‘The Navy’ and Other Love Poems by Paul Fort, Translated by Joshua C. Frank The Society November 12, 2023 Love Poems, Music, Poetry, Translation 10 Comments . The Navy by Paul Fort (1872-1960) translated by Joshua C. Frank We find them all again in brief In little loves that last one day, Every joy and...
Two Poems for the Indian Holiday Diwali, by Rohini Sunderam The Society November 12, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Villanelle 12 Comments . Glow Brave little candle, shining bright! You send out rays of hope all night. Within your heart you hold a flame, A yellow flame, with loving...
‘London, 11-11-2023’: A Poem by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society November 11, 2023 Culture, Poetry 45 Comments . London, 11-11-2023 As wreaths of poppies roar in rebel red Commemorating all our noiseless dead, The streets of London buzz with blatant...
‘The Soldier’: A Veterans Day Poem by Richard Lackman The Society November 11, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . The Soldier He started as a little boy from any small hometown. He loved to throw and hit a ball but never gained renown. His parents taught him...
Real War Stories, Retold in Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society November 11, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . War Paths in honor of veterans I have known through the retelling of their stories. . “Any Man’s Death Diminishes Me” Preface “Be killed...
‘Returning Soldiers’: An Armistice Day Poem by Paul A. Freeman The Society November 10, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . Returning Soldiers With hedgerows, fields and trees the soldiers of a forward trench have rested with unease, reduced beyond a carcase...
‘Carving Fingers’: A Poem by Daniel Kemper The Society November 10, 2023 Art, Beauty, Poetry 27 Comments . Carving Fingers "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." ---St. Paul Percy exhales with a scowl and he spits. In his hickory fingers,...
‘Until You Try’: A Poem by Michael Charles Maibach The Society November 9, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . Until You Try "You’ll never know Until you try…" Make this mindset Your battle cry! Your first few steps, A paper route. Try out for...
‘Free Press’: A Poem on the Media, by Warren Bonham The Society November 9, 2023 Poetry, Satire 13 Comments . Free Press Our founding fathers fought the fight __to conquer tyranny. Once won, the Congress met to write __new laws to keep us free. They knew...
‘Israel: A Leftist’s Guide’ by David Whippman The Society November 9, 2023 Poetry, Satire 21 Comments . Israel: A Leftist's Guide Hamas atrocities? Don't say a word,To point them out would be an act of treason.A level playing field? Don't be...
‘The Moon Hung Low…’: A Poem by Cynthia Erlandson The Society November 8, 2023 Culture, Poetry 30 Comments . . “The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull.” ---Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray . The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow...
‘Alfie’s Answer’: A Poem by Peter Duff The Society November 8, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments . Alfie’s Answer “What’s it all about, Alfie?” ---Hal David Not selfish pleasure, as I thought, but love For isolated pleasures quickly...
‘The Stream of Love’: A Sonnet by Daniel Howard The Society November 7, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 12 Comments . The Stream of Love Like swollen streams in Spring, young love will roarThrough every obstacle that checks its flow,Though not so fast that winter...
‘Treasure in Heaven’: A Poem by Warren Bonham The Society November 7, 2023 Poetry, Satire 13 Comments . Treasure in Heaven "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But...
‘Ecstasy and Me’: A Poem by Jeffrey Essmann The Society November 6, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments . Ecstasy and Me I’ve not, I fear, the spiritual thrust To quite propel myself to mystic heights; To taste the inconceivable delights That saints...
‘The Miasma Enshrouding Disneyland’ and Other Disney Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society November 6, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 35 Comments . The Miasma Enshrouding Disneyland I came here as a fairytale-struck child; The tickets cost less than a week of pay And we would spend a carefree,...
‘Ode to Old Tom’: A Poem on the British Ale, by Jeff Eardley The Society November 5, 2023 Humor, Poetry 33 Comments . Ode to Old Tom Old Tom he stalks the English Dales, The Patron Saint of potent ales. He makes you wobble when you walk, He makes you gobble when...
Traitors on Ice: Canto XXXII of Inferno, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society November 5, 2023 Dante, Poetry, Translation 5 Comments . . Traitors on Ice: Canto XXXII of Inferno by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns . If I could summon up such raucous rasp __in...
‘Beyond the Shadows’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society November 4, 2023 Alexandroid, Beauty, Poetry 14 Comments . Beyond the Shadows The light from above may be blinding And cause us to shelter our eyes, But promises God makes are binding, For laggards as...
A Poem Inspired by Music from Aandhi, 1975: ‘Paths’ by Paddy Raghunathan The Society November 4, 2023 Love Poems, Music, Poetry, Villanelle 12 Comments . Paths —Inspired by “Is Mod Se Jaate Hain” (see below) by Gulzar from the film: Aandhi, 1975 Sheer multitudes of paths diverge from...
On Paintings by Hunt and Millais: Two Ekphrastic Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society November 3, 2023 Art, Ekphrastic, Poetry, Shakespeare 17 Comments . Two Ekphrastic Poems . The Light of the World, Holman Hunt As predawn darkness shrouds the land, With warm-lit lantern in his hand The risen...
‘Icarus Sings’ and Other Poetry by Paris Michael The Society November 3, 2023 Culture, Love Poems, Poetry 6 Comments . Icarus Sings I’ve tempted fate, And sought the sun, I’m Icarus, I’ve come undone. My wings have failed, For what it’s worth, My long...
‘Jack and Jill’ Style Nursery Rhymes Challenge The Society November 2, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 55 Comments . Poet Paul A. Freeman challenges you to write a nursery rhyme in the style of the Mother Goose classic "Jack and Jill." Below is his model example....
‘Child’s Laughter’: A Poem by Jane Schulert The Society November 2, 2023 Beauty, High School Submissions, Poetry 13 Comments . Child's Laughter It bubbles forth from deep inside his soul; Joy twinkles brightly through his youthful eyes, For any pain he knows, his laugh...
Two Poems for Dia de los Muertos, by Brian Yapko The Society November 1, 2023 Poetry 31 Comments . To Dance with Death I caught the fierce gaze of the trickster, Death. He charred bleak Aztec ruins with his breath And shadowed me through pueblo,...
‘All Saints Day’ and Other Spiritual Sonnets by Coignard, Translated by Margaret Coats The Society November 1, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 19 Comments . All Saints' Day by Gabrielle de Coignard (c.1550–1586), translated by Margaret Coats O Saints, you have your heritage in hand Because you battled...
‘The Legend of Ole Stingy Jack’: A Poem by Kevin Matthew Hayes The Society October 31, 2023 Culture, Poetry 1 Comment . The Legend of Ole Stingy Jack Do you recall Ole Stingy Jack?Whose tricks cost him a great set back?They say he tricked the Devil twice,But when...
‘Word Witch’ and Other Halloween Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society October 31, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 19 Comments . Word Witch She’ll tease and tempt with mystic words, __This foxy sorceress. Her syntax soars like sun-bound birds--- __This wizard...
‘The Great Sonnet’: A Poem by Prison Inmate Bob H. Cook The Society October 30, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 18 Comments . The Great Sonnet I set myself to write a sonnet. I labored hard and long upon it. Sweet verse some maid might shed a tear at, More ere's than one...
‘Mrs. Cyclops’ and Other Odyssey Inspired Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society October 30, 2023 Homer, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 34 Comments . Mrs. Cyclops Ain’t really gonna leave. I’ll just pretend, Brontesa. Cy and I are bound. I simply Can’t bear to turn a blind eye to my...
‘The Democratic Party Dressed for Halloween’: A Poem by Roy E. Peterson The Society October 29, 2023 Poetry, Satire 34 Comments . The Democratic Party Dressed for Halloween The Democratic Costume Party is held on Halloween With Hillary as Jezebel, the dangerous sleazy...
‘Plato’s Pumpkins’ and Other Halloween Poetry by Leland James The Society October 29, 2023 Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . . Plato’s Pumpkins A patchwork quilt of pumpkins sown with gourds, odd fellows green and yellow ‘twixt-and-‘tween October’s orbs of...
Extract from DoorWay Canto 3: Constellation of the Virgin, by James Sale The Society October 28, 2023 Beauty, Epic, Poetry 24 Comments . Extract from DoorWay Canto 3: Constellation of the Virgin DoorWay is the Poet’s journey through Heaven. Having left the constellation of Libra in...
‘Apocalypse Women’: A Poem by Monika Cooper The Society October 28, 2023 Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . Apocalypse Women The Christians gather at the baby’s grave. There are no tall stones in the children’s field. Red scarves veil women’s heads...
‘Autumn’ by Rilke and ‘The Art of Poetry’ by Verlaine, Translated by Bruce Phenix The Society October 27, 2023 Beauty, Poetry, Translation 23 Comments . Autumn by Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), translated by Bruce Phenix The falling leaves seem fallen from afar, as though in heaven distant gardens...
Book Review: Selected Verse of Émile Nelligan: Québec’s Great Lyric Poet, by Ian Allaby The Society October 26, 2023 Poetry, Reviews, Translation 8 Comments . Reviewed Book: Selected Verse of Émile Nelligan: Québec's Great Lyric Poet, translated with commentary by Ian Allaby, Petra Books, 2023 by...
Classical Poets Live: An Interview with C.B. Anderson, Readings of Paterson and Wilbur The Society October 25, 2023 Classical Poets Live, Interviews, Poetry, Readings 12 Comments . Classical Poets Live with Andrew Benson Brown Episode 7 Part 2: C.B. Anderson, Poetical Gardener If you enjoy this video, please like and...
‘A Vision of Hell’: A Bus Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society October 25, 2023 Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . The Number 192: Inside the Floor in which we encounter a vision of Hell ’Twas on the 192 at Tottenham Hale, It happened not so many years ago, A...
‘The Reincarnations of Donald J. Trump’: A Poem by Evan Mantyk The Society October 24, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Epic, Poetry 26 Comments . The Reincarnations of Donald J. Trump after Andrew Benson Brown’s Legends of Liberty . I. 218 B.C. Above the mellow grass, cliff faces...
‘After Brain Death’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society October 24, 2023 Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . After Brain Death Based on the article “May We Donate Our Organs?” by Drs. Jay Boyd and Paul A. Byrne: Warm and pink, his heart still...