A Poem for the Birthday of Charles Darwin: ‘Dog Eat Dog’ by Warren Bonham The Society February 12, 2025 Poetry, Satire, Science 39 Comments . Dog Eat Dog As cells get divided, if outcomes are guided _completely by rolling the dice, the fit must survive so their genes stay alive, _while the weak pay the ultimate price. So students of Darwin, say...
‘Full Circle’: A Poem by Dennis McSweeney The Society December 21, 2024 Culture, Poetry, Science 7 Comments . Full Circle From age to age how long the fray’s been fought Tween those who seek the Truth on sacred ground And those who wish to harness mankind’s thought To what is measured, tested, proved, and...
‘Galileo Under Confinement’: A Poem by Brian Yapko The Society December 8, 2024 Beauty, Poetry, Science 22 Comments . Galileo Under Confinement Scene: Florence, 1636 AD. In the third year of his life imprisonment (as sentenced by the Holy Inquisition) Galileo Galilei---now 71---poses at his prison-home for the Flemish...
‘Just Doin’ Our Job’: A Sonnet in Terza Rima by T.M. Moore The Society November 17, 2024 Children's, Poetry, Science, Terza Rima 3 Comments . Just Doin' Our Job As if they didn’t have enough to do already---harvesting the light to make food for the tree and seeing to it you and I have clean air every day---leaves slake their host tree’s...
‘The High Priest’s Homily’: A Poem by Shaun C. Duncan The Society September 3, 2024 Culture, Poetry, Science 20 Comments . The High Priest's Homily Once Man, in thrall to ignorance, believed the world was round, But now we know that everything is one vast sea of sound, __And what seemed solid ground Is but an anxious emptiness,...
A Poem on the Webb Space Telescope and Other Poetry by Angel L. Villanueva The Society December 19, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Science 21 Comments . . Webb Beyond the vast and empty sky, Where darkness dwells forever wide, The eye arrives to question, "Why?" The universe has long denied A distant glimpse to those below Who seek to see where stars...
‘Standing Up’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society April 19, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Science 25 Comments . Standing Up The screech of an eagle __Will marshal our senses And, if reckoned regal, __Refocus our lenses __On many events That we blithely ignored __When we kept to our tents, Hypothermic and bored. As a...
‘Dialogue on a First Grade Science Textbook’: A Poem by Evan Mantyk The Society March 23, 2023 Culture, Education, Poetry, Science 10 Comments . Dialogue on a First Grade Science Textbook Many spiritual traditions throughout history have perceived all things, animate and inanimate, as living. "Usually religions teach people to believe spiritually so...
Poem on the Failed British Space Launch, by Jeff Eardley The Society January 18, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Science 16 Comments . “Newquay, we have a problem” January 9, 2023 We’ve gathered in thousands to witness the blast-off, We’re sipping Champagne with our eyes full of stars. In five or ten years now, our guys will be...
‘Somewhere in Time’ by Brian Yapko The Society November 27, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Science 32 Comments . Somewhere in Time . Tuesday, August 13, In the Year of Our Lord 1895 Dear Wells, despite your sober apprehension, I’m grateful that you’ve granted me the boon Of borrowing your brilliant new invention. I...
‘CDC: Save the Planet from Poison CO2!!’ by Mike Bryant The Society November 4, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Satire, Science, The Environment 113 Comments . CDC: Save the Planet from Poison CO2!! “We used to think CO2 was a harmless trace gas… How wrong we were!” ---Dr. Dillard “Sparky” Barker, SMFS, The CDC’s Second Most Famous Scientist Your...
‘An Anti-Evolution Song’ by Evan Mantyk The Society August 15, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Satire, Science 31 Comments . An Anti-Evolution Song Evolution Is False. God Is True. inspired by the writings of Zhang Tianliang How probable is it, however you spin it, __That man has evolved out of nothing? Do I look like a schmuck...
‘On Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Fields’ by Evan Mantyk The Society June 27, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Science 21 Comments . On Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Fields Are we just rats within a maze? Perhaps. But then perhaps there’s more to rats than what We know. Take for example rats completing A water-maze within a lab at...
A Poem on the Shanghai Lockdown: ‘Shhh…’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 19, 2022 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Readings, Science 15 Comments . . Shhh… Shanghai trembles at the edge of hell As horror wafts and weaves its way through streets. The moon melts in the flare of terror’s yell--- Hot howls of raw despair till morning...
‘Nuclear Fusion’ by Jeff Eardley The Society February 17, 2022 Humor, Poetry, Science 9 Comments . Nuclear Fusion written upon hearing of the UK's recent fusion energy breakthrough Those white-coated boffins in England, Have been toiling for years, so it seems. To harness the power of Fusion, As the...
‘Transhumanism’ and Other Poetry by Joe Spring The Society January 24, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Science 10 Comments Transhumanism Somewhere about there’s a slithering sound of man’s enmity, causing excitement and casting the seeds of calamity, claiming enlightened revision of old postmodernity. Oh! But the thought...
‘Maoism’ and Other Poetry by Steve Johns The Society January 16, 2015 Science Maoism “Power comes from the barrel of a gun,” That was the essence of Mao’s logic. Millions have perished under his gun. What was the purpose of Mao’s logic? He claimed that he brought peace...
‘Skies of a Child’ by Jerri Hardesty The Society April 6, 2014 Beauty, Poetry, Science 6 Comments I love to gaze into the midnight sky To search the night for planets and bright stars, Caress, with pointing finger, blazing Mars, And blow a kiss to Venus passing by. I wonder and I ponder other...