‘Winter Song’ and Other Poetry by Diego Calle The Society March 21, 2025 Beauty, Poetry, Triolet 5 Comments . Winter Song Hymen, Venus, Graces three, _save me lest I wither like some sap-sucked blasted tree; Hymen, Venus, Graces three, come and set my soul-song free: _come, come here, come hither. Hymen, Venus,...
‘Mr. Bluebird’ and Other Poems by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 24, 2025 Beauty, Poetry, Satire, Triolet, Villanelle 28 Comments . Mr. Bluebird Your spirit rose before I spied your form. It dulled the winter sting and stilled the storm. Your warming warble quelled the bitter chill--- __A merry trill. I saw you perched upon a leafless...
‘Ode to a Dodo’ and Other Dodo Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 9, 2024 Humor, Poetry, Triolet 40 Comments . Ode to a Dodo inspired by Paul A. Freeman’s "Paradise Island" O tragic fowl of cataclysmic fate, Your magic thrives beyond your wretched end. O plumed and portly gem of plodding gait, Your vexing...
Poems from the Night, by Sarah Stoltzfus Allen The Society February 8, 2024 Beauty, Poetry, Triolet, Villanelle 10 Comments . Bedtime Stories in triolets He’d curl her close and hold her tight and let the words dance in the air. The dragons soared and knights did fight, he’d curl her close and hold her tight. She’d gasp and...
Poems on the U.S. Southern Border by Texan Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 4, 2024 Culture, Poetry, Rondeau, Triolet 42 Comments . Off Guard Coyotes drag their quarry past the line Drawn in the sand to stop the ghastly game Of selling wide-eyed tots to vile swine--- No money-grubbing cur is barred by shame. Wild mules haul...
‘Woke Christmas’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society December 30, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire, Triolet 6 Comments . Woke Christmas We dream of Christmas like we used to know, With Santa Claus and sleigh rides in the snow, Big families all together, super-sized, But leftist thinking has metastasized And each says,...
A Poem on Frozen Embryos and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society December 29, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Triolet 12 Comments . They Have Our Genes They have our genes; they’re human beings, Our fifteen frozen embryos. Regardless of your disagreeings, They have our genes; they’re human beings. They must be born, by God’s...
Two Sci-fi Poems by Joshua C. Frank The Society September 12, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry, Triolet 13 Comments . Younger Selves I have you leaning up against my side, Our boys and girls around us on the couch. Below the window, watching from outside, Our younger selves, age twelve, crawl up and crouch. The boy and...
A Poem on Insomnia and Other Poetry by Lisa Majaj The Society July 13, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Triolet 17 Comments . Insomnia Kyrielle The stars above have gone to bed, their quilt of clouds a calming sweep as moonlight strokes their tossing heads: O lord have mercy, let me sleep! Here in this dark I lie awake. The cliff...
A Poem on Target’s Transgender Clothing for Youth, and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 27, 2023 Poetry, Readings, Satire, Triolet, Video 93 Comments . Target If you’re too young to take a marriage vow, Stuck at an awkward age that won’t allow A dizzy dose of liquor-laden brew Or puffs of buzzy stuff… just one or two--- __Target beckons...
A Group of Poems on Screen Obsession, by Joshua C. Frank The Society March 2, 2023 Culture, Pantoum, Poetry, Triolet 32 Comments . Screened. I. The Phony Mom a true story Her phone, in hand above the stroller, Blocked her baby from her view. She held it like a game controller, Adoring every pixel’s hue As mothers not so long...
‘Banish the Thought’ by Susan J. Cappellari The Society January 19, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Triolet 6 Comments . Banish the Thought Who are you? Not me, I know You creep and crimp my edges fray, An apparition of Dickens’ play--- Who are you? Not me, I know. Push and prod and now you’re in, Little sprite you always...
‘Mother’s TV’ and Other Poetry by James Kirkpatrick The Society December 20, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Triolet 15 Comments . Mother’s TV It numbs regretBut, better yet,Helps her forget,Lest devils spawn. It quells each thoughtOf folly’s rotLost, sold, or bought,From dawn till dawn. Time Confounder,Siren Sounder,Demon Drowner...
Poems by Théodore de Banville (1823-1891), Translated by Margaret Coats The Society August 7, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, Rondel, Translation, Triolet 21 Comments . Poems by Théodore de Banville (1823-1891) translated by Margaret Coats The Velocipede Half brain, and half a pair of wheels, Transcending anthropology, Calf poised on manufactured heels, Half brain, and...
‘Mind Games—Three Cerebral Triolets’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 7, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Triolet, Villanelle 25 Comments . Mind Games---Three Cerebral Triolets Propaganda It wants your mind. It wants you blind. It warps and washes wayward brains. It gains control of humankind. It wants you blind. It wants your mind To cave,...
‘The Street Cop’s Choice’ and Other Poetry on the Police, by Brian Yapko The Society March 20, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Triolet 32 Comments . The Street Cop's Choice Thanks for coming home to help me choose. I know my kids will always have my back. Today was rough. By now you’ve seen the News--- Such blatant lies! They’ve tied me to the...
‘A White Knight’ and Other Poetry by Phil S. Rogers The Society March 12, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Triolet 3 Comments . A White Knight a triolet With fires of hope and spirit bright, who will stand up for what is just thence set our country all alight with fires of hope and spirit bright? A hero true, a great white knight a...
‘Seeing the Light’: Three Poems by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society March 2, 2022 Culture, Pantoum, Poetry, Triolet 43 Comments . Seeing the Light by Susan Jarvis Bryant . I. Peace Be with You… a pantoum “Peace is possible, truth at all costs.” ---Martin Luther The churchyard cat is terrified The belfry bats are numb with...
A Triolet for Joe Rogan, by J.J. Charles The Society February 16, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Triolet 3 Comments . A Triolet I promise not to be the coward Who says "I’m sorry" to Big Tech While Joe Rogan’s overpowered. I promise not to be the coward Who can’t be brave, who can’t go forward; Our tweets are...
Four Poems on Truth and Lies, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 16, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau, Triolet 32 Comments . A Truthful Triolet I want the truth. I want to trust The words that trip from lips that lied. I want all doubt to fade to dust. I want the truth. I want to trust. Truth hurts. Truth heals. Truth's heart is...
A Coronavirus Triolet and Other Poetry The Society May 30, 2020 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Triolet 4 Comments A Grave Sin by Satyananda Sarangi How grave's this sin of man to shatter man! The human touch is dreaded, faith has fled; I think of God to find a way and scan How grave's this sin of man to...
‘Sweet Recollections’ and Other Poetry by Dusty Grein The Society November 1, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Triolet 2 Comments Sweet Recollections an awdl gywydd Tea time, just my mom and me… ___memories so sweet and dear, knowing I was her first choice; ___still her voice is crystal clear. Some of my favorite...
‘Why Take the Suite of Forest Dreams’ (in Triolets) by Angela Porter The Society July 5, 2017 Beauty, Poetry, The Environment, Triolet 3 Comments This poem is written in response to proposals to sell ancient public forests to private developers in England. https://saveourwoods.co.uk/ Oh, site where forest now is laid – Why take the suite...
How to Write a Triolet (with Examples) The Society November 29, 2016 Education, Poetry, Poetry Forms, Triolet 6 Comments By Carol Smallwood The triolet is a medieval French poetry form that has eight lines and was introduced to the English language by poets in the 17th century: 1. A 2. B 3. a Rhymes with 1st...