‘A Message in the Halloween Decorations’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society February 26, 2014 Poetry 1 Comment A Message in the Halloween Decorations (Based on a True Story) Compressed and clandestine, the Chinese script small, The paper slip’s flimsy “Will it get out at all?” He’s hidden it under a base plastic tray In Halloween décor, some Westerners display. Will anyone find it and what will they say? “It’s a hoax, a bad joke, go throw it away.” He’s scared of these thoughts as they ice up his head, “Will a guard find the pen?” still packs him with dread. He’s locked to a workload he cannot not do, Keyed to more workers, a forced-work-fed crew, For when this run’s finished a million or ten, Another one’s started, they’ll still be worked then. In One Dimension For Annie and Richard Hollis Round a planet far from home, Fists of pain are rife; Their clasps confine, a double dome Bent on stifling life. The squeezing hands have base, palm lines Whose baselines fall and fall As universal growth shows signs That crack each knuckle’s ball. One new face fills every place – Brightens every scene – The fingers split! Show slits of space Where stars fit in between! Cosmic culture bursts and cleaves! The past’s grip drowns in sky! Roots grow staves! Old time leaves! Notes cascade and fly! Full orchestras blare! It’s the very last page! All instruments make song! A blasting, crash-end-oh-ing coming-of-age – “Dafa!” “Falun Gong!” Damian Robin is a writer and poet living in England. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. One Response James Ph. Kotsbar February 26, 2014 DOLLAR STORES — James Ph. Kotsybar Baubles assembled by suicidal workers somewhere in China. Reply Herbert de Bray February 27, 2014 Just searching resources for my poetry…I am writing in the classical style and wander over to contemporary styles on occasion Reply Herbert de Bray February 27, 2014 Just searching resources for my poetry…I am writing in the classical style and wander over to contemporary styles on occasion Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
James Ph. Kotsbar February 26, 2014 DOLLAR STORES — James Ph. Kotsybar Baubles assembled by suicidal workers somewhere in China. Reply
Herbert de Bray February 27, 2014 Just searching resources for my poetry…I am writing in the classical style and wander over to contemporary styles on occasion Reply
Herbert de Bray February 27, 2014 Just searching resources for my poetry…I am writing in the classical style and wander over to contemporary styles on occasion Reply