We are proud to announce the publication of The Society of Classical Poets’ 2014 Journal!

The best poetry of the last year has culminated in this publication.  Poets include competition winners Bruce Dale Wise, Damian Robin, Reid McGrath, Betsy M. Hughes, Michael Curtis, Gloria Li, and Leland James.  Other featured poets and essayists include Robert Woods, Jim Dunlap, Khalid Mukhtar, Bronwen Hudson, Rama Devi, Alan Nordstrom, Don Shook, Michael Rovner, Andrew Gelinas, Douglas Thornton, and Clinton Van Inman.

bookcover image

Click here to purchase the 2014 Journal.  It is also available on Amazon.  We encourage you to buy the Journal to help support the Society, but you can also click here for a free PDF copy:  2014 Journal. Send the journal to anyone you know, especially poetry lovers, English teachers, and avid readers.

If you are interested in supporting the Society with your time or capital, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you!


Featured Image: “Dislodged” by Yuan Li.  Painting description from Falunart.org: Countless many of China’s Falun Gong, such as the young woman depicted here, have been rendered homeless and destitute as a result of relentless persecution by China’s communist authorities. Held closely is the central book of Falun Gong’s teachings, Zhuan Falun, suggesting both its place in the heart and the holding fast to principle; for refusing to recant their beliefs, many in China face torture. Since 1999, millions of Falun Gong adherents have thus been put at risk. The angelic presence here suggests a sense of higher support and meaning in the woman’s life.


NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

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7 Responses

  1. Kelly

    You should give credit to the cover artist. It’s not “Art and Literature” by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905).

  2. Marcus Bales

    Get your website shit together. I got an email after trying to register that was nothing but a link to a page that demanded an activation code. No activation code was provided in your email. What are you people playing at?

    • The Society

      I have tried and am having the same problem. I’ll see about having this fixed right away. My apologies! (-Evan Mantyk)

  3. Lynn Veach Sadler

    Must the poems for the 2015 Poetry Competition be unpublished?
    Thank you.


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