Poems on Books and Devices, and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society May 3, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 22 Comments . Books Some say that books are obsolete, __Preferring new devices. But reading books is still a treat, __No gadget quite suffices. . . Tipping Etiquette The credit card machine implied that __I should...
‘On Binge-Reading Sylvia Plath’: An Expanded Sonnet by Brian Yapko The Society May 2, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 47 Comments . On Binge-Reading Sylvia Plath Verdammte mirror-bee-eyes stare at you As you describe in depth colossal pain. You say too much: your tormented achoo Your lack of faith, your overactive brain. I read your...
‘The Sonogram’ and Other Poetry by Jeffrey Essmann The Society May 1, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire 11 Comments . The Sonogram Dodona housed the oracle of Zeus, And there the Greeks sought his prophetic aid (Whose force depended on how much they’d paid) In auguries divinely quite abstruse. Beneath his sacred oak they...
A Poem for New Writers: ‘The Window Seat’ by D.T. Holt The Society April 25, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire 24 Comments . The Window Seat “They don’t read poets till they’re dead.” That’s what my wise-guy father said. “They wait till they have gone away ‘fore caring what they had to say. Still if that’s what you...
Sketches of Three Communistic Big Heads: Poems by Damian Robin The Society April 24, 2023 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Satire 9 Comments . Sketches of Three Communistic Big Heads . 1. Xi Jinping Who thinks this belly-flopping avarist is good except those marrying the flies that buzz and hiss while he rips up the world, gnashing it to...
Poems for Shakespeare’s Birthday in an Era of A.I. Poetry, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 23, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire, Shakespeare 29 Comments . Bardic Bots Will Shakespeare has been rendered obsolete. Bill’s quillings are a patriarchal scandal. His iambs lack that fresh, progressive beat. Barred from Avon is his current handle. As lost as...
A Poem for Earth Day: ‘Green… Greener… Greenest…’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 22, 2023 Pantoum, Poetry, Satire, The Environment 43 Comments . Green... Greener... Greenest... a doomsday pantoum Zoom with raving saviors to Net Zero. Bewail our frail and ailing habitat. Become a carbon-taxing pseudo-hero. Trade...
‘Historical Negation’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society April 18, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 27 Comments . Historical Negation A pen works wonders. Just ink in, scratch out. Rewrite what people learn about the past. Repeat false facts, promote a fabrication--- Voila! You’ve aced historical negation. You don’t...
Japanese-Style Poems on Free Thought, by Laura Kelly The Society April 17, 2023 Culture, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry, Satire 9 Comments . Senryu on Free Thought . I. As storied Kipling Is stricken from pupils’ tales I feel his burden . II. Arise Dame Roseanne From the inquisitor’s stake Comedy’s phoenix . III. Young Harry...
‘Acceptance’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society April 13, 2023 Culture, Education, Love Poems, Poetry, Satire 24 Comments . Acceptance Relationships are courses in which You should not enroll, If changing other people is your Pre-existing goal. . . When One Overrides Twenty-Six It started in first grade as I recall. Our son...
‘Cryogenic Freezing’: A Poem by Joseph S. Salemi The Society April 10, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 35 Comments . Cryogenic Freezing from the conclusion of A Gallery of Ethopaths Let’s end on a deathly note To grab my readers by the throat. When ethopathic nonsense reigns It keeps a populace in chains, And though...
Three Denarii or Best Offer: An Easter Poem by James A. Tweedie The Society April 9, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 5 Comments . Three Denarii OBO For Sale: One ten-foot wooden cross. Good cedar, cypress with some pine. The owner selling at a loss. Used once, by Rome, to assist dying. Some minor nail holes need repair, The crossbeam...
Four Poems of a Theological Nature, by C.B. Anderson The Society April 7, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 27 Comments . The Faithful Who Have Chosen Not to Wait He rose and told us He would come again To supervise a world of righteous men And women who believed in what He’d said, That both the living and the wakened...
An April Fools’ Day Poem for ‘Government-Anointed Experts’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 1, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 26 Comments . A Screw ‘Em Sermon for Government-Anointed Experts “Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give solidarity to pure wind.” ---George Orwell Dish up...
‘Reality Check’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society March 23, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry, Satire 12 Comments . Reality Check __The bars we frequent have been raised too high, Not calibrated to the greatest common factor: __The will to let things slide. Who can deny This, save for someone who is such a polished...
‘How to Write Contemporary Poetry’ and ‘Brush Up Your Shakespeare’ by Brian Yapko The Society March 21, 2023 Culture, Education, Humor, Pantoum, Poetry, Satire, Shakespeare 35 Comments . How to Write Contemporary Poetry a pantoum in free verse composition keep letters lower case. dump classical tradition then cite the marketplace. keep letters lower case make use of ampersands then cite the...
‘Ex-Freedom of Speech’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society March 19, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 36 Comments . Ex-Freedom of Speech In fact, most liberals don't support free speech today, And often see a need for censorship instead. They claim “misinformation” causes broad decay, So free speech ends if they...
A Poem on Thales of Miletus, by Stephen M. Dickey The Society March 15, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 16 Comments . Θαλῆς 2.0 In days of yore, Thales, the famous sage, Went out on a stargazing walk and fell Straight down an overlooked and vexing well. A passing woman mocked him: “At your age You ought to know...
‘The Very Best Business’ by Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, Translated by Joseph S. Salemi The Society March 9, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 12 Comments . The Very Best Business by Giuseppe Gioachino Belli (1791-1863) translated from Romanesco by Joseph S. Salemi First I was a gardener (a disaster), Then a bookseller. I made even less. So did I change my...
For Jerks Who Gossip: Two Poems by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society March 5, 2023 Poetry, Rondeau, Satire 34 Comments . Gossip “There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it hardly becomes any of us to talk about the rest of us.” ---Edward Wallis Hoch Its spice, its ire, its hot...
A Poem on Aging Gracefully: ‘Evolution’ by Russel Winick The Society March 5, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire 25 Comments . Evolution I can’t run fast or jump high anymore. Mistakes I make I never made before. Some maladies and aches don’t have a cure, Alertness and reflexes are less sure. My memory is challenged on most...
‘Civics 101’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society March 3, 2023 Culture, Epigrams and Proverbs, Poetry, Satire 23 Comments . Civics 101 Jejune excuses used too many times Do not undo the doer from the deed: A miscreant accused of many crimes Is not the type of model children need. A partisan devoted to a cause Who votes his...
‘Eulogy for a Them’: Poem on a Transgender Burial by Jeffrey Essmann The Society March 2, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 33 Comments . Eulogy for a Them We gather here to celebrate a him Or her (an it? a they?) and in the end A prophet of the present who could bend Reality to suit their loosest whim. For whatsoever they had been or...
A Poem on the Covid Lab Leak, by Brian Yapko The Society February 27, 2023 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Satire 58 Comments . Born in a Wuhan Lab Newsflash: U.S. Energy Department says it was probably a lab leak. Those men in suits and labcoats thought it worth The lives of millions from their ivory tower To falsify the truth...
A Poem on the Loss of Free Speech: ‘Bite Your Tongue’ by Norma Pain The Society February 26, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 73 Comments . Bite Your Tongue If you should feel the sudden urge __To put forth your opinions, Letting sundry thoughts diverge __To influence the minions. Just take a moment to reflect __On whether to opine, Or shut-up...
A Poem on Roald Dahl Revisions: ‘Willy Wonky’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 22, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 65 Comments . Willy Wonky on the revision of Roald Dahl’s works The whacky wokester clowns employed at Puffin Are wrecking classics with exciting stuff in. They’re ditching all the derring-do and...
A Poem on Ronald Reagan: ‘The Reagan’ by Paul Buchheit The Society February 22, 2023 Humor, Poetry, Satire, The Raven 60 Comments . The Reagan with apologies to Edgar Allan Poe Once upon a long and weary voting day with chances dreary for a quaint and curious choice, a nominee we all adore; while I gauged the sense of voting, suddenly I...
‘Troll’: A Poem by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 18, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé, Satire 52 Comments . Troll "Be like seeds; do not see dirt thrown at you as your enemy, but as ground to grow." ---Matshona Dhliwayo A witch! A witch! Let’s hush the wicked witch! His spleen slid through the...
A Poem on the Chinese Spy Balloon and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society February 15, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 14 Comments . The Chinese Spy Balloon From that balloon botch I’m most wondering, Why Biden stalled to shoot it from the sky. Was it more fecklessness and blundering, Or might some hidden issue underlie? Did hearing it...
‘Odysseus Begs?’ and Other Poetry by Bob Schildgen The Society February 13, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Homer, Poetry, Satire 7 Comments . Odysseus Begs? He’s leaning on a Pluto niche machine: an ATM, balanced on his good leg— a fresh appearance in an ancient scene— a bandaged hand gropes slowly out to beg. Was he Odysseus, sail raised...
On Australia Announcing Fifth Covid Shot: Poems by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 8, 2023 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Satire 77 Comments . Today Australia has announced that it will roll out a fifth dose of the Covid shot later this month. . Fat Cats and Lab Rats The fat cats began with a scam of a plan To shame every pestilent...
‘Fear for the Future’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society February 6, 2023 Humor, Poetry, Satire 32 Comments . Fear for the Future When I ponder the future I get so distraught For the Leftists control Most production of thought. . . To Better Protect Democracy The WAPO and the New York Times Should move all their...
Poems on Politically Correct Churches and Language by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 4, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire, Villanelle 48 Comments . Church Mice a sonnet corona There is a tale that’s writ in German history. A church was passed each Sunday by a train. Its death-knell whistle blew as it flew swiftly To Hell as stricken souls shrieked...
‘Carnivore Picks a Fight and Vegan Responds’: A Dialogue by Mary Gardner The Society February 3, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 41 Comments . Carnivore Picks a Fight and Vegan Responds . CARNIVORE O man vegetarian with lifestyle agrarian, You’ve fallen as prey to a scam! We advise you to eat, every day, ample meat: Fish and beef, pork and...
‘Media’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society January 29, 2023 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Satire 18 Comments . Media You told us lies, ignored our cries. __Your platforms you abused. You cancelled truth; you damaged youth, __And we are not amused. You took big bites from human rights, __Dissenting voices...
‘Greta’s Smorgasbord of Hate’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society January 18, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 61 Comments . Greta's Smorgasbord of Hate I love the pretty trees, the trees love me! They make me dance and sing, they make me shout And sulk and give loud speeches: blah, blah, blah How dare you feed on cow meat and...
Poems on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 13, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 29 Comments . Out, out, brief candle! ---Macbeth I am black-dog blue and blinded by the glitzy gaze of stars. Lucent moons will never light __my skyless eye. I am frequently reminded of my fear __of future scars--- when...
A Poem On the Banning of the Word ‘Field’ by the University of Southern California, by Paul A. Freeman The Society January 12, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 22 Comments . On the Banning of the Word 'Field' by the University of Southern California’s School of Social Work See the related news story here. In Southern California they’ve declared that field’s a word to...
‘Cambridge Dictionary Women, 2040’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society January 6, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 10 Comments . Cambridge Dictionary Women, 2040 In 2040 leftist sports fans Realized their greatest joys, With legendary women’s records Smashed by athletes born as boys. Serena Williams’, Brittney Griner’s Records...
‘Shams’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society January 3, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Satire 18 Comments . Shams Shams-i Tabrizi was Rumi’s intimate friend and spiritual mentor. I stayed awake those short midsummer nights When naked druids danced beneath the moon’s Hypnotic glow performing pagan rites And...