Two Halloween (All Hallows’ Eve) Poems The Society October 31, 2018 Culture, Poetry 13 Comments Hallowe’en by Sheri-Ann O'Shea Oh! Hallowe’en is not about the grave __Or ghosts or horrors fit to make men rave It’s not about black witches and black cats __Or goats or toads or spider webs or...
‘John of the Mountains’ and Other Poetry by Tonya McQuade The Society October 30, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 26 Comments John of the Mountains To him we owe a mammoth debt, our grateful thanks and praise, For the lasting conservation trails with foresight he did blaze. A “voice calling in the wilderness,” like John the...
‘Morning Dew’ by David Paul Behrens The Society October 29, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 14 Comments This universe of ours will end As we then return to the source. No more wounds to tend or to mend, As the source will chart a new course. When all the sands of time run out And existence must start...
‘The Ballerina’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society October 28, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 33 Comments The Ballerina Just before the break of day she woke from dreams of grand jeté and knelt beside her bed to pray. Like a feather, then she rose and slipped into her warm-up clothes to dance in silence...
‘The Choice Is Yours’ by C.L. Clickard The Society October 27, 2018 Humor, Poetry 22 Comments There are kingdoms to rule if your foot’s the right size _____or your beauty is flawless and rare. With a tune and a tower, you’ll capture brave hearts -- _____if you don’t mind his boots in your...
‘Desolation’ by James A. Tweedie The Society October 26, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 16 Comments Blasted granite marks the trail Guttered through eternal rock. Windborne smoke and ashes veil Mountain peaks through which we walk. Upward blue sky’s endlessness; Downward glimpse of lakes...
‘To a Blank Page’ by M. P. Lauretta The Society October 25, 2018 Culture, Humor, Poetry 27 Comments As yet untouched by any writer’s thought you’re still pristine and perfectly unspoiled. Just like a botox-frozen face that ought to pull and stretch, from life you have recoiled. Expressionless, your...
Rediscovering Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ The Society October 24, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Education, Epic, Essays, Homer, Poetry 27 Comments by Evan Mantyk Where is Homer? The epic poems of the famous Greek bard were the cornerstone of education for young Socrates, Alexander the Great, Roman emperors, William Shakespeare, and every serious...
‘The Migrant Caravan’ by Lud Wes Caribee The Society October 22, 2018 Culture, Poetry 12 Comments (poetry by Bruce Dale Wise) The Viacruces del Migrante, migrant caravan, which started out two hundred strong has grown to thousands, and keeps on increasing as it travels north through Mexico, on foot, on...
‘Birthday Greetings’ and Other Poetry by David Hollywood The Society October 22, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments Birthday Greetings As themes show signs of nature's stay, And time’s propitious dates hold sway, The evidence augurs your bloom, From sculptured years that now have hewn A shapened belle upon a...
Two Sonnets by Andrew Barker The Society October 21, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 33 Comments Sonnet 201. The Force that Through the Green Fuse Pulls the Poem. Written in the Dylan Thomas Museum, Swansea. July 2017 Oh to be the Poet! Love the words And see them wound around the teeth and tongue, To...
‘No Luck’ by Martin King The Society October 19, 2018 Humor, Poetry 17 Comments Why is it when you’re down and out, you’re also out of luck? Success they say is easy, “you’ll find it in a book.” I waded through a finance book, and on the middle page; Invest...
‘Solid Ground’ and Other Poetry by Clinton Van Inman The Society October 18, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 27 Comments Solid Ground Our greatest philosopher David Hume, Whose logical doubts leave naught to assume, Used skeptical arguments he had found To leave nothing on solid ground Until a Kant came walking along And...
Review: Selected Poems from Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal, Translated by Helen Palma The Society October 17, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry, Reviews 10 Comments by Joseph Charles MacKenzie Read the Selected Poems from Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal online. Email [email protected] for details on purchasing the book. Two arts are beautifully displayed in...
‘The Two-way Wye’ by Mike Ruskovich The Society October 16, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments I woke this day beside the two-way Wye, at peace with wars too often waged inside between the push of how, the pull of why. The river, calm against the ebbing tide, displayed an ease I had not...
‘United They Fall’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society October 15, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 34 Comments United They Fall Exhausted armies cling to noble trees along the margin of a meadow mown two weeks ago. It's fifty-five degrees, and summer's long campaign is at an end, the bugles stilled, except...
‘The Mellow Season’ by Carole Mertz The Society October 14, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 45 Comments Ah, now comes the mellow season, Marks its time with jackdaws caws. Autumn with its rusty reason Offers forth its season’s laws. Now no more the pretty laces, Florals found along the way. Brackish...
A Brief History of Riddles The Society October 13, 2018 Culture, Essays, Poetry, Riddles 7 Comments by Manfred Dietrich The world is riddled with riddles. Riddling is as old and as ubiquitous as language itself. When God invited Adam to name the beasts and the beauties of creation, he showed that each...
‘The Swallows of La Cienega’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie (with Audio) The Society October 12, 2018 Beauty, Poetry, Readings 92 Comments For Elizabeth La Cienega slept on a muted afternoon At old Las Golodrinas, when I spied a nest Of swallows beneath the age-worn latias, hewn By a hand that is gone with the days that were...
‘The Concert’ by Dr. Emory D. Jones The Society October 11, 2018 Poetry 7 Comments So delicate at first, the music swells And fills with brilliance of a dawning sun Each listener and cracks the callused shells The world has formed around our heart. And none Remain unmoved as...
Three Limericks by Nivedita Karthik The Society October 10, 2018 Children's, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 11 Comments An acrobat named Larry Loops was best among all circus troupes, But he quit one day and was heard to say, “My boss made me jump all those hoops!” There once was a man from...
‘Squandered Wealth’ by David Whippman The Society October 9, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 13 Comments In his bedsitter years, he was alone And all his dreams were haunted by some girl More wonderful than any precious stone Who’d bring fulfilment to his empty world. The loneliness pressed on him, dense...
‘Tweedie of Drumelzier’ by James A. Tweedie The Society October 8, 2018 Culture, Poetry 21 Comments Dark Devil’s Pool, where Spirit of the Tweed __Conceived the first-born of the Tuede clan; __Each maiden fair, and muckle braw each man, __With “Thol and Think” their battle-cry and creed. They built...
‘So Says the Prof.’ by Steven Shaffer The Society October 7, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 14 Comments “Religion is an opiate of the masses,” So says the Prof. lecturing to his classes. “College used to be a carrier pigeon For this terrible thing called ‘religion.’ Where all were forced to swallow...
The Eight Greatest Poems of William Wordsworth The Society October 6, 2018 Beauty, Best Poems, Culture, Essays, Poetry, The Environment 14 Comments by Charles Eager William Wordsworth was born in Cockermouth, Cumberland, in 1770—the same year as gave us Beethoven, Hegel, and Hölderlin—and died at the age of eighty, rich in the knowledge of his...
Two Translations from German by David Gosselin The Society October 5, 2018 Beauty, Poetry, Translation 7 Comments Death Is the Cooling Night by Heinrich Heine Death is the cooling night, Life is the sultry day, But now darkness settles And I long for respite. Outside my window looms a tree; In it sings the...
‘Gulag’ by Sam Gilliland The Society October 4, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 7 Comments For John McCain, Ernest C. Brace, & Alexander Solzhenitsyn I season my pen with the sonnet's blood, And do not reason with a moonless sky, Thus, in durance, we hearken to the wry Whisper of words from...
‘On the Kavanaugh Hearings’ by Joe Tessitore The Society October 2, 2018 Culture, Poetry 17 Comments I . The Accused: “Your Honor… And if I were a troubled lad and if indeed I did go bad, it matters not what I've done since? No point in trying to convince when crushed between the iron jaws of...
‘To My Wife, Suzi Venus’ by Tod Benjamin The Society October 2, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 6 Comments a Petrarchan sonnet Life’s hills have been trampled since first we met, That mad, magic moment long years ago, When your smile lit fires in the candle’s glow And trapped me forever in Venus’...
‘Decay of the Literary Sense’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society October 1, 2018 Culture, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments —from A Gallery of Ethopaths* For those of us who cherish text, There’s anguish in what I’ll say next. The world of letters, by tradition, Was one of grace, style, erudition— A shrine to language...
‘The Autumn Daylight Sky’ by Joe Spring The Society September 30, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments Pure of any mortal mote ___and boundless (but for sight): The deep dry sky of Autumn ___inscribes the shadows bright. (For what could dusty leaves conceal ___from such an endless eye? What...
‘‘Cause You’d Be Here’ by Gleb Zavlanov The Society September 29, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 11 Comments The butterfly, the sea anemone, And snowflake, though possessive of the true Design of grace and perfect symmetry, Seem crude and ugly when compared to you. The stars that line the deep, black...
‘The Coworker’ and Other Poetry by Jeffrey Essmann The Society September 28, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments The Coworker A “need-to-know” it’s called in Personnel and I’m just high enough to need to know she’s going through that quiet hell of watching someone’s life she loves recede. A bit more...
‘After RFK’ and Other Poetry by Robert Piazza The Society September 27, 2018 Culture, Poetry 4 Comments After RFK __I’m named for one about whom Lowell wrote That doom was woven in his veins. In June Of 1968, my father trained To blow-up bridges at an Army base In the Show Me State when news ambushed The...
‘A Folded Note Beneath the Door’ by Shannon Rose Cummings The Society September 25, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 5 Comments Painted, woody there it stands, this door behind which kingdom fans. Bright with order, calm with ease, a wooden plank with hidden seas. A plight to pick which path is best, the fallen stairs or the...
Review: Two Poetry Books by James B. Nicola The Society September 24, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry, Reviews 3 Comments by James Sale Wind in the Cave, Finishing Line Press, 2017 Out of Nothing, Shanti Arts Publishing, 2018 Recently in a poetry review of another poet on these pages I commented that the poet had included 33...
‘The Ballad of Mulan’: A Rhyming Translation The Society September 23, 2018 Culture, Poetry, Short Stories, Translation 27 Comments Translation by Evan Mantyk "The Ballad of Mulan" was written in the sixth century about a legendary warrior, Hua Mulan, who lived during China’s Northern and Southern dynasties period (420–589...
‘The Country Club’ and Other Poetry by Alexander King Ream The Society September 22, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments The Country Club To think about a country club Begun for whisky in a tub, Distilled from fields of golden corn In a town where I was born, For folks to gather, have a blast In golden days, in time long...
Two Humorous Poems by R.G. Kaimal The Society September 21, 2018 Humor, Poetry 4 Comments Woman: Why choose the red dress, dear? Reply: To me it's really white, To you it should be clear, Mood sets a color right! Boy: Are you playing handball? Reply: No! In fact it's...
‘Check-Mate by a Pawn’ and Other Poetry by Amy Foreman The Society September 20, 2018 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry 29 Comments Check-Mate by a Pawn for my sons We parry, thrust: This game of wits, Where each pawn must Deflect your hits. My mounted knight Skips overhead, First back, then right; Your knight is dead. But...