‘The Emperor’s New Chromosomes’ and Other Poems on Transgenderism by Brian Yapko The Society July 25, 2023 Alexandroid, Culture, Poetry, Satire 22 Comments . The Emperor's New Chromosomes The Emperor would be remade; He felt if he could be a maid He’d be more loved and find relief. His maleness brought him nought but grief. Two doctors showed up sharp as...
‘Poorer by the Day’: A Poem by Shaun C. Duncan The Society July 22, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire, Villanelle 14 Comments . Poorer by the Day a villanelle They pay in promises they will betray; A scam as cold and ancient as the sea. While those who work grow poorer by the day, Their masters mint fool’s gold to give away To...
Three Love Poems by Evan Mantyk The Society July 21, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry, Satire 18 Comments . Sonnet I Our arms are leaves stretched out; our thoughts can bloom The grandest only when we crowd out those Who have been planted in a place of doom— Perhaps for something only Heaven knows. While...
‘Via Appia’ and Other Poems by Luca D’Anselmi The Society July 20, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Love Poems, Poetry, Satire 10 Comments . Via Appia Beneath the pines of Rome, the wrinkled sibyl will croak your future for eleven cents, and with her finger in the dust will scribble predictions of uncertain consequence. But go near, fix your eyes...
‘Five Stars’: A Poem on the Chinese Communist Party, by Damian Robin The Society July 19, 2023 Human Rights in China, Poetry, Satire 6 Comments . ***** The Red Hotel has blood on ev’ry floor Where ev’ry room is numbered 666 And blood-greased door knobs bolting every door Suspend a blood red sign of ZZZ So slaving cleaners need not knock to...
‘On Silicon Avenue’ and Other Poetry by Paul A. Freeman The Society July 18, 2023 Poetry, Satire 14 Comments . On Silicon Avenue The lawns on Silicon Avenue were mowed on Wednesdays. All the hedges, too, were cut. On Thursdays cars were polished till they glowed, or else you got a bullet in the gut. The Sheriff-Bots...
‘The Park’: A Kubla Khan-like Poem by C.B. Anderson The Society July 17, 2023 Poetry, Satire 8 Comments . The Park The Park he’d built, which hovered overhead, Went far beyond the scope of any to That time constructed. Architects were bred For several generations: some were wed To siblings just to purify the...
‘Me and My Pronouns’: A Poem by Julian Woodruff The Society July 15, 2023 Poetry, Satire 11 Comments . Me and My Pronouns Pronouns—I’ve gotten rather tired of them. Not quite so tired, though, as of being queried as to mine. “He,” “him,” “his”—why can’t I hem them up, the lot of them, and...
‘White House Coke’ and Other Poems by Russel Winick The Society July 14, 2023 Poetry, Satire 27 Comments . The White House Coke Though Hunter left his laptop at the shop, The Woke deny he lost his White House coke, And call the chance of Joe partaking nil--- Has anyone drug tested Dr. Jill? . . On Second...
‘Peace For Our Time’: A Poem in the Voice of Neville Chamberlain and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society July 11, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 39 Comments . Peace For Our Time "I believe it is peace for our time... Go home and get a nice quiet sleep." ---Neville Chamberlain “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.” ---Winston...
Four Poems About Road Travel, by Joshua C. Frank The Society July 10, 2023 Beauty, Pantoum, Poetry, Satire 16 Comments . The Billboard a pantoum It’s propped along the route I roll— A squatting square against the sky, Atop a sturdy metal pole, To tell me what new thing to buy. A squatting square against the sky, It blocks...
‘A Poet’s Plight’: A Poem by Phil S. Rogers The Society July 9, 2023 Poetry, Satire 23 Comments . A Poet's Plight I’ll think of a theme for my next little verse, intriguing and witty, though still must be terse. Not road kill, dead flowers, nor weeding the lawn, it can’t wax poetic nor bring a big...
‘Putin’: A Poem on the Russian Leader, by Michael Vanyukov The Society July 6, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 33 Comments . Putin That’s, I’m sure, a vampire: Gnaws on bones, bloody-lipped. —A. S. Pushkin. “Vurdalak,” Songs of Western Slavs (Это, верно, кости гложет Красногубый...
A July 4th Satire: ‘To All Great Eagles Up on High’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society July 4, 2023 Poetry, Satire 119 Comments . To All Great Eagles Up on High To all great eagles up on high I hope you hear my battle cry! I have some plans I know you’ll love While you are circling above. There is a retailer to maul That has a...
Two Versions of Psalm 23 in Poetry, by Warren Bonham The Society June 27, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 13 Comments . Psalm 23: King David’s Version When I was just a hungry sheep __and I was lonely, lost and scared, You somehow found me, fed me, led me, __showed me just how much You cared. When in the valley with its...
‘As Orwell Warned’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society June 26, 2023 Poetry, Satire 29 Comments . As Orwell Warned The Right now gets censored to silence, While schools and the media teach, That speech from the Right equals violence, And Left violence merely is speech. . . “When I Was Your...
‘The Adventures of Verb’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society June 25, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry, Satire 28 Comments . The Adventures of Verb At six, I had a dictionary Where I would meet a man named Verb, Superb and quite extraordinary, In every definition’s blurb, Right at the finish, did while doing, For example:...
‘Runway Ready’: A Contemporary Nursery Rhyme by Tonia Kalouria The Society June 19, 2023 Children's, Poetry, Satire 9 Comments . Runway Ready An Anorectic at a Playground . Scrawny, lean and teen Miss Annie sat upon her bony fanny, straddled ‘cross a teeter-totter, filling up on Fibre Water. From above, bungeed a spider, claimed...
‘Distant Thoughts from Nearby’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society June 19, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 30 Comments . Distant Thoughts from Nearby I need to turn my dog-ears up __and harken to the quietude ____ignored for many years, __and contemplate my solitude, ____expressing through my tears Incautious songs that made...
‘Lord, Give Me Serenity’ and Other Poetry by Roy E. Peterson The Society June 12, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 35 Comments . Lord, Give Me Serenity Lord, give me serenity To deal with lunatics, Especially the ones Who are found in politics. Help me to stay calm, And keep me honor bound, But take them to perdition Wherever they...
‘All That’s Left Is Yours’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society June 11, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 22 Comments . All That’s Left Is Yours based on I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris The bride walked the aisle to her husband-to-be, __Who gently took hold of her hand. They started their vows, all to hear and to...
‘Xanadu Revisited’: A Poem on D.C. Corruption, by Phil S. Rogers The Society June 9, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 4 Comments . Xanadu Revisited after "Kubla Khan" by Samuel Coleridge __In Washington aristocrats __ordain corruption happily: __here the Potomac River flows __past million dollar homes in rows, ____no common man you’ll...
‘Half the Night’: A Poem on Growing Old, by Cynthia Bernard The Society June 8, 2023 Poetry, Satire, Villanelle 16 Comments . Half the Night a villanelle My stomach isn’t working right. Bubbles, gurgles, twinges and sighs Kept me up for half the night. I’ve got hives too, quite a sight— Neck, belly, all over my thighs. My...
Advice for Budweiser: A Poem by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society June 7, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 48 Comments . The Revised Guide to Selling Adult Beverages Dismiss the woke approach to advertising--- It’s mad and bad and far from enterprising. Avoid loud, lipsticked lads in soapsud scenes In full and frothy...
A Cautionary Tale on Dieting: Poetry by Paul Martin Freeman The Society June 3, 2023 Children's, Poetry, Satire 6 Comments . The Number 165: Emily Hyatt A Cautionary Tale . Now this is a story that all those should heed Who think the sole gustatory pitfall is greed. For hear now what happened to Emily Hyatt Whose pleasure by...
In Response to a C.B. Anderson Poem, and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society June 2, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire 17 Comments . Note to a Sloppy Homeowner in response to C.B. Anderson's “Know How to Mow” Increasing rates are musts for folks like you. “Annoyance tax.” I mowed your lawn last time. I chose the route and sent...
‘Target Gets Targeted’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society June 1, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 22 Comments . Target Gets Targeted A leftist agenda endorsed,Down customers’ throats it was forced.They now find their business is blighted,You could say that they’ve been “Bud Lighted.” . . Newspapers Newspaper...
A Poem on Gaslighting and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society May 30, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 20 Comments . Gaslighted Our friendship limped along for thirty years. I can’t say why. The scornful views you’d share Instilled resentment, anger, even tears. Your condescending words. Your cutting glare. “Why...
A Poem on Target’s Transgender Clothing for Youth, and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 27, 2023 Poetry, Readings, Satire, Triolet, Video 93 Comments . Target If you’re too young to take a marriage vow, Stuck at an awkward age that won’t allow A dizzy dose of liquor-laden brew Or puffs of buzzy stuff… just one or two--- __Target beckons...
‘Some Satirical Epigrams’: Poetry by Shaun C. Duncan The Society May 26, 2023 Blank Verse, Epigrams and Proverbs, Poetry, Satire 12 Comments . Some Satirical Epigrams in hendecasyllabics (essentially trochaic pentameter with a dactyl for the second foot) . Complaint to a Complainer You complain all the time; about the weather, Other peoples’...
‘In a Soviet Gulag’ by Evan Mantyk: Read by Andrew Benson Brown The Society May 22, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Readings, Satire, Video 13 Comments ...
‘Matters of Class’: An Alphabet Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society May 19, 2023 Children's, Poetry, Satire 18 Comments . Matters of Class . Saying hello The modest o’s the most polite of letters; But is he facing up today or down? Each day he questions those he calls his betters In order so he knows to smile or frown. A...
‘So Much For Legitimate Women’s Sports’ and Other Poetry by Mark Stellinga The Society May 17, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 27 Comments . So Much for Legitimate Women's Sports Vladimir Gonzales, a young Italian athlete, With 28 inch biceps and a 68 inch chest, Entered competitions where he knew he wouldn't find Even a...
‘The Devil Comes to Buckingham’ from Legends of Liberty: Volume 2, by Andrew Benson Brown The Society May 12, 2023 Epic, Poetry, Satire 14 Comments . The Devil Comes to Buckingham from Legends of Liberty: Volume 2 One day as Britons cheered their sovereign’s sight, The devil crawled into his servant’s brain. He entered through the ear as a termite And...
‘Why Can’t I Marry My Pit Bull?’ and Other Poems by Norma Pain The Society May 10, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 28 Comments . Why Can’t I Marry My Pit Bull? Why can’t I marry my pit bull? He’d make an incredible spouse, In spite of the dog hair and doo-doo, He’d always be king in my house. He’d listen whenever I talked to...
A Poem on Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, by Jeff Eardley The Society May 9, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 12 Comments . September 9th 1901… A September evening in old Paris town, The time when Parisians let their hair down. There’s laughing and dancing and folk getting drunk, And all of the ladies are looking like...
‘Poet, What Dreamer Thou Art’: A Poem by Cheryl Corey The Society May 8, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire, Villanelle 18 Comments . Poet, What Dreamer Thou Art "I feel more and more every day, that as my imagination strengthens, that I do not live in this world alone, but in a thousand worlds." ---John Keats I’m busy doing nothing,...
‘The Shortfalls of Empirical Knowledge’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society May 7, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Satire 19 Comments . The Shortfalls of Empirical Knowledge Sorry, Iowa. Each night is different from all previous And therefore not the same as those to come. The ways of Nature can be devious: They test experience and leave us...
A Poem and Warning for the Coronation of King Charles III, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 5, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 58 Comments . A Right Royal Coronation Anon the pomp and pageantry will beam From London as King Charles III is crowned. The Abbey-bound procession’s set to stream On gleaming tides of splendour to the sound Of jaunty...
A Bus Poem by Paul Martin Freeman: ‘The Number 151: Teatime in Cheam’ The Society May 5, 2023 Children's, Poetry, Satire 14 Comments . The Number 151: Teatime in Cheam A Cautionary Tale . Now this is a story of two little girls; The older had pigtails, the younger one curls. They lived in the wonderful village of Cheam And both were...