
Welcome to the large, happy home of the Society of Classical Poets. Our home is full of rooms. The published poet is the master of his “living room” where his poem is posted. Everyone who visits the poet’s living room is welcome to post comments. Please show the poet the same respect a guest would when entering anyone’s living room. Also, since the poet is the master of his home, the Moderator will happily delete any comment and will also close comments at the direction of the featured poet. We can learn, discuss, and enjoy the interaction. Please keep that in mind when making comments.

Sometimes WordPress drops a comment. It’s a good idea to compose comments (especially long, involved comments) in a word processor then simply copy/paste into your comment or reply.

To keep the dialogue engaging and stimulating:

1. Keep comments on topic.

2. Constructive commentary on poems is great. Personal attacks and flaming are frowned upon.

3. Any questions or comments to staff should be addressed through a private email.

4. Use your real name in comments. Refrain from using anagrams, pseudonyms, or sock puppets.

5. No trolling or “stirring the pot.”

6. Be aware that comments are moderated and may be deleted.

7. I can’t believe I am adding this… NO DEATH THREATS!

Thanks for visiting and please enjoy your stay!

—Mike, Website Moderator
[email protected]

Featured Image: “A Reading from Homer” by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

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