There is no battle like the break of light
And yet the world still sleeps, still unaware,
And day has yet to break the silent air
While lamplight dimly wrestles with the night.
The cold still lurks and clings to dampened grass
The leaves still shiver where the night winds pass
Retreating dark leaves lonely, one-by-one,
Shadows, transfixed before the rising sun.
And over eastern hills there breaks the light!
The sky is stained with blood of dying night;
The slowly-wakened, dazzled, glitter, sing
As grey frees contours, colours… everything.
For in this silent hour – grey; dull to some –
Two worlds have met, and one has overcome.


Camilla Marx lives in Cape Town, South Africa, with her husband Bryan. She has a BA (Hons) in Theology, and enjoys history and literature.

This poem is among the entries for the Society of Classical Poets’ 2012 Poetry Competition.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

4 Responses

  1. gmcookie

    Wow, Camilla, what a remarkable piece. I love writing structured verse myself so I appreciate the elaborate word smithing that went into this poem. You, my friend, are a consummate poet. OK, OK, smithing really relates to metal working, but here you have forged something of beauty. My hat’s off to you.

    • Camilla Marx

      Thank you so much for your very kind comments gmcookie – I really appreciate them! I’m enjoying reading the poems that have been posted, and the focus on structured writing!

  2. Camilla Marx

    Thank you so much for your very kind comments gmcookie – I really appreciated them! I tried to post a reply last week but it doesn’t seem to have worked; I’m not sure I’m doing this correctly!

  3. Camilla

    Thank you so much for your very kind comments gmcookie – I really appreciated them! I tried to post a reply last week but it doesn’t seem to have worked; I’m not sure that I’m doing this correctly!


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