head to think, I tap again, to no avail, __It seems I have forgot The answer to the...
‘Let Them Go’ by Mickey Kulp The Society December 5, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Villanelle 13 Comments a villanelle Be still now and let them go. Their trials and losses fade away. Briefly, they were yours to sow. Children stumble, cry, and grow. They are young and so they stray. Be still now and let...
‘Here Comes the Hybrid Bus’ by K.G. Jackson The Society December 4, 2018 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, The Environment 5 Comments Here Comes the Hybrid Bus Here comes that brand new hybrid bus Round the street so pretty; It's length so long it makes the turn, And bends right round the city. It's certainly looking very...
‘The Threads’ by Evan Mantyk The Society December 3, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments on the state of poetry today I see the threads have all aligned __In a patchwork tapestry That seemed at first all but resigned __To the death of poetry. The colors of the patchwork poems, __Splendid...
‘To Nicholas Wilton’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society December 2, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments Traditional Sacred Polyphonist of England Wilton! Could music make the dead to rise, Spare life its toil, move wills from sloth, Bind happy lovers in their troth, Or lift a heart to soar upon the...
‘Ms. Hayden, On Your Selection of Our Next Poet Laureate’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society December 1, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments Ms. Hayden, On Your Selection of Our Next Poet Laureate: For poetry to rise again Seek one who has applied the pen To that which all can understand, To verse which is sublime and grand. Choose one who...
‘Politician or Poet’ and Other Translations of Ryhor Krushyna’s Poetry The Society November 30, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Translation 8 Comments Politician or Poet When in one’s soul the politician calls forth – The poet’s voice withers and comes to naught. And poems become a bedlam of propaganda Praising the party’s agenda. The poet’s...
‘The Hindu’s Lament’ by Edmund Jonah The Society November 29, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments The Hindu's Lament As I passed a lonely temple in the after-evening glow, On the banks of the Ganges where the quiet waters flow, When the sun had sunk to rest and cool softness touched the air, I saw a...
‘To Chavistas’ and Other Poetry by John Gao The Society November 28, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 4 Comments To Chavistas You profit off the indignance of the poor just like the imperial loansharks you denounce, you’ve murdered trees and poisoned lakes and swore the water’s safe to drink then gloat to...
A Beginner’s Guide to Sapphic Verse (with Audio) The Society November 27, 2018 Education, Essays, Poetry, Poetry Forms, Readings, Sapphic Verse 37 Comments by James A. Tweedie My interest in Sapphic verse arose from a discussion thread on an SCP post some months ago. I researched the subject and decided to try my hand at it. Recently, I submitted my poem to...
‘Cosmic Dance’ by Sathya Narayana The Society November 26, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments When born, they said he came into the light! He realised soon it's another kind of gloom, where innocence had lost to odious blight and wisdom went crisscross in carnal looms. With his one foot...
‘The Poet’s Soul with Artful Pen’ and Other Poetry by Roy E. Peterson The Society November 25, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments The Poet's Soul with Artful Pen Few will read with understanding What the poet is intending. Nouns and verbs are still concealing Concepts with a double meaning. Adjectives, and adverbs too, Are used...
‘Beauty Is a Verb’ by Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi The Society November 24, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 20 Comments Not how we're seen but what we do determines beauty's stride, for seeds of virtue catered to are planted deep inside. Not what we see but how perceived in nature's many sides determines how the world's...
‘Cell Block Twenty-Nine’ and Other Poetry by David Watt The Society November 23, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 10 Comments Cell Block Twenty-Nine I haven’t seen the sun for days, Nor felt Compassion’s gentle ways; My body’s weak, but courage stays, In Cell Block Twenty-Nine. They tell me “Falun Gong’s a...
Amidst Anti-Thanksgiving Fervor: November 2018 The Society November 22, 2018 Culture, Poetry 11 Comments by Usa W. Celebride The pilgrims were a persecuted group—for their beliefs— so they were willing for a chance, a hope for some relief. They made the risky voyage to America by ship. A crew that...
‘Trope’ by C.B. Anderson The Society November 21, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 29 Comments Attentive to the dawning light, a poem has much in common with a plant: the crown delivers photosynthate through the phloem to earthbound roots—as thoughts are channeled down to partner up with images...
On the California Wildfires, by Tonya McQuade The Society November 19, 2018 Culture, Poetry, The Environment 14 Comments AQI: Hazardous Outside, the air is filled with smoke and ash So thick the nearby mountains can’t be seen; Bright red and purple colors on the map Warn that the air we breathe’s no longer clean. In...
‘Much Too Small’ by Joseph Quintanilla The Society November 19, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 6 Comments Much too small for a plow, __but I dig anyhow __till there’s sweat on my brow __from the weeds that I fight. I know others may yawn __at that part of my lawn __that I spend my time on, __but it brings...
‘The Hallowed Halls of Know-It-Alls’ by Sandy Stert Benjamin The Society November 18, 2018 Culture, Poetry 17 Comments The Hallowed Halls of Know-It-Alls are filled with varied creatures who learn the ropes from other dopes who pride themselves as teachers. They pontificate, obfuscate, and pose as if...
‘Whatever Is, Is Right’ by Don Shook The Society November 17, 2018 Poetry 16 Comments …a contemporary application of Pope’s wisdom I’ve sent illegal immigrants to splash around your pool, to raid your pantry, watch tv, because I know you’re cool. They’ll realize you’re not...
Poetry Found: ‘The Battery Horse’ by E.R. Henry The Society November 16, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Found Poem, Poetry 33 Comments Presented by Monty Phillips Given that the recent days have been rightfully occupied by the remembering of the humans who never made it home from World War 1, I thought I might highlight a less represented...
‘The Garden of Life’ and Other Poetry by Satyananda Sarangi The Society November 15, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 34 Comments The Garden of Life In wee, assuring spans of sunlit day, The sun awakened, rides his carriage fast To paint with crimson every corner passed, To cheer the silent buds of torrid May. My garden here in...
‘The Cost of Higher Education’ by James A. Tweedie The Society November 14, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 7 Comments I am a university in the U.S. of A. Becoming more dependent on Red China every day. We seek out Chinese students for the money that they bring, While the Confucius Institutes keep...
“When Clouds Roll In” by Michael Charles Maibach The Society November 13, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments On sunny days We’re filled with “me.” “I’m on my own And feeling free!” We have our job, And casual friends. The world feels strong Like it won’t end. Then clouds roll in, And lightning,...
‘To Cast Aside the Worldly Fishing Net and Join the Glorious Race’ by Joe Spring The Society November 12, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 4 Comments inspired by the Book of Hebrews To carry close a fishing net of gold or sea-green thread, __a-woven by some skillful hands, with ruby borders bound, a massive net, with onyx weights, and glass-blown floats,...
‘Let’s Take the Other Bus’ by Amy Foreman The Society November 11, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 29 Comments (A liberal-socialist primer for our youngest, most impressionable comrades) Note: 'take the other bus' is a slang term for homosexual behavior. Come gather round me, little ones: you bourgeois girls,...
‘At Dusk’ and Other Poetry by Daniel Leach The Society November 10, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments At Dusk At dusk, when high above the darkening trees, __The swallows in the deep blue dip and soar, As if in flying higher, still to squeeze __The last delicious moments that before ____The light into the...
An Open Letter to Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden, by Dusty Grein The Society November 9, 2018 Chant Royal, Poetry 39 Comments Choose Wisely Calling for the next U.S. Poet Laureate to be a traditional rhyming poet A double refrained chant royal in iambic pentameter O harken to my plea, as I implore, from need, true classic...
‘U.S. Midterm Election 2018’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society November 7, 2018 Poetry 11 Comments (All poetry by Bruce Dale Wise) U.S. Midterm Election 2018 by Brice U. Lawseed There wasn't any blue wave, nor a red wall; but instead the House was painted blue, the Senate turned a brighter...
‘Heritage’ by C. David Hay The Society November 7, 2018 Beauty, Poetry, The Environment 10 Comments Behold the cloud-graced monoliths That stretch against the sky Into the boundless sanctity Where wind swift eagles fly. Primal valleys bloom to life As tumbling waters sing, Resurrected from...
‘Write On! The Masters From the Shadows Cried’ by Ted Hayes The Society November 6, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 17 Comments "Write on!" the Masters from the shadows cried. "By your thin air we breathe, nor ever died; Your modest dress, our glorious raiment shares And witness to our sun, your candle bears. "Ignored,...
Essay: ‘Down with the Suck-Ups’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society November 5, 2018 Culture, Essays, Poetry 13 Comments When formal poets come to me for advice, I do my best to be helpful. I can comment on metrics and diction and syntactical choice. I try to avoid discussing subject matter since that is in the realm of personal...
‘The Age of Poetry’ and Other Poetry by Michael Skau The Society November 4, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments The Age of Poetry They say that poetry’s a young man’s game, indulged while still limber, lithe, and healthy enough to dance all night with energy. Without concern for funding and fickle...
Review: In the Measuring, Carol Smallwood, Shanti Arts 2018 The Society November 3, 2018 Beauty, Essays, Poetry, Reviews 12 Comments by James Sale Carol Smallwood In the Measuring is a substantial new collection of 77 poems by Carol Smallwood. Carol is well-known to readers of The Society of Classical Poets, as her poems regularly...
‘Sonnet XXX’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society November 2, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 24 Comments In Officio Exsequarium Come, let us bid the last of our farewells To one who sleeps on the retiring ship; November’s breath respires the mournful knells; “Lord, give him rest” is murmured...
Two Autumn Poems The Society November 1, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Translation 9 Comments Autumn Wind by Yuan Xi, translated by Jennifer Zeng and Damian Robin From far off, Autumn wind runs at us in a rush! Across a thousand miles, displacing clouds with sky, (And crowding through the dark,...