Three Rhyming Riddles by Matthew J. Morris The Society January 28, 2025 Poetry, Riddles 10 Comments . 1. A rainbow diced to tease unhurried brains __With rotating rows of parallel planes. What is it? . 2. With no known cure, this blight Bends down what was upright Makes distant things draw near While close...
Six Riddles for Autumn 2024, by Evan Mantyk The Society November 4, 2024 Humor, Poetry, Riddles 14 Comments . I. I travel thanks to water, But do not float or sail. More quickly than an otter And have a smoke-like tail. What am I? . II>. II. When at the beach, I soak up sun, Look down on waves (that’s...
10 New Riddles for Mid-Autumn Festival 2022 The Society September 8, 2022 Children's, Culture, Poetry, Riddles 10 Comments . The Mid-Autumn Festival, or Moon Festival, falls on Sept. 10 this year. A common tradition is to read riddles hung from lanterns while under the moonlight. The holiday usually corresponds to the harvest...
Two Riddles by Jack DesBois The Society July 2, 2022 Poetry, Riddles 11 Comments . Riddle This tiny thief Has ground to grief Many a mighty poem, No wiser for The learned lore He nibbles, tome by tome— But though he'll munch My words for lunch, He never eats his own. . . Name the...
An Over-18 Riddle: ‘Let’s Do It!’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society November 2, 2020 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Riddles 36 Comments Let's Do It! The surgeon does it in a snip within a stitch of time. The comic does it with a quip, the actor with a line. Morticians do it clad in black with grave and stiff demeanor. The lawyer on the...
20 Riddles by Evan Mantyk The Society October 23, 2020 Children's, Culture, Poetry, Riddles 44 Comments Post your answers in the comments section below. I. A place that never is in its own place And where it is is where it’s made to be; Not that it’s made from scratch within that space Where traces of...
‘Grapes’ and More Phobia Limerick Riddles by Jan Darling The Society January 15, 2020 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Riddles 9 Comments Grapes Peel me a grape But remove the seed I love the flesh But have no need Of hard encounters In the skin Juicy, fat, dry or thin. On second thoughts—feed me gin. More Phobia...
Phobia Limerick Riddles, by Jan Darling The Society December 14, 2019 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Riddles 45 Comments Each poem below describes a phobia. Guess what the person is scared of in each. For extra credit try to name the phobia’s official name. Post your answers in the comments section...
‘Three Riddles’ by Rupert Palmer The Society September 6, 2019 Culture, Poetry, Riddles 11 Comments I. Half-man half-beast I seem to be A thousand years is naught to me For I watch kings and kingdoms die Who once were gods, beneath me lie In plundered graves they rest no more Yet still I stand, through...
Ten Best Rhyming Riddles of 2019 The Society August 20, 2019 Poetry, Poetry Contests, Riddles 13 Comments Thank you to everyone who participated! Judges: Joseph S. Salemi, Adam Sedia, Manfred Dietrich First ($100 Prize) A spike is there, but it’s not gold, Some forests have them, so I’m told. They...
Rhyming Riddle Contest 2019 The Society July 10, 2019 Humor, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Riddles 271 Comments Winners of the contest can be found here. From the riddle posed by King Solomon to the Philistines to the philosophy of riddles put forth by Aristotle to the riddles posed by Gollum to Bilbo Baggins in...
A Riddle by Brian Douthit The Society July 7, 2019 Children's, Poetry, Riddles 9 Comments Stalks of brown and amber and gold, mighty when young, wither when old. Bleached by the sun and watered daily, Length may distinguish if lord or lady. Post your answer in the comments section...
A Riddle by Horus Hardtke The Society May 24, 2019 Children's, Poetry, Riddles 3 Comments Skin hard as jade, Mouth like a blade, I’m seldom dry, A dross lookst I, And hard to find, But my inside Has hidden treasure For woman’s pleasure. Put your answers in the...
Poetry Challenge: Write a Square Poem The Society May 14, 2019 Culture, Poetry, Riddles 30 Comments by David Watt I recently came across the following “square poem” attributed to Charles Dodgson (better known as Lewis Carrol). Please note that each of the six lines may be read horizontally, or...
A Riddle by Connie Phillips The Society May 8, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Riddles 8 Comments Riddle No. 1 So astounding is this part— A major muscle, like your heart. And so astonishing its job, Without it you would be a blob: You couldn’t stand or lift or bend— You’d be a pretzel in...
A Brief History of Riddles The Society October 13, 2018 Culture, Essays, Poetry, Riddles 7 Comments by Manfred Dietrich The world is riddled with riddles. Riddling is as old and as ubiquitous as language itself. When God invited Adam to name the beasts and the beauties of creation, he showed that each...
Three Riddles by Manfred Dietrich The Society September 5, 2018 Humor, Poetry, Riddles 4 Comments Riddle XXXVII From small beginnings I grow great, just keep up the heat and wait, help me become the thing I am, give me all the heat you can. Let me transform the gathered dew and I’ll...
Ten Best Riddles of 2018: Contest Winners Announced The Society August 13, 2018 Humor, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Riddles 8 Comments Thank you to everyone who participated and made this a great year for rhyming riddles! —Evan Mantyk, Judge First Place ($100): Monty Phillips, France I’ve never been exactly sure How long I’ve been...
Rhyming Riddle Contest The Society June 27, 2018 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Riddles 177 Comments Winners announced here. Scroll down and read the comments section to enjoy all of the submissions. What has no subject one can tell, Yet tries to make it ring a bell? What makes you scratch your head...
‘Song of Us’ and Other Poetry by by Amy Foreman The Society May 27, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Riddles 25 Comments Song of Us Face to face, polite and careful, Tentative we were, and prayerful, Neither one of us would dare pull More from this than met the eye. . . . Yet Side by side we worked together, Hands of...
‘The Maid of Orleans’ and Other Poetry by Nicky Hetherington The Society March 22, 2018 Culture, Poetry, Riddles, Villanelle 10 Comments The Maid of Orleans A villanelle on Joan of Arc As I gazed at the flames of the fire my heart, with all there that day, broke – such strength could not help but inspire. A young woman burnt as...
‘A Sonnet Riddle’ by Sharon Zhou The Society February 3, 2018 Poetry, Riddles 11 Comments I’m born from a forked tongue’s hissing mutter, An ungrounded half-truth, forceless and tame. Just like a spark struck from flint I shudder At greater forces, a delicate flame, But human speech kindles...
‘On President Trump’s First Year in Office’ and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society January 19, 2018 Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry, Riddles 16 Comments On President Trump’s First Year in Office An earlier version of this poem was published with an explication in The Epoch Times. In Donald Trump we’ve found a man Who can the tides of time...
‘Another Cakewalk’ and Other Poetry by Peter G. Epps The Society November 28, 2017 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Riddles 2 Comments Another Cakewalk Mark Twain may not be safe to read, at least in public places, Because he gawks with foolish words at human folly's faces; But take a moment to digest (puts iron in your...
Excerpts from ‘Bones of Earth’ and Other Poetry by Michael Curtis The Society August 23, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Riddles 2 Comments Proem In rhyming, timing is everything. Rhymes in wrong places make awkward spaces. A rhyme in rhyming knows more than prose. Rhymes are the rings you hear in the mind’s ear. Nature’s rhymes are free:...
Rhyming Riddle Contest Winners Announced The Society August 10, 2017 Culture, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Riddles 1 Comment Thank you to everyone who participated! Judges Dusty Grein, Michael Curtis, and Damian Robin have selected the below winners for the first Rhyming Riddle Contest. Judge Curtis said meter was...
Rhyming Riddle Contest The Society July 1, 2017 Poetry Contests, Riddles 142 Comments RULES: A riddle for your thoughts? Write a rhyming riddle, any length and paste it in the comments section below with your name and area of residence. Do not include the answer. Let people guess and then...
‘Riddle Two’ and Other Poetry by Michelle Tamara Simon The Society June 22, 2017 Humor, Poetry, Riddles 6 Comments Riddle Two Now give these lines a gander Be you bold enough to try Find fun, full-fashioned candor Take care. Some smart cells may fry On this surface so smooth In perfect timing we...
‘Riddling Away’ and Other Poetry by Nicholas Froumis The Society April 23, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Riddles 2 Comments Riddling Away What slips and squanders, and has no matter? Leaves one to ponder, and rarely flatters? Is never enough to go all around, and often too rough when finally found? And where will...
‘Riddle’ by Michelle Tamara Simon The Society January 14, 2017 Poetry, Riddles 7 Comments Here is a riddle, a brain-teaser of sorts Rev up your noggin or the answer you’ll miss Mark. Set. Get ready for a fun little sport The pivotal problem goes something like this: Some of gold....
33 Riddles for Young and Old The Society November 24, 2016 Humor, Poetry, Riddles 4 Comments By Evan Mantyk I. I’m thinner than most cars you see, I do not guzzle as much gas, And if I ever want to flee, Between two cars I’ll eas’ly pass! What am I? II. I’m in the water but can’t...
10 Riddles by Mike Munsell The Society March 12, 2016 Humor, Poetry, Riddles 2 Comments 1.) The prankster's favorite home decor, Clockwise or counter, the choice is yours. Never eaten, found in bowls. Around I go, I'm on a roll. What am I? ANSWER 2.) A flightless bird,...
‘Counterfeit Martyrdom’ and Other Poetry by Basil Fillis The Society February 21, 2016 Culture, Poetry, Riddles, Terrorism 5 Comments Counterfeit Martyrdom Evil terrorists 'round the world Reject God's law, "Thou shalt not kill." Minds indoctrinated, furled up in a cold and savage will! Real martyrs are the brave who die adhering to...
’10 Riddles’ by Damian Robin The Society December 27, 2015 Poetry, Riddles 2 Comments 1 it shows many sides but usually 2 — can boil & bluster & end in a stew — can be clear as crystal & cut a sharp view — or narrow to nothing but be taken as true 2 it holds...
25 Riddles by Evan Mantyk (with Answers) The Society October 4, 2015 Humor, Poetry, Riddles 3 Comments For 30 more riddles click here. I. I may not have a large population Compared to China or the United States, But more than those two or any nation I’ve more coastline and freshwater supplies. What...
30 Riddles by Evan Mantyk (+Answers) The Society September 23, 2013 Humor, Poetry, Riddles 7 Comments Click here for more riddles I. My mirror image never is that far, I have five different points just like a star, While I’ve no mouth or tongue that I employ, I make a sound quite loud when struck with...
‘A Disturbing Riddle’ by Evan Mantyk The Society July 19, 2013 Poetry, Riddles 4 Comments A disturbing riddle was told to me: “The city of evil that starts with ‘B’ That has six more letters after that one, Will be, by bloody tragedy, undone. “The nations all love this mighty...