English poetry has been in existence for at least 1,400 years. This tradition continues alive and well at The Society of Classical Poets like nowhere else.

Today, poetry is everywhere. It is in the songs on the radio, in our national anthems, and in the fight songs of our favorite sports teams; it pervades our literature, our history, and our culture. But, despite poetry’s abundance, poetry that is both new and good is hard to find now, more than ever. Good, new poetry cherishes and builds on the perennial forms, like meter and rhyme, left to us by 1,400 years of English poets, who have also built on thousands of years of Greek and Chinese poetry. Such good, new poetry carries a message infused with the profound insights and lofty character of the poet. It touches on humanity’s quintessential quest for virtue over vice, epic over ephemeral, and beauty over baseness.

With this in mind, the Society of Classical Poets is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 2012 as a group of poets dedicated to the revival and proliferation of good, new poetry.

The Society’s mission is to preserve humankind’s artistic traditions; to reestablish poetry as one of the most widely appreciated forms of literature, communication, and entertainment; to increase appreciation of centuries of rhyming or metered poetry; to support poets who apply classical techniques in modern poetry through publication and performance opportunities and awards; and to aid in language arts education that imbues high moral fiber and good character.

We invite you to read our Journal and  join us!

Evan Mantyk, President
The Society of Classical Poets
11 Heather Lane
Mount Hope, NY 10940

Executive Staff
Evan Mantyk, President
Joshua Philipp, Vice President, Chief Technology Officer
Frank Yu, Chief Financial Officer
Kristina Pentchoukova, Marketing Director

Journal Staff
Connie Phillips, Editor
Evan Mantyk, Editor
Diana Benedetti, Chief Designer

Advisory Board
William Ruleman, Professor of English, Tennessee Wesleyan College
James Sale, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Motivational Expert
Michael Curtis, Architect, Sculptor, Painter, Founding Director of The National Civic Art Society
Damian Robin, Poet and Editor
Bruce Dale Wise, Poet
Dusty Grein, Author, Poet, and Graphic Designer

Troubadour Members
William Ruleman
Suman Srinivasan
Lorna Davis
Loren McCune
Ron L. Hodges
Carol Smallwood

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

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