10 Great Poems for Teaching in High School Classrooms The Society December 20, 2023 Best Poems, Education, Poetry 21 Comments . 10 Great Poems for Teaching in High School Classrooms by James Sale . 1. Language with a Twist . I Saw a Peacock… I saw a Peacock with a fiery...
‘December Oak Leaves’: An Advent Poem by Louis Groarke The Society December 19, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments . December Oak Leaves Puis çà, puis là, comme le vent varie, A son plaisir sans cesser nous charrie, (The wind, gleefully, pushing us, changing...
A Poem on the Webb Space Telescope and Other Poetry by Angel L. Villanueva The Society December 19, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Science 21 Comments . . Webb Beyond the vast and empty sky, Where darkness dwells forever wide, The eye arrives to question, "Why?" The universe has long denied A...
‘Miles Fidelis (The Faithful Soldier)’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society December 18, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 34 Comments . Miles Fidelis (The Faithful Soldier) for Joseph Salemi, whose essay introduced me to the soldier of this poem. The city shakes! Vesuvius spouts...
Andrew Benson Brown Reads Poems by Sally Cook, Sancia Milton, Yapko, and Tweedie The Society December 18, 2023 Classical Poets Live, Poetry, Readings 8 Comments ...
10 Funny and Nostalgic Christmas Poems The Society December 17, 2023 Beauty, Best Poems, Culture, Humor, Poetry 2 Comments . Are you looking for a good poem to read at your Christmas party or gathering? Is it a more serious or light-hearted event? Christmas poems come in...
‘Against All Earthly Fire’: A Poem by Leland James The Society December 17, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 12 Comments . Against All Earthly Fire “Our earthly fire … no matter how fierce or widespread it may be is always of limited extent.” —A Portrait of the...
‘Cattleman’: A Christmas Poem by Dan Tuton The Society December 17, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 33 Comments . Cattleman Sinewed arms and knotted hands, head inclined, intense you peer Toward the heavens, clear-sky eyes Viewing the parade of years. Corrals...
‘The Color Plaid’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society December 16, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 33 Comments . The Color Plaid At Christmastime, when I was just a lad Of eight or nine, my aunt would bring me gifts: Some books of course, and shirts—but...
‘A Travelogue of Wonders’: A Poem by Cheryl Corey The Society December 16, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . A Travelogue of Wonders My friends, I’m here to speak of wondrous sights. The first, at Alexandria’s port, was built By Sostratus. Of all the...
On ‘the Best Thing a Man Can Do for His Children’: A Poem by Michael Charles Maibach The Society December 15, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments . The Best Thing… What’s the best thing A man can do For his children--- Just what is true? It's not about The sports they play. It's not...
‘Soft the Morning Starlight Shines’: A Poem by Devon Bryce The Society December 15, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 7 Comments . Soft the Morning Starlight Shines Soft the morning starlight shines __Above in black-hued skies, Whose dark aspect, foreboding mien __Bid me not...
On Poet Michael R. Burch’s Anti-Semitism and Attacks on Poets: An Essay by Joseph S. Salemi The Society December 14, 2023 Culture, Essays, Poetry, Satire 33 Comments . Here We Go Again… by Joseph S. Salemi Oh dear… it looks like the hillbilly software salesman is having another moral fit. Michael R. Burch of...
‘The Anarchist’s Wish’: A Poem by Warren Bonham The Society December 14, 2023 Poetry, Satire 12 Comments . The Anarchist’s Wish “all the great men in the world and all the nobility could be hanged, and strangled with the guts of the...
‘Evening, Washington Metro’: A Poem by Stephen Binns The Society December 14, 2023 Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Evening, Washington Metro Entrained, en masse, an ebb as from a beach: the tide drawn by the Capitol (the dome our moon) subsides. We move as one,...
‘Fartgates: Of Biden and Kerry’ and Other Poetry by Daniel Rancio The Society December 13, 2023 Poetry, Satire, The Environment 2 Comments . Fartgates: Of Biden and Kerry That climate crap (no pun intended)They’re pushing is so much projection,A bellywash that’s open-endedFrom an...
‘What’s Left to Say?’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society December 13, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Rhupunt, Rondeau 16 Comments . What’s Left to Say? a rhupunt When women’s plans Are like a man’s, So they act trans, What’s left to say? When folks believe That to...
‘Limericks for Lame Cowboys’ and Other Poetry by Roy E. Peterson The Society December 13, 2023 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 14 Comments . Limericks for Lame Cowboys A cowboy who came from Seattle, Had a habit of disturbing cattle. __The horse made a jump. __He fell on his rump, And...
‘How odd a fallen snow’ and Other Poetry by Stephen M. Dickey The Society December 12, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 16 Comments . 1.How odd a fallen snow’s fresh reassurance,Begotten in a winter’s biting cold,But taking edges off a world waxed old,And slaloming thought...
‘Moon Before Yule’: A Poem by Margaret Coats The Society December 12, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 37 Comments . Moon Before Yule The ashen lantern leavening the skyBegins in languor to proclaim sublimeFestivity to winter’s weather eye. The dome of heaven...
Andrew Benson Brown Reads ‘Odysseus Strings His Bow’ from Homer’s Odyssey, Solot Translation The Society December 11, 2023 Classical Poets Live, Homer, Poetry, Readings 9 Comments . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KTgWaNsnpE . . The Odyssey, 21.388-22.125, translated with an eye on Homer's instinctively cinematic style. by...
‘Fugal Harmonies’ and Other Poetry on Music by Mary Jane Myers The Society December 11, 2023 Beauty, Music, Poetry 12 Comments . Fugal Harmonies Softly chanted serpentinous neumes, melodic levitation, heavenbound, monotonal meditative sound; a capella in medieval rooms. Then...
10 Best Poems for Funerals The Society December 10, 2023 Beauty, Best Poems, Essays, Poetry 25 Comments . 10 Best Poems for Funerals by Susan Jarvis Bryant The right poem at a funeral service can make that final farewell extra special, but choosing the...
‘To My Daughter’: A Poem by Adam Sedia The Society December 10, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . To My Daughter A woman’s life is hard, they say---and true, Though now not as our mothers understood: They battled nature’s facts and...
‘It Was Only a Winter’s Tale’: A Christmastime Poem by Paul A. Freeman The Society December 9, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Music, Poetry 20 Comments . It Was Only a Winter’s Tale based on David Essex's classic 1982 Christmas song The nights are ever short and growing cold; the front door lies...
On Harvard President Claudine Gay’s Recent Anti-Semitic Comments, by Russel Winick The Society December 9, 2023 Poetry, Satire 33 Comments . A Harvard Education Who dares to say that Harvard in The present situation No longer is a purveyor of A top-notch education? Why even its own...
‘Thanksgiving’: A Poem by Jeffrey Essmann The Society December 9, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 6 Comments . Thanksgiving I’m thankful most for what I can’t describe, Though otherwise I’m clever as can be At secular and sacred repartee. Yet when it...
‘Greta Thunberg Meets the Emerald Queen’: A Poem by Evan Mantyk The Society December 8, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Satire, The Environment 13 Comments . Greta Thunberg Meets the Emerald Queen Part II of "The Emerald Queen: A Legend from the Future" One day through the forest leaves wafted her...
‘Unsocial Addictions’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society December 8, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Satire 7 Comments . Unsocial Addictions Why do some people lie, brag, or act mean?It must pump them up, like a jolt of caffeine.But soon they come down, right to...
‘Yet Another Year’: A Birthday Poem by Satyananda Sarangi The Society December 7, 2023 Alexandroid, Beauty, Poetry 21 Comments . Yet Another Year The birthday bells reverberate __Through haunted towns That lead you to an ancient gate __Beside which clowns Laugh aloud and...
Two Poems on Creative Writing by James A. Tweedie The Society December 7, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . There Is a Way? Is there a way for beauty to be painted with a word? Is there a way to write in ways so music can be heard? Is there a way to make...
‘Convictions of My Thoughts and Deeds’: A Poem by Richard Brancato The Society December 6, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments . Convictions of My Thoughts and Deeds Convictions of my thoughts and deeds are vapors, not substantial things. There are no clouds that hold the...
‘The Risen’: A Poem by Ryan Wade Biller The Society December 6, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments . The Risen Though now the hearth is left to smolder __And light will soon be gone; Fire shall rise from hearts far bolder __And shine like morning...
‘Sonnet for Mom’ by Gigi Ryan The Society December 5, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 24 Comments . Sonnet for Mom (October 21, 1933 - March 28, 2014) I could not see how much she cared for me; Her faults were amplified in my young mind. But now...
Andrew Benson Brown Reads Poems by J. Kemper, Corey, Pietrack, M. Bryant, and Anderson The Society December 4, 2023 Classical Poets Live, Poetry, Readings 15 Comments ...
‘Abraham and the Binding of Isaac’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society December 4, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 57 Comments . Abraham and the Binding of Isaac after Genesis 22 I cannot sleep although the moon is high. I’m numb. Before me looms the sacred hill. My son...
Art and Belief: An Essay by Joseph S. Salemi The Society December 3, 2023 Essays, Poetry 35 Comments . Art and Belief by Joseph S. Salemi When I consider the question of art and belief, I recall the words of the world-famous Indian dancer, Sujata...
‘Lee in the Furnace’: A Poem on Robert E. Lee by Monika Cooper The Society December 3, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 28 Comments . Lee in the Furnace "He who thinks of Lee Must think of Washington. . ." ---Herman Melville So Oleh, Chief, my other grandfather, Mine on the...
‘Insouciance’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society December 2, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Terza Rima 19 Comments . Insouciance When circumstances wear you down Consider this important fact: It’s easier to smile than frown. When autumn leaves have all turned...
‘Tampering with Permanence’: A Seattle Pantoum by Alison Jennings The Society December 2, 2023 Beauty, Pantoum, Poetry 9 Comments . Tampering with Permanence a Seattle pantoum __Here where I live, a cloud looks like a mountain; mountains float. Like love, illusions laugh out...