Li Jinyu is an artist living in Brooklyn, New York. Her paintings are strongly influenced by her practice of Falun Gong.

According to

“Falun Gong is a traditional Chinese spiritual discipline that is Buddhist in nature. It consists of moral teachings for daily life, a meditation, and four gentle exercises. Falun Gong is always taught free of charge and is practiced in over 70 countries.”

But, continues:

“While Falun Gong is practiced openly in 70 countries, today in its homeland of China it is subject to severe human rights violations.”

“Falun Gong practitioners are the largest group of prisoners of conscience in the world.”

“To date over 3,000 deaths have been documented, as well as over 63,000 accounts of torture. An estimate of the real figure puts the actual death toll in the tens of thousands.”

Here are her paintings with her descriptions:

“Meditation”: A Falun Gong practitioner meditates.

“Good Rewarded While Evil Punished”: The painting above shows the heavenly principle of “Good is rewarded with good and evil provokes retribution.” The flying angel presents a beautiful wreath to the unyielding Falun Gong practitioners for safeguarding the truth of universe. The light of the universe penetrated the darkness of jail, was shining on the faces of the Falun Gong practitioners, which remained peaceful, firm and looking forward when suffering the cruel persecution.

“SOS”: This painting above depicts a real person. She is a Western Falun Gong practitioner. When the Chinese Communist Party started its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, she went to Beijing to clarify the truth to the Chinese people.

“Mom Where Are You!”: I met a seven years old young girl in New York. After her parents were detained, she could not smile for two years. She regained her smiles after entering the United States. The original models of the above painting are an elder brother and his younger sister in New York. When I drew this painting, their father was still being detained in jail.

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