A Poem in Tribute to Dame Vera Lynn (1917-2020), by Susan Jarvis Bryant
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZUryvFffTQ Some Sunny Day A tribute to Dame Vera Lynn who died today, June 18, 2020 (aged 103). She was the British Forces' Sweetheart who sang to the...
Poetry Readings from 2020 SCP Symposium – ‘A Celebration of Meter and Rhyme’ (Session I)
All of the below poems were read on May 31, 2020 at The Society of Classical Poets Symposium, which was held online due to the pandemic. Below are poems from Session I. Session II readings are...
A Poem for the George Floyd Riots: ‘The Second Coming’ by W.B. Yeats
Video and reading by Rob...
Friends of Falun Gong 2020 Poetry Contest Winners Announced
FIRST PLACE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F96xN0VV7JU The Virus and the Cure by Rob Crisell One hundred years of tyranny, One hundred years of pain and lies. If communists of China win, The...
A Reading of “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud (Daffodils)” by William Wordsworth
https://youtu.be/bYg-ITiEEyM "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud," also known as "Daffodils," the poem by former British Poet Laureate William Wordsworth (1770-1850) read by the President of...
Online SCP Poetry Symposium 2020 – “A Celebration of Meter and Rhyme”
Due to the unprecedented circumstances regarding the CCP virus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Symposium has been moved online. The details of the event have been adjusted. Sunday May 31, 2020 Session 1: 12...
Scots Translation and Poetry by George T. Watt for Tartan Day 2020
The Last Bard o Scotland Translation by George T. Watt, frae the original by Joseph Charles MacKenzie Watters o Irvine an Annock, Ma saut tears mell wi the sautie ocean, Wast o Arran Isle...
A Poem Celebrating Tartan Day and 700th Anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath
Read by George T. Watt The Scrieve fae Arbroath Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit....
SCP Poetry Symposium 2020—“A Celebration of Meter and Rhyme”
NOTE: This event has been canceled due to the CCP virus (COVID-19) pandemic. A new online SCP Symposium has been planned. The details of the online symposium will be available here on May...
Poems for Christmas Day 2019
Come to Bethlehem / Silent Night Song and Poem by James A. Tweedie Come to Bethlehem, come and see God stripped bare of majesty. Fragile as a flower; Emptied of might and power; Come to...
‘Sonnet XXXVIII: The Adoration of the Shepherds’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA_UsvwgdQ8 Our nakedness was swaddled by the night, With Eden’s worn-out dust our feet were shod, When heaven opened and a being of light Announced that earth...
Review: The Secrets of Archery, by Alessio Zanelli, Greenwich Exchange, 2019
by James Sale Alessio Zanelli is a fascinating poet, and probably a fascinating man as well. This is his sixth collection of poems and part of his well-publicised and unique charm is that he is an Italian...
A Villanelle and Video by Joseph Charles MacKenzie
originally published on MacKenzie Lyric Poetry Oh, run with the sun and the wind in your hair! Before the day-star sets in the west: Love flowers best in the wide, open air. Behold! The noon-tide waxes not...
‘Mailied’ by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Translated and Read by David B. Gosselin
Mailied by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) How brightly nature Shines this morning! What radiant sun! How the fields sing! The buds burst forth From each green frond! A thousand...
A Reading of Petrarch’s Sonnet No. 7, in Italian
This recording was made by M. P. Lauretta for the Southend Poetry Group in August 2019. Sonetto n. 7 dal Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca La gola e ’l sonno e l’oziose piume hanno...
Joseph Charles MacKenzie’s Sonnet 5 Inspires the World of Pop (Video)
Originally published here. ALBUQUERQUE, NM — July 27, 2019 — Sonnet 5, a marriage poem from MacKenzie’s Sonnets for Christ the King, has inspired award-winning producer, composer, and vocalist D.G. Hall...
Poems of Hibernia & Caledonia, by James A. Tweedie (with Audio)
Poet's Note: These five sonnets and song are the product of a four-week journey taken in June to Ireland and through west central Scotland and the Inner and Outer Hebrides. Unlike the sonnets, the lyrics to...
Three Sonnets in an Antiquated Style by James A. Tweedie (with Audio)
Her Love for Him My true love laughs, and angel choirs sing; The mountains echo back his tuneful mirth While Nature dances, heav’n in step with earth. ‘Tis music to mine ear; mine heart takes...
‘The Loan’ and Other Poetry by Benjamin Daniel Lukey (with Audio)
A reading of the below poems by the poet: The Loan a villanelle This life we hold so dear is but a loan. For good or ill, its balance must be spent, For life is not a thing that we can...
‘The Man Who Never Cries’ by David B. Gosselin (with Audio)
The man who never cries is like the ship That never sailed, or left the sleepy shores, Who’s never felt the waves of peril whip Against his keel far off from peaceful...
On the 200th Anniversary of John Keats’ Odes (A Video Essay by Daniel Leach)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9LEnZ9T4F0&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be by John Keats When I have fears that I may cease to be __Before my pen has...
Two Videos on the Reading of Poetry Out Loud
The Bad The first video of Hannah Silva instructs us on the abyss that poetry reading has found itself in today. The irrationality and baseness of slam poetry has given way to experimental poetry that doesn't...
‘The Clockmaker’ by Benjamin Daniel Lukey
When I was young, I’d disassemble clocks So I could understand what made them go. With tools in hand, and pieces in a box, I’d wonder, and I’d look, and then I’d know. But...
A Beginner’s Guide to Sapphic Verse (with Audio)
by James A. Tweedie My interest in Sapphic verse arose from a discussion thread on an SCP post some months ago. I researched the subject and decided to try my hand at it. Recently, I submitted my poem to...
‘The Swallows of La Cienega’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie (with Audio)
For Elizabeth La Cienega slept on a muted afternoon At old Las Golodrinas, when I spied a nest Of swallows beneath the age-worn latias, hewn By a hand that is gone with the days that were...
‘To the Class of 2018’ and Other Poetry by Benjamin Daniel Lukey
Exodos, Prologos to the Class of 2018 In times uncertain, ask your truest friends For counsel, and take all they say to heart— But know that we are bound for different ends, And none but...
‘SonnetVision 27’ (Video) by Joseph Charles MacKenzie
Note: Joseph Charles MacKenzie would like to offer a 25% discount on the first edition hardcover of Sonnets for Christ the King to his fellow poets and readers of the Society of Classical Poets, in gratitude...
Video: A Reading of Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare
A short film by Gleb Zavlanov. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxnDmkKqaF4&feature=youtu.be Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds...
‘Canto 1’ by James Sale (with Video)
Canto 1 is the provisional name for a sequence of 33 Cantos that James Sale is attempting to write in the style - and using the terza rima - of Dante. His aim is to create a contemporary epic of heaven and...
‘A Rounded Stone’ by Benjamin Daniel Lukey
He pressed a rounded stone into my hand. He said, "Take care of this," and turned away To tend to things we needed for our trip: The boats, the lines, the paddles, and the...
‘I Know Why the Red Rose Weeps’ by David Bellemare Gosselin (with Audio)
I know why the red rose weeps Why she hides her tears in dew As the summer breezes sweep From those seas of peaceful blue, And then like our dreams She fades with the morning dew. I know...
‘The Wintering-Ground’ by Douglas Thornton (with Audio)
Within what hut, My woodland maid, May I remain awhile? Next what fire may my chills Be warmed? Be there A path that leads Past stony piles and tells Us not to walk alone? I do not...
‘Sonnet for Elizabeth’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie (with Audio)
I fear no more the settling of the night Or mind its grey, evaporating shades; Mine ears are deaf to time’s lost serenades, Mine eyes content with thy soul’s loving light. Thy...
‘Swallows’ by Leo Yankevich (with Video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjc_6R0ang8&feature=youtu.be It was once thought that swallows wintered on the moon, or morphed into field mice beneath the autumn swoon of clouds, or...
A Sonnet for the Feast of the Three Kings (with Audio) by Joseph Charles MacKenzie
Sonnet XLI - Gifts of the Magi A grander throne than Solomon’s of old, Though wrought of rough-hewn wood and winter hay, Received the royal deference of gold From one who watched a star, by night and...
‘A December Wish’ by Leo Yankevich (with Audio)
https://youtu.be/dVnGlUaitiY You hear the sound of carols from afar. Bright bulbs and tinsel, cinnamon and cloves. Beyond a hill of snow you see a star. Here you can look at stacks...